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Best Father For Morgan?


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For fast optimization: ChromFor actual optimization: Go research mods/skillsFor reals: Kellam (at least it explains why Morgan forgot his father)

And make Morgan a slowpoke???

Go with whoever you wan- You don't like Chrobin!?!?!?!? WHATISRONGWITHUUUUU?!?!?!

Follow what you wish.

Choose Stahl. C:

Edited by ChickenWings
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And make Morgan a slowpoke???

The point of marrying Kellam isn't to make Morgan an amazing combat unit. It's to explain why Morgan could never remember his father!

I suppose Gangrel/Walhart would also work, if your headcanon is "Morgan was so ashamed of his mother's choice of husbands that he suppressed those memories".

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Personally, If I played as the Avatar (F) I would choose Chrom, Chrom!Inigo, Lon'qu, or Priam. Though with Priam she will be single for a while since you can't access his map until you get to the Endgame map. For optimization, choose a 2nd gen male (like Chrom!Inigo) as his dad so all the children units can marry someone.

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The point of marrying Kellam isn't to make Morgan an amazing combat unit. It's to explain why Morgan could never remember his father!I suppose Gangrel/Walhart would also work, if your headcanon is "Morgan was so ashamed of his mother's choice of husbands that he suppressed those memories".

I was actually kidding. Whatever fits the headcanon!

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I feel like I'm the only one who hates the ChromxFemaleAvatar Pairing. I cannot stand it.

To Be Honest, if you start taking this game seriously, Chrom x FeMU is a pretty strong pairing, as the children are also pretty broken.

But hey, I went Donnel!Morgan, and holy crap, I gave him Galeforce, Astra, Vengance, Armshrift and SwordFaire, and you got yourself a broken Morgan, especially when you pair up with Lucina.

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The 'best' father is the father that offers something unique as Morgan gets access to all the Male classes. 2nd generation characters confer more stats with Yarne being the highest raw stat potential, this also allows for the taguel class though the taguel class is pretty poor if you're trying to make the 'best' Morgan possible, so just take Yarne for the highest overall stats. Gerome from Cherche and Vaike offers a high Str stat though I find Spd + a good skillset to far outweigh raw Str or Mag. Pairing the Avatar with Chrom is easy for starting out since you only have a single unit that has to actually survive and both the Avatar and Chrom are good characters in either lead or support roles. You can get Rightful King from Brady or Inigo if you pair Olivia or Maribelle with Chrom. I personally prioritize Vantage over stats and like to end characters in their native class line so I pair Chrom with the Avatar, Olivia, or Sully, but Maribelle makes a good Magically inclined Lucina.


For a female avatar the 'best' options are:

-Yarne (highest overall stat potential + Taguel Class + flexible modifiers)

-Chrom (Rightful King Morgan + Lucina gains full class options)

-Chrom's male children (Rightful King Morgan)

-2nd Generation characters (higher stats than first gen + flexible modifiers)

-Donnel (Villager class for easy leveling)

For Chrom:

-Sumia - "best" stats for Lucina and Aether Cynthia

-Maribelle - magic Lucina and Rightful King Brady

-Sully - No Galeforce Lucina and Aether Kjelle

-Olivia - Galeforce lowest OVR stats Lucina and Rightful King Inigo (Olivia might be better off without Chrom as a partner if you intend to use a dancer. This way your partner has better offensive abilities than the low caps on the dancer class and you don't have to worry about either the dancer using your turn to dance for somebody or not being paired up with somebody.)

-Maiden - No additional classes than those Chrom passes, no S rank support for Chrom, and tied for the lowest OVR stats for Lucina

-Avatar - Flexible modifiers, Morgan gains Rightful King, Lucina gets every class as an option, Chrom and the Avatar paired are the only unit that has to survive. Avatar and Chrom are both easy units to level and strong units in either role.

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I respectfully disagree that Donnel as one of the 'best' options, because he doesn't benefit in Lunatic+ and his mods aren't great either...

Edit: Also, Villager is probably one of the worst class in-terms of stat-wise...

Edited by Formerly Colm
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I respectfully disagree that Donnel as one of the 'best' options, because he doesn't benefit in Lunatic+ and his mods aren't great either...

Edit: Also, Villager is probably one of the worst class in-terms of stat-wise...

You don't need the children for Lunatic+ to begin with and it all depends on what you're actually go for. Stats don't really matter much at all and ease of leveling with Aptitude is a unique benefit that Donnel confers, thus he's on the list if you read the whole thing. All the options are more or less the same in the end since the Avatar passes everything Morgan 'needs' regardless of the father so in that respect the "best" fathers are the ones that offer something unique. Donnel does indeed offer a unique benefit and besides it's not as if you have to go into the Villager class, you can use Donnel to pass Aptitude since Male Morgan has all of Donnel's class options anyway taking a skill from a class you don't want to use that he has is the way to go. For some, leveling the unit as quickly as possible is more of a boon than the how they turn out in the end. For example if somebody is struggling in Classic mode, maybe they lost a few units and don't reset when it happens or are refusing to use the DLC to level then it stands within reason that some people might have trouble integrating the children into their army when they're available on the harder difficulties due to leveling issues and thus Aptitude can be more appealing to those type of people. Just because it's not your idea of the 'best' doesn't mean it's not the 'best' for somebody else and if there were any one answer to the question of which is the best then there would only be one answer in this thread.to begin with ergo Donnel's unique additions to Morgan can be somebody's idea of the "best" and thus deserves a special mention when the other vanilla 1st gen father's just bring their negligible respective stat modifiers to Morgan.

