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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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"He was still dangerous. I could sense it. He was completely out numbered and stood no chance of beating us in a fight but he's the type that would go down fighting rather than surrender. Especially when the others were talking about torture." Emmet spoke the last word with a certain amount of distaste. "Serge had even put his weapon away. The fight was not over but many of the others failed to realise. I decided to shoot him rather than risking a blood bath. And lo, it was the correct decision. He had been carrying an explosive. Had I not acted then nobody in that sewer would have got out alive, save maybe the lady Charlotte. I understand the value of information though. I visited the lady Adele the following morning to explain myself and she agreed it had been the right move." Emmet didn't mention the princess' presence there. I wonder if Niko is aware of the relationship between the two of them.

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"I'm not saying that you shouldn't, so no need to be defensive. I simply wanted to hear your thoughts. I do not disagree with what you did and likely would have done the same myself. Still, it's a tricky situation, so be careful with being impulsive in the future. That is all."

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Emmet was taken back. "I didn't intend to speak defensively at all. The way I see it I have no reason to defend myself. I was right and everything worked out. Of course my view on the subject is that my own opinion has little merit. You, as my commander, are the one who should decide what role I take in battle, so long as it doesn't put me into undue harm. SPeaking of which, I was quite disappointed you didn't show up to the lucky goose yourself. I was hoping to use it as a chance to get to know you. We're still practically strangers after all."

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As Alain approached the Codger, he found himself witnessing something truly alarming. Apparently one of the would-be-patrons managed to piss off the doorman, and was about to get something nasty in the form of a bladed weapon to the neck. That was until he eased up, and said something that sounded like praise. Maybe? He ushered in the small group gathered at the front, and himself as well. He was slightly surprised he didn't need to prove how "dank" he was, but all the better then. He wasn't sure he wanted to go through that ordeal a second time. Now I'm just being dramatic... He sighed, stepping into the shoddy bar, completely unaware of the other priority occupants that were just a hair's breadth away. His business was with the elderly man he'd met earlier. Where was he last time? It was time to get some of his burning questioned answered.

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Niko shrugged in response to the comment about not being at the party. "That is not a place I would have enjoyed being and I was asked to perform a task by her highness during that time period anyways. While it's true that you don't know a lot about me, there is also just not a lot to know. I grew up around the Reliants and worked with them as soon as I could. And now I'm here."

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The man clapped his hands in glee, thrusting Doug the sack of money. It was certainly heavy, and the real deal. "Thank you kindly, Douglas!" he chirped, his voice full of joy. "It was a pleasure doing business! Drop by the circus any time you want!"
Leading Oldtimer away by his rein, it was the end of a beautiful partnership. However, with enough money to replace Oldtimer and then some, things were starting to look up!
Doug gains 20,000G!

After bidding his pegasus farwell, Doug took a moment to take in his fortune. He was currently richer than he had been at any point in his life. He wasn't sure where to even start spending...oh, right. A new mount. Before the circus man completely disappeared, Doug ran after him, bag of gold in one hand and saddle bag of belongings in the other.

"Hey wait!" Doug called out. "Who is your contact for dragons?"

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Emmet waved away the notion. "There's more to a man than his mere history Niko. At least I sorely hope that's true. My own history, while interesting, has been less than illustrious. It's the character of a man that matters most." Wait, he said he was asked to perform a task for her highness. Somehow Emmet was quite sure Niko didn't refer to the Queen. "Why were you performing a task for princess Cassandra?" Emmet asked. "Are we also on her payroll? Because the sum of my actions in the Reliants have also pertained to her."

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"We are not. This was a favor that she asked me to perform and since I had no interest in going to the party I saw no reason not to do so. We also were hired originally to help protect the royal siblings though, if that helps."

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Sidney's concern was sound, as much as Owen wished not to share his full situation. "Right... I'm sorry, Sidney, but it's just..." Maybe... maybe she could actually help me, but what is there that I'm not meant to do on my own? "Sidney, starting today, I am Wyke's prince regent." He paused to let the statement sink in. "Father's health is compromised, he can't rule in good conscience as is, but I can't tell mother or Cass how bad it is. I shouldn't give them a reason for overt concern." The prince was looking down as he said that.

"Right now I have a lot of things to decide on. I agreed to traveling to Raewald just shortly after, and I have to speak to Duke Herman on this." Owen crossed his arms, slowly regaining some composure. "And who knows what might demand my attention later..."

