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Kirby's Return to Mafia Land - Game Over


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Isn't it that when the 3 targets don't break their PR and survive, she can loverize any two players in the game, i.e, she gets a loverize shot?

Or does she loverize the PR targets?

Trust me its taking me a long time to understand roles in this game. Heck, I'm still tying to understand how Refa's role works.

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idk what you're talking about here. the facts are that i'm NOT confirmed town (yeah, i fucked up) but that izhuark/marthipan cannot be town if i'm scum (otherwise i would have hammered the slot yesterday).

there was a while i thought that the fact that nobody tried to turbohammer randa meant that either you or randa was confirmed scum

out of the possibilities i feel most strongly on elie/randa; i gutreading kirsche as town and marth as scum but nobody agrees with me so i'll drop it. randa seemed to be high or drunk or some shit yesterday so idfk if he was serious or pulling some shit or what; i'd like to see what happens with him. meanwhile elie's content has been like... mostly recap posts and "GUYS PLS STOP" without actually pushing anyone i can think of. IMO scumteam is elie/randa/??? (Marth? Boron?)

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Isn't it that when the 3 targets don't break their PR and survive, she can loverize any two players in the game, i.e, she gets a loverize shot?

Or does she loverize the PR targets?

Trust me its taking me a long time to understand roles in this game. Heck, I'm still tying to understand how Refa's role works.

Oh, is it any two people? I fucked up, never mind. Might just revote kirsche because I don't think anything else about her role usage has been like bad enough for me to be like "man, this is definitely scum" but yeah. Do you think the role makes more sense if it just gains a loverize shot or if it can only loverize between PR targets?

My role is on the opening post, so it shouldn't be too hard to find out how it works (pretty sure you can literally just ask Prims for help w/that one).

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So that is my role. I can post restrict people, which is the part you already know, and if 3 separate people don't break the post restrictions I gave them I can loverize two players in the game. It's actually called matchmaker in my PM but whatever.

quoted for reference

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Also Marth, you should IMO Bodyguard Cam over me if you're sure that he's town because TBH all of my opinions are shared by other people to some extent whereas Cam's are actually kind of different so me dying is less important than him.

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Didn't Elieson break PR multiple times though?

Yeah one of the reasons I'd still BG you over Cam is probs because you're more active and think more often that cam really lol.

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It's only anti town if she had to loverize the people that she gave PR's too. Otherwise, it's like whatever.

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What do you think about Marth's points against you? Especially regarding associative reads between you and Boron?

I addressed his concerns about why I dropped the Boron read but the last point about me "just picking people and going with it" is absolutely false. I have been flip flopping all game on the majority of people, if I was just picking people for no reason (where is this familiar?) I wouldn't pick everyone.

Scum team is Mitsuki/Randa/(Boron or Marth), I still think Elie's rage earlier is townie and he has been pushing Randa and I think Mitsuki/Boron quite hard so I don't get why Cam feels like he hasn't been pushing anyone. Marth is also less likely than Boron imo because Izhuark was unlikely to be scum. I just realised we can have a vote each without scum quickhammering so

##Vote: Mitsuki

She can probably loverize anyone she likes afterwards, but what about the point about masshooking? Why did she risk hooking people like SB?

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I'm gonna be off in an hour, I'll be back but I'm trying hard to see why Mitsuki targeting SB can be considered anti town.

Why didn't she just try and auto hook or silence someone she thinks is scummy by forcing them to post in code.

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She can probably loverize anyone she likes afterwards, but what about the point about masshooking? Why did she risk hooking people like SB?

I don't get why that's alignment relevant. It's not optimal for town if she was using it as a hook but it doesn't harm town either.

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I don't get why that's alignment relevant. It's not optimal for town if she was using it as a hook but it doesn't harm town either.

What Mancer did was good for town, ergo what I'm saying he should have done is good for town. I'm saying it IS optimal for town.

Mitsuki and Izhuark make sense as scumbuddies actually so if I'm right on her I'd be happy to lynch Marth. Then I guess Refa comes back in the spotlight but I'm still iffy on my scumread even if Marth is scum just because his play this phase is pretty townie. While he could have saved his buddy last phase I think he would be more inclined to let the himself be viewed as confirmed town rather than pointing out that he wasn't.

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Oh hang on I meant using it to hook scumreads is optimal.

I just remembered SB was giving a BPV so hooking him doesn't hurt. It isn't optimal use though and I don't see why Mitsuki would not hook/silence a scumread over him.

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hooking the mafia kill works only in the situation when one mafia is left.

Do you seriously think the mafia would let one of their buddies who could possibly face a hook actually take the kill?

And if scum is hit by the PRes Hook w/e do you actually think they'll let themselves get hooked over a petty PR?

