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One good thing, one bad thing in every game you've played.


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FE1 (DD & SoL)

Like: Interesting to see where it all started.

Dislike: Slooooooooooooooooooooow gameplay.

FE2 (Gaiden)

Like: Very unique, surprisingly fun if you can get over the slow gameplay (Though it's MUCH better then FE1 pace-wise)

Dislike: Magic costs HP

FE3 (Mystery)

Like: Has an unrefined feeling that makes it fun for me, plus I also love the book 2 maps.

Dislike: Stats are very generic, everything caps at 20 and classes stats are kind of blurred.

FE4 (Holy War)

Like: Story by far, huge maps were also quite interesting.

Dislike: Worst imbalance in the series, some classes are gods (Swordmaster, Sage) while others really lack (Warrior, High Priest), weapons are awful to, most weapon types have the same stats except weight, and since there is no con/build/etc. this game it really hurts axe and fire users.

FE5 (Thracia)

Like: Difficulty (Get's shot)

Dislike: Difficulty... yes I know it doesn't make sense, I like the insane difficulty, but I am not fond of unfair 99.9% RNG reliant stuff.

FE6 (Binding Blade)

Like: Story path, going from Lycia to the Western Isles to Missur to Etruria to Ilia/Sacae to Bern was awesome imo, much like FE4.

Dislike: Overall shitty character stats, but it's not as bad since the enemies are mediocre as well, I much prefer level ups that give like 6 things on average and badass enemies then shit level ups and mediocre enemies.

FE7 (Blazing Blade)

Like: 1st one I played like many, has the nostalgia tied to it, objectively I think it had one of the most balanced casts in the series, there were OP characters and sucky ones, but it was nowhere near as bad as the other games.

Dislike: Felt very small scale, yeah I know you saved the world, but it felt more like a band of adventurers and not really an army since you didn't do military campaigns of any sort.

FE8 (Sacred Stones)

Like: Lute

Dislike: Far too easy, even on "hard" mode.

FE9 (PoR)

Like: Maniac Mode (JP Version)

Dislike: Laguz mechanics (Removal of maniac mode in NA version)

FE10 (RD)

Like: Separate stories that meet up, I found that an interesting concept.

Dislike: Miciahs group lagging so far behind in EXP.

FE11 (Shadow Dragon)

Like: Class change, very interesting addition.

Dislike: Gaiden chapters require KILLING YOUR OWN UNITS.

FE12 (New Mystery)

Like: Remake of my favorite Fire Emblem (3), improved the game in every way I can think of.

Dislike: Characters are shallow.

I have not played Awakening enough since I don't own a 3DS and have not played Fates so I can't comment.

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Like: it's amusing to see the roots and the lack of balance

Dislike: why can't every class promote


Like: Music, bow range, magic system, animations

Dislike: poison swamp maps


Like: Book 2's story

Dislike: that last stretch at the end of book 2 where you can't save


Like: the weapon kills system, 2 generations system, music

Dislike: why are these maps so massive


Like: capturing is awesome. Also features my second favorite gameplay

Dislike: fog of war not so much


Like: Hard mode

Dislike: the gaidens


Like: the three lords idea is nice

Dislike: Lyn Mode is dumb


Like: Lyon. He's probably my favorite villain

Dislike: the music, though this really applies to all the GBA games


Like: the story's pretty enjoyable

Dislike: these animations are terrible and slow everything down way too much, so nothing new here. I also don't like how it handled skills and equipping them


Like: the map design, part 2's story

Dislike: story post part 2


Like: the script and the introduction of my favorite reclassing system. Oh, and the names for the replacement units. They always make me chuckle.

Dislike: this isn't a big put off but I guess the gaiden chapter requirements. It's all I can really think of that annoys me.


Like: Lunatic mode and my favorite gameplay in the series

Dislike: barring whatever the fuck chapter 3 is supposed to be, geez


Like: several supports get a laugh out of me and I really appreciate that

Dislike: how Robin-centric it is in both story and gameplay

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Rekka no Ken: Great villains and well characterized lords. 16xE/17xH makes me salty.

SS: Ephraim route and trainees. Eirika's route given no context in Ephraim's route.

SD: Marth is a really strong character and competent lord. Bosses have no unique dialogue.

NM: Almost all playable characters return. Wish's SD Marth was in it.

FE13: Characters and supports. The plot was shitty.

