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Why is your favorite fire emblem story your favorite and your least favorite fire emblem story your least favorite


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Title says it all, Also those seeking to not to be spoiled be warned, this thread is Full Spoilers

I went overboard oh well.....

Favorite story Fire Emblem 7:

I been hear I have done that so hear is my very unfinished essay (I have started working on it again I will repost it when I am done)


So lets begins I am going to start with basic overview talking a little about FE 6. In FE 6 the main antagonist is King Zephiel a man who lost complete faith in mankind do to his fathers repeated attempts to kill him and the chaos that was his family. So in FE 7 they decided to further explore what drove a man such as Zephiel to his breaking point, not explicitly mind you, but they would explore how someones family can affect them for good or bad. They would speak as well about the value of life and that people could improve and change (this is mainly shown by Jaffar and Nino). Which properly juxtaposes with Zephiel view that all men deserve to die, because we all at our heart, selfish.

And so the main themes of FE 7 are, Family, the value of life, and the goodness in man. The exploration of these themes in 7 are big way that 6 (even though 6 hardly has a story) and 7 are connected, Now In [

individual moments hidden in spoilers, watch the following videos with those and read this with these themes in mind. Apparently I can only do two embedded videos so you will have to follow the links for the rest. I also have text links as well in case you can't watch the video but suggest you don't use the text links.

[spoiler=The Video and character stuff]

Jaffar & Nino

Parts from Four Fanged Offensive


Lets see Im sure this is the place, but I guess hes not here yet. Hmm! Fogs thick today. Its the perfect weather for taking on evildoers! Yet here I am again, running errands I wish I were more worthy, so that I could help out in battle.

(Jaffar appears)


Waah! Dont Dont scare me like that, Jaffar. Whats wrong? Youre never late for anything.


My last job took longer than expected.


What? There are things that can slow you down? I would never have expected that.


If youve my next mission let me hear it.


Oh, right. Mother gave this to me Huh? Oh! Wha-What happened!? Youre covered in blood!


Its a scratch. Pay it no heed


Scratches dont bleed like that! Let me see.


Forget it. Next targethurry


Jaffar! Come on, wake Wake up! What should I do?



Are you awake? Thank goodness


You I know you


Uh-huh. Weve met many times. I dont think I told you my name, though. Im Nino! Sonias daughter.


What are you doing?




Have you forgotten the law of the Fang? Sacrifice the wounded to salvage the strong.


Thats not


I was unconscious and alone outside of our safe halls. You should have obeyed the law Killed me, and then fled. Yet you didnt. Why?


Bu-But Letting a comrade die? Icouldnt do that.


Dont be a fool!






Dont move! Here! Lean on me!




Please, dont move. So much blood Youre bleeding again. What do I do? It wont stop.



Pleasedont die. You mustnt die.

Battle Before Dawn




Night of Farewells




Hector and Lyn on the boat


Eliwood! Huh?


If youre looking for Eliwood, hes talking with the captain.


Oh. I wont bother him then.


Do you need something?


Id like you to stop pouting. This pirate ship is the only way for us to get to the Dread Isle. I thought you understood that. Was I mistaken?


How I feel or what I think is no concern of yours!


Eliwood told meabout your parents and those bandits. But these pirates? They dont seem like bad fellows.


It wasnt just my parents! My entire tribe! Everyone was killed! They poisoned our drinking water My people were in such pain, they could hardly stand Thats when the bandits attacked! They waited until we were defenseless!



My father put me on his horse, and I escaped Just me. My poor father The pain must have been terrible. He lifted me uphis arms shakingwith his last breath Now do you understand? I was found unconscious by another tribeand I awoke ten days later. When I awoke What I felt The bodies of my people had already been buried. I never even had the chance to say farewell. My last memory of my father He wasbrokendying. I can still see the axes rising and falling. It Its not

(Hector turns his back to Lyn)


Hey!! WhatWhat are you doing?


Youre a strong woman, Lyndis. I thought you would not want anyone to see you cry.


