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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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Serge's face reddened at the mentioned of being banned AND Larissa's little comment about 'tubs of lard'. Apparently no one was going to let him forget it. "L-let's just get to the Codger, eh?" He said, turning away, trying not to show his look of embarrassment. The fact that he had to wait outside like someone's steed was bad enough, already. "I can lead us there. Let's go." Serge had already begun walking to the Codger.

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Angus chuckles, patting the axe at his side. "Spoils of war! That said, five hundred sounds a bit shy t'me. Call it six, eh? You're sellin' at one hell of a hike either way, an' I doubt you'll see another one of these any time soon." The price didn't really matter, but it was the principle of the thing. He sweeps the sword and tome off the table, leaving just the object of the armorer's admiration.

"We'd just as soon hold onto it if you aren't offerin' a good price," Angus notes. It really did take a bit of thinking to bring the lance; it was no bluff.

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"That doesn't sound particularly healthy." she replied, not exactly sure what Emmet was getting at here. She rolled her eyes at his comment on her name, but didn't dignify it with a response. If he wanted to think he was clever while making himself look silly in front of his employer then it wasn't her problem.

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"No. Not 100% healthy but I doubt it'd do any better out in the wild. It's been pretty domesticated. Why do you inquire about it's health anyway? Do you think we might be able to cure malnutrition? An interesting idea to be sure."

Emmet referred to the badge as it as, in truth, aside from naming it, he hadn't even check its gender. It was less a pet to him and more something in his room he feed.

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"Well, it's certainly understandable. The King's health seems to be worsening at an alarming rate, and with the recent flame in the palace dungeon and the increased... ruffian activity in the back streets of Hull, I'm sure that Prince Owen greatly appreciates your expertise in a time of need." Adele replied, sitting in one of her father's rather luxurious chairs, across a small table from him. His study was as expansive as always, it seemed.

"It is good to hear the Graham is well... though he was never much of a social type, I am surprised that he finds himself lonely, of all things... as for what I wished to ask of you, well, it concerns many of the same things you are assisting Owen with, actually. The unrest within the Capital, tensions flaring all about, along with the pressure of Magonsaete in the West... as I'm sure you've read from reports... we barely managed to reach Owen in time, when he was moving to investigate the movements of former Baron Dettard. I've been... thinking about how that all played out, and realized that in a time of dire need, my ability to mobilize in a timely fashion is rather... lacking. Wyke itself is awash in forest, and the streets of Hull are thin and winding, in the lower quarter... a traditional war horse has difficulties navigating such terrain." Adele began, making herself comfortable as she spoke.

"As such, I would like to... make use of your contacts on the continent. Specifically, I'd like to purchase a Deiran war dragon. I feel as though in a time of need, the ability to bypass obstacles could prove itself instrumental... considering all of the goings on in the Capital, a few minutes difference could be paramount." Adele concluded, her first question fielded. It would be for the best to allow him to reply to that before continuing.

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Owen listened intently to the diplomat's new proposition, his face barely changing with the information received. My father's health has only been getting worse... besides, I'm the regent now, I should probably... "Well, Sir Alain, tell your queen that we will comply and will make plans to leave for Raewald within the month." Owen stated rather boldly, This is awful timing, though. Magonsaete demands our attention and with me leaving just shortly after being assigned regent... I hope Duke Herman can do a big favor and hold Wyke for me. Owen's stomach still had butterflies every time he thought of the power he was granted. "The sooner we speak, the sooner we confirm what position Wyke will take. I hope the meeting will prove as fruitful, no, even more than ours did." The prince proclaimed, through a brave facade.

"I will just have to speak to my advisor and decide on a date of departure. Are those terms acceptable?"

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"Yes of course, there's no trouble in that. I'm sure Queen Ethel will be pleased to hear your decision," he replied, holding his composure. His task of persuading the prince to come to Raewald had been fulfilled. Whether or not the meeting would be as fruitful as the prince hoped it would be was now in the hands of Queen Ethel and her court. Frankly, he was glad to wash his hands of the matter. He was better suited studying and practicing his magic, not managing foreign politics. Of course, someone thought he was fit for the job, and that's why he was in Hull, not at home in Raewald. Maybe I should have waited to have gone to the college... If he had the foresight, he would have planned things so that he still would have been in Wihtwar during the course of the war. There would be less to worry about that way. Alas, things never panned out so perfectly. "I will send word so that adequate preparations can be made for your arrival. By your leave, then," he said.

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"Whatever works for you guys..." Freya walked around quietly, thinking as they went along. "Princess, you sure it's wise to go into a supposedly shady bar? At least make some amount of effort to blend in, I figure. Never know what kind of people we could run into."