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SD: Marth is a really strong character and competent lord. Bosses have no unique dialogue.

. . .actually, they do. It's really rare, but it happens.

Michalis: First battle is with either sister

Medeus: First battle is with Nagi

I might've forgotten someone, but I'm not certain.

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Like: Er... Marth

Dislike: Too slow, but that's fairly understandable.


Like: Angel Ring

Dislike: Hmm, I guess the drop rates for certain items... I really can't think of anything I disliked.


Like: How the star pieces altered growths, unlike in the DS versions

Dislike: The lack of meaning being dismounting in this game(If I'm not mistaken and I can only think of one stage where you'd be willingly dismounting)


Like: Story, lore, etc.

Dislike: Lack of trade or barring that, lack of money giving in increments


Like: Capture

Dislike: Chapter 22


Like: The gaiden chapters for the divine weapons

Dislike: I can't even nail down just one, but I'll go with the Support grinding


Like: Hector's side of the story.

Dislike: Lyn's lack of relevance to the plot later on (And the weight of Sol Katti clashing with her class)


Like: Ephraim side Lyon

Dislike: Too easy of a game


Like: Story [this goes for both PoR and RD] (Also it's hard to include both PoR and FE4 and not say story for both of them)

Dislike: Dis-equipped skills going poof


Like: Dis-equipped not going poof. and Ike

Dislike: Part 2 was too short


Like: The characters that had actually had characterization was done nice enough.

Dislike: Gaiden requirements. I have more than one actually: And the online shop being the only way to get brave weapons


Like: The assassin side story.

Dislike: Marth's character.


Like: The uh... Veteran skill?

Dislike: That story. (But that's just one thing)

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. . .actually, they do. It's really rare, but it happens.

Michalis: First battle is with either sister

Medeus: First battle is with Nagi

I might've forgotten someone, but I'm not certain.

The site says Medeus only has one with Nagi, but I could've sworn he had one with Gotoh...

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Like: Story, lore

Dislike: Map sizes, trading


Like: Zephiel's story, difficulty

Dislike: Roy's stats and late promotion


Like: Story, Hector's entirety, character depth

Dislike: Lack of unit variety (one merc, one myrmidon, and one shaman all really sucked), how Eliwood was meant to be worse than Lyn and Hector growth rate wise


Like: Ephraim, story, split journey actually resulting in different dialogue, branch promotions

Dislike: Lack of difficulty, short story


Like: Quite possibly everything, to be honest. Ike especially.

Dislike: I guess in-battle graphics could have been better...


Like: Exploring new themes that the series hasn't covered, animations, best gameplay imo, difficulty

Dislike: Underdeveloped supports, lack of multiple endings for characters, Ranulf's awful revealing of large plot points, broken mastery skills, Ike leaving.


Like: Difficulty, simplicity done well.

Dislike: Animations, Marth's awful portrait, huge amount of undeveloped characters


Like: Difficulty by a long shot, updated portraits for some, story, Hardin, adding more character depth (even if it was through Kris)

Dislike: Kris stealing the spotlight from Marth at points.


Like: Well, the music was good...

Dislike: Story, writing, shallow tropey characters, lack of development and depth to most every character outside of the second generation, easy difficulty or outright luck based difficulty, broken skill set ups, setting the trend for what I never wanted to see in FE (marriage being the focal point, avatars playing an even bigger role, "otaku pandering" elements that we see in FE14..., etc.)

*EDIT* Oops, forgot this was suppose to just be one thing we like and one thing we dislike... my bad!

Edited by Together We Ride
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Likes: Miledy exists.

Dislikes: Peg knights fucken suck in this game and the causes a chain reaction of me going one turn too many over the gaiden requirements. <.<


Likes: Florina exists (my favorite character in the series) and well..nearly everything else.

Dislikes: Chapter 19xx is like, holy crap. The hoops you gotta jump through. Dishonorable Mention to Vaida's Aid stat.


Likes: Route split is wiggy.

Dislikes: Option to grind when main campaign is way too easy even on hard mode.


Likes: The story is bomb.

Dislikes: Battle animations dont have stat values on them and are stiff af. Why bother looking at them?


Likes: Shifting Point of View.

Dislikes: Support system nuked convos. :(


Likes: ehhh...reclassing i suppose...and Marth.

Dislikes: Everything else. Murdering your guys to get more guys. Uhhhh ok, yeah no.