Youre such a fool! If you think thats what I want, then why not just leave!


I I lost my parents, too.




It was illness that took them. Nothing like what happened to you. Still, I wanted nothing more than to cry like a little baby. And yet, I couldnt cry Not in front of others. And when I was alone, I found I still couldnt. SoI simply thought I dont know


You really are a fool. Thats no way to You cant just


When they go to the port to get a ship they soon find out that no one will take them to the dread isle but Fargus and his crew who are Pirates. This sets Lyn off cause view Pirates the same as the Bandits who killed her entire clan. Therefore she will not trust them as she thinks all these type of people are the same. But it turns out that Fargus has a heart of gold (kinda like the situation with Gonzalez in fire emblem)offering alternative to paying the price in goal, offering to protect them on the ship, recusing Ninian out at sea, and giving them one of his most trusted crew members dart to help them out. Dart is also a great example of how Fargas is as a person, while Dart is in conversation with Farina, Farina starts talking to Dart about treasure and Dart expresses interest in finding a rare pirate treasure. When Farina asks him what he would do with all the money Dart says that all he wants to do with the treasure is hide it again for someone else to find it because he doesn't really want the money he just likes the thrill of finding treasure. This is the thing about Fargus he could've taken their money on the port as the only way for them to support his ship but he offers them the option to of a challenge for the fun of it because Fargus goes on pirate adventures for the thrill of it. the support conversation is below

Farina: The treasure lies on the other side of the door that separates fire and water. Fire and water, huh? The Nabata desert, maybe?

Dart: Dont you wish! See! Thats why its going to take a pirates mind to unravel this one, lassie! Its got to be the Dragons Gate on the Dread Isle!

Farina: Really? That doesnt sound right for some reason

Dart: Yeah, well maybe thats because you werent paying attention to this bit that says The hidden white fang Thats gotta be the Ilian wyverns

Farina: No way. There are no wyverns in Ilia

Dart: A-Are you serious? Then that would mean Aww

Farina: Just so were straight, its going to be early bird gets the worm, right? Of course, only one of us can fly like a bird, right?

Dart: You think Id let a gold-snatching witch like you beat me to it?

Farina: What?! Dont act like youre not in it for the treasure, too! You find that treasure, and youll be rich, right? Youve got all these grand dreams, but youre just in it for the loot!

Dart: Dont be a bleeding idiot Dart the pirate is not such a small man! Being rich is boring! My dream is this: I want to find that treasure, hide it again, make a map that leads to it, and pass out a few copies all over the world!!

Farina: What?!

Dart: Dont you get it? Im a pirates pirate! Therell be sea dogs the world over looking for the treasure of Dart, the legendary pirate king! What do you think? Isnt it exciting?

Farina: You are the stupidest pirate I have ever met

Dart: Hey! Are you stomping on my dream?!

Farina: Well, what do you want me to say? Lets seethe phrase Pearls before swine, comes to mind Aww, forget about it. Im going to find that treasure first anyway

Dart: Over my dead body! Youll never get that treasure![/spoiler]


While they were heading to the dread isle Nergal busts Leila's cover and orders Jaffar to kill her and place her body in a place where they can find it on the dread isle. When they land Matthew and Hector find Leila's body. Hector swears revenge against Nergal, The Matthews reaction is super sweet and reflects genuine sorrow and he comments on how he had planned to ask Leila to settle down with him after he was finished with this, but he laments that he was too late and should've asked sooner (frankly I wish I had the quote with me because the way Matthew says it is perfect). After that he only asked that he's given time to find somewhere to bury her. What's really cool is that if you bring Matthew into the next battle with you he will comment to you that this is no time for mourning that Leila would've wanted wanted for him to help you right now. This and his reaction to Leila's death is one the things that makes Matthew as a character so great. This also greatly effect Hector and Matthew's thoughts on Jaffar later on.




