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Favorite Pokemon Picker

Freohr Datia

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I feel like this is a revised version of the older favourite pokemon generator... either way though it has way more options that hopefully make it way more accurate than that other one \o/ It has seemed to be, for me...

I just did this earlier and had fun with it, I figured I'll just start a topic on it too!

Of course it should be a given that narrowing down from 700+ pokemon is going to make this very time-consuming so as long as you're willing to go through it~

It looks like you can make the list as long as you want? Idk I went on far longer than I thought it would let me, I assumed it'd go top 10 like the other one and then it kept going

But in case people just glaze over the instructions like I did you can can pick more than one pokemon at a time I did not know this at first and once I accidentally selected more than one I had to redo it all over ;u;

[spoiler=Soooo I went up to my top 30 favourite pokemon]lxHLw.png

So if you want, share yours \o/ as many or as few as you want!

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I was actually taught that apparently Floette makes it into my top 30 I never woulda guessed \o/

Though I feel like I was inconsistent in some of my voting because my opinion changed at times, but I'm at least sure that the order of the top ten are accurate~

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This can be so difficult to choose... ;A;

Seems there are 50-some Pokemon that I care about enough to prioritize them above the other howevermanyhundreds.

FAVORITES, though?

[spoiler=there's 10-20 Pokemon competing for 20th place]



The last four might not be correct order...

PS: This was all generations. Dialga (who is in the next batch) is, like, the ONLY one beyond gen 3.

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