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Weapons you would like to see in Fire Emblem


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What are some weapons you would like to see appear in Fire Emblem? With this new "update" to the weapon triangle that is in Fates, I can see potential for the addition of new weapon types, and am curious as to what people would like to see as a new weapon.

I know I would like to see flails as a weapon. It just has a real medieval feel to the weapon, and could make some really interesting attack animations. Something like a Knight using a flail just seems right in my opinion. Though I don't see much of any other class using them other than maybe War Monk or Cleric.

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Shields (that you can actually use as a "weapon") so when you have it eqquiped it would halve damage or a certain shield would give 1/2 the damage taken and when you attack it would kinda work like fire emblem 10's(right?) shove thingy.

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Shields (that you can actually use as a "weapon") so when you have it eqquiped it would halve damage or a certain shield would give 1/2 the damage taken and when you attack it would kinda work like fire emblem 10's(right?) shove thingy.

I can see a dual wielding mechanic working with that, allowing characters to equip two weapons, within reason. It would allow shields to become a full equipment type, which could be really interesting, and also allow for dual wielding of something like daggers or swords.

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I want Crossbows and mobile Balliastae to return.

I also think that a Taming class may be useful, with a triangle for something like Dogs (wolves, coyotes, hounds) > Cats (Tigers, Ocelots, Bobcats) > Birds (Hawla, Falcons, Eagles). My thought on this is that the animal is the unit, and the player is the "carrier", kinda like how with any other mount, the horse/wyvern/horsebird is the carrier. Attack range could simply be striking/charging distance, so perhaps a faster bird or cat could dive/pounce in quickly and reach two range quickly enough.

Different from laguz is the lack of a transformation stome, but either keeping the static claw/talon/whatever or modifying it with a tempered plate of poison tipped. Idk

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Shields (that you can actually use as a "weapon") so when you have it eqquiped it would halve damage or a certain shield would give 1/2 the damage taken and when you attack it would kinda work like fire emblem 10's(right?) shove thingy.

In general I'd like to have a command called guard like it exists in many other RPGs.

In enemy phase you could be asked, if you want to counterattack or to guard.

You aren't able to counterattack, but if it's activated, the evasion is higher and the taken damage is reduced.

The percent rate should relate to the total of damage and not to the defense / resistance of the guarding unit, because it wouldn't help much fragile units.

I want to see

  • magic bows
  • moving and stationary ballistas
  • crossbows
  • and lots of staves (flame stave, blind stave etc.)

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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I'd only really care about ballistae when it comes to weapon types, FE11 Jake+Beck are pretty fun to use. Non-standard effects (such as having WTA against certain weapons or magic types) can just be given to weapons of the basic weapon types anyway and I'm not a fan of making things more convoluted when it isn't needed.

Though if PCC were to make its return eventually, I'd like to see master weapons that give +2 PCC when the user equips it.

Edited by Gradivus.
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1. "Devil" weapon that causes you to take recoil equal to a large chunk of the damage done, like at least half.

2. Ballistas that deal flying effective damage and pierce the Iote's Shield's effect.

3. Not a weapon, but 1-use Silver and Member Cards. Both need to be sold (for 0 gold) before you can buy anything.

4. Another not-weapon, but different Boots types for different class types, and as accessories rather than statboosters.

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Guns or muskets, whatever fits in with whatever era they protray. Though i may be asking to mcuh since I doubt we will ever get an FE game that adavnced in terms of time period.

I would like Knives/Daggers to return along with Crossbows.

Oh and whips. A tamer class would be cool.

Finally attack staves that do damage.

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I want Crossbows and mobile Balliastae to return.


Guns or muskets, whatever fits in with whatever era they protray. Though i may be asking to mcuh since I doubt we will ever get an FE game that adavnced in terms of time period

Considering they actually considered making a Fire Emblem on Mars, I wouldn't say never in that department.

