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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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The ocean was harsh to newcomers.

Freya had never seen it, much less been traveling across it before. She spent much of her time inside, trying not to take a look at it very often, but a crew member mentioned that they were close to land. If there was any time to see the outside a bit more, it'd be now.

She headed towards the captain, saluting the prince. "Might you know how soon the 'soon' that we'll reach shore is, sir?"

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Angus was, thankfully, rescued from responding to Cassandra by the chatter of the girls, and Scuttle's impressive recounting of what she had heard. [The hell's up with her? She's got something sharp up her ass today, and Scuttle should be fine. Though--shit! Never did talk to Serge about all those new Reliants. Not really my problem, but if they're hard up enough to be looting the convoy, we'll need to have some words.] He pulls a flask from his belt at Cassandra's request [should cool the poor girl's nerves just a bit with all these nobles flocking around, eh?] and lobs it towards Scuttles. His job done, the Bearon withdraws coolly.


Serge seemed to be right at home among his men--what looked to Angus' eye like two loggers and a woman... rather poorly dressed for the voyage. Angus leaned up against the boat's railing rather casually, spitting the last of the blood over the edge.

"Ho there, Serge. Commander of th'Reliants now, right? Care to let me know how that's gettin' on?" He offers a... not necessarily dismissive, but certainly unimpressed thumb to Serge's three subordinates. "How well c'n I count on these?"

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"Yeah. Commander. It's going places, I suppose." He answered, raising his eyebrow at Angus's somewhat backhand comment at his mercenaries. "I chose the best people I could find, and I'm positive they won't slow someone like you down, if you don't slow yourself." Even if he was new at this, Serge didn't take kindly to his mercs, of which he hand picked himself, being insulted by someone. Especially not some guy who just had to spit blood over the side of a boat after being given some side boob. "Hans, Lars, Larissa. This...is Angus Kearney. Good friend and loyal companion to Princess Cassandra of Hull and Lady Adele. We're going to be working with him, as well as a few other people on this boat, so I'd suggest you get yourself acquainted. Who knows, you might make some new friends?"

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Mook Squad

"Morganna? I haven't seen her about." Hans replied, scratching his head. "She tends to spend a lot of time alone, she don't look like a people person, boss. I'm sure she's somewhere, not like she can leave the ship!"

Angus' arrival made things interesting, Serge and his underlings at least resembled some sort of mercenary group. Larissa looked up at Angus with untrusting eyes, she knew a noble when she saw one, even when they were as rowdy as Angus. The woodcutters seemed a little more tolerant of the young Baron, but certainly weren't happy with Angus' remarks.

Morganna and Alain

Morganna smirked, not impressed by Alain's title. "I'll make sure that you're familiar with at least the basics before we're done, Alain. It's not like the academy, no riding on coat tails out in the field." she replied, stepping away from the mage. "I've got my work to read over, I think I'll let you do your own reading, you'll probably need it."

She stepped away from Alain, heading back towards the crews' quarters, not even giving Alain a wave - she greeted and said goodbye on her own terms.

A Captain's Caution

"Not sure, Prince. I can't say I've been watching her" Haddock replied, removing a pipe from his pocket. "It'll be an hour or two before we hit the shore... I suggest yer men be ready for trouble. I've sailed these waters for about a decade and there's usually trouble." Haddock looked over to see Freya turn up, somewhat amused by how chummy the soldier was addressing the prince.

"About an hour or two, lass. Yer should strap yer buckles and buckle yer straps. The fellas they have on their home turf are right nasty, it's only the stragglers who come to Wyke looking for trouble." he warned, lighting his pipe. "That bucket should keep yer safe though. Just don't get too cocky when lookin' at those ruffians."
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Serge scratched his head at the woodcutter's response. "Alright...what about Emily? Have you seen her?" To be honest, he was a bit more worried about a pyromancer on a wooden boat, but he didn't wanna say that out loud.

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Angus offers a hand to each of Serge's mercs, and is refused each time. He shrugs, leaning up against the railing of the ship. "Eh, suit yourselves. Na' really my business anyhow, but th'last fight we were in was..."

Angus shakes his head. Their corpses stare at him with empty eyes. For a moment, he borrows their stare, appearing to study the deck of the ship... but only for a moment.

"We lost some good men. We're lookin' at a rough go of it if anyone figures out Owen's trekkin' through." He meets Serge's eye with an uncharacteristic seriousness. "You see why I'm hopin' the faint of heart don't come with, eh?"

