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Favorite/Least Favorite Mechanic?


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(although I'd argue Sol Katti's not really unusable since it does have reasonable crit and Lyn still doubles with it if you trained Lyn since her speed is just that high, it's not great but it can be made to work, Durandal @ Eliwood can never double unless you give him a body ring though)

Considering that it's as heavy as a steel blade and can't even claim to be stronger than a silver sword, to say nothing of being nigh useless on the final boss.... "unusable" about fits to me.

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Considering that it's as heavy as a steel blade and can't even claim to be stronger than a silver sword, to say nothing of being nigh useless on the final boss.... "unusable" about fits to me.

Actually it's uh

One of my weapon of choices on the Final boss when I don't feel like Lunabombing him bc Wolf Beil may be good but Hector's not guaranteed to double with his 35% spd growth and extra damage has to come in somewhere

I wouldn't say potentially up to 48 damage is useless per se, not great, but it's serviceable

get better at lyn

It's certainly not heavy enough to get her doubled by the final boss and that's a lot more than what Durandal can say

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Actually it's uh

One of my weapon of choices on the Final boss when I don't feel like Lunabombing him bc Wolf Beil may be good but Hector's not guaranteed to double with his 35% spd growth and extra damage has to come in somewhere

I wouldn't say potentially up to 48 damage is useless per se, not great, but it's serviceable

get better at lyn

It's certainly not heavy enough to get her doubled by the final boss and that's a lot more than what Durandal can say

Meh. It's more that for Lyn to do anything I can even remotely consider damage to the dragon, she needs a critical hit - not a good thing when I have more reliable damage options on the table...

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Meh. It's more that for Lyn to do anything I can even remotely consider damage to the dragon, she needs a critical hit - not a good thing when I have more reliable damage options on the table...

I'm not even tryna say Sol Katti's good

but it's not the same level of bad as Durandal, it's like "meh, there's better options" vs "actively detrimental to survival"

Like since when did "it's not as awful as the other thing" be the same as good ffs

The point is, at least Lyn can contribute some without dying on a run that doesn't go the "Athos wreck the dragon in 1 turn LMAO" route, while in a significant number of cases, Eliwood can't say the same. Which is while both aren't good, Sol Katti is at least something that can be made to work in more cases than Durandal.

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I don't like (Awankening) pair up as well. Anyone could have seen that making the rescue command give stats instead of taking them away was a bad idea and broken as all hell (not to mention the other benefits pair uprovides). It also encourages lowmanning by virtue of you needing less dedicated combat units to get the same job done (because they can snowball a lot faster) and because half of your team can function as pair up bots.

My favourite mechanic is the jealousy system from FE4, before the Fire Emblem support system became so plebian (not even talking strictly about the newer games but every game after FE4).

Edited by Refa
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Oh gods I forgot all about avatars.

Yeah I probably hate that more than GBA weight.

I guess my favorite mechanic is FE7 style alternate endings, now that I think about it. They aren't generic (like FE13's, ew) and there's multiple per character in many cases.

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I liked Shove too for the utility.

I just wish it was as useful as it is in Code Name Steam, where it's both useful and one of the funniest things ever. Seriously, seeing Ike flat out Ganondorf forward-tilt his allies directly in the face and send them flying is hilarious. My only regret is that the game didn't allow you to do it to the Queen of England. That would've made it the best game ever.

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I dunno, but from what I read, the children aren't as good in Fates as they were in Awakening. At the least, I wouldn't say they break the game...

I haven't played Fates yet so Idk. In Awakening, strong parents + passing Galeforce to the children breaks the game for me. Especially Morgan, Noire, Inigo and Lucina. I usually have them beat the chapters alone.

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Best: I like Shove and Canto a lot. I also like the weapon system Fates added such as the triangle and the no durability and debuffs.

Worst: Weight. The current support system (TBH, I would just like RDs with actual supports and not being able to support everyone). S rank=Marriage, let us have platonic supports for God's sake!