Likes: Hey Casual Mode, how ya doin!

Dislikes: No rescue and Marth cant move fast enough.


Likes: Slick as fuck gameplay, and lots of content.

Dislikes: Peewwww bad plot!

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It doesn't have to be every game I played right?

Blazing Sword

- Like: Characters Heath, Hector, Nino

- Dislike: Can't think of any.

Sacred Stones

- Like: Seth

- Dislike: I have to solo as Seth because the game is too easy.

Radiant Dawn

- Like: Almost everything.

- Dislike: Micaiah.

Shadow Dragon

- Like: Reclassing

- Dislike: Characters designs.


- Like: Children

- Dislike: Plot maybe.

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LIKE: Great story that really makes the game feel epic.

DISLIKE: Some maps are so big that sometimes you're just moving characters for several turns with no enemies whatsoever.


LIKE: Most unique features in this game are great. I particularly love capturing, and the map design is one of the best.

DISLIKE: Chapter 24x. Screw this stupid map.


LIKE: Very challenging. Also love the more straightforward gameplay.

DISLIKE: SO MANY USELESS UNITS. Seriously what where they thinking with some of these.


LIKE: I like most of the cast. Most support convos are pretty good too.

DISLIKE: The story is all over the place in this game. I swear every time I play this game I lose track of what's going on, to the point I end up not even caring.


LIKE: The self-contained story and smaller cast works great here.

DISLIKE: Pacing goes whack after you take back Renais and promote the Lords. Like, you're moving from one location to another that are supposed to be weeks apart yet it seems like time barely passes. It's like there were supposed to be twice as many maps in this part of the game, yet they couldn't add them for whatever reason.


LIKE: Gameplay overall is great and map design is pretty good too.

DISLIKE: BEXP system is broken, and removal of Maniac mode in the western release makes it the easiest game in the series.


LIKE: Again, great gameplay overall and map design. Support system is great too from a gameplay standpoint.

DISLIKE: (Look out, rant incoming) This game holds the honor of having the most anti-climatic moment in the whole series. Sure most of us had it figured out by then, but the way Ranulf just tells Ike that Zelgius is the Black Knight is just so bland and stupid. Ike doesn't even run into the BK as Zelgius until he has to fight him anyway, so what was the point? They could have omitted the whole bit with Ranulf telling Ike about it, then the cutscene at 4-E-2 would have played a lot better. Also, the whole plot of this game goes to shit as soon as the Blood Pact thing is brought in. Story wise, the game is dead to me after that point. Ike and Yune stealing Micaiah's spotlight certainly didn't help matters.


LIKE: Amazing localization. Seriously, it's amazing they did so much with so little.

DISLIKE: 95% of the cast in this game has no development whatsoever. Gaiden requirements are also ultra stupid.


LIKE: Gameplay wise this game is great. It keeps all the good stuff from FE3 and FE11 and fixes the few things FE11 did wrong.

DISLIKE: KRIS. Holy shit Kris. The way he makes Marth look like such a timid, meek leader is almost painful to watch. Say what you want about Robin and Corrin being awful Mary Sues, but at least they're from their own worlds and they don't retcon all the actions of a previous lord in the series.


LIKE: Overall I enjoyed this game a lot. I really liked unlocking the support convos the most, though.

DISLIKE: Plot really falls flat in the second half of the game, I agree.

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Like: Enemy armies on the world map being able to team up

Dislike: Swamps

Mystery of the Emblem

Like: Manakete transformation, which has them actually transform instead of using a Dragonstone like a normal weapon.

Dislike: The Sluggish interface. Especially when paired with the huge maps.

Geneology of the Holy War

Like: The soundtrack

Dislike: Arena grinding. It's fun at first but after a few chapters, it starts to take a while.

Thracia 776

Like: That incredibly tight Atmosphere

Dislike: Not being able to decide a unit's starting position. Although to be fair, Thracia is probably the game that made the largest improvements when it comes to the user interface.

Tear Ring Saga

Like: Brings all the good parts of the Fire Emblem series together and improving them

Dislike: Quite a few tedious random skrimishes on Holmes' route that are forced.

Sword of Seals

Like: You can finally decide a unit's starting position properly.

Dislike: The mounts of female riders having a lower carrying capacity for some reason.