Who would you expect Town!Mitsuki to hook anyway? You were one of her scumreads during the first cycle but you're an ascetic, lol.

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Whoops fell asleep.

Mitsuki, I'm back to being mad at your role. DipLipping around with your favorite role because it's your favorite role is dumb because you gimped town of information to fulfill your ship fantasies. I don't even know what diplipping is, but it makes as much sense as you using your role in a townie way. I literally cannot think of a reason why potentially loverizing scumreads when you could've coordinated hooks to help confirm town/scum in an equally manipulative way would've actually helped.

If Refa's basically confirmed town because of primsderps, and yesterday was flat out potential mylo because of the whole "possible" thing, then Boron's essentially confirmed town because no other living role right now other than maybe mystery role on Mitsuki can possibly offer protection from a kill.

Assuming Boron is albeit confirmed, that makes her interactions with Kirsche look more legitimate on the premise of Town v (Town?/Scum?) fighting.

Marth, I voted Izhuark like I said, because I was rereading and got claims confused, and never quite made enough sense of things while i was around to shift my vote back to where I wanted it to be (Randa).


Elieson even though I'm only confirmed town to myself, I'm not scumreading myself despite having played kinda lamely wrt my shitty activity but i still regret joining this opensetup role assignment game.

Marth's fantastic and again I can't see what Izhuark has done as being scum, action related and general playstyle related. Maybe it's a flop from my earlier reads of the guy I don't even remember, but I'm definitely not scumreading him now.

That leaves Kirsche/Mitsuki/Randa/Cam to me as potential scum and I'm really townreading Cam up the yingyang for reasons I've stated all game.

##Vote Mitsuki

I'm still relatively confident on Randa just being super casual about being scum but I'm feeling slightly less sure about it. I can't see what Mitsuki did as being town, given that she tried to loverize people who are good lynch fodder.

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@Marth Mits wouldn't have had to out her hook, just that "punishment exists", in order to try to trap theoretical scum into a hook. Thus, a night with a nokill and a dead BPV let Mits either be marked as really townie after outing her results of indirectly hooking X, or lets scum!mits throw a buddy to the wolves, so to speak.

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Elie, neither me nor Boron are confirmed town. Why is Mitsuki targeting potential lynch fodder scummy? If anything, that makes her townier because it's less likely that scum would do the same.

What Mancer did was good for town, ergo what I'm saying he should have done is good for town. I'm saying it IS optimal for town.

Mitsuki and Izhuark make sense as scumbuddies actually so if I'm right on her I'd be happy to lynch Marth. Then I guess Refa comes back in the spotlight but I'm still iffy on my scumread even if Marth is scum just because his play this phase is pretty townie. While he could have saved his buddy last phase I think he would be more inclined to let the himself be viewed as confirmed town rather than pointing out that he wasn't.

I'm confused, I thought we were talking about Mitsuki, not Mancer.

I'd do that as either alignment because someone else pointed it out first (I think?).

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Eli please answer me.

Since you thought Clarinets was scum last phase, why didn't you push for his lynch? What made you think that bringing a scum!cop to *YLO was a good idea?

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Oh, is it any two people? I fucked up, never mind. Might just revote kirsche because I don't think anything else about her role usage has been like bad enough for me to be like "man, this is definitely scum" but yeah. Do you think the role makes more sense if it just gains a loverize shot or if it can only loverize between PR targets?

Oh, I didn't see this, sorry.

I think loverizing between PR targets would be crazy.

Like, we're in MYLO after 2 Mislynches, a no night kill night, and an SK lynch.

If the PR targets were loverized we'd be in a shit hole.

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The scum could still just avoid the punishment by following the PR you know.

Ofc I know nothing about how the PR stuff is set.

I was only informed that "YOU'D BETTER HONOR YOUR PR, WHICH IS THIS." in my RolePM. The only reason I knew about punishment was because Mits was upfront about it. MIts could've easily said "Break your PR, I wanna test something" fwiw

Elie, neither me nor Boron are confirmed town. Why is Mitsuki targeting potential lynch fodder scummy? If anything, that makes her townier because it's less likely that scum would do the same.

I'm confused, I thought we were talking about Mitsuki, not Mancer.

I'd do that as either alignment because someone else pointed it out first (I think?).

if it is potential mylo then something has to exist to prevent scum from getting a kill ya? Also if I were scum loverizer, I'd target the scummiest people I could find in order to take advantage of a potential double lynch. Though IDR why the whole refa!confirmed town thing even came up now. I should look back then

Eli please answer me.

Since you thought Clarinets was scum last phase, why didn't you push for his lynch? What made you think that bringing a scum!cop to *YLO was a good idea?

Because even though I was scumreading him some, he had an investigative role which town desperately needs and i didn't actually think about it being *YLO coming up to be completely honest

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