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Your Opinion on Brides.



110 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about the Bride Class?

    • Awesome. Kicking ass in dresses is what I always wanted.
    • It's silly and impractical and you should feel bad for liking it.
    • Bows, staves and lances! Who cares what it looks like?
    • Boo, DLC. Thumbs down.
    • Why did they make Erikia of all people a bride? It doesn't even use swords!?
    • I don't care how they fight, everyone looks so pretty wearing dresses!
    • It's fun but I'd rather have more Dread Fighters.
    • It's horribly sexist. Men should be allowed to wear dresses too!
    • It depends on a lot of things because I'm an indecisive person and none of these other options were good enough for me.

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I love it. I mean, while I can't kick as much ass like that in a dress, it is nice seeing it done (Though, I wish it was not gender locked. Having guys wearing dresses, or just having a groom class would have been nice).

Also much like a lot of people have said, why Eirika? Miccy or Celica would have been much better (Or hell even Shiida, it does use Lances and she is a Peg Knight).

Edited by Azz
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I love it. I mean, while I can't kick as much ass like that in a dress, it is nice seeing it done (Though, I wish it was not gender locked. Having guys wearing dresses, or just having a groom class would have been nice).

Also much like a lot of people have said, why Eirika? Miccy or Celica would have been much better (Or hell even Shiida, it does use Lances and she is a Peg Knight).

And she is the only one of those options who is totally canonically married.

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I can accept it being an option for certain male characters to wear the bride outfit, if they're characterized as people who would actually be open to crossdressing, but the idea of, say, every male character in the army being forced to wear a sparkly dress and nobody mutinying over it...

They force every female character might as well force it for every male.

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I personally feel that the Bride class would have been cooler being able to wield axes instead of lances. Just feels more savage.


The War Monk and Cleric stole that. The dress is ummm idk wide? It is not a bad idea but maybe lessen the size? The glowing emblem in the front is cool as well. It's a great class I guess?

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The War Monk and Cleric stole that. The dress is ummm idk wide? It is not a bad idea but maybe lessen the size? The glowing emblem in the front is cool as well. It's a great class I guess?

Basically an upgraded healer. Can now use a bow. xD

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I can accept it being an option for certain male characters to wear the bride outfit, if they're characterized as people who would actually be open to crossdressing, but the idea of, say, every male character in the army being forced to wear a sparkly dress and nobody mutinying over it...


walhart wears one why not everyone else

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I feel like it is kind of a weird situation. Females can wear men clothing easily while it is hard and mostly weird for guys to wear it. An example would be that the females would easily wear the dread fighter because it would fit well while a guy wearing a dress had a harder time. Female assassin axe-sword-tome weilding ninja much?

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Sorry, I didn't figure that was sufficient information to spoil the experience. It's readily available on Nintendo's site for Fates, so I figured it was fine to talk about.

It's not. I just really dislike it when people remind me FE14 exists by talking about it.

PM me if you want to talk more about this, since it's pretty off-topic.

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It's impractical, and I have an issue with Eirika not having access to sword in this class (but hey, it's not like there weren't spotpass characters whose starting class didn't have their original weapon type and even had illogical modifiers *cough*Lachesis/L'Arachel*cough*)

But my greatest issue is that it's sexist, while guys get access to a badass offensive class that comes from an old FE, women are stuck with a support class cosplaying Disney princesses.

The devs are right when they say that not all girls can be princesses, but was bride the only thing they could come up with? Why not Housewife while we're at it? They could have made a new pegasus unit, or taken inspiration from FE4's female paladin.

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It's impractical, and I have an issue with Eirika not having access to sword in this class (but hey, it's not like there weren't spotpass characters whose starting class didn't have their original weapon type and even had illogical modifiers *cough*Lachesis/L'Arachel*cough*)

How can you honestly say with a straight face that you can't picture somebody like L'arachel wielding an axe?

But my greatest issue is that it's sexist, while guys get access to a badass offensive class that comes from an old FE, women are stuck with a support class cosplaying Disney princesses.

The devs are right when they say that not all girls can be princesses, but was bride the only thing they could come up with? Why not Housewife while we're at it? They could have made a new pegasus unit, or taken inspiration from FE4's female paladin.

I dislike the name too, but to be fair, the Bride and Dread Fighter are actually pretty similar statistically, and both have access to two physical weapons, it's just down to the skills and the third weapon access that makes one combat oriented and the other support.

Also, I'm going to have to disagree with your claim that the Bride's abilities and staves are lame. It's only due to the coincidences of how the metagame turned out that Aggressor turned out amazing and Bond turned out nigh useless and Rally Heart turned out to be something you stuck on a rally bot. Support is damn useful in most games and there's no shame in it whatsoever. Healing is awesome, and more healers who can actually fight and defend themselves are always welcome in my army. Plus, let's be perfectly honest, the Brides flat-out look cooler than Dread Fighters do when fighting; leaping all over the place with their spears, twirl jumping, they just look awesome. I was frankly disappointed with the Dread Fighter's animations.

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Well I found another one...


*rofl* I'm sorry someone said dresses on the male cast and I caved...

Has no one actually noticed that I found a picture of Gangrel as a bride yet?

Personally I have not had the DLC for brides and dread fighters (although I think that I will get it now because I wanna see my F!Robin as one and let Chrom use tomes :XD:) so I can't say much other than what I've seen posted by others. Firstly I kind of like the big poofy dress and I have seen videos of the animations as well. I like the fact that a bride can use bows (avoiding counter damage) and staves. I am someone who relies on my healers...big time so I say the more the merrier, especially those that can fight back if they have to.