Blazing Sword

Like: Using maps for cutscenes

Dislike: The tedious and misleading tutorial

Sacred Stones

Like: Story

Dislike: Inadequate enemies and map designs that fail to support the game's powerful scenarios.

Berwick Saga

Likes: Hexes

Dislike: First map is one hell of a warm up. It's not hard to win but keeping that priest on the other side of the map alive is hell.

Path of Radiance:

Like: Info conversations

Dislike: Clunky gameplay

Radiant Dawn

Like: Part 2

Dislike: Part 3

Shadow Dragon

Like: The new music tracks in this game are utterly amazing. A Heroes' Fate is probably my favorite track in the series.

Dislike: Those cheating 26 speed manakete in the final 2 chapters.

New Mystery of the Emblem

Like: Remaking the Akaneia Chronicles maps

Dislike: Attributing Marth's achievements to some shitty player self-insert.


Like: Chapter 13

Dislike: The game being released as part of the Fire Emblem series

Edited by BrightBow
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Technically, the manaketes in FE11's final chapters don't cheat, they just have 2+ more internal speed than the manakete cap, so they end up hitting the transformed dragon cap. Just an FYI.

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The manaketes in FE11's final chapters don't cheat, they just have 2+ more internal speed than the manakete cap, so they end up hitting the transformed dragon cap. Just an FYI.

Yes, that's what I figured. But that cap should be impossible to reach since Manakete can't change classes. Not to mention, the game doesn't display the transformed Manakete stats (I wonder if the transformation system was designed to work like the FE3 system but ended up being tweaked to emulate the GBA system. That would explain why such a display doesn't exist and why Manakete only take one charge of a dragon stone regardless of how often they attack.) So it forces you to learn the hard way that their combat stats are higher then what their displayed stats should allow.

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Eh, the game does allow the player to see attack, HP and attack speed because it's always the same as avoid. It's not the most intuitive way though, I'll give you that.

It's probably because the stat scaling increases the internal stats and just accounts for caps once the enemies enter their classes (iirc), but yeah, it wouldn't be possible for the player.

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Yes, that's what I figured. But that cap should be impossible to reach since Manakete can't change classes. Not to mention, the game doesn't display the transformed Manakete stats (I wonder if the transformation system was designed to work like the FE3 system but ended up being tweaked to emulate the GBA system. That would explain why such a display doesn't exist and why Manakete only take one charge of a dragon stone regardless of how often they attack.) So it forces you to learn the hard way that their combat stats are higher then what their displayed stats should allow.

Well it makes sense that one round of combat = one stone use since there's no need to untransform between attacks. The change also makes Tiki actually useable unlike Fa and Myyrh.

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Path of Radiance:

Like: The Characters, The story, the endgame chapter, The Soldier Class.

Dislike: Skills feeling overall useless, Support system was bad, ending wasn't great either.

Radiant Dawn:

Like: Sentinel Design being one of the best in the series, Characters, Story (yes even the end game), The epic feel the Tower gave you as all of the best heroes of Tellius joined together to stop a common enemy.

Dislike: How hard it was getting the Dawn Brigade to be useful (not enough chapters for them), Support System, lack of an ending for Mia and Rhys.


Like: Most of the characters, Some of the interesting classes like Griffon Riders, The idea behind the story even though it really fell apart, s support system was fun, and DLC finally being a thing for Fire Emblem.

Dislike: Less characters feeling relevant to the plot (too many characters are just there for really no reason), Class Designs (Knights look horrendous and Paladins look like they have a toilet seat around their neck), No Soldier Class, The story really falling apart (It felt really pieced together like they had a few ideas, but just didn't flesh them all out), The grinding aspect to the difficulty, and no objectives outside kill all people.

Fates: I haven't played yet, but from what I know

Like: The fact we have practically three Fire Emblem games, Soldier coming back yet again(can this just stay this time please?), Most of the characters, The ideas and concepts in the story, My Castle is the biggest since its like a silly mobile facebook game built into Fire Emblem, and the fact that you actually have to fight the characters from the opposing side. It really gives some weight to the choice.

Dislike: Some characters like Niles(too creepy) or the reincarnated Awakening people( of all of the characters you could do this with you choose some of the most boring characters in the last game? ), The fact that once again the story had some cool ideas and concepts but failed to really flesh them out and felt overall pieced together, the 2nd gen was really unneeded here and doesn't' have any characters that interest me unlike Awakening.

