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Next Nintendo Direct DONE: Nov. 12 @ 2p PST


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Fates didn't get a release date on the EU stream. God damn it

Cloud Strife, though? 4 and 7 are the only FF games I've played. Definitely buying him. The limited edition for Bravely Second looks really good, too

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Fates didn't get a release date on the EU stream. God damn it

Cloud Strife, though? 4 and 7 are the only FF games I've played. Definitely buying him. The limited edition for Bravely Second looks really good, too

Yeah, I want to get that Limited Edition of Bravely Second. Mainly because I want the Artbook.

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Cloud is the first Smash character to never have been on a Nintendo console before.

All of the "rules" just got broken... again...

Also really hyped for Splatoon and Fates. Fates bundle convinced me to get the game.

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I'll be entirely honest, Twilight Princess HD didn't look very different to me.

Hey, new Tri Force Heroes challenges stuff! THOSE NEW COSTUMES!

So hyped for the destruction of humanity Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Fates release date, finally, goodness.

Project X Zone 2 release date That I'm only excited for due to Chrom and Phoenix.

Paper Jam release daaate!!

That's about all that I'm personally excited for but hey that was a nice direct, tons of info.

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Edited by Busterman64
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Bleh, who wanted Cloud in Smash? I get that FF is popular, but seriously, I've never seen anyone request him.

This Direct was probably the worst one I've ever seen. The only thing, literally, that excited me was the Fates info. I waited five months for the rest of that trash? I'd be a little less upset if I hadn't waited so long, but it was FIVE MONTHS.

Smash presentation confirmed for December though, that has me quite intrigued. Can Dixie Kong finally have her rightful place in Smash?

Pah, no way, it's better to add in another anime pretty boy with a sword, rather than iconic Nintendo characters that needed a revival like Dixie and K.Rool, or an old, obscure star nobody excepts like Takamaru, Sukapon, Lip, etc...

Smash was supposed to be a glorification of Nintendo, Cloud's place should be in PlayStation All Stars if anything.

But no, here's one of the SYMBOLS of PlayStation, as a pricy DLC for a Nintendo All Stars!

And I love Cloud, so please people don't tell me I'm biased.

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Lol, Cloud got into smash before PS All-Stars. He's been on a Nintendo console before though, in Theatrhythm Final Fantasy

That was so out of nowhere and I love it.

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An Smash footage is going to make it wayso I don't think Cloud was the winner, I felt it was like Ryu, he was planned somehow...

But gosh !!! Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow, Fates, Pokémon MysteryDungeon, Hyrule Warriors the 2 Zelda Games, on Wii U, Wolk Link Amiibo...By the end of spring I'll be ruined if I get a Wii U too... But I don't mind... Am I crazy ?! Oo

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Holy shit! I've always wanted to do a Link vs. Cloud battle, since it was basically the "Mario vs. Sonic" of the N64 vs. PSOne console war. But, as Cloud said, I never thought I'd see the day. Also the Final Fantasy series has such great music that I might be even more hyped for the music on his stage than for Cloud himself.

Beyond that, Linkle in Hyrule Warriors 3DS was cool (though I'm pretty much just going to get the game to transfer her and the other characters to the Wii U version, assuming they're not released as normal DLC for the Wii U), and seeing TPHD officially confirmed was great (and Link was left-handed in it, indicating that they may be going with the Gamecube version as a base rather than the Wii version). Also, getting a bunch of release dates for games like Fates was nice.

On the downside, I'm a little upset that pre-orders for TPHD opened right now because I'm broke at the moment and you can pretty much guarantee that all the Wolf Link Amiibo Special Editions will be gone by the time I get paid again. And I'm honestly surprised that there's STILL no news for Pokemon Z or whatever it ends up being called.

Edit: And, on a final note, I'm now hyped for the special Smash Bros. thing in December. I don't know if Cloud had anything to do with the ballot or not, but if he did then I highly doubt he's the ONLY ballot character.

Edited by ClevelandSteve
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king is in hyrule warriors

cdi memes hype

Not that King. King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule was actually pretty awesome.

/pretending to fail at sarcasm detection.

Either way, when will the TFH update happen? I want that Linebeck outfit because materials and Linebeck being awesome.

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Not that King. King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule was actually pretty awesome.

/pretending to fail at sarcasm detection.

Either way, when will the TFH update happen? I want that Linebeck outfit because materials and Linebeck being awesome.

December 2

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I got my preorder for Fire Emblem Fates Special edition.

The Star Fox 0 trailer is looking so much better than the original demo when I played it. When it showed off the first boss, it was so much better.!!

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Finally Fates info. I just really want an EU release date.(Also Revelation is an actually good title that makes sense despite how contrived the plot is, well compared to Birthright and Conquest that is.) Also can't wait for R/B/Y. My personal favorite pokemon games. I just hope they give G/S/C the same treatment since my cartridges for them have since died and I would love to replay them without the need of an emulator.

As for Cloud, I could not give two craps. I don't play Smash and FF7 is boring to me and so is Cloud. In fact I am kinda annoyed he was included, there are so many other Nintendo characters that deserved that place more .

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