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Uglyest animations


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So, a recent excange of opinions in the Fan Project section made me realize that someone likes GBA druids.

What are the worst animations for you?

I despise the aforementioned GBA druids, the GBA berserkers and fighters and the SNES pirates, fighters, hunters and warriors.

A special mention goes to Vaike's tiny chest as a berserker in Awakening.

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I don't like how they "use" Ragnel and Amatsu in Awakening. They just throw the sword at the enemy! In PoR (and I believe RD, too) Ragnel had a ranged Wind Attack, which would be useful in Awakening against flying units. I'm not sure what to think of Amatsu, though...

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I agree with this. The animations in general looked ugly.

Dishonourable mention to FE8 Great Knight animations (their crit animation in particular reeks of sloppy and lazy, too), as well as Pupil's (ditto for their crit).

I don't like how they "use" Ragnel and Amatsu in Awakening. They just throw the sword at the enemy! In PoR (and I believe RD, too) Ragnel had a ranged Wind Attack, which would be useful in Awakening against flying units. I'm not sure what to think of Amatsu, though...

Personally, I thought it was hilarious that they threw them as though they were darts.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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I sometimes wonder what were they thinking when they thought the animations and style for the DS sprites looked good. One of the reasons why I found Shadow Dragon off putting was that it was so ugly.

At least the SNES game, while some sprites look wonky (like anybody on a horse), have awesome spell animations, pretty backgrounds, very nice maps and mugs that I personally like.

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most of the awakening animations are really boring and/or ugly

also the path of radiance animation for falcon knights using swords is really silly looking

it's just the fe4 one in 3d, which is not a very good idea

edit: oh yeah shadow dragon's are bad too but I thought that goes without saying

i do, however, really like the animations for tomes

elfire and aura in particular look really great

Edited by maybe
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i like the goofy look on the druids lol. i dont know what op's problem is with the gba female druids though

Actually it's just generic male druids, Sophia is cool.

As for FE11, the animations weren't good, but I would have been ok with them if all the sprites changed color instead of only the hairs changing.

Oh, and Amatsu/Ragnel in Awakening are super cool for me, that's how you actually throw a sword.

[spoiler=throwing a sword]

Edited by Enaluxeme
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I am not a big fan of the animations from any of the 3d games. FEA's were boring, PoR and RD's were really slow (Especially Armored units or any of the S/SS rank spells).

The DS games were just ugly and the animations didn't help.

I mostly like all the GBA animations but the Fighter's urks me with how he stays floating in the air for bit and I don't really like Mercs, especially in FE6.

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I love the GBA druids (They look like owl wizards of terror)

If I had any I hated... Mercenary's and Heroes. Those spinning jumps man. It was so silly. Brigands also but their crit made up for it(WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH)

Sword throwing of Ragnell was disappointing... It HAD a ranged attack dammit.

ANY of the Characters from Awakening's DLC. Those stupid looking recolors of MU...
I mean, honestly I didnt mind the spotpass one. I get it. There is waaaay too many to make models for.

BUT the ones I paid for? The ones you gave custom badass portraits!? Lyn, Roy, and etc got the shaft.
And I'm still mad. t('n't)

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The Fighters and Bandits in Path of Radiance. Those look really clunky, even by the standards of PoR. Also, I'm not a fan of the Tiger/Cat attack animation. I think having such a fancy backstab animation is kinda silly if you use them for regular attacks. Also, Ranger Ike's idle stance is awful. And a honourable mention goes to every single throwing axe animation were the axe returns into the hands of it's wielder like it was a freaking boomerang.

As for that whole sword throwing thing in Awakening, I bet they simply recycled the animations that they use for ranged lances.

Edited by BrightBow
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I haven't played Awakening but if its animation is supposed to be similar to PoR, then I probably won't enjoy it fully as well, PoR was a good game but like some people said there was always something off with the 3d animation with the post GBA titles and PoR knights were so damn slow that i'd just enjoy it more putting battle animation off.

FE11 and FE12 well i didnt like the clay face mugs thats the first thing but man some of the animations were also just pretty bad here in general (but I did like FE12's swordmaster crit animation with the crazy side flip slash thing).

I guess if I had to pick, then I'd have to say the GBA fighters because I think some fighters who had better skill like Dorcas i wouldn't have pegged them to attack THAT recklessly.

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Gonna have to jump on the 3D animation bandwagon, my least favorite specific animation being Aether in all of its incarnations- Awakening's for being boring and Tellius's for looking dumb. The DS animations aren't very good either, but I find them much more tolerable. If I'm being honest, I only like the SNES games' and Gaiden's animations.

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The GBA Fighter and Lyn have dumb animations, imo. The GBA Fighter for reasons already explained and Lyn because why does she keep sheathing her sword? I don't care if this is an actual style of swordplay or not, it's stupid. Why would you sheath and then unsheath your weapon so often? If you're in a battle, it makes more sense to keep it unsheathed so you're not spending extra time sheathing it and then unsheathing it. Every second matters when you're fighting.

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Also, Ike's animations. He looks super dumb, especially in RD where it looks like he's bouncing from the tip of his sword hitting the ground.

The Laguz animations. The wolves just look like they're tickling you when they get their special crits, and the cats balling up is silly.

The Assassins animations in Awakening, I don't like their stance or attack. Same for Fighters and Barbarians. Stop bouncing around!

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Also, Ike's animations. He looks super dumb, especially in RD where it looks like he's bouncing from the tip of his sword hitting the ground.

Did you say this simply because I mentioned Lyn two posts above?

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