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Blazing Sword

Like: Everything was decent, there isn't anything that stood out in particular.

Dislike: Lyn is pretty irrelevant outside of Lyn mode.

Sacred Stones

Like: Interesting villains.

Dislike: It's way too easy, even on the highest difficulty.

Path of Radiance

Like: The writing, Ike

Dislike: The Black Knight fight being luck based.

Radiant Dawn

Like: Varied map objectives, good player attack themes.

Dislike: Ike stealing Micaiah's spotlight, lack of actual supports.

Shadow Dragon

Like: It's simplicity, Caeda.

Dislike: Gaiden requirements, ugly animations.

New Mystery of the Emblem

Like: Focus on the player phase.

Dislike: Player pandering.


Like: Min maxing, the art style.

Dislike: Terrible story and fanservice.

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Liked: Story and characters
Disliked: Extremely large maps


Liked: Gameplay mechanics including Capture and Escape missions

Disliked: Fatigue system (Kinda)


Liked: Connections to FE7, Lilina

Disliked: Annoying Gaiden chapter requirements


Liked: Characters and Overall Story (despite flaws)

Disliked: Lyn's Story


Liked: Branching Promotions and Story

Disliked: Difficulty being too easy on Normal


Liked: Reclassing options
Disliked: Killing units for Gaiden chapters


Liked: Map Design

Disliked: Avatar


Liked: Reclassing and Supports

Disliked: Story and Avatar

Edited by DragonLord
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one storyline thing and one gameplay thing for both good and bad


Good: Cellica being important to the plot the entire time, the variety of black magic

Bad: The way the world map works makes the story drag sometimes, the shithouse accuracy of a lot of things (particularly Nosferatu)


Good: Setting Sun of Gra is one of my favourite chapters, Star shards/Orb's growth bonuses

Bad: The Est and Abel debacle, Wlv, in theory it makes characters vulnerable to the whims of the RNG and in practice most of them can just use everything anyway


Good: Some of the more subtle character development in Gen 2, blasting things with holy weapons and swordtwins is just fun

Bad: Most of the plot in Gen 1 happens offscreen, the mount-rush nature of the game


Good: The small-scale aspect of the events is really interesting as a plot, Build as a stat with a growth was the best way to balance attack speed until FE14

Bad: Beld is an atrocity, money and equipment are a bitch to manage


Good: WOLT AND ROY'S SUPPORTS The post-Zephiel chapters and the ending are really good, it manages to make the most out of all chapters being Seize ones

Bad: Hector's death scene is horrible, throne bonuses are hella stupid


Good: Amazing characterization for some people, huge replayability with Eliwood/Hector's modes, chapters with two possible maps, paralogues etc

Bad: The Black Fang being a collection of plotholes, the Fire Dragon being too easy with Athos and too tedious without him


Good: Lyon's dual development in the different routes, the monsters were a great idea (if only there were more types)

Bad: Ephraim needed a little more time before Chapter 8, the game is so damn easy even on HM that it actually becomes less enjoyable


Good: The story of the Laguz, bonus EXP

Bad: Making it a bit too obvious that a sequel is coming, the gameplay of the Laguz


Good: Part 2 is brilliant, the skill system is at its best other than the overpowered masteries

Bad: Part 3 kinda drags, the erratic structure of the game rewarding some characters and utterly fucking some others


Good: It makes the most out of a barebones story, Wing Spear and Warp are about as fun as holy weapons

Bad: The paralogues are both the worst in story and in gameplay


Good: I absolutely love the Assassins subplot and to me it makes the Avatar more positive than negative, it felt like the FE where strategy mattered the most

Bad: The Avatar does make things a bit corny in the main story sometimes, pretty much nobody who joins post-Ellerean is any good

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Okay, so, I'll limit this to one item per game! This is gonna be tough...

Genealogy of the Holy War

*Like: Sigurd is mounted from the very beginning?!

*Dislike: Some units are greatly hindered due to lack of a mount...'cause the maps are so big.

Binding Blade

*Like: Sword of Seals!

*Dislike: Only Roy gets paired endings?

Blazing Sword

*Like: Oh gosh what do I pick?! Being my favorite Fire Emblem game and my third-favorite game of all time, it's so hard to decide! I suppose, uh...the characters are amazing. The cast is genuinely one of the best cast of characters in any game ever.

*Dislike: Uh...well, I would have given Lyn a larger role in the story.

