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Trinity Mafia - Game Over


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TG's post sort of sheeped eclipse's case on Clarinets fishing for Trinity info and pointed out that he didn't really have a top scum read. It's not that great, imo; I feel it was an easy post and lacked much analysis on anyone else. The follow-up was better but it was solely answering the asked question. She's here now, at least, I guess?

For clarity, in response to TG, this is the only real 'case' I can find that crysta had on TG previous to her sheep post. That's not a case and that doesn't justify a post that literally says "I'm gonna sheep" and nothing else. Where did you see anything that signify's a past case in his posts on you that had merit behind it? So yeah I think the sheep was awful because that's literally all it was.

Also mancers sheep is bad as well, especially since he said the 'above two cases' when there is only one. Feel like it was just skimming but that's a null read honestly. Still the sheep is terrible.

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Why are you trying to justify Crysta's sheep as scummy but Mancer's as simply "terrible but null"? And Crysta unlike Mancer actually has a lot of posts and stuff she's said; what about everything else other than the sheep onto TG?

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Also @ BBM: that whole thing about why I thought refa was scum. He's not an idiot. He's not a dumb player. I don't see him as town doing something as pointless as just naming his entire trinity for little to no reason which most people would and DID see as something stupid to do.

That means it's something different from his normal play and outside of the norm/outside of the box. I didn't like it. So I asked myself, "Why would Refa do this?" And came to the conclusion that he's either just not thinking at all before making his decisions in his posts or it came with some sort of scum intent.

Honestly my initial though was "He's trying to give information to his other scum buddies!" And I'm sad to admit it actually took me a few minutes to remember scum generally can talk to each other >_>;

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For clarity, in response to TG, this is the only real 'case' I can find that crysta had on TG previous to her sheep post. That's not a case and that doesn't justify a post that literally says "I'm gonna sheep" and nothing else. Where did you see anything that signify's a past case in his posts on you that had merit behind it? So yeah I think the sheep was awful because that's literally all it was.

Also mancers sheep is bad as well, especially since he said the 'above two cases' when there is only one. Feel like it was just skimming but that's a null read honestly. Still the sheep is terrible.

Sorry I'm tired and didn't word this properly. Bolded part is null. Basically what I saw as him skimming was null. Not the sheep its self.

The sheep is bad and is scummy, AKA terrible.

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okay on the Mancer thing.

I don't see your logic about Refa because if he isn't a dumb player* why would he do something so rash as scum? But I feel like I've beaten this horse enough and Refa isn't even alive anymore. I want to see more of your thoughts on other people. Who is the most scummy player itt?

*clearly the answer to this entire conundrum is that Refa is a dumb player

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Shinori stating the obvious. :P:

Other than that sheep vote, what are your thoughts on her/the rest of the game?

Okay so apparently I'm not the only person who thought crystas sheep was bad.

The fuck is going on here.

Did crysta make a case on TG that i missed? Or was it just a bad sheep? I see two conflicting arguments and from my personal view I find it weird that Crysta is being protected by TG because of that.

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Things that need addressing now:

TG/Crysta fiasco

BBM: What are other scum reads you have not counting me and mancer?

For now though:

##Vote: Crysta

IT was either going on this or TG but it's gonna go on crysta.

She has a lot of content in her posts that signify plenty of people she could vote. She seems to imply that she finds other people, namely myself and potentially mancer more scummy but votes for TG instead. Outside of that her D1 really didn't have anything of merit in it.

I just don't like it. Honestly if I had to vote after this it would probably be:

Crysta > TG > Mancer > (Potentially BBM depending on what he says to my question )

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I'm back, but I also have a shitload of overdue assignments and work meetings so you guys will be lucky if I'm able to make another content post today.

Tiny Goddess:

1) SB, her ISO now says "Tiny Gaius".

2) She's made a bit more content now, but it still feels kind of scarce and like she's trying to avoid taking a strong stance. Of the five people she talks about, three of them are basically "okay/town", she thinks Mancer is currently awful and would sheep BBM's case on him but won't vote him because she wants Mancer to have a chance to defend himself (and is not voting anyone right now either), and seems to have a mild suspicion of Shinori. She's still ignoring a good portion of players who have been active, like eclipse or Yolo or Gaiu's former slot. TG feels like she's trying to participate as little as possible, and despite her suspicions on both Shinori and Mancer is not doing anything to push her reads and is just being passive. Still scummy.


