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Zera's Pikmin Poll



10 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Pikmin games have you played?

  2. 2. Which is your favorite?

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@Fire Emblem Fan - I get the strong impression that you didn't see my review of Metroid: Other M. ; ] It supports all the points I made here, so I recommend you read it.

Well maybe if you bothered to read your own review, you'll see I actually commented on it.

...it's almost as if you can't just immediately dismiss all of Other M's flaws without thinking!

Excuse me? Way to be an insulting dick.

I never said Other M didn't have flaws, but your points are all subjective bullcrap that do nothing to say one game is "more/less Metroid" than the other. Your review doesn't "support" anything other than your own HIGHLY subjective opinions about the HIGHLY subjective topics. I'm done, not gonna debate with someone who's just going to insult me to my face.

As for the new poll, Varia for aesthetics.

Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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Zera's Analysis of Movement Controls... and Movement in Metroid

The first popular movement control for home console action games was the d-pad (directional pad), which consists of four buttons covered by a cross shaped plastic cover. By pressing these individual buttons, orthogonal (horizontal and vertical) input is easy and precise. Most d-pads also allow for diagonal input - HOWEVER, this requires pressing two buttons at once, which is inherently more difficult than pressing a single button. This is made even less intuitive by the lack of radial symmetry in the d-pad. In other words, all directions are NOT equal. To fix this issue, the control stick was invented. Control sticks boast three powerful advantages over d-pads -

1. A control stick can accommodate almost any number of unique directional inputs, but all of them are equally easy to perform. This makes the control stick the input of choice for any game with free multi-directional movement, which is 99% of fully 3D games, and 2D games that regularly use diagonal inputs.

2. It is easier to create a smooth, continuous transition of inputs due to the radial symmetry of the stick. This is extremely important for games like NiGHTS Into Dreams. Even when limited to 8-directional movement, it is still easier to move in a circle with a control stick due to radial symmetry. This enables smoother control overall.

3. Control sticks allow for various levels of input in the same direction, known as analog input. This is often used to prevent choppy ("on and off") movement in 3D and 2D games. This enables smoother movement overall.

However, d-pads have one advantage over control sticks and that is the ability to rapidly switch between distinct inputs. It is quicker to rapidly alternate between left and right on a d-pad than it is to alternate the maximum left and right inputs on a control stick.

D-pads excel at orthogonal input, but make diagonal input more difficult. They have limited directions, but can rapidly and precisely switch between them.

Control sticks make any number of directions consistent to input, and make transitioning between them smoother. They also allow analog input.

D-pads improve the precision of games that use orthogonal input. They also work great for 8-directional games, but only if diagonal inputs are uncommon.

Control sticks improve the smoothness of games where diagonal inputs are as common as orthogonal inputs, and ensures that all directions are inputted exactly the same.

With all this information in mind, let's apply it to Metroid!

Metroid, Metroid II - These games were both programmed for orthogonal input, so the d-pad they were intended for works best.

Super, Fusion, Zero Mission - These games use diagonal input to aim diagonally, but it's even easier to use the shoulder buttons, so they are essentially orthogonal. These games play fine with a control stick, but slightly better with a d-pad.

Prime 1, 2, and 3 - These games are fully 3D, and naturally use a control stick for smooth, precise movement. They would definitely play worse with a d-pad.

Other M - Other M breaks the status quo by using a d-pad in a 3D game. Thankfully, Project M was smart enough to make all the hallways horizontal or vertical, making the most use of orthogonal movement. However, there ARE times when an enemy or jump will require or encourage you to move diagonal, or worse, semi-diagonal, and this is where it becomes harder to move in the desired direction and the control starts to feel clunky. Likewise, if you want to avoid an enemy by running in a circle, this is also easier to perform with a control stick. By excluding the nunchuck and it's control stick, Other M reduced the versatility and smoothness of its movement.

So the big question is... What did Other M gain in return? Fire Emblem Fan, I want to know how using a d-pad over a control stick improves the gameplay design of Other M. If you can't give me a good answer, then I must objectively conclude that Other M has the worst movement controls of the Metroid series, as no other game has a problem like this. And since basic movement easily accounts for 50% of inputs, it would not be a stretch to say it has the worst controls period, even excluding other concessions like the inability to fire missiles in third-person and the limitations of first-person mode.

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I'm done, not gonna debate with someone who's just going to insult me to my face.

this plus tl;dr

i mean that's dangerously close to leaving the tangent territory and heading into the tirade territory

you aren't going to change any minds with your "objective" views

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FE Fan, I simply want you to prove that Other M doesn't have worse controls. Just show me that the control sacrifices of using a d-pad in a 3D environment were compensated in a substantial way. Or admit that your "opinion" is even more "subjective" than mine. After all, it would take a lot of bias to write a post like this...

"No new powerups or abilities of any significance"

Not every Metroid has those, either. You can't single out Other M.

...and not even give an example.

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...it's almost as if you can't just immediately dismiss all of Other M's flaws without thinking!

There, I fixed it. I'm sure you thought long and hard about why people don't like Other M and why they're wrong. Unfortunately, you never showed your thought process, which is... kinda vital for a controversial subject like Other M. Now please answer the question I gave you, so I don't have to view you as a biased Other M fanboy. Do it for Samus or something!

Also, I thought this was funny...

Edited by Zera
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of note, i won't be checking this thread for approximately eleven hours so you have plenty of opportunity to continue misbehaving, but more misbehaving will make it worse when i get home.

just a thing to bear in mind!

and a threat.

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My favorite suit is the Gravity Suit. It has the design of the Varia Suit, but it's also purple, which is awesome. It's also extremely useful for underwater areas.


In Other M the design was changed because apparently it was "strange" to have Samus wear purple during a serious cutscene.

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zera critical acclaim sucks kappa

of note, i won't be checking this thread for approximately eleven hours so you have plenty of opportunity to continue misbehaving, but more misbehaving will make it worse when i get home.
just a thing to bear in mind!
and a threat.

no posts in those 11 hours lol


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I've pretty much played all of those series except the bottom four. However, I'm willing to give either one of them a shot. I've never been able to get into Animal Crossing, though. I've never been too into farming games.

EDIT: Haven't played Advance Wars, either, but I want to!

Edited by Power Master
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