The Sacred Stones

*Like: The story is really good, I love how deep, personal, and tragic it is with Lyon's relationship with Eirika and Ephraim.

*Dislike: It's kinda short.

Path of Radiance

*Like: It's got some good world-building.

*Dislike: Caineghis isn't playable!

Radiant Dawn

*Like: Playable Caineghis?!

*Dislike: There are serious flaws with the narrative, the story and character development.

Shadow Dragon

*Like: Amazing writing/development for Marth!

*Dislike: The terrible requirements for the gaiden chapters. I don't wanna kill off my guys!

New Mystery of the Emblem

*Like: Including all the characters FE3 Book 2 left out!

*Dislike: ...basically discarding Marth's development from Shadow Dragon.


*Like: A lot of the story concepts (CONCEPTS) are really good!

*Dislike: Some of the designs aren't too great.

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Binding Blade FE 6:

Like-Gathering the legendary weapons in a series of Gaiden chapters. Bonus like-It was and interesting experience playing through a game in Japanese--navigating the menus, reading through an online script, etc.--but it was ultimately fun and rewarding.

Dislike-There's just so many cavaliers/paladins. I'm sure there's more worthwhile complaints, like low hit rates, but seriously, there are way too many people on horses.

Blazing Sword FE 7:

Like-Story and characters, I like how personal and tragic it gets and all the little things that you can find out if you play enough (supports, extra story bits, etc.)

Dislike-Other than a few faults with the general GBA mechanics, I wish there was a way to continue after the main campaign. I can't get enough of this game I guess.

Sacred Stones FE 8:

Like-Introduction of branching promotions and world map (to me and most of the western world anyway).

Dislike-The story felt kinda meh and most of the characters weren't that interesting (Joshua and Ephraim were some of the best).

Path of Radiance FE 9:

Like-Another strong story and character development; specifically watching Ike "come-of-age" and grow into a strong man that influenced the entire continent, while keeping his down to earth and simple way of life. Bonus like-Getting rid of limited promotional items.

Dislike-I never liked Laguz in this game or at least the way they functioned mechanically. Bonus dislike-Losing skills!

Radiant Dawn FE 10:

Like-The epic scale of the game. It was a long game with lots of chapters and included three tiers of classes! Bonus like: Canto!

Dislike-The supports... The supports of both FE 9 and FE 10 felt lacking to me, but FE 10 was straight messy and uninteresting. Bonus dislike: Multi-playthrough requirements (getting Pelleas, etc.)

Shadow Dragon FE 11:

Like-Seeing Marth's character and experiencing the story that started it all.

Dislike-Um... What to pick from this game... It was so bare bones. It felt like a jarring, major step back from the aforementioned epic scale of RD. It was too simple and kinda broken at times. I also never got to play any of the gaiden chapters because killing your own units seems flat out against the nature of the game tp me.

Awakening FE 13:

Like-The possibilities. I liked that I could use every character and get every support in 1 playthrough if I worked at it long enough. it's the first game where I have basically every support on my own (only missing some sibling supports, but they're all pretty much the same from what I've seen). Bonus like-The story of "The Future Past" being better than the main story.

Dislike-The main campaign. While the characters were at least interesting, albeit a bit silly or played out at times, the main story seemed to lacking. It didn't have the impact of other good FE stories. Additionally, the chapter's lacked variation. Some of the DLC provided something more interesting than "kill them all", but the main story did not.

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Gaiden (+) - It's interesting, I'll give it that. The experimenting with two simultaneous branches two different protagonists go down in the same playthrough is something I do like.

Gaiden (-) - It's so... dated. In literally every way from the barely functional story, the aesthetic, the characters, the gameplay... and I can't say I mean it in a good way.

Genealogy (+) - The world building and story. Incest being a core plot point aside, this was a really surprisingly good time story-wise compared to what I expected from it.

Genealogy (-) - The maps are so tedious, good lord. Big maps are one thing, but I don't think literally all of them have to be that big. I only have so much time to do one single fire emblem map in my life.

Thracia (+) - It feels like, all things considered, it's like Genealogy while edging more to a conventional chapter structure. And its map design is great.

Thracia (-) - So many of its... unique mechanics. Are either just not great or aren't implemented in a way that doesn't make me cringe.

Blazing Sword (+) - It could at least do a really good subplot. Occasionally.