Elibert, Nils and Ninian

"after they come back the dread isle, Eliwood is lamenting his fathers death to besides himself to go on, Nils and Ninian tell Eliwood of the time they spent at the dragon's gate and what his father did for them there. While they languished away in there his father would often tell they stories of his son and his family, and happy times he had with them, he did this to help keep their spirits up. As you can see from this and his family was his main source of happiness and when he thought to cheer up Ninian and Nils, this was the first place you went to in this we can see from this this man's family is what got him and Nils and Ninian, through this tough ordeal."

In his hardest trial Elbert's family is what pulled him though, Elbert and love for his family broke though to Nils and Ninian, and gave them hope. knowing his fathers love moves Eliwood to start again, The juxtaposition to Zephiel here is sweet, whereas Elbert gave Eliwood hope to move on, Desmond hate cause Zephiel to lose hope and give up, Elbert wiling gave his life for Eliwood, but Desmond repeatedly tried to take Zephiel life and in the end it was it Guinevere who ended his life. In a way FE 7 could also be about how to deal with grief and how different people cope. It's about how to help others have hope, to not judge, and be the best we can.





Valorous Roland

Video (Reading will not due!!!)

this is here I because I never had a game make me tear twice over the same death.


"Hellene and Desmond marriage was a forced marriage done for political reasons. There relationship is totally devoid of love and because Desmond loved a different person and he can't see Hellene and by extension Zephiel as anyone other that the symbol of what was taken away from him. Therefore Hellene became an object of resentment for Desmond, Hellene tried make it work it but Desmond's hatred and unfaithfulness eventually led to Hellene becoming as bitter and hate filled as him. This lead them become a essentially divorced, and the family became split with Hellene and Zephiel living in a one castle and Desmond and Guinevere living in the other Castle (I'm sorry Eliwood but your Queen is living in another castle.... Sorry could not pass the joke). Then they started using the kids as a part of their plans to get back at each other. Desmond pushing for Guinevere's future husband to be king, and Hellene pushing for Zephiel to be king. This is not a power struggle, if Desmond just wanted to maintain power he could easily influence Zephiel as he idolizes his father and wants nothing more that his acceptance and the family to be together again (and he worked insanely hard so he could get his approval but since Zephiel was so naturally skilled at everything it just made Desmond jealous of his skill). No this is all about spite, and I going to tell you the modern divorce parallels here pretty crazy on point. (something I didn't really think about tell I started typing about it.)"

FE 7 story is basically one long counter argument to Zephiel motives, and at it's core it is a tragic tale. FE 7 main theme's are the goodness in man and family can affect a persons life in life and in death and not just parents but brothers and sisters (which is where Hector and Nino come in). The game brings the character to there lowest to highlight what they do in these times. At it's heart FE 7 is about Imperfection, by the end of this game every ever characters have shown themselves to be a bit of a hypocrite, Hector and Matthew refusing to forgive Jaffar, Lyn refusing to seek pirates for passage, Eliwood killing the very woman who loved him more then anything else. FE 7's world, characters, and villains are flawed, but at there heart good people somewhere down the line they may have fallen, but none of them started that way, (as they the road to hell is paved in good intentions) and many pick themselves up, or have someone help them from where they have fallen. (Renault, Jaffar). This is to show that despite how flawed people are despite how cruel the world is, that live is life is worth living and people worth keeping.

This is why it is my favorite story because of though these moment and many others you can see FE 7's utter dedication to it themes and how nails the landing(at least for me). There so much more to this story then meets the eye (especially when parallel with FE 6) and that why I love it.

Least favorite Fire Emblem 10:

Where to even start, well I start with my 3 word of why it story fails: The Dawn Brigade.