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Cass couldn't stop herself from laughing at Serge. "Yes, let's." She hadn't thought of that before Freya mentioned it, nodding and reluctantly agreeing. "Right. I'll pick up a cloak on the way. Keep the hood up, and all that. I suppose a hooded woman wouldn't be too odd in such a place, if it's truly as shady as they claim. You and Larissa can do the talking, as well, since I... Well, I know some of the dialect, but not enough for a passing conversation without sounding far too highborn. I blame the maids."

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"But of course. Thank you for your time and consideration, Sir Alain." With the meeting dismissed, Owen waited for the diplomat to leave first, thinking over the many assignments he was given that day. Angus probably won't be able help me too much over this... I should ask Duke Herman for advice, he shouldn't be leaving for his Duchy soon. Ah, I should also speak with father... and mother. He clenched his fist at the thought. I've been almost neglecting her, and now I have to hide this predicament from her and Cass... All I wanted to do today was go to the Cathedral and maybe meditate for guidance. Ah, what a day~. An exasperated sigh escaped the prince, as he made his way through the castle halls once more.

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Sidney stirred slowly, but was startled awake as soon as she realized where she was. How long did I sleep? She headed for her room immediately, opting to use her fixed-up cerulean dress now that she was done training, wandering the hallways for something more productive than napping. It was a pleasant surprise that the first person she encountered was probably who she wanted to see most anyway. "Prince Owen! How are you?" Sidney bowed her head slightly before looking at his face, trying to read his thoughts. "You seem... troubled. Is something the matter?"

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How Dank are you?

Serge and Larissa led the group down the alleys, ones that had almost become familiar. It wasn't a pretty sight, but they were soon outside of the Dank Codger, an establishment far less classy than the Goose. The doorman was still there, looking at Serge with suspicious eyes.

"Yer be bolshy to come back here, that's pretty dank." he growled, almost impressed by Serge's presence. "Yer don't be dank enough to vouch for yer droogs, though. They viddy pretty spoogy, are they dank enough?"

Larissa sighed, at least it didn't look like a fight was about to break out. She'd have no trouble getting in, but the others she was less sure about. Giving Freya a nudge, she whispered in her ear. "You just need to tell them how tough you are. It's less of an actual test and more of a tradition, you should be fine."



The blacksmith grinned, he knew the hagglers well. "Figured as much, it's a prett classy weapon for someone so young. I'll give you five hundred and fifty then, not a gold more than that. You're not going to get a better price elsewhere, the other fellas wouldn't be quite as generous as I is." he replied, giving the hammer in his hand a twirl.


An unusual present

"Yes, Graham feels somewhat isolated, he always did struggle with talking to people his age. I suppose that's why he was so fond of Jeeves." Tobias remarked, the butler's death still on his mind. "Other than the royal siblings, you were the only person he was comfortable around."

Tobias was rather surprised by Adele's request, it was far stranger than anything else she'd ever asked for. "A Deiran wyvern?" he asked, not entirely sure what to make of it. Most of the noble girls wanted pegasi more than anything else, but then again, he couldn't say that his daughter was entirely typical.

"That's quite the mount, rather difficult to tame compared to horses." he replied, still weighing up the idea in his head. "Then again, it would be a useful skill to have. Perhaps even the beginning of a Wykian air force... if you were willing to put the work in to learn, I'm sure that I can ask an old friend of mine to supply one. It may take a while, I hope you remain committed, Adeltrudis."

At that moment, Sebastian entered with tea and scones, swiftly placing them on the table. Bowing to both his masters, the butler began to speak. "Duke Herman, Lady Adeltrudis." he said slyly, closing the door behind him. "I was unable to obtain any useful information regarding Earl Valter, although it appears the Kearney boy has been visiting their estate... I could only imagine his desires. Most of our suspects are still viable.

Taking a sip from his tea, Duke Herman nodded in agreement. "That's a shame, it would be reassuring to exclude him..." he added, smiling at Adele. "Don't worry, I'm sure you're fully aware of Sebastian's role, and Jeeves' before him. You're mature enough and at an age where I feel I can trust you. Sebastian's been investigating the Princess' kidnapping, which I'm sure you're aware. We've been looking into each of the suspects, figuring their motivations. Earl Valter is a fusspot, but I'm not sure he has the nerve to do something so devious, even for his own gains."

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Angus eyes the wares on the wall, seeing an axe that catches his eye. "Tell you what, how 'bout I take that there, an' that'll leave..." He pauses; the arithmetic doesn't come to him very readily. "A hundred thirty?" He pockets the new gear, leaving the Great Lance behind. [Now, where to pass off this tome... hrm, that'll do?]