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Dank Deals

The storekeeper looked down at the blade, his gaze switching between it and Angus rapidly. "Yer that nukin' noble, Kearney, ain't yah? Figures yer 'ere oddy knocky. I viddy blades like this pretty often. Gives off baddiwad vibes, droog. I'll give yer two hundred cutter fer it." he replied, itching the back of his head. "How'd a poison like you get a craster's sword?"

All Dank and no play

Larissa reached into her pouch, nervously passing Cass a pot of ink and a scrap of parchment. Dave waved his hand at the bar, ushering everyone forwards. "If yer don't viddy him at the bridge, we be smottin' about town until we finds him, Princess." Dave replied, his men moving towards the exit. "Come on droogs, we've got a chelloveck to skvat! The dankest droog be findin' 'im first!"

The old man Alain had met the previous time was in the same spot, having been woken from the noise. His empty eyes gazed at Alain, with some degree of familiarity. The man had recognised Alain, and probably knew well what the diplomat had come to ask about.

It's in the sack

The man waved at Doug, pointing to the large bag of money. "I've left all the details on some parchment inside." he called out, barely slowing down to speak. "He's a man called Tristan, he normally deals in horses but he's got a few wyverns. Has a farm not too far outside of town, probably worth a visit."
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The misplaced noble beckons with his fingers, indicating that the price is to his satisfaction. "Bitva, droog. Lotta rooks t'be found when y'rack up a dozen gullivers inna week, eh?" He takes up the offered gold, leaving as quickly as he arrived--even for him, this wasn't an especially safe part of town.

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"Sounds like we're working for the royal family, albeit indirectly" Emmet said. Of course he was fully aware of Adele's situation and why she wanted a group of mercenaries, Emmet was just curious if Niko understood why exactly he was risking his neck. Emmet couldn't tell if he was the sort that would ask a lot of questions. He certainly seemed curious as most mages are, they met in a library after all, but he had a sense of indifferent laxness about him that suggested he felt people were best left to their own devices. If anything Emmet could think of few people he knew that wold show little interest in turning up to a party hosted by royalty.

"Regardless I feel I should become more acquainted with your little group before we get into any real fights. I wouldn't want to accidentally shoot one of our allies. Perhaps we mercenaries should go out for a drink ourselves some time. Or if you're entirely opposed to alcohol, I could come dine with you at the Herman residence some night."

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"We go where the Lady Adele goes. Given she cares for both the prince and the princess, as well as owing them her loyalty, it makes sense that we would be working with the royals. However, we do not directly answer to them and as most of us are not citizens of this country, they cannot technically order us around. That being said... Well, you know how it is with nobility I'm sure." He gave a slight shrug at the next question. "Perhaps, though I've always found the best way to get to know someone is through fighting side by side with them. I have no real opposition to alcohol though without the nobles we likely would not be welcome in the Lucky Goose, or at least I would not, and I know I'm not welcome in at least one other pub in town... We'll see. It depends on orders of course. We cannot be getting drunk while on duty."

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Wait Niko's been banned from a pub Emmet thought. Maybe the guy has a drinking problem. Now that would surprise me. "I agree. Fighting alongside someone is certainly a good way of discovering their true mettle but other activities also have merit. Truth be told I've only met you and Serge so far which just won't do. If a more standard social action isn't possible, then perhaps a group training session. What kind of fighters do we even have in the group? You, Serge and I give us a mage, a swordsman, an archer with some basic healing abilities. A good strong start to be sure. Do we have any horsemen with us? Or anyone in the more stealthy professions."

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"Oh... I'm so sorry." Sidney further tightened her hug briefly, letting him go after and putting her hands on his shoulders instead. "I understand what you're saying, accepting difficulties to help those around you- your secret is safe with me, Prince Owen. It truly must be a burden to have so much to do with limited time. I'll let your mother know that you're thinking well of her, then, and ask around to find her. And please, if there's anything I can do to help more than that, let me know."

She flushed a bit when Owen's head turned downwards- while he probably didn't mean anything by it, there weren't a lot of places he could be looking at the moment with her directly in front of him. "Well, I can certainly see what seems to be, ah, demanding your attention right now," she teased, smirking.

