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Ace Attorney 6 Thread


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Really I just don't know what to expect from or even what to think of the Kurain stuff. It just feels so out of nowhere.

I agree, that's one of my main concerns; it's just a fictional country that appeared out of nowhere and has the same name as Maya's village, so I can only assume we're in for a history lesson. The magic power gimmicks also make me skeptical since it'll allow Yamazaki to write whatever he wants and he can just introduce a new rule, ability, power or whatever to bail him out if he writes himself into a corner, which is something he tends to do. I know it's nothing new in the Ace Attorney series, but I feel like the series is at its strongest when it doesn't rely on things like that, and now it'll be a core part of the trials.

Well to be fair that's not exactly accurate, this game doesn't seem to be about choosing between separate paths.

My biggest concern with it at the moment has to do with game-length; if there will be enough time to properly flesh everything out without making the game seem like it's dragging.

I should've been clearer; what I meant was that I don't like the split narrative because I'm afraid it'll end up either feeling like two incomplete games or they'll tie together very clumsily. Couple that with Yamazaki's love for achronological narratives, and we'll get a story that will be all over the place yet again.

I'm not trying to hate on this game; I love this series, but there are so many random elements thrown in here, and after Dual Destinies, I've got very little confidence in the writers. Hopefully they'll at least give Apollo some nice character development as well as a conclusion to his family situation.

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"Spirit of Justice" is kind of brilliant.

Disappointed this one is digital-only again, but it's not entirely unexpected.

Nothing really new from the trailer, though now that it's in English and I can understand what's being said, it's hinted(with definitely not awkward-sounding dialogue) that Apollo has some sort of connection with the new prosecutor... or so it seems. The silhouette at the end is wearing a hat and has some butterfly thing going on, neither of which describe the new prosecutor. There's also the hand thing the silhouette is doing, the prosecutor does something similar but his hand is flat(though we haven't seen all of his poses either). The silhouette is still on the right side though, so perhaps two new prosecutors this time around?

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I really hope they're not hyping up Apollo just to let him fade into the background again. But what did he say? Confront the familiar? That does sound interesting! I wonder what it could mean.

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I really hope they're not hyping up Apollo just to let him fade into the background again. But what did he say? Confront the familiar? That does sound interesting! I wonder what it could mean.

Maybe familiar means something of a more supernatural nature? Familiars are assistants to Wizard and Witches, and the occult does seem to play a huge role in this game.

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So uhh... Khura'in? Really? I know I was kind of not happy with a country apparently linked with the spirit channeling school, but if that's an attempt to imply they're not related I'm not sure this is the right way to "fix" it...

Though if it's hand-waved as a word getting mangled with time when adopted to another language, that would make a little bit sense.

Does anyone know if the names of the country and the spirit channelling school are written same or differently in Japanese?

And yes, that's about the only thing that I noticed about the trailer

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English Trailer is out? Dno why this is shown as new when people are discussing it earlier in thread.

Edited by Jedi
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So uhh... Khura'in? Really? I know I was kind of not happy with a country apparently linked with the spirit channeling school, but if that's an attempt to imply they're not related I'm not sure this is the right way to "fix" it...

Though if it's hand-waved as a word getting mangled with time when adopted to another language, that would make a little bit sense.

Does anyone know if the names of the country and the spirit channelling school are written same or differently in Japanese?

And yes, that's about the only thing that I noticed about the trailer

Well I mean the country is more Chinese inspired but Maya and her clan is very clearly Japanese inspired. I guess they figured they would make the country a different name to make it seem like another language and perhaps make the naming conventions look a little similar to Zheng Fa's, though not exactly the same.

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[spoiler=My thoughts]Apollo vs. Phoenix? I would be excited, but they promised this in Dual Destinies too and it fell flat. There seems to be a lack of animosity though, so hopefully we can have an entire case dedicated to them duking it out, and I really hope there's a good reason for why both of them clash unlike in Dual Destinies.

A dragon? Come on, Yamazaki recycles his ideas so much that it's not even funny. There was a big monster in Investigations II and Dual Destinies had whatever the yokai spirit was called; it's always fake and it always has a convoluted explanation.