As for me, it'd be a bit odd and not altogether practical but I'd like to see a tome that can deal physical damage. We have physical weapons that can deal magic damage so the inverse should b true. Overall I'd like to see less of a divide between the physical and magical elements. So weapons that use the strength but target res and vice versa. We've seen a bit of this throughout the years but not an awful lot, to the extent the gameboy games were able to outright abolish the distinction when it came to offensive stats.

I think the idea of hybrid weapons might be interesting too. Like an axe-sword that has all the benefits and disadvantages of both. So it has weapon triangle disadvantage against other sword but neutral against lances and advantage against other axes. And you'd need a weapon rank in both Swords and Axes to use it.

Edited by Jotari
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I like the idea of firearms. One thing that people tend to forget was that there were a few hundred years where gunpowder weapons existed but were only a decent choice compaired to other weapons (primaraly due to being horably inacurate).

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Halberds. I think it would be neat if more weapons enabled skills, such as a weapon having more reach which lets you always attack first during EP.

Shields that prevent a certain percent of the damage a unit would have taken and/or increase evasion. To offset them, you could reduce the character's speed, increase their doubling threshold or give them an additional 'Armored' weakness.

Crossbows which would bypass defense but do set damage.

Magic weapons that have their damage calculated by the user's higher attack stat (magic or strength). I feel like magic weapons in their current state are useless for most classes (or redundant with that class' Tome availability)

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I like the fire arms idea. It could be done with a limited use system. just have it have durability even if there is no durability because it would require ammunition and gunpowder. The idea of a conflict between a kingdom of Technology and a Kingdom of Magic would make for an interesting game.


Considering they actually considered making a Fire Emblem on Mars, I wouldn't say never in that department.

As for me, it'd be a bit odd and not altogether practical but I'd like to see a tome that can deal physical damage. We have physical weapons that can deal magic damage so the inverse should b true. Overall I'd like to see less of a divide between the physical and magical elements. So weapons that use the strength but target res and vice versa. We've seen a bit of this throughout the years but not an awful lot, to the extent the gameboy games were able to outright abolish the distinction when it came to offensive stats.

I think the idea of hybrid weapons might be interesting too. Like an axe-sword that has all the benefits and disadvantages of both. So it has weapon triangle disadvantage against other sword but neutral against lances and advantage against other axes. And you'd need a weapon rank in both Swords and Axes to use it.

Well for the sword and axe idea the weapon could be a Greatsword. It would be a larger sword that requires more strength, thus the Axe skill needed, but the finesse of a sword, thus the sword skill. Axe and lance would be a Halberd, since that is literally what a halberd is. The sword and lance would likely be a glaive like weapon, which would be more of a slashing polearm than a piercing one.

I would also like to see Crossbows return, but with more variety and usefulness. Make them have a longer range than bows, and have its own unique version of the archer class that uses it.

Edited by Tolvir
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I like the fire arms idea. It could be done with a limited use system. just have it have durability even if there is no durability because it would require ammunition and gunpowder. The idea of a conflict between a kingdom of Technology and a Kingdom of Magic would make for an interesting game.

Well for the sword and axe idea the weapon could be a Greatsword. It would be a larger sword that requires more strength, thus the Axe skill needed, but the finesse of a sword, thus the sword skill. Axe and lance would be a Halberd, since that is literally what a halberd is. The sword and lance would likely be a glaive like weapon, which would be more of a slashing polearm than a piercing one.

I would also like to see Crossbows return, but with more variety and usefulness. Make them have a longer range than bows, and have its own unique version of the archer class that uses it.

I was actually thinking we could just have literal axe swords like Berserker in Fate/Stay Night or Lexaeus in Kingdom Hearts. A great sword might function pretty similar to an axe and real axe swords aren't practical but when it comes to something like this the aesthetic is almost more important than the realism. Plus we already have the heavier Steel/Silver Blade weapons which I always viewed as Great Swords. As for Crossbows I think the current niche they have works fine. They can attack near and far unlike bows and don't take into account strength. Though to prevent them becoming steadily obsolete and have something so they scale with the game I would make it so their weapon rank increases the damage output. A Crossbow unique class could be the Arbalist.