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"No horseman as a member of the Reliants here in Wyke, though there was a horseman with us during the last excursion, same with someone who knows how to use lockpicks. We have a pegasus rider with us, as well as another healer who apparently also has some other skills that are useful, though it wasn't entirely clear what she meant by that. And yes, perhaps some more training might be useful for all of us, though I think we've already done enough between the two of us and I need to be careful when training with anyone."

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"Oh a pegasus rider? That must be a very useful asset. Only five members over all. You were sorely lacking members before I joined. Seems I've already met half the group and didn't even realise it. Still though I would like to meet this pegasus rider and healer. If only to introduce myself." It'd be a shame if we end up burying one of them and I have absolutely nothing to say. Wouldn't be the first time though.

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"Of course. You should be able to at least find Doug at the Herman's usually. Was there anything else you needed?" Niko wasn't exactly used to all of these questions and was hoping to end them sooner rather than later. Especially with the questions about members and potentially pushing into the number of members.

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"I suppose not. I just wanted to give you the events of the other night from my perspective mainly. Although I would like some idea as to when we might mobilize. Ah, also if you have any policy on independent work while under contract. If I'm tight for cash I might take on a few jobs every now and then."

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"Baron Kearney...?" Claire wished the oaf had waited around to respond to her afterwards before he left. Angus taking on Lionel's responsibilities was already news to her, but now he had a new title to show off too? Based on his track history, she didn't exactly think he was the best suited for the job, although that was probably why he was seeking advice in the first place.

In hindsight, she probably should've asked him about his animals before he left too. She had to find something to test the vial on, and although she could probably find some kind of rat if she looked hard enough, the prospect really wasn't appealing to her. With this in mind, after muttering a quick "See you later." to Niko and Emmet (who seemed absorbed in their own conversation anyway) she set off towards the circus, hoping to find a test subject there.

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Niko shrugged. "Do what you need to do so long as it does not interfere with the main work. Though if you need equipment, I can help with that some. And you can come live at the Herman estate with the rest of us as well. As for mobilizing, I don't know. For now we're here until Lady Adele tells us otherwise. As soon as I know though, I will let the rest of you know."

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"A nice offer" Emmet acknowledged. Though he wondered if Niko even had the authority to let him stay at the Herman estate, "but I enjoy having my own independance so I'll stay at the mage's guild unless my financial situation grows desperate. As for equipment..." Niko took a quick glance at what the vendor had to offer. "Pinaka does me fine offensively and I have my own stave for healing. I do note they have a barrier stave here however. Do you think the group would need some extra resistance towards magic? I reckon you and I are pretty familiar with magical attacks. The pegasus knight should be too if stereotypes are anything to go by so probably not. Still, could be useful for practise at the very least."

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Cass smiled as Larissa handed her the parchment and ink, quickly hopping over to the counter and scrawling something on it. If nothing else, it was pretty, even if written quickly. "You-- wait!" She rushed over to the man that seemed their leader; she didn't actually know his name yet. "If you could tell me your name, that'd be wonderful, but if you have to be off so quickly, here--" she thrust the parchment at Dave, "this has my signature on it. If you find Ratty, give this to him, and tell him to show it to the guards at the castle. It should, at the very least, get them to come find me, and at the most, get him into the castle. I doubt many would be able to forge this easily. Thank you all so much!" Cass was still smiling wide at the entire situation; to find out you had such a following, even among the shadiest men in town, it was invigorating! Cass turned back to her entourage, nearly bouncing in place. "Well? Let us be off to this bridge! What good fortune it would be to find him there~" Cass made for the door with the rest of the men, her spirits high.

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Serge follow Cassandra out of the Codger. He got side by side to the princess and asked. "Are you sure that was a good idea? I mean, they were being helpful but... Are you sure that's safe to be leaving around in a place like this?" He was still thinking about Dave. Should they trust him? It wasn't out of the ordinary for people to be patriotic to their princess, but still, Serge couldn't shake the feeling that something was...wrong.

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"Serge," Cassandra said with a sigh, "we were just in the lion's den, so to speak. If they wished to do something, they had us surrounded, but instead they cheered my name and volunteered to go on a search for me. Do you honestly believe that to be a ruse? These people wear their hearts too openly on their sleeves to truly set something up like that, unless led my another, far more insidious person, and I'm confident that the large man I handed my signature to was their boss. Unless he was removed, they won't listen to anyone else, he's the 'dank'est, if you will." Cass shook her head a bit, nearly rolling her eyes, but containing the expression. "Try to be less suspicious."

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