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Gaming moments that gave you nerd chills


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Hello everyone.

I think the title is pretty self-explanatory: what gaming moment has given you goosebumps, nerd chills or just made you want to stand up, giggle like a little girl and talk to a friend about the epicness you just experienced?

Given the nature of this topic, everything that is related directly to storylines should be kept within spoiler quotations.

It hasn't happened to me that many times, but I do have a few moments to share.

1) A collection of Ace Attorney moments, the best video game series in terms of stories period, in my opinion.

1A) [spoiler=game one]The pursuit theme for the first time.

Nailing Red White.

Edgeworth starting to help you.

Realizing Manfred von Karma was the villain (one of the strongest gaming memories of my entire life - I could not believe it and sat with my mouth wide open).

Nailing Manfred von Karma.

1b) For the third game, it was the last two minutes before the final piece of evidence was handed in and the old pursuit music came back. You know what I'm talking about.

1c) Apollo Justice (game four) - the first case. All of it. It's one of the most brilliantly crafted video game stories out there; it's utterly captivating, and I urge everyone to just watch a walkthrough of it on YouTube or something. I was on the edge for almost one and a half hour.

2) General World of Warcraft music, particularly the music for Stormwind City, Ironforge, Elwynn Forest and the Barrens. Walking around that world for the very first time, talking and adventuring with people from all across the globe in real time, accompanied by that music? I'll always treasure those times.

3) Persona 4, another detective fiction story and also one of the most well-written games out there. If you haven't played the game, or have any possibility of accessing a PS Vita or a Playstation 2/3, I urge you not to read the following spoilers.

Confronting Namatame at the hospital in what is possibly one of the best written GENUINELY dark (not that fake, edgy crap) moments in any video game.

Confronting Adachi - not the preachy dialogue before the battle, I mean at the hospital.

4) Malfurion's opening speech in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos on the last campaign map. Keep in mind this was before Blizzard's storytelling - while never great - turned to shit. I can still remember it word for word: "To arms, my bretheren! To arms, brave orcs and humans! Twilight falls...and the enemy awaits!" - I was a kid, so that was the most badass thing I had ever heard.

5) Exploration of 3D in Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. Holy crap...the graphics were mind-blowing at the time.

And that's about all I have to share. I realize this might just be people listing their own experiences and that there'll be very little discussion going on, but I got so nostalgic that I wanted to make a topic about this anyway.

Edit: I feel horrible for forgetting Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. It's called "the best game no one ever played", and the ending is one of the most beautiful, satisfying endings in gaming.

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1)Seeing FFX in HD. Being my favorite game of all time, had immediate nerdgasms and hat was the moment I dedicated my life to getting a PS4

2)Replaying the OG FF games (1, 2 a.k.a 4 and 3 a.k.a 6) in future updates. I grew up on them and seeing them on the likes of the PSP and IOS, I squealed

3)Every time I replay any Spyro game

Really that is it actually. I have very few XD

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In Uncharted 2, when the yeti reveals itself from the foreground of one shot, it's really spooky, and then you play the rest of the level knowing something is going to come after you, then you fight it and it's awesome.

When Raiden, in the last boss of Metal Gear Rising...

...grabs Sam's sword and says "and besides, this isn't my sword," and then it goes into the final boss fight. Such an awesome moment.

And on the topic of Metal Gear, the whole final boss fight of MGS3.

Reaching the champion for the first time in a Pokemon game. (for me it was FireRed)

Beating Death in Castlevania.

Finally getting through that long-ass case called Rise from the Ashes in Ace Attorney.

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Seeing Mira stretching out before me for the first time(music didn't hurt, lol). I think I said "holy shit this world is fucking beautiful" at least once every thirty minutes the first few hours I played it. Hell, I'm still saying it 30 hours in and will probably keep saying it for as long as I play the game.

Bosses that gave me chills: Shadowlord in NieR, fighting Shagaru Magala in MH4U, Asgore in Undertale, Daimon in Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, and Artorias in Dark Souls were all particularly powerful moments the first time I fought them. The music and context is key with all of them, but the music most of all.

I always have a ton of fun with the final chapter of FE12. Again, music is a large factor here.

And, for Asura's Wrath:

The fight with Chakravartin. All of it. Seeing Asura the Destructor, flying towards the Creator himself as he hurls planets and suns at you, and then the fight against Chakra's true form? Easily one of the coolest boss fights I've ever experienced, even better than the Augus battle. It doesn't hurt that the music for both forms is a variation on one of my favorite pieces of music, In Your Belief.

