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Best and Worst Memories of Chapters in Awakening *Spoilers*

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Fire Emblem: Awakening has been out for quite a long time now and there are some chapters where I could imagine players struggled with when they first began playing. I've played since it came out and I sometimes try to surprise myself by randomizing my pre-battle strategies. So far on my first playthrough doing the game...

My Best Memories in Awakening in order:

1) Fighting Walhart in Chapter 19 for the first time with a RNG-screwed 10 HP remaining Chrom (who wasn't able to dodge Paladin attacks) and dodging an attack from Walhart that had a hit rate of 91%. Chrom promptly counters and wins on the counterattack without Aether or a critical-hit.
2) Screwing Grima (Final Boss in the story's endgame) using characters who are usually overshadowed by their children (Vaike, Sully, Frederick, Anna, and Kellam of all others [i can think of more but it's a mouthful]).
3) Screwing DLC Apotheosis Boss Anna on the Secret Path by pure luck (tonics and many max stats along with Limit Break to ensure that damage on the playing team is minimal). Female Bride Morgan (Lucina's daughter) pulling off not just three Aethers in a row against her but a whopping four times in a row and surviving with < 35 HP. This is overshadowed in my second playthrough where Female Morgan (now Severa's daughter) is a Swordmaster and going into direct battle against Anna, both with full HP after Morgan's turn as ended and Anna has yet to make her move. Normally a bad case situation due to Dragonskin and Counter making melee fights up close bad. Morgan doesn't have Astra but instead has Vengeance and is using a Sol Katti and only having a 40% Critical-Hit Ratio while the damage possible is 7 per hit due to Dragonskin halving the actual damage. Morgan surviving the second hit from Anna thanks to Miracle and manages to get critical-hit Vengeance in retaliation going for a whopping ~141 points of damage and OHKOing the boss.

Worst Memories of Awakening:

*Again, knowing some of my characters got RNG-screwed even on their good growths. Chrom got Defense-screwed until he got reclassed to Great Knight.

*Enemies somehow getting critical-hits with < 10% Crit Rates and while having <= 40% Hit Rates and causing me to restart the chapter on my non-defeat Classic Runs.

*Forgetting that enemies on Lunatic are scarier and much more deadly than on any other difficulty and then promptly charging bosses without checking their stats and/or skills only to get curbstomped as a result.

*Doing some maps without realziing that the weapons/staves on the units being used are low on durability usage...these chapters in particular made me regret not checking my equipment.

Chapters 19, 21 and 22 as well as Paralogues 10, 20, 22, 23 and Xenologues 19, 23-25. In the case of Wellspring of Truth, I got too excited and failed to take note that my current units being used once the battle started were using Limit Break with tonics and had max stats. Enemy Nah ended up defeating half of my units because of the classes I had my characters in as well as the skills I had on my own Nah.


Apotheosis Secret Route...those annoying Snipers with Counter, Dragonskin, Luna+ and Vantage+ and Hawkeye. If they didn't have Vantage+ and Luna+, they had Aegis+ and Pavise+ making fighting them a complete nightmare. Two words: Suicide Berserkers. I don't need to say anymore regarding those two enemies, one on the left and one on the right of Boss Anna since they made me reset from my battle save data more than 10 times because my units kept killing themselves on the counterattack or got killed by Counter's recoil. Anna herself wasn't that hard.

Edited by Emblem Blade
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Getting me into the franchise to begin with

Actually breaking the game my first playthrough by recruiting Spotpass Lyn, Marth, Roy, and Ike

Bad memories


Basically this. Also, playing on a no reset playthrough and Gregor going out in a heroic way fighting off dark fliers and barely protecting his wife on the second to last chapter. It was sad, but epic.
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Basically this. Also, playing on a no reset playthrough and Gregor going out in a heroic way fighting off dark fliers and barely protecting his wife on the second to last chapter. It was sad, but epic.

That moment when a unit of yours that has very bad defense/resistance growths ends up facing enemies who specialize in stats that your unit's pathetic growths can't help you with when it comes to surviving the battle.

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That moment when a unit of yours that has very bad defense/resistance growths ends up facing enemies who specialize in stats that your unit's pathetic growths can't help you with when it comes to surviving the battle.

He actually fought them off quite well, you know before the getting incinerated part.

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He actually fought them off quite well, you know before the getting incinerated part.