A revolution? I'm not a fan of Yamazaki's obsession with trying to write grand stories; Ace Attorney is at its best when it's more personal, and judging by how many characters that we'll have to deal with either the revolution arc will suffer or the characters won't get enough time to shine.
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I liked the trailer well enough, but I think that bit at the end gave away too much.

Aside from that... my thoughts on the game haven't really changed after this final trailer. I'll probably go through everything that's been shown up to this point again when I'm less tired and figure out more detailed thoughts on how everything looks.

It seems most likely that the silhouette from the first trailer was just the prosecutor, we haven't seen him with a hat of any kind which is a bit odd but not much to go on. The thing that still brings up the biggest questions from that segment is Apollo's dialogue.

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It seems most likely that the silhouette from the first trailer was just the prosecutor, we haven't seen him with a hat of any kind which is a bit odd but not much to go on. The thing that still brings up the biggest questions from that segment is Apollo's dialogue.

Indeed. I'd be very surprised if it wasn't the monk prosecutor whose name I forget. I mean, Blackquill appears in the official art, but he's not the pink butterfly type.

Not even Yamazaki can cram in three prosecutors in one game...can he?

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Payne is a thing, each of the original trilogy has three prosecutors, +one more for Trials.

Huh, I forgot all about him. That means we have Payne in the first case, then the monk for both Phoenix and Apollo, and Apollo will go up against each other in what I can only assume is at least a part of the final case, since they're in the same country, and Blackquill is bound to make an appearance, although we don't know if that'll be as a prosecutor - the question is though how the monk can be at two places at the same time.

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Huh, I forgot all about him. That means we have Payne in the first case, then the monk for both Phoenix and Apollo, and Apollo will go up against each other in what I can only assume is at least a part of the final case, since they're in the same country, and Blackquill is bound to make an appearance, although we don't know if that'll be as a prosecutor - the question is though how the monk can be at two places at the same time.

Actually, I think Payne will be Phoenix's opponent in all of his cases in Khura'in. However he's will be just a paw to Phoenix's real opponent which I think is going to be that priestess girl whose name I forget.

While Apollo will face the new prosecutor back in Japan/USA.

Edited by Water Mage
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So, who'll win: Apollo or Phoenix? I really want this to be Apollo's game, so I really hope he wins as long as he has a solid reason for going up against his mentor (well, I hope they both have valid reasons).

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[spoiler=regarding the above]

As far as who will "win", I put my money on Apollo(left side is right side), or the player having some input on who wins, which could be cool as a climax after playing as both until then.

The real question here is do we have Ace Attorney: Civil War memes yet?

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[spoiler=an addendum to my previous post]

As far as who will "win", I put my money on Apollo(left side is right side), or the player having some input on who wins, which could be cool as a climax after playing as both until then.

The real question here is do we have Ace Attorney: Civil War memes yet?

...Which isn't to say Apollo "winning" wouldn't be fitting either.

And yes, they have started.

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The latest trailer really succeded in making me more interested on this game. Not sure why this is being spoilered because it is blatantly shown in video, but fine:

Looking forward Apollo vs Phoenix. I don't know how this happened, but since this is a game where absurd things like the first courtroom session of AA3-5 happens and no one bats an eye, I'll adopt my "it's bullshit but I believe it" policy.

Also, I do think the discussion between Apollo and Phoenix in AA5 was interesting. It answered a lot about his character and his conflict between the pursuit of justice and personal bonds. I just think it could've been better and more relevant to the case itself. A short discussion of 5 minutes didn't do much justice to it, forgive me for the pun.

I hope AA6 fleshes his character out, he is truly deserving of it and never actually got much character building even on his own game.

Also skeptical about the revolution part. Why can't we have a simple, straightforward murder premise on this country game? The more complex and unnecessary things we add, the more chances it has to fail. Also, I am not sure how they're going to include and develop all that load of characters on a single game. Other than that, it is looking good.

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The real reason I'm interested is that Phoenix is prosecuting. It's weird that they'd allow a defense attorney prosecute a case.

We also get to see Phoenix probably lose again.

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