I looked through his ISO (which was ridiculously short) and yeah, I agree that his sheep vote on my TG case was bad. What I find the most egregious is that nowhere had he mentioned TG before at all, so it looks like he just decided to jump onto a case that didn't sound awful. Also, I can't tell if he has any other scum reads because, again, his D1 content is so scarce and he hasn't had any D2 content other than the sheep vote. Scummy.

Lord Gaius:

I don't have a particularly good feeling about Lord Gaius, but I'm having a hard time putting it into words. Part of it may be that he hasn't had a lot of content, part of it may be that his stances don't seem that well substantiated? I mean, I agree with his Yolo case but I'm not sure why exactly he suspects eclipse and when Mancer went from null to tied for third most scummy?

Thoughts on Yolo remain unchanged. I don't have time to look through Crysta and Shinori right now because something came up, will do that ASAP. For now, Shinori, this is the post where Crysta expressed suspicion of TG: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=58773&page=8#entry4116482

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I'm a little suspicious of Gaius but not for the reasons that Omega stated. Unfortunately he's not here anymore. x_x

TG's posts are kind of lacking in content, but she's also new so it's difficult to be sure. I just realized that apparently I didn't post my entire thought about her above- what I meant to say in @224 is that her posts don't have any conviction and I don't see any attempt to pressure people or find someone other than Mancer to vote. cut by Boron's case; it's good. I could get behind that for a lynch at the end of the day.

Your post prompted me to skim Crysta's posts again. I guess you're right that she should be voting for Mancer- she says it too, but then says she's going to keep her vote on TG for now. Nobody thought that Crysta's sheep was good- not just Eclipse; I pointed it out right after as well. I just don't think it was as egregious as Mancer's sheep because she had mentioned TG before. Also, I reread her D1 posts after she said that and I thought the wallpost was okay enough that I wasn't going to vote her just for that. Her explanation for the sheep also seemed valid.

Shinori, do you think Crysta and TG are buddies?

Crysta, explain again why you're voting TG and not Mancer? If they both need to produce content and you're leaning Mancer, why TG over Mancer?

anyways I haven't taken a shower in like 2 days. All you people who say that you have no time for mafia, remember that you do. All you have to do is sacrifice personal hygiene. bbl

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one last thing- I don't understand what kind of "fiasco" you're seeing between TG and Crysta, Shinori. Crysta is scumreading TG and TG is townreading Crysta.

Going to think more about Shinori in the shower.

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If we remove Clarinets and Mancer from the equation I'd probably poke at Shinori/TG more. There's not enough there for me to get a full-fledged scum read on either of them but what they have provided so far has been subpar imo and something I'd look into at D2. Not sure if less than twelve hours is enough to get much out of them right now.


I don't really feel like this is a case though at all. TG even said that Crysta was town because of their case on them.

This doesn't really seem like much of a reason to say someone is town.

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Lunch didn't take as long as I thought. Let's see what else I can get out before I have to leave for real.

Crysta: I feel like her wall post back in D1 was a good start at that point in the game, but I feel like she hasn't really progressed past that at a time when there should be more to work with. I get that she's been busy, but I feel like she hasn't really done a lot in regards to her suspicions either. If it came down to one of Mancer or TG in the final stretch, who would you prefer to go before the other and why? Also, do you have anyone else you don't particularly like besides those two?

Shinori: I'll be honest, I'm just happy that Shinori is here and participating. I can see the basis for his Crysta case. I think he spent too much time talking about dead!Refa, but I can't see any scum intent in it. Don't have a problem with Shinori as of now.

I don't have problems with BBM. Would like to hear more from Quote now that they've subbed into Archer's slot. Elieson needs to come back. And as for eclipse … I feel like I'm in a similar boat as BBM in which I don't think she's scum, but at the same time I'm not entirely happy with her content. If I can find a way to explain it in words, I will. But I have to head off soon and I can't really find the right words for it.

Going to think more about Shinori in the shower.

BBMxShinori OTP

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and I'm doing it again today, so my availability has been limited to occasional glimpses at my cell phone. I hope to churn stuff out tonight when the parents i'm sitting for get back

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Maybe I'm just overthinking things or confused.

Crysta is scum reading TG but it seems forced compared to other people she could be voting based off her thoughts.

TG says Crysta is town because of CRYSTA'S CASE against her, though the supposed case isn't really much of a case. In the quote above it even says that there isn't really much to go on. I don't see that as a case.

