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Little irks


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Yeah, I'm really not crazy about Pieri's design. The two-toned pigtails, the bangs, the bow and... neck thing? It's sensory overload.

But man, I could go on forever about my grievances with the armor and character design aspects of this game. They're not so much "little irks" as they are things I could write an entire manifesto about.

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Yeah, I'm really not crazy about Pieri's design. The two-toned pigtails, the bangs, the bow and... neck thing? It's sensory overload.

But man, I could go on forever about my grievances with the armor and character design aspects of this game. They're not so much "little irks" as they are things I could write an entire manifesto about.

Yeah the armor and designs, bleh. Also lots of copy and paste from Nyx's designs makes my eye twitch, did they just run out of ideas? I already don't like half of the cast due to bad designs!

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One of my little irks is that i'm not really fond about the way gender determines stuff in the game. I'm not very fond of Felicial, but i'm stuck with her from early game simply because I'm picking the male Corin. Thats a bit bit annoying, but I think its worse that you can't pick the gender of the avatar's child. I don't see any reason why you should't be able to have a mom and daughter or father and son team.

The female cavalry design is also something that I consider to be awfull looking.

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Yeah, I'm really not crazy about Pieri's design. The two-toned pigtails, the bangs, the bow and... neck thing? It's sensory overload.

But man, I could go on forever about my grievances with the armor and character design aspects of this game. They're not so much "little irks" as they are things I could write an entire manifesto about.

Same, it's nice to see someone else with this level of passion in character design!

One thing in both awakening and fates is that character designs are designed based on class designs, which would be okay if each character gets a lot of liberties taken from the base design but

Most of them really don't

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Dude, not even the manliest of men have the slightest bit of facial hair in this game, not even Arthur, or Xander or Elise.

my top reading skills must be tricking me

Anyway, I am bothered by the simplification of names in the western release. It's such a silly irk, but whatever, I feel like it makes some names look dumber. Hoshido's characters suffer the most from this (Kazahana, Tsukaze and others that I've forgotten right now), but I particularly dislike Xander and Leo being used as names when they're clearly diminutives. If Marx was too foreign and eccentric, then why not use Alexander instead? It makes no sense.

I actually like Peri's two-toned hair color simply because it's unique. I almost wish it changed color at will, like magic.

I'd like her hair more if she didn't style it after a dust cleaner. This is pretty much my only isssue with her design, since I don't pay much attention to details.

Edited by Rapier
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One thing in both awakening and fates is that character designs are designed based on class designs, which would be okay if each character gets a lot of liberties taken from the base design but

Most of them really don't

I don't get it, in every game since Binding Blade, the character designs are based on their classes, doesn't seem really different to me between now and then. I'll even say that they now have more "personal" stuff going on with their outfits.

Edited by Tharne
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I don't get it, in every game since Binding Blade, the character designs are based on their classes, doesn't seem really different to me between now and then. I'll even say that they now have more "personal" stuff going on with their outfits.

It becomes a lot more obvious given the level of detail on these outfits. While I do agree that class-based designs have been around, due to the simplicity, the same amount of customization on a much simpler outfit gives a lot more feel for customization than one that is highly detailed. Compare Joshua and Marisa to Hinata and Hana, for example.

Mind, I actually do like the more complex direction so it's not an older designs masterrace thing, but I wish the level of customization proportional to the degree of complexity had been maintained.

inb4 but it's 70 designs you can't do 70 unique designs that easily uh yes I can I've done it

Edited by Thor Odinson
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But even without saying "I did it too", Radiant Dawn had tons on characters, and many cavaliers and paladins, yet their designs are all unique and have different details. Kieran has a different armor from Oscar or Geoffrey, for example. HECK, Radiant Dawn had different outfits for all the different promotions, at least for the Sages. There is an in-series example, so to say.

I too have problems with this game's character and class designs, but I don't want to say they are little irks such as the weapon icons (although I did say it's where they truly fucked up, and I still think that: it's an overlook that screws up gameplay a bit).

I'd say that, for me, they are actual problems that remove part of my enjoyement in the art direction. And before someone says it, it's not the fanservice.

