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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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Emmet stared at the fourth person who Serge had been unable to identify. After a few seconds he let out a chuckle. "Fancy seeing her all the way out here" he muttered. "They might be a little too high born for the likes of me but I reckon I should at last introduce myself to our employer. I'll be back in a bit."

Emmet ordered a glass of spirits and headed over to the table of Nobles. Seeing them all in their fancy clothes made very slightly self conscious about his own work clothes but there was very little that could be done about that. He didn't own much when it came to dress. He bowed. "I apologise for interrupting your conversation." He looked directly at lady Adele. "I am Emmet of the house Dun. Commander Niko accepted me into the ranks of the reliants just this morning. You are lady Adele, correct?" He swept his eyes over the other three. "It's also a pleasure to meet Wyke's finest and a fellow noble of Raewald."

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Emmet had been off just as a new person had come over to his table, whom he somewhat recognized as 'Angus'. "Yeah, I suppose we aren't the greatest choices to hire, but who am I to complain, eh?" He said, shrugging. It was then he saw Angus downing the rest of his mug completely. From his dialect, Serge could already tell he was slowly getting drunk. Still, Serge wasn't going to back down from a challenge like this, especially when he was certain he could hold his liquor far better than this guy. Serge chugged the remainder of his drink before setting down the mug. "So...what are you trying to prove?"

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Angus rests his feet on the table with a laugh. "Prove, mate? I'm just tryin' t'have a good time! Though I guess some in'rductions are in order, eh? Didn' happen properly last we met, an' last I saw there's some new folks about." A sweeping hand precedes the introduction. "Name's Angus Kearney, cavalier workin' under 'is Highness the Prince. Nobody 'round here has a stick too far up their arse, so you should prob'ly be fine if you can hold up your end on the field."

Edited by Terrador
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The evening came quickly for Claire, after her surprise meeting at the barracks. She wasn't exactly thrilled at the prospect of having to meet Emmet at the party, and upon spotting him at the entrance she took care herself to wait back for a few minutes as to not be seen together. It wasn't just that he was annoying (he was very annoying, in fact), but she also wanted to avoid adding any fuel to the apparent rumours of their relationship either.

This did mean though that by the time she entered, the majority of the people she knew were all absorbed in conversation with one another, including a certain irritating bowman. There were others present though, to her surprise, and if she didn't have no idea who they were they wouldn't have looked too out of place. She found herself taking a seat next to one of them men tucked away in the corner. "Hello, I don't believe we've met." She forced a smile onto her face. She wasn't exactly great with new people, but she was curious about them. Who were they, and why had they been invited along? She doubted that they were just gatecrashers.

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Serge waited a moment before replying. "Serge Molenli. I'm just a mercenary. No one special." He wasn't exactly pleased with the sight of the bottoms of boots blocking his view a bit, but he tried not to let it bother him. "You said you serve the prince? How'd that happen?" He asked.

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Angus shrugs--it wasn't terribly interesting. "Crown wanted a few new pages, I was 'bout the right age. Bein' a baron's kid don' hurt terribly either, mind! T'be honest, not sure why 'e picked me t'go on campaign with 'im, but it turned out pretty well for 'im, dinnit!" The squire's laugh is a joke known only to himself; he realized partway through that Serge probably had very little knowledge of the ordeal.

"Well--you ever seen a berserker some seven foot tall an' broad as a barn, mate? 'cause I have, an' lemme tell you: not th'easiest thing in the world t'handle."

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Now he was sure this Angus fellow was making up stories to make him look better than he was. "You expecting me to believe you took some guy like that on and lived? If he even exists. I ain't got the ear for fairy tales." He said with a skeptical look, still smiling his usual cocky smile.

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Angus' feet hit the floor once again, his tone earnest as he begins to speak. "I'm not shittin' you! No great secret tha' Dettard was up to no good, right? Well, we went an' sacked 'is joint, but 'e had this enormous fellow there! More like an animal, an' believe me, I know my way 'round them. So we clear out th'grounds, some serious regulars too, an' I hear 'im roarin', right? Now, dumb bastard tha' I am, I think to myself, "Angus, how 'bout you go stuff wha'ever that thing is?"--had a pretty straight shot to 'im, jus' a couple archers, that Sid--er, Charlotte helped wi' them. 'e was huge, shackled an' everything, an' 'is brother's tryin' to cool 'im off, but no such luck. Smashes the man flat, one shot, needed a shovel to carry 'im out. Anyway, 'e busts out, starts givin' me the evil eye, right? So I take a swing at 'im an' get out 'fore he can get 'is hammer on me--damn thing's huge, too--an' 'e follows! So I keep swingin', lettin' 'im give chase, he was a mite too dumb to figure 'e couldn' catch a horse, yeah? This right pair of jackasses, priest an' a lancer, decide t'try to ruin my day, dumber'n the big guy if y'ask me. Kill 'em both, keep goin', everythin's surprisingly good, 'least on this wing."

