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Should I marry Hana or Setsuna?


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I know, I know, kind of a boring topic.

I've narrowed it down to these two, but I having a lot of trouble deciding who to pick. Hana seems really cool, but according to some people there are some supports that indicate she's not really a good person? On the other hand, Setsuna seems pretty based, but let's face it, she's dumb. Who should I pick y'all

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I like Setsuna more, so I'd recommend her. She just so quirky and memorable, and she's overall really entertaining.

"Yay... wait that was barely a change."

"Ohhhh... are we fighting?"

"I'm bored now!"

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It depends on a combination of preference, your Kamui build and possibly the classes you want to pass to both your wife and kid, if you decide to get her.

Personally, I like Setsuna because of her hair color. I'm still not sure how the passage of classes works but she has the ninja line, though I don't think you'd get that. Hana isn't bad but, like I said, it is all about preference.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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Pretty sure Setsuna wouldn't notice if you died...

Sad but likely. :<

/Anyway/, Hana's cool and all, but I would personally go for Setsuna. Hana just doesn't seem... compatible with Corrin IMO. It's your choice though.

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Well... Setsuna sounds high like, all the time. (Besides that she's actually one of my favorites personality wise, idk why honestly. Then again, her high af voice can also be a positive as well.)

Hana's VA is... mediocre, but I like her MU support (among others). She used to be a favorite of mine early on, but I kinda... lost interest in her character after a while. Probably just a me thing though.

Also, just to clarify, I'm saying to go Setsuna. That was NOT clear at all. Like, I don't even think I understood myself.

​But Raquna is the best waifu. If you know who I'm talking about go play EOU. Fantastic game and series.

Edited by TrueEm
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I'm still not sure how the passage of classes works but she has the ninja line, though I don't think you'd get that.

Avatar and Kana would get Archer, unless Archer is the trait, in that case I believe they'd both get ninja, but don't quote me on that.

Also, then Setsuna would get nothing soooo... don't do that anyways. Making your trait Archer I mean. (If you intended to do this pairing)

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Setsuna IMO is the better character, but if you want a better mother for Kana, then go Hana. But then, even that is up to you (Though personally, I would go Setsuna).

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If you really want to decide, support Hana and Setsuna. It's one of Setsuna's better supports IMO. Hana's backstory is explained in her support with Sakura.

As for you, personally. . .I'm gonna be the outlier and say Hana, due to her history. She's hardly perfect (thank goodness), but at least she's interesting.

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Samurai nets you Duelist's Blow, Vantage and Swordfaire, which are all excellent. But Archer grants you Quick Draw, Certain Blow, and Amaterasu, which are also pretty good. Just go for the one you like more, as you'll get effective skills from both. If you want to truly optimize, go for Hana, as every Samurai and Swordmaster skill is useful and the time you spend in those classes will be easy to handle because you can still use the Yato.

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