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Kids, and the logic behind them. Also, "Skinship"


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It was an unneeded addition, but oh well, not much we can do. Its extra characters and content so as annoying as it is, its still more stuff. I like the way Fire Emblem is moving for the most part. The combat is really developing well, the level design is good, and aside from a few underwhelming armor designs the art style looks good. I really hope My Castle stays in though, it feels like something that truly belongs in Fire Emblem compared to the other additions.

And as poor of an excuse it was to bring in the children, I can't say I would of done any different if in that situation. To be honest I would have a bit of self control and avoid the chance of having children, but if it happened putting them in an area I know is going to be safe really isn't that bad of an idea.

This pretty much.

Honestly, the implementation of the kids this time may be dumb, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad they were back. I loved using them in Awakening, and I actually prefer this method to time travel, because fuck time travel. Is it dumb, yes, but it allows me to keep a game mechanic I like, so I'm cool with it.

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I'm more interested in why the children were put in as a last-minute idea, suggesting they weren't part of the original scheme. Was there fan outcry for it in Japan? (Note to IS: There is such a thing as catering to the fanbase too much. That way lies compromising of artistry--and, I think, a good bit of amorphousness.)

Maybe the S-supports wouldn't have bloomed to needing another company if the children option weren't instilled...

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Yeah, the "hyperbolic time chamber", or rather, the Deeprealms, is a stupid contrivance, but I'm interested enough in the mechanical/gameplay aspects of tinkering around with the kids, builds, pairings for stats/skills/classes/etc. that I'm willing to look past just how stupid it really is….

But yeah, next time they have kids, they need a major (roughly 20 year) timeskip, or they should just not have kids in the first place…

Yeah same. Its awkward as fuck, but i seriously cant be that arsed. I knew about it from the get-go and didnt really expect them to change it in localization. But the way it is phrased in the game (in the vid) is really just plain awkward. I dont mind it being so random this time, because i figured if kids are a thing in this game, theres really no room for them in the main plot. So might as well be not plot related. Oh well.

Next time, we do really need a more FE4-ish approach. It validates them more.

"YOU!You dare touch my child?! I'll soak these fields with your blood!"

Was he this overprotective/violent in the japanese version?

tbh, im really pleased to see that. My MUs would go fucking berserk if someone tried to harm their kid.

As for the skinship part, they should have left the petting part for the spouse bond. As it is, it feels a bit awkward and chopped when you select Bond. I do like theres a shit ton of dialogue to be had there though.

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So the explanation for children is still ridiculous and a clear sign the feature had zero vision other than to ape Awakening no matter how it would fit into the final product? Okay then. The kids on their own are pretty cool at least, though that may just make things worse.

Its kinda sweet to see someone as meek as Corrin go berserk when his kid is threatened.

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I'm actually quite surprised they did't alter the whole hyperbolic time chamber concept. Mostly because a different explenation would fix some troubles with the current paring system. I assumed they'd change it into something like alternate dimensions or time travel again so they could avoid "Like the adult you technically are" kind of scenario's.

I never though i'd see the day when a lord yell about soaking the field with the blood of his enemies, but that was a pretty nice dad moment for Corrin.

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"Royal marriages are too important for love to determine." Not that it matters because your stat modifiers are what's holding your marriage together, not love

Soooo, what's the whole deal with the Deeprealms? This happens during what span of time? They boink, get knocked up and eventually plop out a kid. That whole process takes 9 months at the least to occur. Does the plot get inexplicably frozen during that time? Or is the world burning while the lovely couple is like "Nah. We got a kid to deal with. You can handle this, right? OK. Cool then. kthxbai."

I will admit. What they showed of Kana's (where'd the second 'n' go? Is that lost in the Deeprealms too?) prologue is adorable. An emotional reuniting occurs in the midst of, and I'll quote Kana for this, "evil things" happening. Things are looking bleak until Kana goes mighty dragon on generic bad guy arses, all to save her papa. By the way, not to go too far on a tangent but they use the term papa ALOT. It sounds weird being used so frequently like that.

