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Thoughts on marriage confession thing? Spoilers maybe..


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Pretty much what the title says. Thoughts on Fates marraige confessions ?

I think the amie(Skinship I think they call it?) confessions are weird...I liked Awakenings confessions better. :/

Sorry if this topic sounds dumb...I can't really think of anything to talk about haha...

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They're pretty terrible. They awkwardly stagger around and stare at you.

On the contrary, I adore Awakening's confession CGs. Ones like Cordelia, Tiki, and Lucina feel so touching and personal. I mean, can "I love you, and no matter what the future holds, I'll cherish every moment," even be surpassed?

As a whole, Fates's uses of the Live2D aren't very good. Hopefully it doesn't replace portraits in supports. That would be awful.

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I liked the still graphic in Awakening over the live2D stuff in Fates. Their constant movement and changing focus makes them look extremely fidgety. It might work for some personality types like Felicia but not for others.

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I felt like the artworks in Awakening, even though static, were way more personal and rewarding even if some were awkward and cheesy. The Live2D is an interesting gamble, and I'm glad they experimented, but it overall seems lazy and awkward, particularly when they're just swaying around and there's really no personality in any of their movements, expressions or presentation.

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wasn't the original intent for it to be in Supports but someone wanted touching? Lol

if the moving was toned down a bit it probably would've done better. people don't usually move that much...

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I'm pretty indifferent about them, to be honest. I see no improvement or regression from Awakening. I kind of like that it's a little awkward - I mean, I'd feel pretty awkward if someone was confessing to me! Though I do wish the animation was...more fluid.

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I don't know about you people but the first time Kamui S-Supported and Shigure started singing into my ears I melted into goop

No real guys have ever flown me on a pegasus and serenaded me while telling me they'd treasure me forever.

Fates: 1

Reality: 0

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It depends. I liked Shigure's just cause he sung, but it'd probably be achieved through the same effect in a still. Sometimes the models are a tad awkward too, so.. eh... I prefer stills.

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Meh, I'm also not too big on the 2d whatevers they used for touching and confessions. Some of them hit the uncanny valley pretty bad for me too. (Elise and Sakura really freak me out TBH, I tihnk their eyes might be too low or something.)

And yeah, if confessions continue to be a thing, I liked the stills a lot more.

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I don't really mind. While yes the Live2D is really awkward in some cases, as mentioned some are just uggghhhh.....

I really liked the stills in FEA though.

TBH, I wouldn't mind what way they go if they intend to have marriage and confessions in FE15 (And more then likely they will).

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It was nice to see them try to make them a bit more "lively", but it backfires and makes it look less lively and more awkward than anything else.

The stills they had in Awakening were better, particularly as they displayed different types of emotion and gestures.

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I liked the confession stills from Awakening better. I thought they were better and well I thought the stills were more interesting to look at and more personal(?, would that be the right word for that?) than Live2D, which looks really awkward most of the time.

What I mean is that Awakening's stills will have a different still (well not that different most of the time but way more than what Fates did anyway) depending on who you S rank with, like for example some of the stills will have them touch the avatar in some way (like off the top of my head who's stills do this are Tharja, Tiki, Frederick, and Henry) while in Fates no one does that in their stills. It's just nicer to look at and it feels more rewarding (if a little awkward and/or cheesy) than compared to seeing everyone do that weird jump thing in Fates.

At the end of day, it's cool that they experimented with it but I really hope they don't use again.

(Hopefully that made sense, I'm sorry if it didn't.)

Edited by December Knight
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I think keeping Live2D for the skinship portion(if that's a feature which will be returning in fe15) but having stills ala Awakening style for confessions would be a good mix. The stills were a lot more intimate and flattering.

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The confession scenes in Awakening were more personal and reflective of the character's personalities, like Olivia looking shyly way yet hugging and Tiki closing her eyes and feeling the warmth of the embrace, a warmth she had long missed. In Fates their head just wobble around.

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I don't like it in it's current implementation. They move around waaay too much and are pretty uncanny valley at times. I preferred the awakening stills for the most part.

If they wanted more movement in stills/portraits they could probably go the Compile Heart route and have the slightly moving portraits, though YMMV.

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During skinship the movement does manage to convey emotions and personalities decently for the most part. (at least from what I have seen)

Still too much motion going on all the time though.

The confessions however really are too short and mostly feature them bobbing around like crazy. So yeah, the stills were definitly better.

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