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I'm keeping my vote on TG because putting my vote on someone who doesn't seem willing to exist at this moment seems marginally less productive, though I guess in the end it won't really matter (also the reason why I didn't care overmuch to move it). TG isn't doing much better after the prodding, though, since she hasn't really given a scum read and I believe that was one of the reasons why she hopped on the Clarinets wagon. It's not like I'm keeping my vote on her simply because I don't like her play; she's not opening up her posts like I would expect a townie getting heat would and getting content from her has been (and seems to continue to be) a problem.

If you can do that, TG, that'd be neat. I still get the impression you're still just skimming and I would really like to know why, though it seems you may not be the only one. Still do it pls.

Also not the only one who has parked a vote on someone in spite of being willing to move it to lynch Mancer (read: eclipse, but not scumreading her for it because why lol)

Shinori scum-reading me but null-reading Mancer for even less is weird as fuck (namely in #226). My TG "case" wasn't massive or elaborate but it was still expressing a better idea of what to expect from me in the following day phase. I literally just put my vote there as a continuation of what I was going to do - and because I didn't have enough time on hand to expand on it - and didn't think I would get such a knee-jerk reaction (though to be fair eclipse didn't really seem to be kneejerking - just wanted clarification) for the simple fact I said I was sheeping something I would have no problem agreeing with.

If TG townreading me is what compelled you to put me firmly in the scumread column (and I'm assuming it is because before that all you seemed to have a problem with was my tone and sheep vote - I can't really defend against the tone allegation and the latter is just... okay), um.... how? Scum would know I'm town and wouldn't have much to lose say they town read me especially if they think others may, too. It feels you're trying to make it appear to be a much bigger deal than it actually is.

@Boron: Clarinets is dead and the people I wanted to get content from just showed up. I'd say my reads have evolved just as much as yours could have, given the lack of content. Aaand it should be more clear who I have a problem with beyond Mancer/TG now, though I'm not even sure what to make of it: Shinori has me going more ??? and Gaius is being subbed.

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my shower wasn't really that long; I got caught up watching the Raptors-Warriors and then was playing Kingdom Hearts. KH3DS is confusing af for a first-timer like me.

my thoughts on Shinori- his posts have been better but I still feel like he's focusing on a small portion of Crysta's play and dismissing large portions. I don't really see how he can dismiss several wallposts on her part as "not having much merit" and focus mostly on the TG interactions. What about the stuff Crysta has said about other people? wrt his TG read- I have problems with TG but again it's not really to do with those Crysta interactions specifically; it's moreso her play as a whole being lacking. Shinori just seems so tunnel-vision on those TG-Crysta interactions and I don't get it. Shinori, do you really think TG and Crysta are scumbuddies?

I guess I'd reorder things to be Mancer > TG > Shinori. It looks like it's going to be a TG lynch at deadline because people are letting Mancer go/not prioritizing him because he's lurking. >_>

TG should claim to avoid a situation like yesterday.

@crysta- wrt the mancer-null thing, did you miss his explanation in #229? Also I don't think TG townreading you is why he's scumreading you, that seems more like a reason for scumreading her.

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oh yeah- Shinori, what are your opinions on Eclipse's thoughts about your trinity power? I'm guessing you don't agree that it's super-town or at least super not-mafia like she does, as you think Mancer is suspicious, but I'd like to hear your perspective (w/o giving up info on the ability)

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@Boron: Clarinets is dead and the people I wanted to get content from just showed up. I'd say my reads have evolved just as much as yours could have, given the lack of content. Aaand it should be more clear who I have a problem with beyond Mancer/TG now, though I'm not even sure what to make of it: Shinori has me going more ??? and Gaius is being subbed.

That's fair enough, if the people you want to hear from have just started showing up. But where do you stand now on people that you necessarily haven't been waiting to hear from, such as Yolo or eclipse or me? I'm not saying you have to write an essay on your thoughts about them, but it'd be nice to have some indication that you are paying attention to everyone else besides just your top suspects.

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also is SF taking super long to post for anybody else? I thought originally it was my computer getting old but then I made a post last night from MY NEW SMARTPHONE and it also took a while.

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I don't think Eclipse has mentioned me and a trinity power at all together in a single post.

gg I skimmed Eclipse's posts and she did not in fact ever say you were in her trinity. fsr I thought she did. ok scratch that then I guess

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