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The first skell obtained scene from Xenoblade X

Seeing this stage and playing it for the first time in Mario Kart 8. I loved the original track and this redesign surpassed all my expectations. Only downside is 1 lap.

Call of Duty 4 - All Ghillied Up. One of the most memorable missions in Call of Duty history and I will never get sick of playing this mission everytime. I want to experience this mission blind again.

FE13 final boss music. Still love it to this day.

Elite Beat Agents - I was booooorn in a crossfire hurricane!

Playing Caspian Border for the first time in Battlefield 3 Beta

Sonic Colors Phase 2 final boss theme. It's your stereotypical main theme remix but I love this cliche. It made me feel aww yeah Sonic the hedgehog is back and better than ever.

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I'm having difficulty recalling some as of the moment, but I do remember the most recent one for me from Tales of Zestiria.

Fighting Tiamat in the Glaiven Plains. The intro music was awesome and was led in by an animated cutscene showing off how powerful Tiamat was. Then getting past the first phase of the fight when Rising Up kicks in. Then later when the two warring armies call a truce to help take down Tiamat down. That whole sequence was awesome. There was also a sequence from the first battle at Glaiven Plains where you see for the first time how Sorey looks to normal people when he armatizes and sends the army into retreat by himself.

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Once I finally figured out

[spoiler=Spoilers for Ace Attorney Two]

Ini Miney said she exited out the right door of her car and it was a British car so that was the driver's seat meaning she's Mimi Miney.

Seriously, that felt wonderful when I finally found it.

Also I recently replayed Ace Attorney Two and once the Pursuit theme first played it was wonderful.

1c) Apollo Justice (game four) - the first case. All of it. It's one of the most brilliantly crafted video game stories out there; it's utterly captivating, and I urge everyone to just watch a walkthrough of it on YouTube or something. I was on the edge for almost one and a half hour.

No, you need to play that case for yourself. It is absolutely wonderful albeit I needed to look at a walkthrough for its main reveal.

1b) For the third game, it was the last two minutes before the final piece of evidence was handed in and the old pursuit music came back. You know what I'm talking about.

I can't actually remember. Is it the part with

[spoiler=Ace Attorney Three]

Dahlia getting respectfully informed that she's a completely worthless failure?

Basically, I like Ace Attorney.

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Every moment from the beginning to the ending of Xenoblade Chronicles was the biggest experience of my life.

Using Mega Blastoise for the first time in Pokemon X/Y.

Hades' debut into Kid Icarus: Uprising. 'Twas glorious.

Anything about Epic Yarn from the graphics to music to gameplay.

The ending to Mother 3.

Battling Luca Blight in Suikoden II.

Seeing Shulk in Smash Bros.

The overview of Mira in Xenoblade X.

And then finally the reveal of Lucina in Awakening.

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Pretty much every cinematic in Diablo II and Warcraft III. They were incredibly good-looking for the time and still stand up excellently today.

[spoiler=for d2 and w3]In particular, the one where Arthas murders his father after losing his mind to Frostmourne.

And when Marius gets fucked by Baal masquerading as Tyrael.

fighting Diablo for the first time in Diablo II was one of the most memorable moments that I had, because I was particularly young and it was pretty terrifying.

When making a character in pretty much any D&D based game. So many choices, and I love to methodically think through making a character.

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The part after Ike is promoted to a Lord in FE9. When I first heard the new

(which is infinitely better than the former) and the
, I couldn't help but feel that shit had gotten real. It was amazing (despite the game still being easy).

The "fight" against Papyrus in a genocide run (which is as depressing as it sounds), and the part with Monster Kid. For all the other routes, the fight with Toriel and all the possible endings for it, although they range from heartwarming to giving you chills. Also, the end of the pacifist and of the genocide run.

On Trails in the Sky FC,

. Bonus points because it is used when facing strong, important bosses.

The island with mushroons in Mother 3, where the characters start halucinating and seeing people they know along the way to the Magypsy's home. Some of the dialogue there is nightmare fuel inducing, and they come right before the halucinations turn out to be monsters masking as their relatives and attack the party.

Threed, in Earthbound. It is spooky and the atmosphere made me feel as if the humans who barely resisted the zombies could be annihilated at any time.