Edited by Dwlr
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Hey, don't worry, I hate Chrom x Avatar too. So yeah, you're not the only one.

But as others have said, just marry a character you like if this is your first playthrough. It really doesn't matter, you honestly can't ruin Morgan. :P But just for the record, my Avatar married Frederick since I totally fell in love with the big teddy bear. <3 Or, should I say Freddy Bear? Hee hee.

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You don't need the children for Lunatic+ to begin with and it all depends on what you're actually go for. Stats don't really matter much at all and ease of leveling with Aptitude is a unique benefit that Donnel confers, thus he's on the list if you read the whole thing. All the options are more or less the same in the end since the Avatar passes everything Morgan 'needs' regardless of the father so in that respect the "best" fathers are the ones that offer something unique. Donnel does indeed offer a unique benefit and besides it's not as if you have to go into the Villager class, you can use Donnel to pass Aptitude since Male Morgan has all of Donnel's class options anyway taking a skill from a class you don't want to use that he has is the way to go. For some, leveling the unit as quickly as possible is more of a boon than the how they turn out in the end. For example if somebody is struggling in Classic mode, maybe they lost a few units and don't reset when it happens or are refusing to use the DLC to level then it stands within reason that some people might have trouble integrating the children into their army when they're available on the harder difficulties due to leveling issues and thus Aptitude can be more appealing to those type of people. Just because it's not your idea of the 'best' doesn't mean it's not the 'best' for somebody else and if there were any one answer to the question of which is the best then there would only be one answer in this thread.to begin with ergo Donnel's unique additions to Morgan can be somebody's idea of the "best" and thus deserves a special mention when the other vanilla 1st gen father's just bring their negligible respective stat modifiers to Morgan.

Yes, but the thing is Aptitude is one of those skills that only benefits for a short-term. In the post-game context, Aptitude loses its novelty by the time Morgan (or any of Donnel's kids) had already maxed out his stats, especially since grinding is an applicable. But if its a matter of Donnel!Morgan's uniqueness, then how about considering Walhart!Morgan's Conquest skills instead...?

Edited by Formerly Colm
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You don't need the children for Lunatic+ to begin with and it all depends on what you're actually go for. Stats don't really matter much at all and ease of leveling with Aptitude is a unique benefit that Donnel confers, thus he's on the list if you read the whole thing. All the options are more or less the same in the end since the Avatar passes everything Morgan 'needs' regardless of the father so in that respect the "best" fathers are the ones that offer something unique. Donnel does indeed offer a unique benefit and besides it's not as if you have to go into the Villager class, you can use Donnel to pass Aptitude since Male Morgan has all of Donnel's class options anyway taking a skill from a class you don't want to use that he has is the way to go. For some, leveling the unit as quickly as possible is more of a boon than the how they turn out in the end. For example if somebody is struggling in Classic mode, maybe they lost a few units and don't reset when it happens or are refusing to use the DLC to level then it stands within reason that some people might have trouble integrating the children into their army when they're available on the harder difficulties due to leveling issues and thus Aptitude can be more appealing to those type of people. Just because it's not your idea of the 'best' doesn't mean it's not the 'best' for somebody else and if there were any one answer to the question of which is the best then there would only be one answer in this thread.to begin with ergo Donnel's unique additions to Morgan can be somebody's idea of the "best" and thus deserves a special mention when the other vanilla 1st gen father's just bring their negligible respective stat modifiers to Morgan.

First, I much prefer Underdog over Aptitude - Morgan can go Dread Fighter if he so wishes, and forever have a hit/avoid boost. However, Morgan has a plethora of options, and Donnel's modifiers are pretty bad, so all Morgan gets is a bit dodgier, at the cost of having better overall stats.

Second, Donnel's modifiers are pretty bad. Those modifiers affect Morgan's stat caps. If you're going for a really gimmicky Miracle build (which is like the best thing that Donnel's modifiers have to offer), you'll want Owain as a father. Perhaps it can be said that Donnel does contribute here, but it's via being a grandpa, not a father.

Lastly, Aptitude itself looks good on paper, but all it does is raise stats by one per five levels (on strict average). If this is no grind and screw stat caps, then this effect is fairly negligible, given the Renown stat boosters, in-game ones, tonics, and Anna shops. If this is a max stat run, then all it'll do is advance the inevitable max stats, and then it's useless (and the stat boosters can be used anyway). Regardless, it means I need to feed Donnel four additional levels past his first one on his Paralogue before Aptitude starts yielding dividends. Blech.

If it's a matter of favoritism, then by all means marry him. But in the eyes of someone who plays this as a numbers game, Donnel loses pretty hard.