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"What I see is someone not confident about the people currently surrounding him. I understand trying to warn us, but you could do damn well better about wording it." Serge, so far, was not impressed. "Now, I'm hoping you didn't come over here just to spit insults and blood."

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The baron sets to his own two feet, not entirely pleased by the uppity Serge. [Angus, your image matters now. Don't slug him. He earned it, but you've got to be bigger than that. Breathe.] He takes a deep sigh before staring Serge down.

"I know you've got big shoes t'fill. I watched your old boss; he was a man's man, and you don't know if you can do like he did." Speaking as someone who knew too well what it was like to not match a great legacy, Angus closes in, eyes mere inches from Serge's. His lecture continues, a calm gravity to his words. "But one peep o'that to a diplomat, that's all our asses. Show me you can stuff th'ego, an' kindly thank me for the advice."

Angus doesn't budge an inch, waiting for Serge's response. If he was really truthful with himself, he was in no mood to take the commander's attitude after the Princess'... erratic behavior, but the concern was valid. [if that merc can't swallow his pride, he'll be on diaper duty from the first step into Raewald.]

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To say that Scuttle had collapsed might have been a bit of an overstatement. She could still stand if she tried.

But then she would have missed the opportunity of being personally hoisted up by the heiress of House Herman herself! “I promised myself my days of playing the fainting maiden on stage were over!” she admitted. “But back then I didn’t know I was going to fall straight into the arms of Lady Adeletruis!”

It was easy to see why men lined up for a chance to court her. Adele might have been an easy target for envious women and heartbroken men -- for every tall tale there was also a low note. House Herman was not at its strongest. The Girl on Fire, for all her radiance in battle, seemed to wear a perpetual scowl in the court. There was a reason the bards chose to be so selective when espousing her stories.

There would always be dissent and scandals sieved together with the heroic tales. A bard simply told the people what they wanted to believe. Right now in this fractured kingdom, they wanted to believe in a hero.

Her mentor really knew how to pick ‘em.

Her throat was dry. Her knees were locked. But when the Princess wanted something, that want became law. She took the flask gratefully and gulped it down, hoping some of Kearney’s life essence was transferred to her this way. “Scuttle Thames, your Majesty,” she proclaimed in her best stage voice, suddenly jolting awake with newfound vigour. ‘And pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Montana. A friend of heroes is a friend of mine. Surely you must have proven your mettle in their eyes.” As she would try to now. At this point the Princess could have ordered Scuttle over a cliff and she would have bungie-jumped just so she could do it twice.

“Well, people don’t say the tales outright. Much as we don’t say when a rich man’s daughter takes a suspicious visit to the apothecary. It’s a secret, the kind everyone knows. It’s all in the hush-hush,” she replied to Lady Adeletruis.

She leapt onto a nearby wooden crate whose purpose she believed solely to be her personal stage.

“I need ta’ move that, ye’ driggle-draggle!’

“Bash ye fookin ead in y’sef, num’skull!” she yelled before turning back to the Princess with a cheek-to-cheek saccharine smile. “Hear ye, Flying Kipper, and pardon me for interrupting yer shanties! Oh, a whale of a tale to tell ye lads! Oh, a whale of a tale or two! Behold, you know the Girl on Fire! Lady Adeletruis of House Herman! Some call her the Apple of Wyke, the other half know her as its Bane! Men from as far as Toulouse arrive to win her heart and they leave with black eyes! Yes, a radiant sun in which lesser stars orbited, in admiration or envy, who knows? Lucky is the one who wins her heart, but who can tame such a flame? Oh, if only!”

“And oh, need I even introduce Princess Cassandra of Wyke?” she presented with animated hands, “Palace maids tell royal traders tell merchants tell us, of her unusual mastery with the axe. But: ladies aren’t supposed to fight. But: even if she could, training and battle are two different things. Then let me share with you why the village of Perte has a statue of her, and why the bandits refuse to say her name out of respect for superstition.”

She brought her voice ominously low, with a booming sense of finality, “Let me share with you the Battle in Dettard Castle.”

“I’ve heard of it a thousand times. You louts are like parrots, always saying the same ol stuff,” heckled a voice from the suddenly gathering ship crew.

“But do you know the true story?” Scuttle countered, “Ho! Lord Dettard’s fortress, lined with a legion of sellswords and rogue mages that would make even the royal army quail. Giants, dragons, pegasi, bears!