The fight against Magus in Chrono Trigger. Great boss theme, check. Gimmicky boss that requires some thought on the first try in order to defeat him, check. The climax of the first part of the game revolves around him, check. Yes, I've loved the battle.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis), on the final level. Nowadays I do it without breaking a sweat, but I remember how happy I felt when I beat it as a child. I took a long time until I managed to defeat the boss after Silver Sonic. When I did, it felt like one of the most gratifying gaming experiences.

1c) Apollo Justice (game four) - the first case. All of it. It's one of the most brilliantly crafted video game stories out there; it's utterly captivating, and I urge everyone to just watch a walkthrough of it on YouTube or something. I was on the edge for almost one and a half hour.

That case was brilliant. Unfortunately, the rest of the game isn't so stellar. Case 2 and 3 were very boring and case 4 was... kind of alright, I guess. Same about AA2-4, I'd never expect such a plot-twist tbh.

I had a similar feeling for cases 4 and 5 in AAI1. Yes, I know the game has its problems. I know Lang's arguments are bullshit and he abuses his authority worse than a von Karma (which makes him a hypocrite, I guess), I know some twists are forced and the player has to shrug and go with it (which isn't news to the AA series, anyway), but they know how to set the mood.

Also, Dual Destinies' case 1, not because it is particularly good...

but because of Phoenix's return, and the whole premise of the game being hinted, and his conversation with Edgeworth on the phone right before the case

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Music during the final fight in Awakening.

Gigyas battle in Earthbound.

Killing Arthas in World of Warcraft WOTLK.

"Despite everything, it's still you" in Undertale.

Becoming the Inquisitor in Dragon Age Inquisition.

Hearing Song of Storms the first time in Ocarina of Time.

When the baby Metroid saves Samus in Super Metroid.

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This is not a ranking. I am just using numbers to keep games separate.

1. Baldur's Gate

Nailing Sarevok with Magic Missle spam. Honestly, every game that allows me to cast Magic Missle is guaranteed to cast a smile on my face. Like Capcom's D&D arcade games, for example.

2. Freedom Planet - Well, just about everything after the stage 3 boss, really. But if I have to narrow it down...

a) The boss fight of Fortune Night

b) Boarding the ships in Sky Battalion

c) Milla entering the boss fight in Jade Creek

d) Fighting the gunship in Battle Glacier

e) The beginning of Final Dreadnought 1

f) "You're forgetting something about our troops..."

g) "Like I said: 'Right into harms way'." (Unused line for the FD3 boss battle)

h) The final boss

I) Carol's bike giving physics the middle finger

3. Fire Emblem - Path of Radiance

a) The Black Knight showing up in Chapter 11 and killing Ike and the following unique death quote

b) Seeing Ashnard moving

c) Mist loosing it when attacking the Black Knight

4. Fire Emblem - Radiant Dawn

a) the final battle in Part 2

b) The menacing countdown in the finale of Part 3

c) Seeing Marcia dodging 4 of Edward's Astra strikes. She still died but it looked awesome

5. Fire Emblem - Thracia 776

a) The first time Adversity plays

b) Casting Berserk on Reinhardt. Always good for a lulz.

6. Fire Emblem - Seisen No Keifu

a) Seeing the enemy Mage trio performing the freaking Triangle Attack on me. And here I was wondering why they always entering melee range.

b) Jungby entering the fight against Silesia with an army of Bow Knights...

c) Eltoshan being a pal in Chapter 1

7. Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon

Beating the final chapter on hard 2. Because the game was so easy until this point, I was caught unprepared for those cheating 26 speed dragons in the last 2 chapters (I even used freaking Roshea). The result was a pretty damn tense battle.

8. Tear Ring Saga

a) Tricking the Zombie Dragon army in chapter 37 into killing each other. I would really like to know how this looked like from an in-universe perspective...

b) Every time I get to utilize 30 points of defense negating damage in an 3x3 area. Every time a holy dragon shows up, really. Those things are amazing.

c) Prince Senneth saving Holmes butt

9. Awakening

a) Killing Tharja. The fact that I didn't even plan to do it, made it all the more sweeter

b) Lissa getting killed in the final chapter and me realizing that I don't have to restart this time

c) The epic idiocy that is Chapter 23

d) Hearing about us having more ships then we need and a bunch of oil in chapter 14. I was utterly dazed by this. They couldn't possibly go were it looked like they would go.