If I had a video recapture for my 3DS I would have showed you my Hard/Casual and Hard/Classic runs where some of my RNG-screwed growth units were battling against enemies that could easily KO them on the fly. Some of my units got lucky due to random skill activations or critical-hits. My Good Memory regarding Chrom vs. Walhart is one of them except Chrom didn't finish him with a skill or a critical-hit, nor both. All I can say is...RNG is a mixed bag, it might help or hurt. Most of us could say, RNG has harmed us more than it could help when we needed it. In my Hard/Casual, RNG screwed me more than it did on my Hard/Classic. At most again, whenever RNG decided to have a unit of mine get defeated/killed, I reset the chapter and tried to alter my plans.

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Fuck Lunatic+ Chapter 2 with a cold, giant, metal pole.

That said, one of the best memories gameplay wise was of my eyes opening to Lunatic+ and the design behind it. It was a really fun playthrough. So much so I made a guide to get through the first few chapters, including chapter 2.

As for other things... Awakening gave me my IRL waifu. Even if I had to grow up from getting an in game waifu.

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Fuck Lunatic+ Chapter 2 with a cold, giant, metal pole.

That said, one of the best memories gameplay wise was of my eyes opening to Lunatic+ and the design behind it. It was a really fun playthrough. So much so I made a guide to get through the first few chapters, including chapter 2.

As for other things... Awakening gave me my IRL waifu. Even if I had to grow up from getting an in game waifu.

Ah, the hatred towards those Fighters with Luna+ and Hawkeye on Lunatic and Lunatic+ in Chapter 2...when you didn't even have a single unit who could effectively tank said attacks from said enemies.

I'm going to try to 'mute' that second part from my mind if possible...

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I'd say that Awakening both bought me into the Fire Emblem franchise (was into Pokemon before) and Lucina's backstory was the saddest...plus I don't like seeing her crying because it hurts right in the feels. One of my favourite memories was the discovery of Morgan (though the accidental marriage to Chrom :XD:)

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Best memory for me was chrom/F!MU surviving the enemy phase in endgame Lunatic classic. Morgan was a grandmaster with high stats all around, Lucina was paired with him as a great knight, Chrom was a paladin with mostly capped stats and F!MU was a sage with forged celica's gales. I brought along Olivia and cordelia.

I move all my units up turn 1. Turn 2, Lucina and Morgan KO the berserker in the middle below Grima,Chrom and F!MU attacks Grima and gets an Aether proc, losing some hp. Olivia dances for Lucina and she then gets an Aether proc, Olivia and Cordelia kick the bucket as enemy phase kicks in, all the enemies target Chrom and MU, every attack was either a missed or dual guard proc. Chrom had 24 HP left from Grima's Ignis and Grima had just enough hp for chrom to Aether proc, 3 turning the chapter without galeforce.

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Definitely enjoyed my 'second seal' run where I place everyone into the least fitting class on their class list.

So in the end against grima I had sniper Chrom (purely so he couldn't equip the falchion) backed by level 5 tactician me, Kellam the sage, Swordsmaster Sully, Dark Flier Lissa, Dark knight Virion, Valkyrie Chereche and General Sumia and Great knight Tharja


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Definitely enjoyed my 'second seal' run where I place everyone into the least fitting class on their class list.

So in the end against grima I had sniper Chrom (purely so he couldn't equip the falchion) backed by level 5 tactician me, Kellam the sage, Swordsmaster Sully, Dark Flier Lissa, Dark knight Virion, Valkyrie Chereche and General Sumia and Great knight Tharja


Swordmaster Sully wouldn't be terrible. Neither would Dark Flier Lissa.
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Best memory: Figuring out how to finish Chapters 16 and 21 on Lunatic in one turn. It required quite a bit of grinding, which was justified, because. . .

Worst memory: I had a Robin that was either on average or screwed in every stat as a level 20 Grandmaster. On my first Lunatic run. 0/10, would not recommend.

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My best memory took place on the map where you have to fight reflections of your own units.

I was facing off against an enemy Morgan who proceeded to fire off a Lethality shot directly at my character unit. I thought I was done for until Severa suddenly jumped in and blocked it. So, it should come as no surprise that she became my favorite daughter afterward.

I spoiled her rotten in all subsequent playthroughs :P

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My best one would probably be one of the dlc maps where you fight all the villains of the previous games. I gave my avatar vantage in my first game because I thought it would come in handy. Robin being a god never got a chance to activate that skill in the main game. This time however he did and he spended his time Ignis/Crit/normal killing several bad guys who tried to finish him.

