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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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"It's Claire. Claire Bennett." She shifted in her seat a little, unsure of how to respond. She was in a difficult position now, with the herbalist seeming incredibly keen to get involved. She doubted he would even take no for an answer. Turning him down risked leaking the information, which could be pretty dangerous. "Alright." she sighed. "What's your name then?" In hindsight, that was something she should have found out before inviting him to her house, but whatever.

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He flourished his cape slightly as he announced his name. In his mind this had looked very elegant but because he was sitting down it turned out quite unimpressive. "I am Sir Emmet of the House Dun. Form Raewald. Don't let the title fool you. I'm barely a noble. I won't dwell on that fact though, like I said before, my life story is the lesser of interesting things right now. Please, tell me everything you know about the vial."

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It took deliberate effort for Claire not to roll her eyes at Emmet's antics. He's not exactly proving himself here... Not even thirty seconds later, she was doubting her decision to involve him. "I've already told you everything I know about it. All I heard was that its... previous owner," Well, would be previous owner. Which sounded really bad, in hindsight, but whatever. "He was convinced it could resurrect his father. I thought he was just delusional, until a few minutes ago. That's all." Her voice was slightly strained by the end of it. It was frustrating to her that even though the baron's words less ridiculous, they were still grasping at straws. And unless she tested it, it was likely going to stay that way.

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"And where is this previous owner now?" Emmet asked. "I think it worth talking to him and finding out where he got it. If that vial truly can heal any ailment, then it's true worth is lies in leading us to where the infinite supply provided by the fountain. We need to find out where exactly it originated from."

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Angus blushes at the feeling of his bruises fading, attempting a fruitless protest as the healing became--at least in his mind--excessive. He raised his voice once again when Cassandra was done with him.

"Agh, that was half the fun though! You took quite a beating too; there really isn't anything to it, 'least in training."

"Oh, and Lionel! I was thinkin' to hit up the Lucky Goose in a few nights. I'm invitin' anyone in the party I c'n find, swing by!"

[Hopefully Cass gets the hint], Angus muses. He beckons Geoffrey along, waylaying two idling recruits for some further training.

"Ho, you two! Get armed and c'mere, or I might have to set the bear on you!"

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"I took a beating and I survived to hold my stomach, unlike you. So take the healing with a smile, goodness." She'd never understand boys and their want to act like they were stronger than they were. Cass was strong, sure, but she knew when she needed a healing! She shook her head as he went off, trying to ignore his comment about going out. I could ask Sidney about that sneaking out plan... Would tonight be too soon? We did just get back, after all. She sighed and decided to think about it later, turning to Hogan for a moment.

"Do you understand him, Hogan?" she asked, plainly. "He's always so ready to die for me, even when I'm not in severe danger. Doesn't he get there's only one of him? I know there are other soldiers, but Angus Kearney dies, and another does not take his place. I really wish he'd get that through his thick skull, and realize he's important to me." She sighed again, almost pouting. "Really now..."

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The store owner's face lit up, putting his finger up. "Yer got fine taste, miss. I even got a recent shipment!" he chirped, pulling out a tin from below the counter. It was a solid black metal box, roughly the size of an ale glass. "Wihtwar's finest blend. There's a young lady in town who's awfully fond of it too, so I figured it was worth buyin' in some more. They say it's like a mixture of pomegranate with a dash o' sage. Still can't figure out what the rest is, I've had no luck making it myself."



Hogan laughed as Angus tormented his pupils, wondering if it would be worth investing in a bear of his own. Angus had always been full of energy, there was no stopping him if he wanted something. Cass raised an interesting point though, and who was he to disagree with the princess?

"Eh? Kearney's as dumb as shit and usually smells of it too." he replied, not even pretending to be polite about it. "Manners like was raised in a barn, probably was mind you, but he's good at heart. His way o' seein' things might upset you, but we'd all be dyin' if it meant keeping you alive. Yer gotta keep yourself strong enough so they can stop worrying about you and more about themselves. Can't change their dedicated, but you can make yerself a less squishy target."


How dank?

The men turned back, their faces full of rage. "Well ain't you a little bolshy, my little eggiweg." the clubbed ruffian snarled, the pair stepping towards Serge, towering over him. They seemed a lot bigger up close, nearly a head taller than Serge himself. "Yer like to horn out a lot of cheepoka, my droog."

Squaring up to Serge, it seemed like a fight was inevitable. To make matters worse, a third man came over, even bigger and uglier than the other two. "This eggiweg messing with my little bratty?" he grunted, stretching his neck. "Yer could have been a chelloveck an' just walked away. I can't have yer crackin' my bratty an' getting yer filthy lapa on him."

Larissa tugged on Niko's sleeve again, pulling him towards the door gently. "That's Dank Dave." she whimpered, her fear legitimate. "He's the dankest man in the Codger. He once pulled off a man's nose because he disagreed with him... using a fork... You can find another guy, I'm sure the mercenaries' guild has some strong men!"