The "conquering hero" leans in, finally taking a moment to breathe before continuing on. "But here's the kicker now! Not a man left 'sides the big guy an' us, right? I'm winnin' right handily, no issue there. Then I catch tha' everyone else is makin' a beeline for the bastard! Couldn' make this shit up if I tried! Niko's peltin' 'im, Adeltrudis be throwin' an axe, an' the royals too! So I try an' get between 'im an' the Princess, an' I swear I could hear Engel callin' for me, but then Owen runs 'im through!" He palms his forehead, remembering... fondly? the recklessness of his comrades. "Ask any one of 'em, they'll tell you the same. An' they call me a mooncalf!"

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His story was a bit long and slightly detailed. And he was claiming Niko had been there as well. That was a huge claim. Serge laughed a bit. What the hell had he gotten himself into with this group? "Well, I suppose I believe you, mostly. But seriously, you went toe to toe with this Behemoth?" He shook his head. "You either got guts, luck, or just no brain." Serge leaned back, thinking. "...Still I suppose you proved yourself capable enough. I can't say I've got any stories like that." And he didn't. In the years that he had been away from Myrcia and his parents, he had barely made a name for himself. The money he had earned had always gone to keeping him alive and well, and by the end he'd barely have anything left to spare or save up. He sighed, looking down at his glass, remembering that he had already gulped everything down. And he wasn't feeling any less sober. Serge got up and went over to the bartender. "Hey. Does this place give free refills?"

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"Oh, yes hello. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance," Alain replied, refocusing his attention on his immediate surroundings. He had busied himself with simply observing the party as a whole, and he hadn't noticed Claire's approach. "You would be correct," he smiled, "I'm Alain Duhamel, I'm here on a visit from Raewald. It so happens that this is my first time here in Wyke," he laughed lightly. "It's a rather charming place," he added. "As for yourself?" he inquired.

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"Excellent, thank you." Adele replied with a kind smile, before pulling out a chair and taking a seat. It wasn't long after she had taken it, that another man came up to greet her. While she had never seen him before, it was... far more common than she'd rather, that her new acquaintances began that way. He introduced himself, and mentioned that Niko had accepted him into the Reliants, which was an easy enough story to believe, at any rate.

"Yes, that is correct. Well met, Sir Dun. I'm glad to see that at least one of Niko's hires is able to speak, the last one looked as though he was about to void his bladder in terror the first time I spoke with him... and he also seems to be about to get into a drinking contest with Angus... lovely." Adele replied, her attention having been pulled in that direction as Emmet introduced himself, which brought the disaster about to unfold clearly into her vision.

"I do hope neither of them make too much a fool of themselves... well, at any rate, I'd like to hear your talents, Sir Dun. I always like to know the capabilities of the men under my employ."

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Emmet glanced over at Serge and Angus preparing to drink each other under the table. He had been correct, the lady Adele did seem quite lax. He turned his head back to his employer. "My talents. Where to begin. I dabble in a little of everything. I suppose the most useful would be my ability with a stave. I notice your hand seems to be somewhat injured. I could try healing it for you if you like."

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Raewald? Is he a friend of Charlotte's? She had no idea why they would be visiting otherwise. "I'm Claire Bennett, of house Bennett. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying yourself." She really didn't think Hull was that exciting herself, but each to their own. Going off of what Charlotte had said, perhaps Raewalden people were just easily impressed? Or maybe Alain was just being polite. "You've come a long way to us." she continued, nodding her head. "Are you just visiting, or..." She stopped herself, frowning. In hindsight it was kind of rude to ask. Or at least it felt like it. "Erm, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to." Awkward.

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"Oh, that's quite alright. I simply had an incident with a teacup, earlier on. It's only a tad bruised and tender at present, nothing major." Adele replied with a light smile.