Every problem this story comes back to how the Dawn Brigade was handled, this game had the potential to have the best fire emblem story bar none and totally squanders it For once you get to be the bad guy, you get to play as the people who lost the war, to see the other side, and part 1 of Radiant Dawns basic story could have used to build on the themes of the 9s story (racism, loyalt, corruption, revenge, ect.) But in the end instead of building on the solid foundation of stories first part, when they saw that one of staffs FE 9 fan fiction was able to shoehorn all the most popular NPCs from FE 9 as playable character as well FE 9s entire existing cast their eye begat dollar signs ($_$) and they set about shoehorning it into their existing story about the dawn brigade. And the thus what was once a fairly original story about the losers of a war, became a story about teenagers killing god, whoops wrong story I meant teenagers and adults killing god I dont what is with japan and this type of story but I can tell you one thing, some people there dont seem to like the idea of a living god *drum sounds*

You know what I lied I can sum it up in two words: Fan Service (not that kind of fan service the other kind).

You know I could go on about all the things this story they did wrong, and you would be reading my 15 page essay on why Radiant Dawns story sucks, but in all comes down to this, the game's story reads like a bad fan fiction where its only goal is only is to let you play as all the cool units in the last game, happy to ride the coattails of its predecessor instead of building on it in any way If they focused on a making the great the story they originally planned to tell, instead of trying to shoehorn a way to play as Caineghis they would have made a better game. Instead they decided to go into parades of fan service which made their eyes beget dollar signs sadly they were the only things that begat dollar signs. *drum sounds*

Edited by Locke087
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Let it be said before I write this that I really dislike every story FE has provided, so my "best" FE plot is more or less the best of a pile of crap, but still crap.

Best FE7: Best characters, Everyone has actual motive, Unlike other FE's, most of it's inconsistencies come simply from gameplay being prioritized over story, and while I do have one major gripe with it where the plot screams asspull, I find it less offensive than all the other asspulls I've seen this series pull.

Worst FE10: When literally 1/2 of your story has no bearing on anything, and actually harms the main plot by simply existing, you've got serious problems. I will never understand why if the writers wanted Micaiah to fight aloneside Begnion , they didn't just use Part 1 for world building and character development, and use Begnion occupying Daein as the reason Micaiah has to fight for Begnion

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I'm not gonna write a whole essay about it, but...

7's story is my favorite. There are many many moments throughout the game that put it above all the rest for me. Matthew's development and the little side-arcs he has in the story, everything Eliwood goes through, Nergal's tragic fate, the mysteriousness of Renault, and a bunch more. I just love it all.

10's is my least favorite for many reasons. I feel that it has many, many narrative and writing flaws, and some of the worst characters in the series. The character development is really not great, save one or two characters, and that really hurts the already-very-flawed story.

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My favorite story is FE4's. I feel like it's well writen, its characters are interesting and tied to the lore, the story progression is cool, and the change of generations is very well done. I also love the Judgral setting.

My least favorite is FE10's. It's far from being the worst in the series, but i just dislike it. Most people like fighting your former team, i can't stand it. Michaia had her reasons for disliking crimea and ike, but we, the players, knew Ike and his team was always right in FE9, and Michaia whining about him all the time just made me dislike her and feel like she was an hypocrite, since Ike was just trying to free his country, just like her. Pelleas was also extremely stupid, and the blood pact felt dumb. Then they revealed one of the biggest tellius mysteries in the least climatic way ever (black knight). I also felt disapointed by the fact that the story was worse than FE9's, which was pretty good.

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Favorite is Holy War for its intriguing plot, sympathetic characters both hero and villains and good use of darker themes.

Least favorite probably be Sacred Stones. I've heard some good things said about it and I can see the good points but to me it just feels incomplete with how you can only play half of it at a time. Lyon is interesting but Fomortiis is just the most meh villain of them all and the whole plot just ends pretty quickly without leaving much impact.

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Tellius's story is my favorite. In PoR, we see real-world issues dealt with, like racism and hate between the different classmen (nobles and middle class/commoners and the like). The world-building is excellent, and each nation has its different characteristics and such. In RD, we see the antagonist from PoR, Daein, more humanized because we get to play as them and see what life has been like for them after the Mad King's War. The Dawn Brigade itself lacked development and such, but what was there still gave a good feel for what they've had to go through and honestly could make you feel bad for how they've been treated by Begnion even after what Daein previously did to Crimea. I also thought the bloodpact was a genius idea, even if it could've probably been pulled off better. Still, the twist with Naesala in that matter was awesome too. It actually made me stop hating him because I finally learned why he did some of the things he did throughout both games. Also, parts 2 and 3. Nuff said.