‘The throne is mine to usurp, Prince Owen! I will cut Oswald’s head myself with a RUSTY HACKSAW and feed him to my BLOODHOUNDS! Ehehehehe!’“ Scuttle’s impersonation of Dettard was that of a hooded, cock-eyed hunchback, “Dettard cried this out atop his obsidian spire, and his entire army joined in mocking laughter against our hero. Chop him limb by limb! Bathe him in oil! Chop him up then bathe him in oil! But what did Prince Owen do? Tuck tail and run? Nay, he rode astride his golden dragon and charged, like the tip of a lance. The Sun rising behind him, the wind blowing before him. By his side the Girl on Fire brandished Nacht, an axe that could split even lightning, and the Baron of Bears brought upon a stampede of pure ursine fury — the very trees dropped them. The very ground sprouted them. ‘I have the right to bear arms!’ was his battle cry, for the Baron, you see, was not only strong but incredibly witty and handsomeimeanclever.”

She cleared her throat.

“What a clash it was. Pegasi aloft in the sky. Tornadoes of fire tearing through the ranks. With mere flicks the Girl on Fire tore though shield and steel. Adele and Kearney against the Titan Beleros — but that’s a different story. Right, back to Prince Owen. A dangerous man Dettard may be, but a coward still he was. On a crumbling plateau under the glow of arcane fire, a duel to the death had ended. Prince Owen honourably defeated his mortal nemesis. As Dettard laid grovelling on the ground, rapier to his throat, he pleaded for his life. And for all of Prince Owen’s bravery and smarts, between you and I, he is still a naive boy,” Scuttle confided in a stage whisper, to the chortling of the crew, “And he made his biggest mistake. ‘I will not strike a defenceless man down. Mercy is for the undeserving, for is that not what mercy is. I am just and kind. Instead I will merely knock you out. He approached to punch him. What a mistake that was! Dettard’s left trouser concealed a HIDDEN BLADE.”

Scuttle pantomimed the act of a sword stabbing into her chest. “Ssssshh-tuk aaaaaargh.” Pirouette, fall with hands outstretched.

“And below in the battlefield, as Cassandra saw her brother’s lifeless body drop, something deep within her awoke. Rage was nothing new to her. But with this, she screamed a bestial, horrible scream, and reality slipped in quiet reverence to one side.

Fully-armoured knights stood between her and her brother, and one by one they fell, their armour crumpling as if they were made of wet paper and not the well-forged steel it was. With every fallen enemy her bloodlust only grew, and it would not be slaked until every foe lie mangled, eviscerated, disemboweled beyond recognition. She had become an avatar of pure berserking fury. All to rescue her brother from the evil clutches of the conniving Gewaint Dettard.”

She pointed over to the Princess for wary eyes to fall on, “You think merely averagely-toned upper arm strength? Well that was what Dettard’s turncoats thought as well! You see those pearly whites? She caught a sword mid-stroke between them! Which kingdom would send their only princess deep through bandit territory? The very one that bandits fear. I sware on me moom, all’a it’s true! as quoted by dank dave,” she muttered the last part under her breath.

She bowed.

Well, don't everybody clap all at once.

“Is it true that Nacht is made of pure fire?” the cabin boy asked amidst the coughs.

“What, no that would just be silly!” Scuttle laughed incredulously. Honestly. The imagination of some people.

Edited by Frostivus
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One of those storytellers, then... Sidney droned much of the tale out, since it didn't seem to concern her much- a fact she considered to generally be positive. News of her less savory exploits beings told in stories wasn't exactly high on her list of priorities. Scuttle is so similar to Skittles! She has a bow and does performances too... what's with that?

The probably-entirely-random similarities made Sidney irrationally mad at the situation- passive aggression was obviously the only solution here. "Yeah, that's me, proving my worth and stuff. I'm the best," she muttered crossly, poking the princess gently. "Wow, Cass, I was on the opposite side of the castle helping the mostly-unharmed Owen and having nothing to do with the mostly-unncessary fight with the axe guy, so I didn't know you were so heroic! Truly you're an inspiration to us all."

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"Scuttles," she said with a small chuckle, elbowing Sidney gently. It seemed the girl's energy had come back from nowhere, suddenly jumping onto her grand stand and bellowing to the crew. This'll be good. Cass had heard plenty of tales from plenty of bards in court, and plenty more at the Goose. They'd either bored her to death or made her smile the slightest bit, but they'd mostly been too real. The bards in Wyke-- the ones she's heard, they didn't like to spin a tale much further than what they'd heard. And they didn't seem to hear very much, it would seem.