Angus sells the Great Lance!

Angus receives an Iron Axe (45/45)

Angus receives 130G

Surprisingly, there was more than one familiar face in the vendor's shop. "Fancy seein' the three of you here! I was just lookin' t'sell a tome we had on tap." He waves the Glimmer in the vendor's direction, though his attention is mostly on Claire. "Listen, Claire--you're kitted up, righ'? Not short on anything?" It was probably an odd question to ask when she didn't know of his new duties, but it wasn't exactly courteous to barge in the door bragging about a new title or two.

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The squire who had been present at Emmet's last meeting with Claire suddenly bounded in and started talking to her. We just need Serge to show up and then it'll be the same crowd as last week he reflected. The squire's appearance however reminded Emmet that he wasn't here to talk to the lady Claire. He turned his attention to Niko. "Commander. I was actually looking for you, truth be told. I think we need to have a discussion of the events that transpired a few nights ago. I apologise for not seeking you out earlier. I would claim I was busy but" Emmet shrugged. "I just procrastinated a bit. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

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"I am sure that he will grow more accustom to people in time... his presence can be rather intimidating, after all. I feel like being exposed to more people will do well by him, once his shell is broken a little." Adeltrudis replied, her expression darkening for a moment at the mention of Jeeves. Shaking it off after a few seconds, the young heiress cleared her throat and continued.

"And yes, I am aware that wyverns are... a tad more daunting than a standard young noble's pony. However, I did have a few lessons with them alongside horseback riding and combat basics... it was an older, more broken in beast for certain, but I grasped the basics easily enough. And wyverns from one of Deira's farms are fairly domestic, raised beside humans from the minute they hatch... it almost sounds like you're describing a wild beast, taken straight from the mountains. That would... certainly be an adventure." Adele mused, chuckling a bit at the idea. As Sebastian entered and gave his report, Adele considered it for a moment... Angus had been visiting Earl Valter? She supposed that the Earl had several daughters of the right age, but could the squire be interested in them? Presumably Cassandra had spoken to him after her little revelation a few days prior, perhaps he was branching out?

"Yes, I am aware of Sebastian's... clandestine duties. As for Kearney, he's an odd sort, that one... my gut says he might have taken fancy to one of the Earl's daughters... they are a rather striking trio, after all. Though, the young squire's antics aside, what do you think of the suspects at present, Father? I do not know many of them... particularly well, no so well as you, at the very least." Adele asked, before turning back to one of her original reasons for coming here.

"And yes, before I forget. As I'm sure you're aware of by now, Prince Owen is in the planning stages of an expedition to Raewald, to meet with their Queen. I would like to ask your permission to accompany him, and to request a war chest, of sorts. I hope dearly that it won't find use, but to make any sort of haste in reaching Raewald, we would need to skirt... uncomfortably close to Magonsaete. Not to mention the tensions within the Continent itself... it would be disastrous to find oneself improperly equipped, should things grow dire."

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Once again, Serge could barely understand what the doorman was saying to him. Not that it mattered. He wasn't allowed in, anyways. He could have made the argument that he didn't break any rules to begin with, but no good could come from that. Now, he just had to trust the girls to get in, get Ratty, and get out without anything going wrong.

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How Curious

"I'd hope that you'd prefer to ride a domesticated wyvern over a wild one, I'd certainly feel more comfortable if you did, Adeltrudis." Tobias laughed, amused at his daughter's sense of humour. "I'm sure it's harmless enough, I only hope he manages to... keep his trousers on, Valter's phenominally protective of his daughters, he makes me look neglectful in comparison."

The topic changed to something more serious, the Duke sat up in his chair. "Valter is still possible, but I'd consider unlikely. Gringolett is known for his staunch views of tradition of marriage and royalty, but he severely dislikes politics. It would be unusual for him to involve himself in such affairs, I've known the man for twenty years. The others are in less powerful positions, I would struggle to find a way that they'd be able to arrange such a deed. Edion's a character, we haven't got much on him... and I would hate to think that the royal family was at the heart of it."

Tobias nodded, leaning forwards in his seat. "I'm very much aware, war seems to be brewing on the continent. King Oswald would have wanted to resolve things diplomatically... but I fear he's in no condition to be speaking with anyone." he said darkly, knowing too well his friend's fate. "Funds are going to be tight if war does break out, we can acquire what we can... but more importantly, I want you to be careful. It won't be like the men at Dettard's manor, you could face vile and deplorable individuals. You may go on the condition that Sebastian accompanies you, as well as your mercenaries. I could not forgive myself if I were to lose another child to bandits."