Anyways, back to ragging on the video. At 7:40 Kana says "What if I grow old enough to leave here, but by then you're gone?" Isn't that a bit of a plot hole there? In the Deeprealms, time goes by much quicker. Wouldn't the kids eventually age to become older than their own parents if they remained in there?

At 8:07 the line "It's not a game --- it's scary." Welll, I mean, technically it is but fourth wall and such

Also, I giggled at "slugabed."

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So basically the explanation for the Hyperbolic Time Chambers is not much better in the localization. Quite honestly the Deeprealms thing really bothers because of how the parents put all of the children in a place like that. I can't imagine how lonely all of those children must have felt with how they were in a realm where they grew up faster and how they only saw their parents every few years from that place's perspective. I hope IS doesn't do this again and instead goes the FE4 route for the children or has it to where the parents have children after the war is over.

Besides that though it it nice to see that Corrin is really protective of Kana. It adds more character to Corrin and yeah I would be really protective of my child too if someone tried to harm them.

Edited by Frelia
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Honestly, could they have done much else? The crap is already there; re-coloring it would still leave it as crap.

We can only hope that IS has been reshuffled after certain past instances and we'll have less of this.

You misunderstand me, I merely thought the title of the thread implied changes, but didn't. Then I just commented on the absurdity of it all; the fact remains, as you say, that there's not much the localizers could've done.

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tbh, im really pleased to see that. My MUs would go fucking berserk if someone tried to harm their kid.

Me too. I feel it adds more depth to Corrin. I'm just asking if it was in the japanese version because I feel I'd have heard of Corrin acting like that before if it was. If it wasn't, then I think that this is one change the localization did for the better.

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It was an unneeded addition, but oh well, not much we can do. Its extra characters and content so as annoying as it is, its still more stuff. I like the way Fire Emblem is moving for the most part. The combat is really developing well, the level design is good, and aside from a few underwhelming armor designs the art style looks good. I really hope My Castle stays in though, it feels like something that truly belongs in Fire Emblem compared to the other additions.

And as poor of an excuse it was to bring in the children, I can't say I would of done any different if in that situation. To be honest I would have a bit of self control and avoid the chance of having children, but if it happened putting them in an area I know is going to be safe really isn't that bad of an idea.

This pretty much.

Honestly, the implementation of the kids this time may be dumb, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad they were back. I loved using them in Awakening, and I actually prefer this method to time travel, because fuck time travel. Is it dumb, yes, but it allows me to keep a game mechanic I like, so I'm cool with it.

Glad to see some other people feel this way. I realize that the explanation for the kids being in this game is really dumb and filled with plot holes and questionable decisions and all, but I love tinkering around with pairings, seeing how the kid's stats turn out, and playing around with their efficiency as different units. It adds a huge chunk of more game time for me and encourages multiple playthroughs, so as much as the explanation for their existence feels like an excuse, I like that the kids are still here. They're completely optional, anyway, so it's not like you have to bother with them.

I'm still teetering on the fence about whether Felicia's voice is cringe-worthy or adorable. Some of her dialogue has terribly awkward delivery, like her "I love you" is just... uhh... but at the same time, I feel like that awkwardness is a part of her character, and some of her lines are pretty funny.

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I'm late to the party but anyways

I like Felicia's voice but that confession is awful. Not her voice, but what she said. Yeesh.

and the dumb excuse for children are still in but I'm truly not surprised

but there are lot of a glaring plotholes that make me cringe

Also how long was this war anyways if everyone's off making babies and then taking care of them for like six months or whatever


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So...they still keep that hyperbolic time chamber bullcrap with the children. Well, I really hope that the localization team add more personality to the children. Because one of the biggest criticisms of the inclusion of children is not only the reasoning is bad, but the children aren't much different from their parents. In fact, IIRC, most of the lowest ranked characters in the official Japanese polls were the children themselves.

