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So... Fates was just Rated by the ESRB

Jagged Jagen

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Well, I felt that he didn't sound as polite as he could have. I don't think he was being really rude, nor do I think he was trying to be, but he sounded...I dunno how to describe it. Pushy, maybe? His tone just irritated me a little.

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Well, I felt that he didn't sound as polite as he could have. I don't think he was being really rude, nor do I think he was trying to be, but he sounded...I dunno how to describe it. Pushy, maybe? His tone just irritated me a little.

People aren't required to be maximum polite. You yourself admitted that he didn't sound rude, nor did you think he was trying to be, so the facepalm is uncalled for.

Edited by Sunwoo
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People aren't required to be maximum polite. You yourself admitted that he didn't sound rude, nor did you think he was trying to be, so the facepalm is uncalled for.

The facepalm was directed more at the fact that we BOTH might've missed one another's posts than his tone, actually. So I was facepalming at myself as well as him. Apologies for not making that clear.

Also, you should let a mod handle things next time. It's their job to tell people not to start a conflict. I've done exactly as you have before and was told not to do it again because it was the mods' job, not mine.

Edited by Anacybele
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Just to be clear, Animated Blood is not used to cite graphic depictions of blood in games, that would be referred to as either Intense Violence and/or Blood. Lots of Nintendo games including Zelda and Kirby games have been cited as having Animated Blood before.

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OoT actually wasn't given that citation because it didn't exist at the time. Twilight Princess was the first game to get it, and others like Wind Waker HD and Skyward Sword have since received it.

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They really need to find another label though if that's the case, because it's seriously misleading putting it like that. Some people may or may not be turned off.

@Ana: It's true that I typed the reply before seeing your edit. I apologize if I sounded rude.

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Not surprised at the T rating.

I'm not going to get into the whole "what will they censor" talk but I always believed that it was going to get a T rating even if it was kept exactly the same as the Japanese version.

From my experience, you would need something truly graphic or explicit to get an M rating in America.

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I'm quite disappointed (but not surprised) that the game is probably being censored. I was going to buy it too, but I don't think I can support this.

I'm really getting sick and tired of people with this mindset. First of all, there's no confirmation of any change and you're already moaning.

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Not surprised in the least. I've seen quite a bit of swearing in T-rated games (hello Trails in the Sky SC), sexual innuendo (the entirety of Stella Glow), alcohol (again, the Trails in the Sky series), and non-graphic violence (that's a long list). Unless the guys flash their junk or something, it probably wouldn't go to M.

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I expect much censorship. May be good or bad.

Hopefully Solieil is changed so she isn't just a fantasy of a Guy Converting Lesbian anyone. Shame that certain cultures see her being a Lesbian as a "Phase" and that she needs to be "Cured". Disgusting.

Wasn't Camilla the thing that bumped up the age rating to C in Japan?

RIP Camilla

If they're going to censor this game, I hope they'll add in bonus stuff like the costumes in Fatal Frame and the free DLC in Xenoblade.

Maybe they'll actually give Camilla some decent armor!

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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I disagree, some of the stuff there shouldn't be there.

Like Soleil.

They aren't expressing art or good writing with those like Camilla, they're pandering to the Otaku. It's that simple.

I doubt any of them can say they're 100% proud of the pandering, especially when they didn't start pandering til FE:A. Fates took it to the 11 as they want that $$ and assumed that this is what fans wanted at the cost of direction hence the failure of a story.

It's what we call selling out.

Heck, MKX is getting heat for selling out for the Casual $$ at the cost of the integrity of the MK Brand with their failure that is the disgusting Kombat Pack 2.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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Camilla is still a horribly designed character with a bad trope personality, Yandere who has the hots for "you" (Many Tropes combined really, all meant to pander to the Otaku), and comparing dedication she falls flat when Hinoka is mentioned. Camilla does very little for Corrin before and throughout compared to Hinoka who made huge sacrifices before the game even starts because of what happened to Corrin and is tied into the story going forward. Some of her supports even address all her sacrifices because of what happened to Corrin. Ergo, she went through heck for your sake while Camilla survived the Concubine stuff for her own sake. After all, she is older than Corrin and already was going through stuff that Corrin has no connection to and considering how sheltered Corrin was he was kept away from the Concubine issues.