The smile was precious, and the attention grabbing was on point. At least she had the make of a good entertainer. Well, I won't expect too much, not with my mood... I'll do my best to smile through it and offer her some praise. It would take a lot to get me happy right now--

"Lucky is the one who wins her heart, but who can tame such a flame? Oh, if only!”

Cass wasn't happy to hear that, per se, but it did make her flush red for a moment. If only, indeed. She glanced quickly at Adele; it was odd for Cass to hear someone sing the girl's praises so much, someone that wasn't herself. It was still appreciated, if at least to have gotten her guard down, just a bit.

The rest of the tale did much more.

Her own introduction, her statue in Perte, that was rather amusing, but Cass couldn't stop her smiling if she'd tried when Scuttle began to speak of the group riding towards Gewaint's manor. Her impression of the man nearly had Cass in stitches, wishing there was a way to contain the speech and have him hear it in the future. "If only he did sound like that, what a riot," she mumbled, starting to giggle. The golden dragon, lighting axe and Angus with the arms of a bear didn't do much else to help her, finally laughing a bit-- quickly quieted by a hand over her mouth, but it had escaped already.

Ugh, I needed this sort of foolishness in my life... Everything's been so serious for the past few weeks. Cass glanced back over at Angus, or where he was, speaking with Serge and his new men. A wry smile crept in on the current one, Cass turning her attention back to Scuttle, in time for--

"Rage was nothing new to her. But with this, she screamed a bestial, horrible scream, and reality slipped in quiet reverence to one side."

"Hah!" she snorted out, covering her mouth again, but the image was too amusing to contain, finally laughing openly. The rest kept her over the edge, laughter erupting at every little twist in the tale, Cassandra's becoming a behemoth of berserking rage far too much to imagine.

"B-Bravo, bravha, hahaha~!" Cass tried to stop laughing, but it wasn't happening. Even if no one else was clapping, she was, finally having something to blow her out of her depression. "Goodness!" she finally managed, a long sigh stopping her raucous laughter.

"If Dettard heard you describe him like that he'd have had a heart attack! Engel above, can we keep you? You're coming with us, right? I'm not letting that level of charming rhetoric leave, not if I have to turn into a beast to get it, snnahhahaha~" She started laughing again, clutching her stomach. "Ahhhh, Adele, Adele, it huuuhuhuhurts, make it stop, haha~!" Sidney couldn't help poking fun, Cass slapping her across the back-- not with ill intent, just enjoying herself. "Yes~! So heroic, I know, heehaha~ Princess Cassandra, Wyke's own little terror, hahaaaaa~!"

Edited by Melissa
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All hands on deck!

The boat shook suddenly, the sound of splintering wood echoing under the main deck. Captain Haddock stood his ground, gritting his teeth. "Prince Owen, we've taken a hit. I don't see any ships around, but I know the sound of a cracked hull when I hear one." he growled, pointing to his men. "Go check fer damage, boys. I've never heard of a way to damage ships like this. Those Magonsaete savages must'a got some new toys."

Looking above, a giant metal pole, much like a giant arrow flew through the air, narrowly missing the ship and plunging into the depths below. "They got a ballista too! Those bottom feeders are got more arms than an' octopus! We don't got the means to fight back at this distance, Prince. We might have to drop anchor at the first bit of coast we see, otherwise we might be sinkin'. We ain't gonna make it to our planned drop off point."

Haddock's men had rushed down below deck, presumably doing what they could to keep them afloat. The boat had steadied, and they weren't taking any more fire, but it was clear from the Captain's expression that things weren't good.


Hans stepped forward, looking Angus in the eye. "The boss might be young, but we trust him with our lives." he affirmed, squaring up to Angus. "We don't intend to be dying on him or anyone... you remember that, mister. Yer might be nobility, but it don't mean that yer can get away with judging us like shit on yer shoes. We know what we're in for here, just make sure yer understand that."

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He was about to call Hans down when the boat shook. Serge held on to the railing as he felt his the boat tip for a moment from the impact of...something. "What the fuck was that?!" He said as he climbed back up to his feet.

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Owen nodded to the soldier at her saluted, not entirely sure who she was, but entirely hesitant to ask. Lionel did a better job at introducing my entourage to me... I can't be that hard on Angus yet, I suppose I'll take this responsibility. A sigh came out of him, deciding he'd ask around later.

