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So what in fates is the most rage inducing for you (gameplay wise)


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Hexing Rod, not being able to save before Endgame and archers getting Proximity Shot are the worst things EVER.

I really, really hate that rod/staff, when enemies hit you with it when the hit rate is <30%...

So far, I've had the joy of watching both my units and enemy units, with good hit rates for both sides AND double striking, completely miss each other the entire turn.

Partly hilarious, partly annoying. Makes me consider disabling the battle scenes at times.

Could drag out longer, if you or an enemy used Astra, the Dual Gauge fills up even faster.

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I really, really hate that rod/staff, when enemies hit you with it when the hit rate is <30%...

Could drag out longer, if you or an enemy used Astra, the Dual Gauge fills up even faster.

Funny you mention that because one time had Ryoma procc Astra in the Arena and miss ALL FIVE SWINGS.

His opponents were a duo of snipers. I lost my pearls that day.

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I reaaaally didn't like that I couldn't save before the endgame of Birthright/Conquest. I had to redo the endgame of Conquest somewhere between 5-10 times because someone kept dying, grrrr! Hahah. At least the chapter before it was somewhat fast/easy, I guess...

I also hated the Hexing Rod... so annoying. So are the lunge chains, ew. ; [

Also, fighting ninjas in general. Especially those dudes in Conquest Chapter 25 (?) that take away a large chunk of your health after attacking you. I gave up on the right side of that map and just had Corrin defeat the boss himself after clearing the left side.

Edited by Infinite Dreams
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I reaaaally didn't like that I couldn't save before the endgame of Birthright/Conquest. I had to redo the endgame of Conquest somewhere between 5-10 times because someone kept dying, grrrr! Hahah. At least the chapter before it was somewhat fast/easy, I guess...

I also hated the Hexing Rod... so annoying. So are the lunge chains, ew. ; [

Also, fighting ninjas in general. Especially those dudes in Conquest Chapter 25 (?) that take away a large chunk of your health after attacking you. I gave up on the right side of that map and just had Corrin defeat the boss himself after clearing the left side.

Despite Fates being my first FE gane, even I noticed how my ninjas were inflicting poison even when their attacks missed or were blocked by an enemy's buddy. Similarly so for skills like grisly wound.

Really dreading eventually fighting ninjas in Conquest because of this. Debuffs and poison all day, really sounds like fun.

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Conquest 20 can go suck it

well, technically 19 can too, it's a pretty poorly-designed level in a game with otherwise solid af levels, but at least wyvern xander can just solo that

I raise you Conquest 25, where I had to burn a LOT of Freeze charges to stop the Lunge chains. Managed to rout the map, but I had to get far too creative for my liking.

Runner-up is Staff Savant and infinite Entrap (thank goodness they weren't on the same unit).


Despite Fates being my first FE gane, even I noticed how my ninjas were inflicting poison even when their attacks missed or were blocked by an enemy's buddy. Similarly so for skills like grisly wound.

Really dreading eventually fighting ninjas in Conquest because of this. Debuffs and poison all day, really sounds like fun.

You can abuse this too~! And it's quite hilarious when it works~!

Edited by eclipse
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I raise you Conquest 25, where I had to burn a LOT of Freeze charges to stop the Lunge chains. Managed to rout the map, but I had to get far too creative for my liking.Runner-up is Staff Savant and infinite Entrap (thank goodness they weren't on the same unit).EDIT:You can abuse this too~! And it's quite hilarious when it works~!

Oh believe me, I know. It took me until Takumi's recruitment to even bother with Archers since Saizo, Kaze and Kagero were doing better jobs of softening up enemies AND could defend themselves if caught up close.

Still bothers me there's this blatant hole in the mechanics of this skill and others similar to it.

Edited by Sarcastic_Red_Rover
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I'm sure it's been said before... But the times when enemy units have pretty low (sometimes very low!) hit rates and they hit every time, while your units miss with 70-80%hit rates well over 20-30% of the time.

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Oh believe me, I know. It took me until Takumi's recruitment to even bother with Archers since Saizo, Kaze and Kagero were doing better jobs of softening up enemies AND could defend themselves if caught up close.

Still bothers me there's this blatant hole in the mechanics of this skill and others similar to it.

Lunge abuse is pretty funny when it works - it forces out some squishier units, and if you're careful about which unit you use as bait, you can wreak some serious havoc. Likewise, Grisly Wound can be abused, and it's pretty funny when it happens.

It's possible to get Lunge yourself, and I've used it a couple of times to break up the enemy formation.

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Lunge abuse is pretty funny when it works - it forces out some squishier units, and if you're careful about which unit you use as bait, you can wreak some serious havoc. Likewise, Grisly Wound can be abused, and it's pretty funny when it happens.It's possible to get Lunge yourself, and I've used it a couple of times to break up the enemy formation.

Sadly I haven't gotten the chance to abuse that even with best girl Scarlet on my team. I blame Birthright's open maps.

Maybe Birthright on a harder mode or Conquest will give me the opportunity.

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It only bugged me recently, but just the gameplay around avoid really gets on my nerves;

weapon triangle doesn't seem to do much and units typically get hit by sub-50 hit rates anyway, due to the RNG

and even then, all the player-phase stuff favoring enemies is annoying (line of death, weapon masters, certain blow berserkers).

Enemies having huge attack amounts ontop of the hit rates also discourages squishy units (rip azura, felicia),

so you're encouraged to cheese with tanks like Xander, who will eat the poison, seal, or shuriken debuffs anyway.

The devs really thought of how to screw us over with enemy placement & skills lol

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25 is the most annoying Conquest chapter imo

I managed to beat 20 easily enough when I got used to how the wind works, I even had some fun doing it as fast as I could

With 25 I ended up just giving Corrin a killer lance and tossing him at Ryoma, hoping for the best

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This one is more based on weapons but, What is up with all the enemy locked weapons? They are so cool, but you can't get them or use them. Kukri's are one of my favorite weapons, and was so excited when I saw an enemy using one and hoped I could get it, but nope! For some twisted reason its enemy only. Really hope it returns as a weapon in 15 or in DLC so I can use it, because its just such a unique sword compared to other designs.

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25 is the most annoying Conquest chapter imo

I managed to beat 20 easily enough when I got used to how the wind works, I even had some fun doing it as fast as I could

With 25 I ended up just giving Corrin a killer lance and tossing him at Ryoma, hoping for the best

25's actually not too bad since there aren't that many enemy units; I had a bit of trouble with it until I realized that my typical tactics of baiting enemies at the edge of their attack range doesn't work due to the ninjas' defense debuffs, after which I found that just charging in (albeit carefully) works pretty well.

But then, I wanted dose chests.

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25 is the most annoying Conquest chapter imo

I managed to beat 20 easily enough when I got used to how the wind works, I even had some fun doing it as fast as I could

With 25 I ended up just giving Corrin a killer lance and tossing him at Ryoma, hoping for the best

My Corrin must of been RNG blessed or something, as he 2 rounded Ryoma with Shadow Yato

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