Blazing Sword (-) - Everything about the writing's presentation in almost every way. Holy cow. From the tutorial to the protagonists to the central story to the overwhelming majority of side characters to the gaiden chapters to the worst finale I have ever seen. Just... geeze.

Sacred Stones (+) - I do enjoy trainee classes, especially in Sacred Stones. Branching promotions makes them even more of an adventure to use.

Sacred Stones (-) - The writing sure did get a little... interesting. When it wanted to.

Path of Radiance (+) - The presentation of the game's writing in almost every way. Thanks to the story and characters behind this game, I still have a hard time deciding for real whether it's my favorite or second favorite game.

Path of Radiance (-) - Er... what is Stefan's recruitment requirement?

Radiant Dawn (+) - Third tier promotions. That was quite possibly the quickest and easiest way I feel like a Fire Emblem has made characters seem irreparably badass. I'd honestly rather third tier promotions to split promotion, but that's just me.

Radiant Dawn (-) - W-what the hell is Lehran's recruitment requirement? Seriously though, it's probably structural issues. I don't like how the separating of parties works in Radiant Dawn, especially since I feel like it cripples the dawn brigade especially. I also don't like how the chapters themselves sometimes feel like they're trying too hard to be completely ridiculous.

Shadow Dragon (+) - It's a pretty nice remake, and its new content and updated menus made it still feel like a fresh experience despite being FE1.

Shadow Dragon (-) - I don't blame people who think the sprites are ugly, but my real issue is how they all look identical except for sometimes hair color. It doesn't even get GBA's "everyone is a palette swap" treatment.

New Mystery (+) - It's like Shadow Dragon but so much more, why didn't it get localized? ;_;

New Mystery (-) - I guess I could say the need to complete the 'story goal' or you get a bad end, but that doesn't even bother me.

Awakening (+) - The characters and plot really made for a good time...

Awakening (-) - ...except for when the characters didn't actually make for a good time at all. Some of them are impressively insufferable.

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+ The 'enemy army's mostly dead' music

- Not being able to see weapon weights


+ Archers were so good

- Terrain effects were a little too effective (also that lost woods section sucked)


+ The way dragonstones worked

- The dozen ballistae in that chapter where you capture Archanea


+ Making the ultimate killing machines in the second generation

- Screwy balance (mounted is just about all around better than unmounted, holy weapon wielders are leagues better than anyone else, wind is 100% better than fire, etc.), lots of important items that you would never find without looking them up, or obnoxiously large maps - I can't pick


+ Fun map designs

- Staves were massively overpowered between their range and their effects lasting the entire battle


+ The multiple paths are cool even if it's annoyingly arbitrary about how you get them

- Hit rates are too damn low


+ The multiple lords and their different promotions were cool

- The ending and villain were kind of lame if you ask me


+ Branching promotions meant more customization/replayability

- Grinding was a little too easy


+ Bonus EXP was cool

- The models and battle animations were pretty ugly


+ Seeing the story from multiple sides instead of just playing the 'good' country the whole way through

- Finding a character you like and then never getting to use them because they're only available in like three chapters


+ Fixed some of the more annoying parts of FE3 (like aforementioned ballistae)

- The avatar was thoroughly unimportant to anything


+ The kids were a little overpowered sometimes but were still fun to plan and use

- Pair up is pretty broken

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I've played a lot of Fire Emblem so I put them under a spoiler to make shorten it. No actual spoilers though.


+Interesting magic system.

-UI is so awful.


+Repairing weapons is interesting.

-I don't like how the gameplays in general.


+Capture and dismount are all rolled up into one.

-Really stupid screw you over moments.


+Gameplay in general.

-Seige weapons/magic hell.


+Pretty good unit balance, nobody is super terrible like in FE6.

-The promotion gains suck so much. Promoting feels like just a special regular level instead of an actual big event.


+The villains are amazing.

-Poor difficulty balance. The difficulty is all over the place, while generally easy some chapters are really jarring when they're 90 times harder than the one you just came from.


+Probably my favorite characters and story.

-Everything feels so sluggish, not being able to skip enemy phase stuff sucks.


+A L L H A I L T H E S K I P B U T T O N

-Faithful to the original in weird ways. They removed rescue but put in reclass?


+Difficulty selection is diverse especially with casual mode.

-Self insert into an already finished story is awkward


+Lots of stuff to do

-Easiest to break FE

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