Edited by CrimeanRoyalKnight
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Oh god, I just read that Matoi's localized name is Caledori. If they're so desperate to maintain the anagram thing, why not Riceload? Sky's the limit when you don't give a shit! I'd prefer they trash the anagram concept entirely and just keep a consistent atmosphere. I'm not a fan of the mixed bag of names in Hoshido.

Also Laslow sounds really freaking dumb. And while I'm at it, I'm sad they changed Eponine to Nina. Eponine is such a pretty name.

Edited by Sixsmith
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I think this is a big irk for me but i hate the fact that you cant get eponine and kanna or kanna when you marry the kamui to niles as a male or to rhajat as a female

Like was it that hard in a world where dragons exist, children from the future can come to the present or children from other realms, or heroes of the past can all be present. The two lgbt couple cant have children

There are a million ways how this could have fitted adoption oh but you say then they wouldnt be their real children, then they could easily make up something just one example if i marry niles and Male corrin. I could just say eponine is niles child and kanna is male kamui child from another realm in which both eponine and kanna had moms but their moms left them and they were only raised by their dad so they come to this universe and are happy to see their dads have someone they love or something like that, it isnt that hard but its sucky you get no children specially since i want them all

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I think this is a big irk for me but i hate the fact that you cant get eponine and kanna or kanna when you marry the kamui to niles as a male or to rhajat as a female

Like was it that hard in a world where dragons exist, children from the future can come to the present or children from other realms, or heroes of the past can all be present. The two lgbt couple cant have children

There are a million ways how this could have fitted adoption oh but you say then they wouldnt be their real children, then they could easily make up something just one example if i marry niles and Male corrin. I could just say eponine is niles child and kanna is male kamui child from another realm in which both eponine and kanna had moms but their moms left them and they were only raised by their dad so they come to this universe and are happy to see their dads have someone they love or something like that, it isnt that hard but its sucky you get no children specially since i want them all

Agreed. Its such a disappointment I'll never get to see Niles and m!Corrin being fatherly. Niles is never marrying a girl on any of my files, so rip Nina. And considering I'll probably never marry anyone else, rip Kanna. This seriously blows.

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I've never liked Kanna; design always bugged me for some reason

Probably will never use him/her

Also, weapon icons being changed kind of irks me because it doesn't make any sense

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Oh god, I just read that Matoi's localized name is Caledori. If they're so desperate to maintain the anagram thing, why not Riceload? Sky's the limit when you don't give a shit! I'd prefer they trash the anagram concept entirely and just keep a consistent atmosphere. I'm not a fan of the mixed bag of names in Hoshido.

Also Laslow sounds really freaking dumb. And while I'm at it, I'm sad they changed Eponine to Nina. Eponine is such a pretty name.

It's actually Caeldori. But I'm totally using Riceload from now on. Best Hoshido name ever.

*Sees your sig*

Your friend is a liar. Leon is a punk bitch. That guy looks like he weighs 30 pounds soaking wet underneath that little black armor.

Edited by NekoKnight
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*Sees your sig*

Your friend is a liar. Leon is a punk bitch. That guy looks like he weighs 30 pounds soaking wet underneath that little black armor.

*discreetly pulls out tome*

Oh no, he's choking on food...

I see what you're referencing here. And it. Is. stupid!

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Agreed. Its such a disappointment I'll never get to see Niles and m!Corrin being fatherly. Niles is never marrying a girl on any of my files, so rip Nina. And considering I'll probably never marry anyone else, rip Kanna. This seriously blows.

Why not just make a separate file and have Zero marry a female unit and have the default avatar marry Azura or something? That way you can unlock those characters and supports.

That's what I'm doing at least.

Edited by Leif
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I feel like this is a good place to get this minor thing that has always irked me off my chest.