Awakening's story is my least favorite so far (FE7 used to be my least favorite though). Just so many problems. I don't feel Emmeryn and Chrom are called out for mistakes or things like that the same way Ike was in Tellius. There's little world-building and Validar feels like a generic cartoon villain. The story overall feels rushed too, like it should've been as long as RD is. I also don't care at all for time travel gimmicks.

EDIT: Wow, what's with the hate for RD's story? I always thought everyone hated Awakening's story the most. Seriously, I find that there are way more flaws with that story than with RD's.

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My favorite story would be fe6's, which while it does fall short of its pre-sequel in a lot of areas, I like it because of how much effort it put into the world building of Elibe. That said, I haven't replayed it in a while, so I'm just gonna focus on the Western Isles as they stuck with me the most.

The Western Isles in the grand scheme of Elibe are little more than a pawn of Etruria who's rich resources would give Etruria an upper hand in its power struggle with Bern. What we witness when Roy visits it though, is one of the most victimized areas on the continent. Etruria's hold on the continent is shaky at best, with so many areas concealed by mountains and water, piracy is rampant and the Etrurian nobles have no intention of going out of their way to stamp it out. Speaking of which, the nobles that inhabit the Isles also take advantage of their isolation and resources to work the locals like slaves, sometimes even employing the pirates for terror when it benefits them. Such a corrupt and awful place is no doubt what Zephiel had in mind when he made his move to destroy humanity. But look even deeper and there is a source of hope, even from the Isles' biggest oppressors.

Mildain is the lost prince of Etruria, who much like Zephiel, had an attempt on his life. Unlike Zephiel though, Mildain didn't let this trouble anyone else and exiled himself to the Isles. Becoming Elphin to hide his identity, he decided to help the people after seeing all the abuses they faced. Him, Echidna, and the rest of the resistance force come to symbolize hope for the people of the Western Isles, and shows Roy the capacity for people to do good in the face of adversity.

On a somewhat related note, I found it really cool how the Eight Legends personalities reflect the country they created. Durban the Berserker, inhabiter of the Western Isles, lacks any sense of self, perhaps showing a lack of identity the residence has under Etrurian rule, and Durban calling himself Armads might show the state of 'might makes right' the isles are in with the prevalence of piracy.

Don't have a least favorite plot atm, so I'm just gonna say fe14 nohr and point to that subforum.

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Favourite: FE4

I just like it. I find that I sympathized with all the characters and the story is just great. It deals with things that not many games have the balls to deal with such as incest, marriage without the consent of a participating party oh and killing off all your characters half way through the game, only for you to start from the bottom again with their children. While the children are not the best and really rely on you liking their parents and the substitutes lack a lot of substance since they don't have that liberty, the game ultimately IMO, has the best story.

Least Favourite: RD

While, yes FEA is shit and by the looks of it, Fates will be to, but RD, IMO is worst. Not only does the first part of the game do nothing for the plot, the blood pact is a stupid reason for siding with Benginon after just liberating Daein from it, and Ike just randomly appearing and pushing Miccy out of the way for simple fan service is just plain stupid. Now I love Ike, and more then likely with this being the sequel to PoR, he was gonna appear one way or another, but I just found it stupid that the main characters who you are supposed to like and feel bad for because of the knock on effect of what happened in the previous game are just pushed aside for a character that really did not need any more exposure since really, PoR wrapped up his story in a perfectly fine way.

Now I am not saying RD's story is worse then FEA or Fartes, I mean some of the characters from RD are my favorite like Pelleas and Nolan, but RD could have really done something special but they didn't and that is why it is my least favourite.