10. Gothic

a) Breaking the boundaries of the game's demo version by drawing my weapon in front of the castle guards, then walking past them.

b) Me going through the first few hours of the game without knowing how to equip a weapon

11. Gothic 2

Breaking the boundaries of the game's demo version by jumping on the mountains behind Xardas' tower. Unfortunately I never managed to reach a way back into the game's demo area.

12. Jazz Jackrabbit 2

a) Realizing in the level editor, that the game contains an unused but fully functional boss and subsequently fighting him.

b) The Laser Shield. No wonder this thing can only be accessed through cheat codes.

13. Pokemon Stadium

a) Mewtwo turning 3D and flying right towards you when you select him in the main menu. Also, that awesome music.

b) Meeting a foe with Dragon Wrath in Pika Cup. Then building a team utilizing Dragon Wrath in the Pika Cup and wiping the floor with everyone. Except for that damn Tentacruel...

14. Pokemon Blue

a) Meeting Missingno

b) Performing a working Mew glitch

15. Pokemon Silver

a) Setting foot into Vermilion City. What more needs to be said?

b) Meeting a shiny Ho-oh and restarting instead of catching it, since I wanted to figure out how it got triggered. I didn't realize it was entirely random.

c) The final opponent of the game...

16. WarCraft III

a) The ending of the human campaign. I initially played the game on English, so I didn't understand a word. The whole thing really disturbed me.

17. Freelancer

Everything in Liberty trying to kill you. Again, I played the game on English so I had no idea what was going on and what everyone was shouting about.

18. Command & Conquer: Red Alert

a) Beating the Soviet campaign. Back then, I was so exited that I actually did try to call a friend. I am glad that I didn't reach him.

b) Secret Ant campaign in the first add-on. One of the most amazing things ever put in a video game.

c) Realizing that installing the add-on turns the Radar Disruptor into Tesla Tanks during skrimishes

d) The mission were you have to retrive the cyborg Volkov from the allies in the second add-on. Volkov is basically the Terminator, an unkillable unit with a ridiculous amount of power who occasionally appeared in the add-ons. Unfortunatly, I attacked the building that contained him, resulting in him running amok, destroying every base of the allies on the map. While he was wrecking the allies, I was building up my defense for the final battle with him. Once he approached my base, having barely been scratched so far... he was killed by a normal watch dog. Never underestimate one-hit kill effects.

e) Volkov's cyborg dog which can jump across entire mountains in order to rip of the throats of allied soldiers

18. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun

Drugging Jake McNeil in the NOD campaign... then sending him against the GDI base and finding out that this kid is virtually unkillable for some reason. The GDI base takes almost the entire map but Jake can destroy it with barely a dent into his lifebar.

19. Star Fox 64

a) Beating Venom hard for the first time on my last life

20. The Legend of Korra (The Platinum game for the PS3/4, XBOX, XBOX One, PC. The 3DS game is an Awakening clone of all things)

Korra entering the Avatar state and wrecking all kinds of shit

21. Chrono Trigger

The trial

Chrono dies

22. Beyond Good & Evil

a) The Hovercraft learns how to fly

b) "Lost, sweethard?"

c) finding the secret code on Pej's shoe

d) going into space and dogfighting

23. Half-Life

a) Defeating the Gargantua at the end of the demo version Uplink with perfectly timed grenade throws... resulting in me getting stuck in the room because you were not supposed to do that.

24. Golden Eye 64

The joy that is the All weapons cheat code. Why not playing through a whole level with nothing but the watch laser?

25. Soul Calibur 2

The Zelda theme kicking in for Link's rival battle.

26. Ocarina of Time

Finding out after many years that the super bait does in fact exist.

27. Ocarina of Time 3D

Quite frankly, the opening theme was very close to bring me to tears. I shouldn't have started the game on a bus ride.

28. Ocarina of Time: Master Quest

Cows in the walls. switches behind walls, torches in the ceiling, giant Deku Baba in the Deku Tree. This version was a paradise for those who played the original to hell and back. Nintendo should do more Rom hacks like that.

29. Wind Waker

a) The frozen Hyrule Castle

b) Beating a whole army of Iron Knuckles and Moblins with the Master sword, after the Iron Knuckle used to be a mini boss in the last dungeon

c) Finding a glitch that results in carrying a frozen Moblin around and sliding all over the place.

30. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

a) Deploying a tank to fight Quiet on Extreme. So much joy.