Also while it's in mind I'd like to see the Short Bow be a 1-2 range weapon. Every other weapon type has at least one weapon that can attack near and far, bows should be no different. Even if its a relatively weak weapon it would drastically improve Archer's enemy phase.

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I was actually thinking we could just have literal axe swords like Berserker in Fate/Stay Night or Lexaeus in Kingdom Hearts. A great sword might function pretty similar to an axe and real axe swords aren't practical but when it comes to something like this the aesthetic is almost more important than the realism. Plus we already have the heavier Steel/Silver Blade weapons which I always viewed as Great Swords. As for Crossbows I think the current niche they have works fine. They can attack near and far unlike bows and don't take into account strength. Though to prevent them becoming steadily obsolete and have something so they scale with the game I would make it so their weapon rank increases the damage output. A Crossbow unique class could be the Arbalist.

Also while it's in mind I'd like to see the Short Bow be a 1-2 range weapon. Every other weapon type has at least one weapon that can attack near and far, bows should be no different. Even if its a relatively weak weapon it would drastically improve Archer's enemy phase.

Ok, looked up Berserker in Fate/Stay since I am unfamiliar with what you meant. So you mean some kind of odd...Meat Cleaver like weapon is the only way I can put it. That would be an interesting looking weapon, and Fire Emblem isn't known for practical looking weapons so it isn't entirely out of place here.

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Firearms, just Firearms

I don't care how wrong it sounds, but the more firepower I have access to in a game, the more comfortable I feel, and I usually have more fun.

Heck, Hyrule Warriors Legends gave Tetra guns, why can't FE characters get them.

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Firearms, just Firearms

I don't care how wrong it sounds, but the more firepower I have access to in a game, the more comfortable I feel, and I usually have more fun.

Heck, Hyrule Warriors Legends gave Tetra guns, why can't FE characters get them.

Funnily enough, Zelda is a series were aside from the Sword and Shield, the most recurring weapon is hand held explosives (and the second most recurring is a distinctly non European weapon, the boomerang).

Edited by Jotari
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Personally? NO NO NO NO NO.

They should go back to sword-axe-lance. I'm ok with knives outside of the weapon triangle, but adding more weapon types and adding shields and dual-wielding as suggested above would make it change so much it wouldn't be fire emblem any more.

If they really wanted to add those things, they should make a spin-off series.

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Personally? NO NO NO NO NO.

They should go back to sword-axe-lance. I'm ok with knives outside of the weapon triangle, but adding more weapon types and adding shields and dual-wielding as suggested above would make it change so much it wouldn't be fire emblem any more.

If they really wanted to add those things, they should make a spin-off series.

In fact, they SHOULD make a new game. A spin-off like a FFTactics kinda thing!(or of the sort)

I also like things the way they were (sword>axe>lance) but the world is as it is. Oh well.

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throwing sand and staffs that put a "fear" status on a unit.

This reminds me on my idea with the "blind" stave.

It could work that the hitrate of the opponent is reduced by 50% for five turns.

More stave ideas

  • Flame stave: Opponents suffer burnings for five turns. In the beginning of each turn it loses 10 HP.
  • Switch stave: Switching the position with an ally.
  • Vegetation stave: Special tiles appear: desert (reduced movement for everyone except fliers), thickets (reduced movement and evasion and defend boost), snow (reduced movement for everyone), volcano tiles (losing 10 HP in the beginning of a turn while standing on them), water (not crossable except for fliers and pirates), peaks (reduced movement for everyone except fliers and high defend and evasion boost)
  • Bann stave: Opponent can be banned to a certain spot (not usuable against bosses).
  • Fast stave: An ally can get increased movement (+3). It loses one movement after each turn till the effect ends after three turns.
  • Stone stave: Opponent is stoned until someone restores him (same consequences like stone condition in FE8).
  • Staves, which reduce certain stats (Weak stave: which lowers the opponent's strength / magic), (Slow stave: which halves the opponent's speed)
Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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