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Fates is the worst story by far. It used to be FE7 because of all the terribly written nonsense going on as well as having the least efficient villains in any game ever (mild exaggeration, but how many cases of "mwhaha I could kill you now but I won't" do we see throughout the story?), but Fates just takes it to a whole new level. [spoiler=vague, unspecific spoilers; list of adjectives] the entire conflict is just smoke and mirrors, the villains are moustache twirlers, and the narrative relies on deus ex machina, plot conveniences and plot devices to even move forward. I could go on all day, but I want to keep it vague as to not ruin it for anyone.

Sadly, I haven't played through the non-localized games, but I've heard the fourth and fifth installments have the best stories. With that said, my vote will go to Awakening for being the story that sucks the least. Even with a lot of problems, it's still a more tolerable read for me than the other localized games.

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I'm not gonna write a whole essay about it, but...

Ya I went way overboard, no one should fell the need to type that much lol... btw I didn't actually type any (expect like two sentences) of the my post about fire emblem 7 it is just a Frankenstein's Monster of other posts I already made.

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My favorite story is Tellius. Not just FE9 or FE10, but both because i consider them two parts of the same whole. Its a story where we see a great deal of characters pulling a great deal of strings. A hero rises, but he cannot continue his path alone. The real threat is what the world least expected, themselves. Its actually a rather cynical story when you really look at it. One person saw everything and became so jaded and self destructive, he set everything in motion.

Its lovely. Even if some of the execution in Radiant Dawn was a bit subpar, the overall tale here is just great.

Worst? What is even Awakening's story? It almost feels like a John Cena meme half the time. I just dont even...what is really going on here? Oh i remember why it feels like that. Because nothing is ever freaking expounded on. In fact, our villains have no real motive. Its terrible. Why is Grima even being resurrected? Why is Validar such an evil? Why is Walhart really trying to conquer junk? What is it exactly that Gangrel has against Ylisse, other than "Chrom's Dad Was A Dick"?

We are never told. :/

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Favorite is Sacred Stones because it has a great cast, the best villains, an effective use of the route split, and a great atmosphere. Thracia comes pretty close though since it's better at integrating story into the gameplay mechanics and has a great "war is hell" motif to its atmosphere.

Worst is Awakening because it fails at every aspect of storytelling, from the characters, to the pacing, to the pathos, and to the humor. It's clearly three different plots stapled together clumsily so it feels like you're wandering around doing stupid shit for no real reason.

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My favorite story is Tellius. Not just FE9 or FE10, but both because i consider them two parts of the same whole. Its a story where we see a great deal of characters pulling a great deal of strings. A hero rises, but he cannot continue his path alone. The real threat is what the world least expected, themselves. Its actually a rather cynical story when you really look at it. One person saw everything and became so jaded and self destructive, he set everything in motion.

Its lovely. Even if some of the execution in Radiant Dawn was a bit subpar, the overall tale here is just great.

Worst? What is even Awakening's story? It almost feels like a John Cena meme half the time. I just dont even...what is really going on here? Oh i remember why it feels like that. Because nothing is ever freaking expounded on. In fact, our villains have no real motive. Its terrible. Why is Grima even being resurrected? Why is Validar such an evil? Why is Walhart really trying to conquer junk? What is it exactly that Gangrel has against Ylisse, other than "Chrom's Dad Was A Dick"?

We are never told. :/

just kind of curious

why "John Cena meme" of all things

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Thracia 776 effectively conveys the desperation of Leaf and his allies through clever new mechanical additions (resource management, stamina management) and a set of scenarios that has the son of Cuan repeatedly running from place to place just out of reach of the empire. I probably have a bit more fun playing Binding Blade, but the story for Thracia is just really well done. August and Dorias are great characters.

Awakening has the worst story on account of a generational system that exists seemingly for its own sake, among other things. The use of time travel was profoundly disappointing, and neatly dodges the issue of having to deal with having any characters over the age of 25.

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just kind of curious

why "John Cena meme" of all things

lmao, first nonsensical meme that popped in my head. Because John Cena becoming a meme makes as about the same amount of sense as Awakening's story.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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There's more development throughout John Cena's theme. #ohhhhh

I don't generally like Fire Emblem stories, but the one I enjoyed the most was Path of Radiance.

