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Interacting with your spouse in Private Quarters is still in. (GameSpot)

Giga Man

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New news, new thread, right?


According to this hostess from GameSpot, you can touch the face of your spouse to wake them up, and you can blow in the mic to cool them off after a hot bath. She's rather vague on if you can still do the petting mini-game.

Also, for laughs: https://36.media.tumblr.com/c216d7ef950b26b5f98d89c4a5dd1d1e/tumblr_o2asza7nty1v3vqf9o1_1280.png

Edited by Giga Man
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I believe that she said petting was still in, but only with your spouse. Also, I think she said the blowing part if from removing steam, not waking them up? That you rub their face to wake them up? Or like tap the screen.

Yeah, that's what I said. lol I just said "after a hot bath" instead of "to remove steam". She mentions that you get a prompt to do it after they have just taken a bath. You tap the screen to wake them up.

Honestly, this is the best outcome. I only wanted to do this kind of stuff with my spouse anyway. I can't just be feeling up on anybody.

Edited by Giga Man
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Yeah, that's what I said. lol I just said "after a hot bath" instead of "to remove steam". She mentions that you get a prompt to do it after they have just taken a bath. You tap the screen to wake them up.

Honestly, this is the best outcome. I only wanted to do this kind of stuff with my spouse anyway. I can't just be feeling up on anybody.

Yeah, I wasn't arguing with you, I was just summarizing what she said in the video for people that didn't want to watch it cause it was kinda long. Geez.

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First of all, I found Alexa to be hilarious throughout the entire Fire Emblem section, but that's not what this topic discussion is about so I digress ...

Even though it has already been said, I'll say it again: I think that being able to pet only your spouse is a great compromise. I can understand NoA not wanting you to pet your friends but letting you pet your spouse. It makes sense. Plus, it will give me a better incentive to S-support everyone in order to fill the support logs. I'm glad I can still scare my spouse awake. I know it was nowhere near a "relevant" feature but I was really looking forward to hearing the characters' ridiculous reactions. The characters' reactions to Kamui's various actions were what I was looking forward to most about the skinship section because they add personality to the characters. I'm glad I watched that.

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https://36.media.tumblr.com/c216d7ef950b26b5f98d89c4a5dd1d1e/tumblr_o2asza7nty1v3vqf9o1_1280.png I'm dying!

Yeah, I wasn't arguing with you, I was just summarizing what she said in the video for people that didn't want to watch it cause it was kinda long. Geez.

Oh, I didn't mean to argue. It just sounded like you were confused and I was clearing things up. My bad.

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Good, can we stop having this getting a stupid amount of attention now? Something like this tearing the FE fanbase to pieces is quite honestly embarrassing.

So much agreed. Any person who never heard of Fire Emblem before and sees a trailer for it for the first time will not expect anything like skinship to be a large feature (not that it ever was.) Hopefully this will be the end to all the childish drama. Edited by Blade_of_Light
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Alexa is hilarious period

because she is just so blunt

Im just so glad to have a female perspective on this stuff in the gaming media. All the reporting ive seen on anything on this game have been blokes and....quite frankly, its boiling my beans. Alexa coming right out an saying "i like making my guys marry and building an army of powerful children." was refreshing. Her going on and on about how much fun she was having made me freaking smile.

Anyway, topic. Yay. Now i can not only erect a golden statue of Izana in my castle, but also play with him if i S support him.

Good, can we stop having this getting a stupid amount of attention now? Something like this tearing the FE fanbase to pieces is quite honestly embarrassing.

Yeah no joke. The levels of bitching about this game in general are reaching an embarrassing amount.

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Yeah, I have to admit. Even I'm ashamed of my own reactions to this. It makes me wish I never knew anything about this game prior to its US release. My first game was Awakening and I never even acknowledged its existence until like 3 months after it came out and I played the demo.

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Wait, why does everyone seem to think that the full petting feature is still in even after the Gamespot girl said it was just the waking up event, which is different from the petting?

Don't get me wrong, I'd be overjoyed to be wrong, but as of now it seems like it's only that little minigame.

Edited by Swirl-Theory
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Wait, why does everyone seem to think that the full petting feature is still in even after the Gamespot girl said it was just the waking up event, which is different from the petting?

Don't get me wrong, I'd be overjoyed to be wrong, but as of now it seems like it's only that little minigame.

In the video she says "they're sleeping and you have to take the 3ds stylus and rub their face until they wake up". (your spouse)

So, it's not the same as petting in the sense where you do it to gain points with anyone and everyone, but rather a little extra after you are already married.

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Yeah, it was in the original version too but it's just a quick little thing that doesn't even last 3 seconds.

I mean, if they left that in it makes sense to be able to pet your spouse and your spouse only, but knowing them they probably didn't even care about allowing you to do that.

Maybe I'm being too negative and I hope I'm proven wrong.

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Already posted this in another thread, but it's relevant so who cares

I said I would laugh like a crazy person if Skinship was still in and.....

Well I'll counter your laughing with more laughing when it's confirmed that the rubbing part is still cut.

Seriously guys, y'all in a rush to pull out your victory trumpets but it's still unconfirmed.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Yeah, it was in the original version too but it's just a quick little thing that doesn't even last 3 seconds.

I mean, if they left that in it makes sense to be able to pet your spouse and your spouse only, but knowing them they probably didn't even care about allowing you to do that.

Maybe I'm being to negative and I hope I'm proven wrong.

I don't know, she seemed to know what she was saying because they got review copies. She talked about marrying her butler (Jakob), so she's far enough along to know if that's in. I don't, however, think that "petting" in the way that we knew it is in. Probably just the little 3 second thing, nothing more.

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I don't know, she seemed to know what she was saying because they got review copies. She talked about marrying her butler (Jakob), so she's far enough along to know if that's in. I don't, however, think that "petting" in the way that we knew it is in. Probably just the little 3 second thing, nothing more.

Yeah, that's what I feared. Although it's nice that this feature wasn't cut and a nice little surprise from everything that was announced so far, it still doesn't make up for the cut feature.

I'm still hoping for DLC to put it back in, where it'll be even more optional than it already was.

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My problem with petting is that it got a little tedious. I'd see the icon and be like "crud, I want that one tiny support point, but I don't want to waste 30 seconds rubbing circles on Felicia's face after every chapter".

Since rubbing your spouse is only good for accessories and dialogue, I don't necessarily feel pressured to do it every time. If they kept spousal petting, that's actually pretty great. They took out the creepy-ness and the teduim and left in the meat.

Then the only content NA really loses is petting Kanna, which is funny, because pinching the cheeks and messing up the hair of your son or daughter is maybe the only normal real-world analogue to skinship.

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My problem with petting is that it got a little tedious. I'd see the icon and be like "crud, I want that one tiny support point, but I don't want to waste 30 seconds rubbing circles on Felicia's face after every chapter".

Since rubbing your spouse is only good for accessories and dialogue, I don't necessarily feel pressured to do it every time. If they kept spousal petting, that's actually pretty great. They took out the creepy-ness and the teduim and left in the meat.

Then the only content NA really loses is petting Kanna, which is funny, because pinching the cheeks and messing up the hair of your son or daughter is maybe the only normal real-world analogue to skinship.

This is my view on the matter. Spouse skinship or chuldren skinship makes sense. Skinship for everyone was just creepy and tedious.

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Well I'll counter your laughing with more laughing when it's confirmed that the rubbing part is still cut.

Seriously guys, y'all in a rush to pull out your victory trumpets but it's still unconfirmed.

What's funny is that I don't care if it's in or not, I'm just laughing at the people who completely lost their shit over this.

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