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Isn't that what A ranks are for?

In the older games yes, but in FEA and FEF, all hey lead to is marriage, when they could easily lead to a platonic ending easily also.

I am not against marriage, I love it but I still belive we should also have platonic ending with S supports and allow S supports be with an opposite sex character and same sex character.

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I haven't played Fates yet so Idk. In Awakening, strong parents + passing Galeforce to the children breaks the game for me. Especially Morgan, Noire, Inigo and Lucina. I usually have them beat the chapters alone.

From a maingame perspective, I wouldn't believe so, since short of Lucina, unless you went out of your way to pair people up ASAP, they'd likely come too late to integrate into a team.

Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Personally, I really like the pair up system. It made me think about my every move and who will get more benefits being near each other. I also liked how they tied it to supports, and that the more you were pair up with someone, you got to learn a bit more about that character. The marrige feature was just a nice touch, not pessary for me to enjoy the game (Except Morgan is still precious).

What I really disliked about the game had to be rotten luck you have when an enemy hits you with a low hit percent. This terrible luck has hurt my units more than I would like to admit. I also dislike the random stat growth sometimes, usually when it gives you one or two growth points.

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In the older games yes, but in FEA and FEF, all hey lead to is marriage, when they could easily lead to a platonic ending easily also.

I am not against marriage, I love it but I still belive we should also have platonic ending with S supports and allow S supports be with an opposite sex character and same sex character.

The problem is that the current support system wouldn't work with platonic endings, because you're now no longer limited in the number of supports you can make so there's nothing stopping you from having multiple strong friendships. And frankly I like the new support system (though I did enjoy the old support bonuses, and I slightly dislike how support benefits are now purely tied to adjacent and paired up units now) too much to want to give that up for platonic supports again.

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it kind of makes me feel like a terrible person but my favorite mechanic is actually dismounting entirely because it just makes sense. there's no room for horses and pegasuseseses and dragons flyin' around indoors! can horses even climb stairs? i don't know! having to get off your mount to go inside makes sense and it's neat. i wish they'd bring it back, i'm sure they could make it work somehow.

honorable mention to fatigue, to be honest. it adds to Thracia 776's atmosphere, with all the characters who get worn out and with Leif, who's forced to tough it out and keep going.

least favorite is definitely the avatar, at least with IS's current writing ability.

dishonorable mention to marriage and children in Awakening and Fates. it worked in Genealogy because practically the entire game and story were built around it but now it's clearly just for that cheap dating sim-like appeal

Edited by wafffo
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From a maingame perspective, I wouldn't believe so, since short of Lucina, unless you went out of your way to pair people up ASAP, they'd likely come too late to integrate into a team.

Oh about that, I actually had a dlc map called EXPonential Growth something like that. I grind there and pair up my units at the same time so that's why I end up with OP 2nd gen kids.

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Favorite is bonus EXP and attacking with staves. the former is a great way of making up for charaters who start bad and end up good, the later isn't particularly useful but it's nice to have healers that don't just stand there waiting to die regardless

Worst is the pair up mechanic, whereas rescue was strategically useful for getting units out of bad situations or moving units with low Mv around, pair up was strategically broken in that once you maxed it out you pretty much have nothing to worry about.

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Oh about that, I actually had a dlc map called EXPonential Growth something like that. I grind there and pair up my units at the same time so that's why I end up with OP 2nd gen kids.

...At that point I'd actually argue it's not the children that break the game so much as it is the grinding you did to get them that did.

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...At that point I'd actually argue it's not the children that break the game so much as it is the grinding you did to get them that did.

Yeah I get what you mean, but in the beginning I mentioned Galeforce Galeforce is broken xD. Sure I can grind the 1st gen characters but without Galeforce they would attack only once in one turn, on the other hand, a pair of 2nd gen kids end up killing 3 enemies in one turn so yeah. In the end, Idk I consider em OP and stronger than the 1st gen characters by far.

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