"I do thank you for the offer, however."

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Angus doubles over, struggling to slap some coin onto the table through gales of laughter.

"J-just... take that and get us both another round 'fore I lose it!" [Free drinks, Engel above. Does he not know how any pub works?]

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Serge took the coin and got them both some drink. He passed one to Angus. "Just assumed since it was a party we didn't have to pay. Guess I was wrong." Serge frowned. "You can stop now." He said as drank a bit more than usual. He was still thinking about his family.

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Angus holds back his laughter for long enough to deposit another drink--at least most of it, before one last chuckle spills a bit.

"Righ' then", Angus recovers, "What brings you t'a life of war an' such?"

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Serge tensed up a bit. He probably should have expected someone to ask the question at some point, but he was still not prepared for it. He thought about how he could phrase it. He thought about just telling him everything. He thought about leaving Angus where he was right now, telling him he didn't really need to know. With a heavy sigh, Serge simply said "Family..." And drank even more than before. So far, he was not having a good time at this party.

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"Right..." Owen didn't really know what to say to Cass or Gewaint at that point, just looking at his siblings until Cass made her way out. There's a party too... so Angus decided on today of all days? Tch. Owen rubbed his forehead, the schedule and events of that day only becoming more ridiculous.

Gewaint was quick to speak once Cass left them alone, though. Owen would speak quickly after his brother, but was taken by surprise at the mention of his father's warning. "Wait," The prince stood from the edge of his bed, staring at Dettard with an otherwise blank expression. "You mean, the king warned you?" Owen frowned, "I wasn't told anything like that, my mission was to speak with you, to confirm if there was any connection between you and Magonsaete, and report that to the king for him to settle it. Fighting you only became the case when we already confirmed you were hostile on the way..." Owen's gaze no sooner met the floor, "Are you saying Father might have set us up to fight?

As if highly regretting standing up, Owen immediately sat back at the edge of his bed, unceremoniously. The prince exhaled in frustration, "I don't know what I'll do, what to do with you, Gewaint." He turned back to his half brother, though this time he tried to give something more presentable than a frown, even if it was only a mellow expression. "I can't condone what you did, so... I just don't know. I don't feel as partial to pity you as Cassandra does, but just sitting here, looking at you with distaste doesn't feel like what I should do either." Owen sighed, "What do you mean setting yourself free? Gewaint, tell me what you have in mind from now on..."


Owen had attended the party, alright, though his mind seemed barely there. His vacant stare was first disrupted when his sister spoke to him. Owen looked at her with reluctance written on his face, "Now's not a good time or place, sorry." He leaned close to his sister and whispered, quickly returning to proper posture on his chair. There's still quite a bit I should talk to Cass in private...

Their tables were quickly filling as people joined the party, though it was still a fairly small group, all things considered. Leave it to Angus to think of a party after a nearly dooming campaign... Owen thought to choose a dish, but was once again taken the attention as Adele went to their table. "Oh, nice to see you, Adele." Owen nodded, looking at the noblewoman. His gaze stopped at the bandage for a few moments, but his mind to busy to absorb it, taking the explanation she gave to Sir Dun and digressing. "I take it everything's been fine at your home? What about Graham, is he doing fine?" Graham was part of the expedition, so maybe he'd have received an invitation. "And well met, Sir Dun." Owen spoke to the minor noble, as formality compelled him. So that one is part of the Reliants too? Hmm, It's good that their numbers are not limited to the mage and pegasus rider.

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"Not the time or place, is it..." Cass sighed, letting the rest of the nobles enjoy their talk. Adele had-- or rather Niko had hired more help. A healer could put her healing out of business, though she didn't quite mind, if it meant she got to hit things more. Still... She wished to practice her healing, with everything that had transpired. Perhaps she should visit the church, before they left for whatever else needed done. Probably something in Magonsaete, with Raewald. Cass kept thinking to herself while everyone else spoke, eventually tuning them out and staring off into space. She couldn't get what Adele had said out of her head, Angus' words chiming in here and there. She didn't think she'd done something so wrong, or she hadn't thought so, not until... What if... Huh...?