At least the captain had good information, an hour or so to prepare was fairly generous. It also mean they'd set their feet on land just as soon. Very good. "Mm, I understand. I'll make sure to inform and look out for this poe--" Owen's legs shook, he'd have dropped face-first on the floor if his reflexes betrayed him. Thankfully, his foot landed strong on solid wood before his face, sending the prince on a short jog for his own balance. Aaaaaand stop. "Alright..." He straightened himself, brushing his doublet for good measure. Let us pretend that never happened...

An object flew near them and made a very distinct noise, one of cutting through air. Owen looked to the sea at its splash. The bubbles made it hard to distinguish, but that seemed like an oversized metal rod more than anything. It was simple to add up from there. Goodness, of all the things Angus feared to be right! Owen would personally have preferred a flank by a pirate ship just about now, if only for a moral victory...

"Let's change course to the nearest shore you think you can stop by. I'll go ready my men, captain." The prince agreed to the captain's suggestion quickly. To think that things could turn so sour before even setting foot on Magonsaete proper... "If you find anyone, tell them to ready up as well, miss." With the dismissive given, Owen rushed out to the deck, which seemed to have its own, unrelated commotion stopped by the sudden impact on the ship.

"We're under attack by forces from Magonsaete." The prince announced, his steps slower now that the initial shock dissipated, though a hand was hovering his sword's handle --he was fairly on guard. "We will need to change course and drop off nearby. Don't expect a friendly greeting."

Edited by Xinnidy
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Well, that was... it was definitely something, This Scuttle Thames was a character, if nothing else, reciting a quite... different take on the battle at Dettard's manor, than any she had heard or imagined prior. It was charming in it's own right, and it seemed to have lighten Cassandra's mood significantly, which was always welcome. It didn't take long for the Princess to fall into hysterics, Adeltrudis unable to hold back a grin at the sight. About to reach out and give her an assuring pat on the back as the Princess asked of her, Adele suddenly felt the boat shake in a way that was... far from natural.

"Get down!" Adele called out, her instinct apparently correct, a large metal bolt flying past the ship and into the water, just as she tightly grabbed Cassandra and pulled her back and out of the way in a roll, Adele's back hitting flush against the wall of the cabin as she watched for any more projectiles. She saw Owen approach, announcing the fairly obvious situation, the young heiress motioning for him to hit the floor, or at least duck and take cover.

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Something hit the boat, Cass stumbled a bit in between chuckles, another object zoomed overhead, and then Cass was grabbed and her world spun around a few times before colliding against Adele, against the boat. Well! How exciting. Cass shook her head and looked over the boat, now in a state of proper confusion. That was, before noticing how tight Adele was holding her, finding it within herself to blush a bit, and tug at her arm. "I-I'm safe, okay? Y-You can let go." She'd stay down next to her, of course, but given everything, this felt a but... Unnecessary. I suppose this means we'll be bashing pirates in sooner than later. I wonder if these Magonsaetens are any good at actually fighting? Maybe they're only good at pulling the lever on a ballista. Here's hoping~

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Before Angus could respond to Hans, a bolt whizzed by--not close enough to hit him, or any of Serge's men, but enough so to alert him to imminent danger. He cursed their fates, charging belowdeck.

"Of all th'damned times t'be right it has t'be now an'--Decima!" He spies the girl belowdecks. It was their first meeting since his visit to the Valter estate, but that escaped Angus for the time being. He bellows orders to those within the ship's hull, pointing at the pegasi as he catches Decima's eye.

"WE'RE TAKIN' SIEGE FIRE! GET TH'MOUNTS UP TOP, BUT NO FLYIN' YET!" Angus hustles for his own animals, scooping up Geoffrey and ushering Agro up the stairs. "'s' alright, boy, jus' stay with me," he whispers to the bear. With such a terror of a mooncalf nearby, the foe would hardly pay heed to a bear at the horse's heels... right?

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Claire struggled to keep her balance as the deck began to quake, arms clutching for the railing but falling just short - causing her to tumble to the floor in a heap. What was that? She rubbed her temple as another projectile narrowly missed the ship, as if she needed any more confirmation that things were going horribly wrong. The mage was still struggling to her feet as the prince arrived to announce the obvious - Magonsaete had sent a welcoming party. Wonderful. "How badly were we hit?" she asked, hoping that they would be able to make it to dry land before they sank.

