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Your biggest Fire Emblem fail?


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I'm sure we've all been there in this game series. You're playing a map, thinking you've got everything under control, when all of a sudden, the 2% enemy critical hit happens and its all over. Or you make a bone-headed move without thinking and chaos ensues. So, I'm wondering what everyone's biggest Fire Emblem blunder is?

Mine was recently in Awakening Chapter 20, Hard Classic. The final fight against Walhart in his fortress. Reinforcements appear during Turn 7, and I wasn't strong enough to plow straight through and end the battle before they arrived, so I decided to hold position at the back and take them out before forging ahead. They enter through three different pathways, left right and center, so I set up two little barricades on either side. For the center, I decided to block the entrance off with a row of three units, since I figured it worked like fortresses and blocking the hallway would stop them from entering. Turn 7 arrives, and to my horror, the units I had intended to block instead just poofed in around my cute little barricade. The ensuing bloodbath will forever be etched in Ylisse's history books.

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I have zillions. One that comes to mind is me losing Percival in FE6... because I forgot to move him and Douglas hit him with a ~50% hit rate. Fun fact: Despite me not having enough units to fill out C22's deployment, Roy never died once. I have a bad habit of losing things in final chapters since I almost always finish FEs in the middle of the night. Both Cain and Abel, amongst others in 11, I got Reyson killed against the final generic enemy of FE9, my FE6 C22 was a bloodbath, and I broke a pseudo-ironman in FE7 to avoid Canas eating a Luce crit. *sighs*

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Playing FE13.

In all seriousness:

In my very first FE10 run in hard mode in 1-7 Edward missed with 98% in player phase. And after that in enemy phase he got killed by a mage, who attacked him from below (ledge disadvantage).

The consequence was that I destroyed the remote of my TV.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Forgetting Kellam.

Also another is forgetting to marry Levin to anyone. I was legit lost without Forseti. No OP Sety/Arthur for me.

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I put Artur (In Sacred Stones) against an archer. I had a 90-ish% hit, full health btw, and he had a 1% crit. I wasn't able to attack him directly, so I had to do it behind a wall. Thinking I was good to go, I attacked...but missed. THEN THE ARCHER FREAKIN' CRIT ME! Needless to say, I was not having a good day...

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Going into Severa's paralogue drastically underleveled and unprepared, with my only save being a battle save on the turn where she was about to die, and the other being ten chapters back for some reason... I didn't even have rescue staves on me to drag her back. I couldn't pull a miracle, and she died as an NPC, and to this day the poor tsundere is forever absent from my main file.

...I still feel tremendously guilty about going on without her.

Edited by Ritisa
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I didn't have enough lock picks and door keys by the time I reached Chapter 8x in Thracia 776. It was one of my first playthroughs and I had to start a new save file since it was impossible to get past it. -_-

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In a FE4 draft I'm in the middle of, I managed to get my two favorite pairings, AyraXHolyn and BriggidXJamke. And then I completely forgot to get Yewfelle. Granted, Killer Bow is still great or whatever Faval starts with, but ugh. I was so mad at myself. Though, it probably would have given me an even worse turncount then I already had. Also, I always cringe at Forceman missing Forseti in his blind Jugdral playthrough.

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One I can think of is when I was fighting a general in Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon, the guy on the level called Fire Emblem. His name is Em-something. But anyways I had Marth attack him with the rapier and he had enough attack to finish him off and the percentage hit was 99%, missed and then he killed Marth. This was back when that level was hard for me and took forever, so I had to restart it. So pissed.

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Letting Legault die in Battle Before Dawn and still doing the extra chapter after it for the Fell Contract.I forgot he had died until I beat it,which pissed me off.

Did he get hit by Ursula's Bolting, by any chance? That's what usually happens to me.

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Using Erk.

Leaving Nanna under all of Aerone' squad attacks... although she had the Miracle Sword and dodged everything, even the 100% hits from Aerone himself. GJ Nanna. It boosted my liking of her a lot, but it also says how much I suck at one of my most favorite game series, lol.

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Having Abel being the decoy in FE11. Used him on the second playthrough and realized he is the best FE11 unit. For me, at least.

Benching Sirius in my first playthrough of FE12 because of my "eeew pre-promotes must be SHIT" mindset. My jaw dropped when I saw his growth rates. He never leaves my team since then. Also because of that, I wasn't able to recruit Nyna in the first run, making it more difficult to kill Medeus.

Letting Haar died in FE10 (to be fair he got critted by a Thunder Sage).

Promoting a unit when they didn't even reach level 20 (to be fair again it was my first FE).

Killing Cormag twice (or even three times) thinking he was the enemy.

Edited by RidellCrimea
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Promoting a unit when they didn't even reach level 20 (to be fair again it was my first FE).

That's not always a bad idea, especially with healers. It's not like they're gonna cap 20/20 anyway. As long as the unit remains strong and usable through all the game or when you need them to be, it seems a legitimate strategic choice, to me.

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