Worst memory would probably be the chapter in which you need to escape from Plegia's castle. I always forgot that assasins could carry bows and they where happy enough to remind me when they killed of my flying units.

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My best one would probably be one of the dlc maps where you fight all the villains of the previous games. I gave my avatar vantage in my first game because I thought it would come in handy. Robin being a god never got a chance to activate that skill in the main game. This time however he did and he spended his time Ignis/Crit/normal killing several bad guys who tried to finish him.

Worst memory would probably be the chapter in which you need to escape from Plegia's castle. I always forgot that assasins could carry bows and they where happy enough to remind me when they killed of my flying units.

I can second that worst memory. I lost Cordelia in my current playthrough due to archers. I feel your pain.

Another really awesome memory I have is the time when I feared that F!Morgan was going to get killed and MaMu (with his waifu Lucina) was all like, "Nope I'm not letting my baby get killed, I'm going to keep her safe!" and blocked a lethality hit from a streetpass Kellam. And Morgan proceeded to go all Ignus/Aether/Critical hit on the guy.

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Ah, the hatred towards those Fighters with Luna+ and Hawkeye on Lunatic and Lunatic+ in Chapter 2...when you didn't even have a single unit who could effectively tank said attacks from said enemies.

I'm going to try to 'mute' that second part from my mind if possible...

Mute what part?

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Mute what part?

Id ignore him. Hes trying to be clever.

As for me, i think my first Loki run was the best time. Also, Boron's Avatar Run where a collection of SFer's MUs were documented in a single run together.

Worst Awakening memory? The day of release. My cart was defective and i had to exchange it. The downside, there were only two preorders and you guys may remember the release fiasco. So someone else got screwed out of their preorder because of my defective cart. I felt so bad.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Best memories:

-That music in Chapter 10. Great stuff.
-Gangrel, Walhart, and Grima were all fun boss fights
-Finally beating Chapter 2 on Lunatic. I had more trouble with that than any other map in the game, so beating it was a great feeling.

Worst memories:
-Losing a character to reinforcements who appeared in a place I wasn't expecting and acted immediately, especially in Chapter 21
-When I realised there was no reason not to pair up virtually all the time

-An enemy attacking me on the enemy phase, I strike them back and kill myself on Counter. OH COME ON.

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Best Memories:

The Music. Seriously it was well done throughout the entire game.

Recruiting the kid units. I really enjoyed this mechanic and I'll admit I have a thing for time travel.

Grinding in a Fire Emblem game. Something I always wanted to do...I know I'm weird.

While I had been playing Fire Emblem long before it was the game that made me want to join this site.

Worst Memories:

Trying Lunatic+ and failing...hard.

Marrying Cordelia on my first playthrough and getting Severa outta it...

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Id ignore him. Hes trying to be clever.

As for me, i think my first Loki run was the best time. Also, Boron's Avatar Run where a collection of SFer's MUs were documented in a single run together.

Worst Awakening memory? The day of release. My cart was defective and i had to exchange it. The downside, there were only two preorders and you guys may remember the release fiasco. So someone else got screwed out of their preorder because of my defective cart. I felt so bad.

I was referring to 'muting' the part of Shadowofchaos finding his irl waifu from his in-game waifu from my mind since I don't really want to think about all the irl girls who are trying to date me.

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  • 8 months later...

Best times: In Priam's paralogue, when my hero Lon'qu!Gerome, paired with S support Olivia!Lucina as swordmaster, get 0 by all enemies, except Priam, that was beautiful

I don't know if is good or bad, but in Aversa's paralogue, War Priest Ricken!Brady, with the wolt axe, Cynthia as S support paired up, survived Priam, who activated Astra, my MU Eins with everything capped, the other Brady and Cynthia with only 1HP point, I'm still amazed by that

Olivia being OP and practically activates critics of 6% and Lethality every fucking time

Worst: Priam paralogue, especially my first time, I'm almost finished, Severa has only 34 HP left, paired up with S support Yarne, only left a sage, Priam was already defeated, the sage has a 40 something percent of hit and 35 damage... Severa dead, I'm shout and reset.

Vaike being KHO by almost everything under the sun, Virion too

Forget about the snipers and left my fliers near of them

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