Least favourite is FE6. Probably 10 and then Awakening after that. Somehow being bland as all hell while still trying to be essentially a FE1 remake, FE6 is less appealing to me. At least FE1 and 2 had excuses for being NES games. The people on screen are pretty much 90% limited to Roy and Merlinus and you think that would somehow mean that Roy was able to get some decent character development in, but yawn. RIP FE6's characters. I can't even begin to care about the plot, which also isn't anything really to write home about, if I don't even care about the characters. Zeed is the best character and he's only in the manga ripperinos.

Just a bland and forgettable cast with very little redeeming plot points as the game just goes through the motions.

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My favorite story is Tellius. Not just FE9 or FE10, but both because i consider them two parts of the same whole. Its a story where we see a great deal of characters pulling a great deal of strings. A hero rises, but he cannot continue his path alone. The real threat is what the world least expected, themselves. Its actually a rather cynical story when you really look at it. One person saw everything and became so jaded and self destructive, he set everything in motion.

Its lovely. Even if some of the execution in Radiant Dawn was a bit subpar, the overall tale here is just great.

Worst? What is even Awakening's story? It almost feels like a John Cena meme half the time. I just dont even...what is really going on here? Oh i remember why it feels like that. Because nothing is ever freaking expounded on. In fact, our villains have no real motive. Its terrible. Why is Grima even being resurrected? Why is Validar such an evil? Why is Walhart really trying to conquer junk? What is it exactly that Gangrel has against Ylisse, other than "Chrom's Dad Was A Dick"?

We are never told. :/

Agree with everything here.

PoR just has a very nicely written story. It's fairly "safe" but it does some interesting things with its characters and themes. The world is extremely developed and the characters are all memorable. RD has a few problems in parts 3 and 4, but for me they were never enough to ruin the whole plot, especially when considered together with PoR. I guess I like it for how ambitious it is, even if it doesn't fully live up to its potential. I still think it's a great story.

Awakening started off decently, but after a while you start to realize that nothing makes sense and the writers don't even care.

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There's more development throughout John Cena's theme. #ohhhhh



I do agree that FE6 resembles a paper bag in its story. Like, the only reason im mildly fond of it, is because its Elibe. I like Elibe as a world. And Bartre.

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Elibe is 'aight by me. It's kinda like EurAsia (in fact names like Caldonia and Fibernia for the Western Isles are direct references to Caledonia and Hibernia, Roman names for Scotland and Ireland. Pretty sure there are other references to at least Eastern European civilizations so they probably just nabbed them). And Nabata is Africa turned on its side. See, it totally works. The actual world building for it is decent, I just am thoroughly bored by the story and characters in FE6.

I don't think I even ever got Bartre in FE6, so I haven't even really seen him aside from his bamf moustache. Because then you're not getting Echidna, who while boring, is at least fun for her design and the novelty female hero then. And you're also getting the bad Gonzales. Poor Bartre.

I think I could say that I like Gonzales though, probably due to favoritism.

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I think the best might be FE5. Sure it had a few loose ends and didn't answer everything, but it's very well written and it really immerses you into its narrative, as you really feel for Leif as he struggles to get back home and take back his kingdom.

People can say what they want about FE13, but nothing in that game beats the atrocity that is FE10 Parts 3 through Endgame. Horrible plot device and terrible dialogue, and the localization even loses points for cutting huge chunks of scripts. FE13's plot is pretty cliché and safe, but it didn't offend me nearly as much as FE10 did.

Honorable mention to FE12 for basically taking FE3's plot and shitting all over it.

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Honorable mention to FE12 for basically taking FE3's plot and shitting all over it.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Favorite: fe3 It's a bit small, but with what it has, it's pretty damn amazing. Even though only a few characters even get any development, the few characters that actually do like Nyna, Minerva, Hardin, Marth etc. just blow my mind with how deep they can be at times. Especially for an snes game.

Least favorite: fe6 since it's more or less just a copy and past of fe1.

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