I mentioned Kellam earlier in the thread, but it was for headcanon reasons. I don't say he's a good father in terms of gameplay, because he's not.

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Stats don't really matter much at all and ease of leveling with Aptitude is a unique benefit that Donnel confers

That's a little contradictory, don't you think? Stats don't matter, yet Aptitude is important?

Don't get tripped up by the idea that having more- having something someone else doesn't have- is better. If that thing isn't worth having, it doesn't count for anything. You can only run five skills at once, and things like Aptitude, Conquest, even RK don't matter in the slightest if you're not running them. And should you be running them, just because you have them? Not really. None of those skills are good enough to make it onto a final skillset for Morgan-M, anyway.

Postgame, the two things that matter for him are his mods and how well his father supports Robin. Donnel is near the very absolute bottom of the barrel in both. Ingame, what matters in the father is availability, opportunity cost, and inheritance options- Donnel gets decent marks in the former, worst in the game (aside from maybe Ricken) in the second, and nothing special in the third. Growths really don't matter, as Morgan will be getting good bases regardless thanks to Robin and getting so many levels, he'll always cap long before endgame.

You need to take more things into account when determining if a father is good than whether or not they're unique. Every father is technically unique in some aspect, functionality is what matters.

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That's a little contradictory, don't you think? Stats don't matter, yet Aptitude is important?

Don't get tripped up by the idea that having more- having something someone else doesn't have- is better. If that thing isn't worth having, it doesn't count for anything. You can only run five skills at once, and things like Aptitude, Conquest, even RK don't matter in the slightest if you're not running them. And should you be running them, just because you have them? Not really. None of those skills are good enough to make it onto a final skillset for Morgan-M, anyway.

Postgame, the two things that matter for him are his mods and how well his father supports Robin. Donnel is near the very absolute bottom of the barrel in both. Ingame, what matters in the father is availability, opportunity cost, and inheritance options- Donnel gets decent marks in the former, worst in the game (aside from maybe Ricken) in the second, and nothing special in the third. Growths really don't matter, as Morgan will be getting good bases regardless thanks to Robin and getting so many levels, he'll always cap long before endgame.

You need to take more things into account when determining if a father is good than whether or not they're unique. Every father is technically unique in some aspect, functionality is what matters.

Stats as in modifiers.

Once again somebody might find faster leveling more beneficial than endgame, Donnel's endgame modifiers aren't going to screw over a Morgan on any difficulty or for any DLC meanwhile having Aptitude during leveling will help Morgan gain those stats. It's the same difference as taking skills that boost exp gain in other games over those that actually confer a benefit to combat. Leveling more easily is going to be somebody's idea of "better" than min/maxing. You have tunnel vision focused on endgame like the others arguing against Donnel, but it's personal opinion to what people value. Aptitude helps gains stats it's what it does, you can't really argue that it doesn't and gaining those stats more quickly possibly requiring less Second Seals to become a Lunatic(+) unit is going to appeal to somebody. He's listed solely for what he does, easier leveling, nowhere there is there a claim that pairing with Donnel is going to yield higher stats in the end or anything for endgame, but the thread asks for the 'best' it doesn't ask for 'best' in any conditions and .'. should not be limited to 'best' for endgame or min/maxed for any particular stat/class. 'Best' is left open for interpretation by what the individual themselves judge is most important for them. If somebody feels a Sniper is 'best' that's their prerogative just like you having tunnel vision for an endgame Morgan is 'best' that's your prerogative, but that isn't going to be EVERYBODY's opinion on what's 'best'.

Every father is technically 'unique' however stat modifiers are negligible and there is a big difference between a skill and simply having different modifiers. I took into consideration more than just having something unique into consideration whether a father is good or not, you're really the one only taking into account one aspect as to whether a father is good or not. You're only taking into consideration your personal opinion on what you feel 'best' entails and thus dismissing other father's as poor fathers just because they don't fit that SINGLE aspect of your definition, my list however includes multiple aspects people might take into consideration. A person not wanting to use Rightful King has no real reason to get it for Morgan either, but Rightful King can be used on an endgame Morgan where Aptitude would not be used endgame after it's benefits are over and that's why you're fixating solely on Donnel.

Edited by Dwlr
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Wait, am I chopped liver? I already explained why Aptitude isn't that great, even in-game. You're either going full grind or not, and even if you're going halfway, you'll still need a lot more levels than you think. So either you're funneling a lot of experience into Donnel/Morgan (not that the latter minds, but still), or you're not getting the "full" benefits of Aptitude. And if you're overleveling anyway, it doesn't make that much of a difference.

If I'm that desperate for Aptitutde, I'll use one of the Marth variants, because he doesn't have Donnel's modifiers.

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I'd go Chrom, but that is because I want a goddess Lucina that can outpace the rest of the kids...and her sibling supports are awesome awesome with M!Morgan...because he doesn't like roaches. That and he seems to be the sort that would be scard of them.

If I'm doing an M!Robin run I have him marry Lucina, because she deserves a husband that loves her. :D: But that is just me!

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