31. Super Mario 64

a) Finding out that you will always perform a kick as long as you hold the A button. And then finding out that you use to walk up every slope in the game that doesn't make you instantly loose your footing. (So basically every slope that isn't one of the actual slides)

32. Mario Party 1

a) Playing the Enternal Star for the first time. Man, I was so hyped during this level, after getting my stars stolen and being rail roaded into playing it.

33. Age of Empires II

a) Zergrushing the enemy castle in Joan de Arc 2 since I hadn't yet figured out about siege weapons. Thankfully they didn't have the upgrade that allows Castle's to attack enemies right next to them

b) Converting Raynald de Chatlion into my army during the Saladin campaign... several times. In "The Horns of Hattin", this was the only way that allowed me to protect the southern base.

c) Cars with machine guns

34. The Last Story

a) Defeating the second form of the final boss with the last ounce of my strength... just to find out that there is a third form, with a significant power boost. I really wasn't expecting this, considering how hard the second form was. Needless to say, we didn't last very long.

b) Me playing the game's online mode in the last few days of the Wii's online service in order to get all the online exclusive items and to use this final opportunity to play as a character other then Zael... then doing the whole thing again during the very final hours of the online service because I realized that I would prefer to have all that stuff on an entirely fresh save. I did get most things. I think I missed out on some of the materials for one of Calista's dresses and I probably failed to get the material to fully upgrade any of the boss weapons. Still, this was one hell of an evening.

35. Pokemon Snap

a) Throwing apples at Mew

b) The adorable Charmander army

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Anytime i hear the FE theme being played in a game in a very bombastic manner. Gets me...

The first time i saw Nephilim in Xenosaga, omg. Thats because im a big fucking Xenogears fan.....

[spoiler=Undertale spoilers]

"Think of it as a....trip to the dentist."
Also, the whole business with Omega Flowey and the human SOULS rebelling.

T R U E L A B.

The last stretch of the fight with Giygas in Earthbound is very emotional.

[spoiler=Xenoblade spoilas]

The Alvis reveal as he shows you who Zanza and Meyneth were...that brief image of when they erased the universe.

Twilight Princess, The title drop in Midna's general direction.

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Crash Bandicoot: Warped. I played and loved the other Crash games on the PS1 (and I still love them all to this day), but this is the one that really made me giddy. I was excited every time I booted it up, I just couldn't wait to dive in! I loved the introduction of Dingodile, and I loved the levels where you played as Coco and rode Pura. Everything about this game was (and is!) amazing. Sometimes I would lose on purpose just to see the funny animations when Crash lost a life!

Crash Team Racing. This, like Warped, was a game that really made me giddy. The prospect of playing as the other Crash characters instantly excited me, and the fact that almost every single character in the series was playable made me excited! I was also surprised that this game had a story mode, and a pretty darn good one for Crash standards!

Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! Like the Crash games, I played and loved all the PS1 Spyro games (and still love them), but this one is my favorite. I remember being completely awed by the improvements over the first game. The Gems were bigger and brighter, and they made a very satisfying little sound when you collected them! Each and every level had little side characters to interact with, and I liked pretty much all of them. Plus they all had goofy voices, but it was done on purpose and gave the game a special kind of charm that I've always loved.

Final Fantasy VII. I'm probably in the minority, but I really like the graphics and animations for this game. There's just something charming I find about them. It's just...grin-inducing for me. Moving on from that, I immediately loved the soundtrack, every little musical bit was a delight to hear! I loved every character, too. Red XIII was my favorite! The story sucked me in, and I felt genuinely sad when that certain major death that I won't be specific about I'm talking about Aerith's death occurred. I loved the Materia system, I liked setting each character up with all the various different kinds, and I loved the Limit Breaks!

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Everything about this game is amazing, I immediately had that gaming moment where I giggled like a girl the very first time I played it. The awesome and fluid sprites and animations, the amazing soundtrack, and everything else! I even like the bad voice acting and dialogue. "Hmm, a switch? Maybe I should press it and see!" The only thing about this game that I don't like is the weird and awful song that plays during the credits.

Pizza Hut demos. I loved the Pizza Hut demos! They had CTR and Spyro 2 on them, and even though I had the actual games...I loved playing them on the Pizza Hut demos. I don't know why, but there was just something special about it. Every game on those demos was just special to play that way. I guess it's odd to feel that way about some demos, but gosh darn it I loved those things!

