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Cipher Series 6 - Info, News, Leaks, & Discussion: Sep 29: Happy release day! Good luck with your pulls everyone!


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I get that not everyone is happy with the choices bookofholsety made for some of the names in Project Naga, but this is not the proper time or place to debate them, so I'm going to put on my mod voice and kindly ask people to stop derailing the thread now, please. <3

Edited by Kirie
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I apologise. I thought leaving the whole story out there would clear up the situation, and somehow managed to forget that VinceKnight had already posted a link to the page I was quoting.

I'll try to stay more focused in the future.

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I think Erin is just a typo. It wasn't spouse to be the name of the card. What is the name of the artist BTW

The unpromoted card is by Tetsu Kurosawa, I think her promoted card is also the same illustrator but it's too blurry to confirm.

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Yes, but the argument for Project Naga is that Fury is not a name. Dunno why Erin though.

The Wiki will choose to roll with what sounds better, which is Erin by the way.

Ferry IS a name and that's the actual one used by NoJ. And anything can be a name, I mean "Nephenee" is even less of a name than "Fury".


Ahh anyways, who knows what goes through their minds. If anything I find it disrespectful to the source material, but this is not the place to discuss that I guess.

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Ferry IS a name and that's the actual one used by NoJ. And anything can be a name, I mean "Nephenee" is even less of a name than "Fury".

Ahh anyways, who knows what goes through their minds. If anything I find it disrespectful to the source material, but this is not the place to discuss that I guess.

Yes, I'm well aware that NoJ used Ferry as their name, but when it comes to localisation in the end -> no one knows if they would use the same name.

I've barely played Genealogy (and I am not associated with Project Naga, nor have I even played the patch itself), but I've allowed my local FE4 expert (another wiki editor) to handle the FE4 stuff for me. So in the end, I've let him make the decisions.

However, as Kirie said, we should stop detailing the thread and stop talking about it, you're free to message me and debate it there but please end the Project Naga talk here.

Why exactly the card is trash? and What exactly means the 0?

Garon isn't worth the payoff, he needs to Tap himself (and destroy 3 allied units) just to destroy their whole board, you want to be in a more advantageous position when you board clear, and using Garon to do it isn't that good, as you lose units for doing it. It would have been cooler if Garon didn't have to Tap himself to use the first skill but I can't complain I guess.

Bolverk (skill 2) will never be used either, because flipping 2 for 1-2 range and a slight power increase is not worth it, especially when Garon has enough attack to attack their Main Character and get a hit in already.

This along with the fact that he has 0 support (this is what the 0 means), when you take a hit from a low power unit your opponent has because you were supported by Garon (which is the same as failing a support in general) puts you in a bad situation.

Well, if anything, Garon may come into play if specific swarming decks that rely on the field (like Ryoma) become a big thing (it may possibly happen) but as of now, who knows.

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Garon isn't worth the payoff

Yeah. While I've only played with Sleeve play, when it comes to the offensive having a lot of units deployed is kinda meaningless when the win/lose condition is tied to a single unit. Usually it matters very little if the opponent has their field swarmed when your 3 units can all gang up on the lord. It's not like Yugioh or Magic where every unit is a barrier to protect your life points, well unless your main character is in the backrow but there are simpler ways to pull them out, and unlike Pokemon you gain nothing by killing units. Hell you lose nothing by failing to try and hit the lord.

This means that blowing up the field is a lot less effective. If his skill instead allowed him to do something like "Flip 3 bonds, you can move one enemy unit and this unit can attack twice" then he'd be very scary and also an SR card instead of just an R.

I may be wrong, though.

Edited by SalShich10N
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Yeah. While I've only played with Sleeve play, when it comes to the offensive having a lot of units deployed is kinda meaningless when the win/lose condition is tied to a single unit. Usually it matters very little if the opponent has their field swarmed when your 3 units can all gang up on the lord. It's not like Yugioh or Magic where every unit is a barrier to protect your life points, well unless your main character is in the backrow but there are simpler ways to pull them out, and unlike Pokemon you gain nothing by killing units. Hell you lose nothing by failing to try and hit the lord.

This means that blowing up the field is a lot less effective. If his skill instead allowed him to do something like "Flip 3 bonds, you can move one enemy unit and this unit can attack twice" then he'd be very scary and also an SR card instead of just an R.

I may be wrong, though.

Blowing up the field is relevant, but in Garon's case, it's not as relevant, because imagine in a scenario where their MC is at the back and you want to end the game, Garon blowing up their units is good and all, but you have to blow up 3 other allies to do it and Garon can't attack on that turn, so it balances out, which is... not that ideal really.

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Blowing up the field is relevant, but in Garon's case, it's not as relevant, because imagine in a scenario where their MC is at the back and you want to end the game, Garon blowing up their units is good and all, but you have to blow up 3 other allies to do it and Garon can't attack on that turn, so it balances out, which is... not that ideal really.

Oh crap it blows up 3 of your allies too AND taps him? Damn that's useless.

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Today's reveal is promoted Ethlyn!


Her status as an R also pretty much confirmed Cuan will get an R. It's also seriously messing with my SR predictions and hopes. Such an awesome looking card, though, I can't complain. <3

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On the one hand the art is pretty awesome. On the other, the sight of wyverns surrounding her in the background where it looks like she's in a desert give me an idea as to what scene the art for that card is based on...

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On the one hand the art is pretty awesome. On the other, the sight of wyverns surrounding her in the background where it looks like she's in a desert give me an idea as to what scene the art for that card is based on...

Yeah, that's what a lot of people (including myself) are thinking as well. Kind of bittersweet.

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First thing I noticed was her card number 10. Which means Cuan is getting (7) 8-9.

I'm wondering if Deidre gets punted to the end of the line with Arvis now instead, or if the Chalphy knights become starter exclusive.

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I'm thinking that his retainers are being pushed to the back of the prologue characters. There still needs to be room for Lex and Azel, and they probably decided to give Sigurd's family a higher place in the order.

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Now Eythlin is a good card, she can flip down a bond to become 1-2 range 70 attack and if she kills she flip up the bond again. Then again,she's 10 support and promoting is not popular, is it?

Either way, if you have to promote for it, and you do get Light Brand for free if you manage to hit with it, but that isn't really anything special.

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I rather enjoy all of Beruka's cards, but this one takes the cake - for the glory of Nohr!

You'd be glad to know that Beruka blows herself up, FOR THE GLORY OF NOHR

I particularly like this card art. Looks great. I bet it would look better IRL, when its shiny and stuff.

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