Oh yeah, and I find Kana's voice acting to be reasonably cute. Still not feeling Felicia's voice acting though.

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Me too. I feel it adds more depth to Corrin. I'm just asking if it was in the japanese version because I feel I'd have heard of Corrin acting like that before if it was. If it wasn't, then I think that this is one change the localization did for the better.

No. It's basically just

"Are you okay Kanna? Just leave the rest to daddy and go hide."

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Really? Out of all the things to not change, they choose to keep the "Deeprealms" explanation. It's not surprising but I still find myself hoping they would have done something to make it less awful, oh well.

Also, I just love that they made Felicia even more two dimensional in her confession scene and how it seems to be shorter now then how it was in the original version.

I like female!Kana's voice, it reminded me of Nowi's voice a little bit. I hope male!Kana's voice is cute as well.

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I've said my part for the logic behind the children so I'll comment that Kamui's line of "soaking the field" with the blood of his enemies hilariously over the top. Are the invisible enemies even sentient? That level of rage doesn't fit with enemies that aren't targeting Kana out of personal malice.

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I've said my part for the logic behind the children so I'll comment that Kamui's line of "soaking the field" with the blood of his enemies hilariously over the top. Are the invisible enemies even sentient? That level of rage doesn't fit with enemies that aren't targeting Kana out of personal malice.

I don't really think it matter who is attacking your child and what their intentions are. Overprotective papa/mama Corrin is A-OK with me.

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I've said my part for the logic behind the children so I'll comment that Kamui's line of "soaking the field" with the blood of his enemies hilariously over the top. Are the invisible enemies even sentient? That level of rage doesn't fit with enemies that aren't targeting Kana out of personal malice.

Truth be told if it were anyone attacking my kid, I would be pretty damn pissed too.

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I've said my part for the logic behind the children so I'll comment that Kamui's line of "soaking the field" with the blood of his enemies hilariously over the top. Are the invisible enemies even sentient? That level of rage doesn't fit with enemies that aren't targeting Kana out of personal malice.

Eh, I swear at video game characters all the time even though they can't hear me, so I'm okay with it.

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I don't really think it matter who is attacking your child and what their intentions are. Overprotective papa/mama Corrin is A-OK with me.

Truth be told if it were anyone attacking my kid, I would be pretty damn pissed too.

The threat's intentions make a difference though. Concern for your loved ones stays the same regardless but usually anger is reserved for malicious intent. Imagine if the foe was a bear and Kamui had the same line. The bear is just there to eat you, no need to act offended. Alternatively the threat could be a storm and Kamui would unironically shout "Fuck you storm!" Sounds silly, doesn't it?

Edited by NekoKnight
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The threat's intentions make a difference though. Concern for your loved ones stays the same regardless but usually anger is reserved for malicious intent. Imagine if the foe was a bear and Kamui had the same line. The bear is just there to eat you, no need to act offended. Alternatively the threat could be a storm and Kamui would unironically shout "Fuck you storm!" Sounds silly, doesn't it?

A storm isn't a person-shaped thing trying to kill your son/daughter. And I probably would fuck up/threaten to fuck up any animal that tried to hurt my nephew or niece, especially if they appeared to be human. Remember, it's only on Revelation that Invisible soldiers are really explored. Having kids takes the rationality out of you, I guess. It's not really unrealistic at all.

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The threat's intentions make a difference though. Concern for your loved ones stays the same regardless but usually anger is reserved for malicious intent. Imagine if the foe was a bear and Kamui had the same line. The bear is just there to eat you, no need to act offended. Alternatively the threat could be a storm and Kamui would unironically shout "Fuck you storm!" Sounds silly, doesn't it?

When you hear the sound of thunder, don't you get too scared. Just grab your thunder buddy, and say these magic words: Fuck you, Thunder! You can suck my dick!

I'm sorry, I'll go now...

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