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SF Skype Group Thing


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Haven't actually joined a SF Skype Chat

Is it possible that I can join?

Of course, we always welcome new faces. I'll send you the link for the group so that you can consider it.

I'd love to join! Sounds like fun actually. I'll join later this evening when I return home from work.

Sure, I will send you a link for the group. Welcome aboard.

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In a group chat:

  1. Be an Admin of some kind
  2. Type /set options +JOINING_ENABLED
  3. Type /get uri
  4. Distribute url to people

Result will look something like this.

Edited by Elieson
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you can link skype groups???

i didn't know this

how does that even work

If you are the leader of the group you can set link sharing and it creates a link to the chat

Edit: elie is a ninja

Edited by Knight of Argentum
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This. Why can't we have just one? :/

This is why I've refused to join any other than the single group I'm currently in.

Not directed at just you, but there are good reasons why we shouldn't have just one, as other people have stated. But there's another pretty good reason. Some of us use our real names or have other personal details on our Skypes. And I wouldn't trust the majority of people on SF with any of my personal details -- other than the ones I already am in Skype with.

Edited by Sunwoo
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The chat room on Serenes works too..

Technically it doesn't, currently! We're still in dialogue with the IPStaff and things are looking a little brighter, though. Once we upgrade the forums some time before June, the IP Chat will be getting an overhaul that will add a fair few features too.

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The real reason why there isn't an all-inclusive skype call for SF is because not enough people in the community would get along with each other, resulting in those that don't feel welcome there making their own separate calls.

Also it's easier to talk about other SF users behind their backs with known circles rather than more public calls :)

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You have the rest of your lives to join, act now or face erasure

Can't fight that logic.

I was wondering if I should, being kinda new to the site, but oh well.

I'm TotallyNotDiego :P

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The chat room on Serenes works too..

I barely use the chat room anymore (might change this summer, anyways) I wouldn't mind joining a group ;~;

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Normally, this is where the thread gets locked, and the person respond for the necro gets warned. But this one's gonna be a bit different.

Because TC specifically said NOT to post in the thread, EVERYONE that posted after the necro limit and before this post is getting warned. It's pretty rude to waltz into a group, and not pay attention to what the guy running it says.

EDIT: And TC is a really cool guy, listen to him.

Edited by eclipse
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