It bothers me that no matter where I look it up it says Kamui/Corrin was kidnapped as an infant when there is no way that is possible. Even the game makes it clear he wasn't kidnapped as a baby his room is full of drawings and I've never seen a baby that doodles. Mikoto also acts like Kamui should recognize her which you wouldn't expect a baby to be able to do so. Also Takumi and Sakura had to have been born before this incident happened if Sumeragi is now married to Mikoto and his previous wife is dead? Or is she just living there at this point I don't think it's really explained very well. Aqua is also kidnapped right after him and she remembers living in Nohr and Harold talks about how they met when they were children in Nohr. I know it's a really stupid complaint and the game makes it clear he was kidnapped as a child I just wish everywhere else didn't say infant.

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I feel like this is a good place to get this minor thing that has always irked me off my chest.

It bothers me that no matter where I look it up it says Kamui/Corrin was kidnapped as an infant when there is no way that is possible. Even the game makes it clear he wasn't kidnapped as a baby his room is full of drawings and I've never seen a baby that doodles. Mikoto also acts like Kamui should recognize her which you wouldn't expect a baby to be able to do so. Also Takumi and Sakura had to have been born before this incident happened if Sumeragi is now married to Mikoto and his previous wife is dead? Or is she just living there at this point I don't think it's really explained very well. Aqua is also kidnapped right after him and she remembers living in Nohr and Harold talks about how they met when they were children in Nohr. I know it's a really stupid complaint and the game makes it clear he was kidnapped as a child I just wish everywhere else didn't say infant.

It depends on which definition of infant you use. While they use it to refer to very young children, the British definition of infant when referring to age (and not development for organisations and other such things) is:

"A schoolchild between the ages of about four and eight."

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It depends on which definition of infant you use. While they use it to refer to very young children, the British definition of infant when referring to age (and not development for organisations and other such things) is:

"A schoolchild between the ages of about four and eight."

I guess that makes sense I guess I'm just used to an infant being a baby. It still bugs me that the Nintendo person in the IGN video called Corrin a baby though. Like I said it's a stupid complaint and I'll get over it.

Edited by Sarahtoga104
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I personally would like to hear IS' reasoning for not having the same sex couples have children.

I don't like the idea of surrogate mothers, but they could've easily done something like magic considering we have 10 yr olds getting impregnated. Like, seriously, wtf? Impregnating Midoriko and then putting her baby all alone in a time chamber is alright, but the thought of Rajhat making a baby through magical means (like the magic of love I don't know) is not? That's fucked up.

It doesn't bother me that much, but it's still there. Maybe I am seeing too much into it.

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I personally would like to hear IS' reasoning for not having the same sex couples have children.

I don't like the idea of surrogate mothers, but they could've easily done something like magic considering we have 10 yr olds getting impregnated. Like, seriously, wtf? Impregnating Midoriko and then putting her baby all alone in a time chamber is alright, but the thought of Rajhat making a baby through magical means (like the magic of love I don't know) is not? That's fucked up.

It doesn't bother me that much, but it's still there. Maybe I am seeing too much into it.

I doubt IS has an "agenda" on no children for gay pairings other than "homosexual couples can't reproduce". Adoption could have been an option for Eponine, at least.

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I doubt IS has an "agenda" on no children for gay pairings other than "homosexual couples can't reproduce". Adoption could have been an option for Eponine, at least.

I guess so too. Maybe it's an overlook from their part, or they added same-sex supports last moment (not unlikely IMO because I personally think it was NOA who asked them to have same-sex supports) and so it's a technical limitation or something.

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The thing that irks me with FE:Fates would have to be the art style.

Not to rag on the current artist but I much preferred the artist for FE9 and FE10, Senri Kita (I believe). I liked that practically and the realism (or as realistic as you could get) depictions of the armor. Petrine and Titania were my two favorite Paladins in FE9; their armor was functional but there was an elegance to them with how they presented themselves. Elincia, too, was very elegant in her armor. In FE10, I absolutely feel in love with the Paladin and Falcon Knight lines simply because of the character art.

Just... As much as I love Camilla, put her one some pants. I will even except leather pants; they aren't that much of a upgrade but I feel she would've looked so much more badass with leather pants. The fighter class makes me want to cry. Battle thongs!? Massive wedgies!? CHAFING!? The heavy armored units, the knights... All they need are pants.

Pants. Pants. Pants.

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