She sat herself up, standing from her chair. "Excuse me." She couldn't help but keep looking at Adele's hand whenever she came to from her own world, and that wasn't helping things. Maybe a fresh drink would cheer her up, or clear her head. Walking past Angus and his friends towards the bar, she looked over at the barkeep, about to ask, but... "No, never mind." If she sat there and started drinking juice, in her state, it would probably, quickly turn to alcohol. That would help no one, especially not her. "I'll pay for my party's drinks, sir," she started, again, "a gift from the crown. Let them have as much as they want." She could do that, at least. I'm glad I pulled Owen here... But maybe it would be best to not stay. Well... I suppose I can give it a bit. Maybe something will change. She went back to her idling, losing herself in her thoughts, kicking her legs gently over the edge of the stool.

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Angus blinked--he knew too well how to recognize turf one doesn't step on without starting something. "Righ' then. I'll be about 'til I get the boot, eh?" The squire rises, looking for somewhere else to sit, and finding--hrm. Cassandra, all alone. With a... bruise on her cheek? After what had happened in the forest, even Angus (drunk, no less!) could put the pieces together.

He sat, raising two fingers to the bartender. Looking forward, the squire offers the chance to speak. "Somethin' eatin' you?"

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But if I went I'd probably worry others... Not that I'm exactly the spotlight of cheerfulness right now, but at least if I stay here, no one will feel obliged to leave on my account... Cass was still deep in thought, wondering over so many things. I do wish Father was more open about the situation with Gewaint... Everything seems so suspicious, yet he won't open up, no matter what. I don't wish him dead, nor his illness, but I wish he could trust us to tell us of his schemes, at least... Cass sighed again, not noticing Angus until he spoke, giving her a bit of a start.

"A-Ang-- Angus, hello... Angus..." Right... "I'm sorry," she started, stopping to let him piece it together rather than spell it out for him. Well, he was drunk, so it could take him a few moments. He definitely smelled drunk.

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"D-wha?" It takes Angus more than a moment to register that she's apologizing, and he doesn't even register what she's apologizing for as he begins to speak. "C'mere then." He wraps an arm around Cassandra's head, pulling it into his chest. No small handful of seconds passes. Eventually, Angus pieces it together. [Earlier today. Right.]

"'s alright, really. You're still here, eh? Tha's wha' ma'ers." The young vassal lets go of Cassandra's head, to meet her eye. "Lemme tell you a bi' of a secret. Tha' fight wi' Baleros: I migh' be dead weren' it f'r Sidney." He takes a more modest drink. "Damn near got feathered 'fore I even found 'im. An' after tha', got jumped by some other loon, an' a priest wen' t'help the big one." A pause--Angus' thoughts tried to run off on him for a moment. "Wha' was I sayin'? Right. Poin' is--you try'n do good, do your du'y, do somethin', an' shit happens. Easy things, not s'much anymore. Brave turns stupid righ' quick!" The rest of Angus' drink disappears.

"You le' us handle th'stupid when y'can. Tha's all you can do."

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"Wha-- A-Angus, get off! You reek!" At the least the only smell coming off of him was alcohol, Cass pushing herself out of his headlock with a flush of crimson on her face. At least he meant well, but he really had to get it into his head that touching was not allowed. At least it was because he was drunk... She hoped. "It's very hard to take you sincerely when you're slurring every second word," she managed, at length, "but I appreciate it... I suppose. I shouldn't have slapped you-- well, not that hard... You do realize when you stopped me earlier, you touched my chest, right?" She hoped he wasn't too drunk to understand that much.

"Anyway, I just... Adele reacted poorly, as well. I chastise you for throwing yourself into danger, and yet... Here I am, tossing myself into a fire on a hope and a prayer! Hah... And I got so confused when Adele was upset, not over Gewaint, but over what I did... Like I simply don't matters. I'm the mooncalf here." Cass smiled wryly, and sighed.

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Angus turns an exquisite red at Cass' reminder of where his hand landed earlier. He puts the damned thing to perhaps a better use--sliding the second glass over to Cassandra. "Well, in tha' case I think th'founder of the Mooncav'lry has had... qui' enough!" The squire shakes his head before resting it against the table. "An' don' worry 'bout th'slap. I got th'crap beaten out me by Adele t'day, plus an axe t'the arm, I'm fiiiine." Angus doesn't realize what he said immediately, but the moment is punctuated by his head bouncing off the bar. [You've had too much to drink long before you're stumbling, you mooncalf! Just be quiet be quiet be quiet and pray she doesn't ask for your head]

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