I cannot take her seriously at all because she merely exists to be fan service, that's as far as they went with her character. Course she "is" a Nohrian and Nohr did get the short end the stick, literally in all things, compared to Hoshido and even Revelation.

The Concubine stuff is also just "fluff" as it's not once touched upon in any of the main story at all, I don't think we even see any of the Concubines or the "Other" siblings either other than Azura's mother, and if it wasn't for supports you wouldn't even know about it. Compared to say the struggles of Hinoka which are referenced and tied greatly to the story itself and actually relevant as the game deals with the things she has been dealing with before you even meet her and her supports merely enhance that property so tied to the story. It's a far stronger thing for players to connect with, as we experience it throughout the game, compared to Camilla's thrown out there past that has no bearing to anything relevant in the game's story. That and you actually meet her mother, who dies soon in the game, and you see her father dying in the opening.

Where the heck is Camilla's mother in any of all this? Nowhere but a reference in one/few of her supports.

Nohr's story dropped the ball a great deal and failed the Nohr fans and the Nohrian characters. So much wasted potential.

Edited by Pretty_Handsome
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I've used this example before, but if BlazBlue can get rated T/Pegi 12 Ragna cursing a mile a minute and Makoto Nanaya existing, I don't see much stuff being removed or changed.

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Camilla is still a horribly designed character with a bad trope personality, Yandere who has the hots for "you" (Many Tropes combined really, all meant to pander to the Otaku), and comparing dedication she falls flat when Hinoka is mentioned. Camilla does very little for Corrin before and throughout compared to Hinoka who made huge sacrifices before the game even starts because of what happened to Corrin and is tied into the story going forward. Some of her supports even address all her sacrifices because of what happened to Corrin. Ergo, she went through heck for your sake while Camilla survived the Concubine stuff for her own sake. After all, she is older than Corrin and already was going through stuff that Corrin has no connection to and considering how sheltered Corrin was he was kept away from the Concubine issues.

I cannot take her seriously at all because she merely exists to be fan service, that's as far as they went with her character. Course she "is" a Nohrian and Nohr did get the short end the stick, literally in all things, compared to Hoshido and even Revelation.

The Concubine stuff is also just "fluff" as it's not once touched upon in any of the main story at all, I don't think we even see any of the Concubines or the "Other" siblings either other than Azura's mother, and if it wasn't for supports you wouldn't even know about it. Compared to say the struggles of Hinoka which are referenced and tied greatly to the story itself and actually relevant as the game deals with the things she has been dealing with before you even meet her and her supports merely enhance that property so tied to the story. It's a far stronger thing for players to connect with, as we experience it throughout the game, compared to Camilla's thrown out there past that has no bearing to anything relevant in the game's story. That and you actually meet her mother, who dies soon in the game, and you see her father dying in the opening.

Where the heck is Camilla's mother in any of all this? Nowhere but a reference in one/few of her supports.

Nohr's story dropped the ball a great deal and failed the Nohr fans and the Nohrian characters. So much wasted potential.

Be that as it may, they obviously intended all of these tropes and all of these plots.

If you don't like it, censoring the characters isn't going to change that. Camilla will still be a buxom 'yandere', she'll just be one with covered up tits because Nintendo doesn't trust people to look at a bit of cleavage.

If you don't like the characters or the subplots, censoring only cuts content. The characters' personalities remain the same.

Also, I really think you're being anachronistic. If the game is supposed to be based off of medieval Europe, the apparently 'anti-Lesbian' stuff wouldn't be out of place. King Garon even says something along the lines of 'my word is law, even above a Queen's'. It's expected for the game to talk about these issues differently.

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Be that as it may, they obviously intended all of these tropes and all of these plots.

If you don't like it, censoring the characters isn't going to change that. Camilla will still be a buxom 'yandere', she'll just be one with covered up tits because Nintendo doesn't trust people to look at a bit of cleavage.

If you don't like the characters or the subplots, censoring only cuts content. The characters' personalities remain the same.

Also, I really think you're being anachronistic. If the game is supposed to be based off of medieval Europe, the apparently 'anti-Lesbian' stuff wouldn't be out of place. King Garon even says something along the lines of 'my word is law, even above a Queen's'. It's expected for the game to talk about these issues differently.

If the game was really based off medieval Europe no females would be allowed to fight.

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