Ratchet & Clank. I was immediately charmed when I played this for the first time. I loved the animations, and I loved the character designs. Especially Ratchet's! I wanted to explore every inch of each planet and level and find everything. I loved it when the bolts were sucked into you, it gave me a very similar satisfaction as collecting things in Spyro 2. I also really liked the guy in all the Gadgetron vendors, there was just something about him that I found awesome. Every time he'd say "Oh that's a nice one!" "That's a real beauty!" "Hi there, fuzzball!" made me grin.

Super Mario Bros. 2. This is not my favorite Mario game, but I got really excited when I saw that you could play as Luigi, Peach, and Toad! I hardly ever played as Mario. I loved playing as Peach and using her floating ability, and I loved playing as Toad just for the heck of it! Even though this isn't my favorite Mario game...I'd say it's the one that got me into the series.

Fire Emblem. Shadow Dragon and Radiant Dawn were the first two games in the series I played, but neither of them hooked me in like Fire Emblem. The things that really pulled me in and made me grin uncontrollably were the awesome battle animations and the designs of the characters.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. This was my first Zelda game, the only other exposure I had to the series was through Super Smash Bros. When I first played this I figured it'd be good, but I didn't expect to get sucked in like I did! The moment where I really knew I'd discovered something special was when Link turned into a wolf for the first time.

The Last Story. I first heard about this game in a Nintendo Power issue, and the way the characters looked intrigued me. Then I listened to the soundtrack on YouTube, and that's when I had that gaming moment and knew I had to play this game. I did not regret it.

Xenoblade Chronicles. I immediately thought the music was awesome, but the moment that really grabbed my attention was a moment fairly early in the game where...

...Fiora "dies."

There's so much more, but it'd take too long to list all of it!

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OK five that I can think of from the top of my head

[spoiler=Dragon Age 2] The fact that Anders blew up the chantry I honestly was caught completely off guard it was such a ballsy move and I loved it.

[spoiler=XCOM EU] The final scene where the volunteer sacrifices himself for humanity. I was not ready for my heavy Bigdaddy to die especially since he was the only person I had that had survived since the very first mission. It was a deep bond and I honestly was so chilled by his sacrifice.

[spoiler=Awakening] Emmeryns sacrifice continues to send chills down my spine every time I play and the next two chapters capture the mood so perfectly and it is amazing.

[spoiler=Dragon Quest IX] That final showdown with Corvus was amazing... Until he killed me over and over and I started getting sick of it. On a more positive note the dragon vs dragon fight was awesome always.

And the reveal trailer for Robin, Lucina and the Captain for smash 4

I've probably forgotten some.

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Mmmmmh, so many, I'm pretty sure ...

But I guess: When I beat The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time after MANY years my father bought it. You see, I was a little scared brat (the first time I faced the mighty Gohma, OMG OMG OMG I'M SO SCAREEEEEEEEED, WHAT ARE THOSE EYES AROUND THERE11!!!1????)

Around my age of 13-14 years, I felt like I truly saved the day. Man, I defeated a badass monster, sick of a quite powerful power. Anyway, the youth ... still, excelent gaming and story overall, :)

Oh, also the moment I got in my hands Metroid Zero Mission. Yikes, I loved Fusion, I was over excite for this game so much that I swear I almost puked the same day I purchased it, x'D (Guess food didn't taste too good that day anyway, + the hype in my stomach, so ... yeah, lol, old times can be too good I guess).

I guess I could tell you about more games, but who knows if my memory betrays me ... or not.

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Adding to the already mentioned Ace Attorney stuff with the finale of Rise from the Ashes. Still my favorite villain in the series.

The trial from Chrono Trigger during my first playthrough, Magus' keep and boss battle, pretty much any time Lavos' theme plays during the story. Also Antiquity(Dark Ages in SNES/PS versions), all of it.

Going through Sky Pillar in Omega Ruby, and realizing that the music was the same from the Rayquaza cutscene in Emerald.

Finally reach the last chapter of Shadow Dragon, my first FE, and beating it after however many tries. Ashnard battle during my first playthrough. Hearing Don't Speak Her Name and especially Id(Purpose) the first time.

A very personal one was my first time playing Metroid Prime and just experiencing the atmosphere of the game. Something that actually frightened me at the time(the fact that I wasn't very good at video games helped that a lot), and impacted me in ways more profound than I ever realized until relatively recently. Metroid Prime was the first game that really showed me just what could be done with the medium, that it could be more than just "simple games", as it were.

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