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Has no one actually noticed that I found a picture of Gangrel as a bride yet?

Personally I have not had the DLC for brides and dread fighters (although I think that I will get it now because I wanna see my F!Robin as one and let Chrom use tomes :XD:) so I can't say much other than what I've seen posted by others. Firstly I kind of like the big poofy dress and I have seen videos of the animations as well. I like the fact that a bride can use bows (avoiding counter damage) and staves. I am someone who relies on my healers...big time so I say the more the merrier, especially those that can fight back if they have to.

I like the fact that he has black nail varnish.

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How can you honestly say with a straight face that you can't picture somebody like L'arachel wielding an axe?

I can picture her trying to wield an axe (or a sword, or a lance), just not successfully.

Also, I'm going to have to disagree with your claim that the Bride's abilities and staves are lame. It's only due to the coincidences of how the metagame turned out that Aggressor turned out amazing and Bond turned out nigh useless and Rally Heart turned out to be something you stuck on a rally bot. Support is damn useful in most games and there's no shame in it whatsoever. Healing is awesome, and more healers who can actually fight and defend themselves are always welcome in my army. Plus, let's be perfectly honest, the Brides flat-out look cooler than Dread Fighters do when fighting; leaping all over the place with their spears, twirl jumping, they just look awesome. I was frankly disappointed with the Dread Fighter's animations.

I didn't say they're lame but that the class is a support. And it's not that support are bad, it's just that when it comes to gender-lock they tend to gives staves and utility to women.

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I guess it is kind of interesting, although I've never really used it other than once. The weapon/stave choice is interesting and aesthetically the class itself is nice.

Gender locked classes don't bother me. As for Eirika being the choice for an example, I am not bothered by this either. There are many DLC/Spotpass characters that can't use their signature weapon choice, i.e. BK, Elincia, Ashnard.

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Bond turned out nigh useless

Yeah, it would be nice if Bond worked like all the other auras and affected everyone, regardless of pairup location. As-is it feels legitimately broken, and I mean that in the doesn't-do-what-it's-intended-to sense.

I didn't say they're lame but that the class is a support. And it's not that support are bad, it's just that when it comes to gender-lock they tend to gives staves and utility to women.

If anything, Dread Fighter forces most males into support roles due to Agg dealing double damage there, while females are predominantly leads due to having a better Galeforce distribution, better mod spreads in general, and more room in their skillsets for procs and stuff.

Awakening is very gender-biased, and it's towards the girls.

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Hmmm. . .

Pair up bonuses seem to indicate that brides would work for a gimmicky magical build (one that relies on Miracle. . .hi Brady). For comparison, the dread fighter pair up bonus is really weird. . .who wants strength and resistance at the same time?

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I was considering Dread!Laurent for a Wyvern Kjelle support since it gives +str +spd (though much smaller-scale than berserker, unfortunately, but it's something) while using tomes--mainly because I feel kinda bad shoving Laurent of all people into berserker permanently but I really like him with Kjelle and I don't like the idea of magic Kjelle either physical masterrace

So that's a kind of a useful thing

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If anything, Dread Fighter forces most males into support roles due to Agg dealing double damage there, while females are predominantly leads due to having a better Galeforce distribution, better mod spreads in general, and more room in their skillsets for procs and stuff.

I thought that Aggressor didn't work if the unit was in the back, my bad then.

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I was considering Dread!Laurent for a Wyvern Kjelle support since it gives +str +spd (though much smaller-scale than berserker, unfortunately, but it's something) while using tomes

Fact: Dread Fighter has the lowest Mag in the game of any Tome-using class. It's quite unfortunate and a big thing holding them back.

42 Str isn't exactly on the low end of the spectrum either, but Awakening's Str distributions are also incredibly lopsided- there are two below 38 (Trickster and DF, the latter of which everyone uses Tomes with) and 6 above 42 (GL, Wyvern, Warrior, GK, General, Berserker). All but GL are at least 46, and two of them are 50. 8 Str is a big deal. I wish it was more even.

All it would take for DFs to be really useful is one stat they were good in. Just one! Even 42 Mag would do, and that's on par with Dark Flier, aka nothing special. As-is they're just worse Heroes with Tomes and a tiny bit of +Mag.

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Fact: Dread Fighter has the lowest Mag in the game of any Tome-using class. It's quite unfortunate and a big thing holding them back.

42 Str isn't exactly on the low end of the spectrum either, but Awakening's Str distributions are also incredibly lopsided- there are two below 38 (Trickster and DF, the latter of which everyone uses Tomes with) and 6 above 42 (GL, Wyvern, Warrior, GK, General, Berserker). All but GL are at least 46, and two of them are 50. 8 Str is a big deal. I wish it was more even.

All it would take for DFs to be really useful is one stat they were good in. Just one! Even 42 Mag would do, and that's on par with Dark Flier, aka nothing special. As-is they're just worse Heroes with Tomes and a tiny bit of +Mag.

Yeah, it's definitely a thing that's making me really consider my decisions because I want to make Kjelle great but simultaneously stay true to Laurent's nerd ass, and going berserker, which is the most beneficial thing to Kjelle, is contradictory of that. Simultaneously, if I made Laurent a Sage like he's meant to be, Kjelle doesn't benefit much there at all. But the middle of the road option is also quite.... mediocre, even though I love the class and I'm usually biased towards Str but Mag is something I'm actually looking at for Laurent in particular.

It's annoying.

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