You call that dank?

The doorman laughed, shaking his head. "Yer call that dank? Yer be a nazzy nadsat, better off munchy-wunching eggiwegs. There be a bar for lewdies like yer. It be called the Sosika Khiz, that's where the zanus go. The last droog told me that he once razrez'd a man's leg off... an' he only had a chicken nogas in 'is rook."

He looked at Serge with malicious eyes, coming up with a devious plan. "Hey, Eggiweg. Tell your droogs 'ow dank you are. Maybe they'll get the idea."

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His meeting with Owen finished, Alain decided to make his departure from the castle and pay his new acquaintance a visit. He'd finished reading through the brunt of the book the man from the codger had given him, but it raised more questions than it answered. Still, it was far more useful than what he'd found in the library though, and he wondered how the man had come across it in the first place. In any case, the man had made it clear that he would be found at the codger, and if Alain had any question he was open to answer them. As he began to depart, Alain felt his stomach begin to flutter. This was exactly the kind of information he had been searching for.

Alain begins heading towards the dankest of codgers.

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"So we're still not quite sure... well, I hope that you'll manage to uncover something substantial, if you can't, I struggle to think of someone who could in your stead." Adeltrudis replied somewhat solemnly, her expression sinking a bit. It didn't seem quite the right time to continue jovially discussing the merits of a wild wyvern as opposed to one raised in a farm.

"Yes, of course. I understand that funds will be tight if war were to break out, I simple thought it worth a mention... as for your terms, I see nothing amiss with them. If you would spare me Sebastian, I would be glad to have his expertise alongside, and so long as the Reliants are willing to retain their contract, I fully intended to bring them along. And I will... make sure to watch myself, Father. I have no intention of having the same fate befall me as did dear Theodore..."

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Serge flinched. Eggiweg. He remembered that word. The word those two fuckers had called him as Niko practically dragged him out of the Codger the last time. He hadn't seen the look in the doorman's eye, he didn't need to. He didn't care. "The fuck did you call me?" He said walking past Freya. "An Eggiweg, eh? You wanna know how 'Dank' I am, eh?" He got up real close to the doorman. "Dank enough to drink the shit that comes out of this excuse for a bar. Dank enough to come back to this shit hole after being banned for getting a bottle thrown at his feet." Then he grabbed the doorman by the collar. "And Dank enough to burn this place to the ground if you ever call me that again. Now you let these ladies inside. They have some business to attend to. And you make sure not a damn thing goes wrong in there." His grip tightened. "Understand? Because unlike last time, Niko ain't here to keep me from going a little... 'nuts' if you get me." And this time, Serge was ready to fight if he had to. He released the doorman, and walked back. "So...That dank enough for ya?"

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Dank you very much

Alain had just reached the Codger as Serge began his rant, grabbing hold of the doorman. The man looked down at Serge with threatening eyes, an aura of dread engulfing the young man. Drawing a sword from his belt, he glared at Serge. "Son, that be a lot yer just skatzed. Yer be following through with it?" he growled, stepping towards Serge, his blade gleaming.

"That be the dankest threat I ever slooshed. An' yer be willin' to snuff it to razdraz me. That is dank, please come in, my droog." he replied, opening the door. Giving a polite nod to Alain, he ushered the man through too.


Well planned

Tobias nodded solemnly, Theodore still had a very special place in the Duke's heart, and always would. "I'm glad to hear that, Theodore would have been proud Adeltrudis. My only advice is to keep your dealings with Princess Cassandra more low key. It is not as I hoped it would be, but you're mature enough to make your own choices. However, there are going to be a lot of people, as well as the church, that are going to be less accepting than even myself."

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Cass had managed to get a cloak on their way there, tucking her ever too evident locks underneath it as to not raise any eyebrows. Upon arrival, Freya hadn't managed to convince the guard, but somehow, Serge had intimidated the man enough to gain them entry. She didn't know he had it in him.

"Let's be on our way then," she said quickly, moving in along with the ushering. Hopefully Ratty was here, and this venture would provide worthwhile.

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"Ah, Sidney?" Owen stopped as he was called out, "I... just got a lot of my mind, again." He tried to put a smile, ending with a shrug. "I'm sorry if this is getting old. It seems like things are only going to get more complicated from now on. Ah... also," Owen cheered himself a bit before stating, "I am going to meet your queen within the month, so that's something, huh?" This time, the smile came more naturally. "I've got my work cut out for me today, though."

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