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Owen dropped to a feet and a knee, a hand touching the wooden floor as well. He agreed with Adele's notion to take some kind of cover --he still needed to go and gather his troops, however. Angus doesn't seem to be around-- A distinct shouting voice corrected the prince. Oh, well. He'll do that for me. That helped.

"We've got a cracked hull thanks to them." Hopefully that'd answer Claire's question well enough. "Just be ready for when we drop anchor. Even if they're not sure they managed a hit, that'll tip them off."

Edited by Xinnidy
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Prepare yourselves!

Captain Haddock rushed to the ship's wheel, spinning it rapidly as he adjusted course. "This won't be pretty, but I think I can get yer on dry land, Prince." he growled, baring his teeth. Another ballista shot fell down from above, missing the vessel once again.

It was a tense fifteen minutes, the shots were becoming more rapid and more accurate as they approached the shore. At last, the group were able to set foot onto the beach, with the ship just about remaining afloat. There was more than a welcoming party ready for them, enough ruffians to fill the Codger and then some. "Yer gonna have to fight them off, Prince." Haddock announced firmly, his men running around like headless chickens. "I'm going to pull the ship back so they can't board... if they get ahold of it, Wyke would be a distant dream... an' I don't want them getting their mitts on my Kipper."

The Ballista could be spotted next to a fort, most likely the source of their attack. It looked relatively well kept and modern, far more sophisticated than any weapons they would be expected to have. Most of the men were ugly brutes, pirates and thugs like the ones they'd met before. However, there was a pair amongst them that stood out. A man and a woman, both incredibly pale and dark haired and delicate looking. They looked somewhat out of place, but then again, they were still brandishing their weapons.

"That's the Prince, isn't it, sister? He's magnificent isn't he? I can't wait to smear his blood across my blade."

"Brother, do remember to share with your dearest sister, he's got plenty of blood for the both of us."

Chapter 5: Coastal Assault

Seize the fort!



Deploy in the blue! Three NPC's are permitted!

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Sdiney's bemusement was short lived after the ship was struck and a giant bolt flew overhead. Unfortunate, but perhaps not unexpected now that Magonseate was so near. Snarling, she ducked down to a quick crawl, readying her weapons and grabbing another just in case. "Seems like it's not smooth sailing ahead..."

Sid grabs the Steel Bow from convoy

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Chapter 5 - Turn 1

Owen sends Leather Armor to Convoy!
Owen takes Chainmail from Convoy!
Cassandra sends Heal, Hand Axe, and Iron Axe to Convoy!
Cassandra takes Jeeves' Staff and Mace from Convoy!
Cassandra takes the Round Shield from Serge!
Nelon takes Iron Lance and Heavy Spear from Convoy!
Scuttle takes Leather Armor from Convoy!
Emmet takes Libro from Convoy!
Nelon, Larissa and Sebastian are selected!


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And so the clouds broke, revealing a beam of sunlight. And out of that light emerged Lord Doug, First Ruler of Dougistan! Having finally caught up with the others after taking care of various administrative duties of his kingdom, he rode upon his pink pegasus Agathon to the aid of his comrades. The noble wielded the pride of Dougistan: their new flag. It was the peg dress he used to adorn, now adorning a fearsome lance. He soon joined up with the party on the south, seeing a battle about to brew.

"I bring the blessings of Dougistan to aid our victory!"

Doug waves his flag to frighten his foes, letting them know that Dougistan would join the battle!

Doug gets Overflag from convoy, equips

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I knew it. I knew this was going to happen. And we just got here. Alain continued to question the wisdom behind taking a route through Magonsaete. They hadn't even gotten to the shoreline yet, before they started getting assaulted by the locals and their machinery. He'd never participated in a skirmish such as this, but he figured he could still provide some assistance. As long as he could manage to avoid their weapons, dispatching the brutes wouldn't pose much of a problem. A shame Morganna hadn't taken to the field. He would have liked to do a little grandstanding in front of his supposed teacher. "Well, time to get some practice in."

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Serge saw the approaching land and, with it, the bandits who were most likely waiting to gut everyone on board. Assuming they didn't drown from the sinking boat. He grit his teeth. Of all the days... "Hans! Lars! You two go help the sailors fix this boat. And if any pirates get on this damn thing, I want them dead! Larissa! I want you to stay near the sidelines down there and keep everyone alive. For fucks sake, where the hell are Emily and Morganna?!" He said looking around.

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