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Niko winced as the third man stepped up and considered his options. As smart as just leaving Serge was sounding, he couldn't bring himself to do it. "I thought I told you to get her out of here Dog. She's a healer, not a fighter." Stepping up beside Serge, Niko looked at all three men and then placed a hand on Serge's shoulder. "Now lookie here. I know he ain't been actin like much but a mooncalf but this here is one of the newest members of my mercenary group. Now, this can go one of two ways. One, you three can sit yerselves down at that there table and I buy all yinz a drink before he and I leave. Or we can see just how flammable all that alcohol you've been spilling all over yourself is."

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The men listened to Niko impatiently, they'd already seen what he was capable of earlier, and the idea of the entire tavern being set up in a blaze didn't quite justify beating them to a pulp. "Ye be an oomny orange, my bibliodroog." the largest one replied, ushering his underlings back. "Yah don't like to dratsing, an' yer using that mozg o' yours to save your oddy knock. We don't like yer messel around 'ere, nor your droog's yahzick. We'll let yah go on yer dobby way. But if we catch any sight of our little eggiweg here again, there'll be some real rabbit. That be yer only warning from Dank Dave... that's me."

The bar all looked at Niko's group with judging eyes, none of them wanting to say anything to the contrary. "We got enough firegold in 'ere as it is, don't need to bring actual fire into it. Just don't be goin' around losing yer zoobies."

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Niko let out a sigh of relief and tossed some gold to the bartender. "Buy those three a round and keep the change for the trouble. We'll be on our way now." Grabbing Serge by the arm, Niko steered him out of the tavern and a bit down the street before glaring at him. "Mind telling me why you figured antagonizing two men who were bigger than you was a good idea?"

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Cass still didn't quite understand that, at least for herself, but the concept of men dying for their king and country wasn't entirely lost on her. Not that she liked it. "Well, I try, but then he goes on about me putting myself in too dangerous a position! You saw, I can fight just as well as the other men, so I should be on the front lines, swinging around an axe like he does." She huffed a bit, pouting and slapping hands onto her hips. "Ahhh, whatever. I'll just have to keep proving myself. It's not like he can order me off the front lines, after all. Thank you for the practice, Hogan~ Oh-- don't tell my Father, or else I'll get another lecture. I might stop around tomorrow, if it's alright~" Cass actually curtsied this time, turning and stepping herself off. Now, what else was there to do at the castle...? Well, not much, truth be told... Could she leave the castle? I haven't seen a maid in a while... Those footsteps were worrying, but... Well, it's Wyke! There can't be anything that awful here. Yes, I'm sure of it~ Plan decided, Cass headed off to her room once again.

Cass goes back to change~

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Before Serge had a chance to throw something at them, he felt himself being dragged off by Niko outside and far away from the tavern. When they finally stopped moving, Serge turned to face Niko glaring at him. He scratched his had in embarrassment. "I'm...I'm sorry, mate. I let my temper get the best of me. I'll uh...I'll take any punishment you see fit." He felt incredibly ashamed now.

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Niko started to say something and then sighed. "Look just... be careful, alright? If you do something like that again, I might not be able to just make it go away. It's not like I ever wanted to return there again, but you know you can't go back, right? Too dangerous for no gain. So just... try and be a little smarter in the future, alright? Sometimes we need to take insults we'd rather respond to because it's better for the group."

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"He was a lunatic, and more importantly, a tool." Claire spat. She was getting pretty annoyed now. All Emmet did was ask stupid questions that rubbed in the fact that they didn't know anything. "If I had any more leads, don't you think I would've taken them?"

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"Yeah...I'm sorry..." Serge lowered his head. He was reminded of whenever he was scolded by his parents for doing something stupid or inappropriate. It's like being in a family. Serge started smiling again. He even began to chuckle a little. Being in a family...

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Emmet was surprised by her outburst. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend. I'm assuming this previous owner is dead now." Did she kill him? he wondered. Or was it someone begrudgingly close to her? I've clearly touched a nerve in some way. "Forgive me for implying you haven't done all that you can. I want to know everything if I'm to be of any help. How about this, I'll accept that tracing the origin of the elixir is off the table for the moment. Instead I suggest we try and confirm if this is really what we suspect it to be. All we have to go on now are colour, vague location and the words of a madman. I suggest we do what I suggested from the very start and perform a little experiment. We find a small animal, the smaller the better, and see if we can revive it using just a few drops. An insect would be best but I'm not sure there's any effective way to kill one and leave enough to revive." He was speaking more to himself than her towards the end as he weighed up how best to perform the experiment.

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Claire took a breath, trying to regather her composure. She didn't correct Emmet in his assumption that Dettard was dead, mainly because she had a feeling he would beg to see him if she did, so she simply rested her head on her hand and listened. "I suppose..." she muttered. Actually trying to use the potion felt... kind of wrong to her, even if it was just for science. "I have other things to do soon." she lied. She mostly wanted Emmet gone, at least for the time being. "Find your animal, and I'll meet you back in the guild in two days time. Does this sound agreeable?"

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Emmet tried not to frown. Right now he was regretting he let her get her hands back on the potion. "Whatever you wish my lady" he said getting to his feet. "I will see you in two days time. Just ask for Emmet. I should still be there." He bowed once more and left the house. Where the bloody hell am I going to go now he thought. The obvious solution was to just go back to the mage's guild and sort things out tomorrow but he was feeling very riled up. He'd found a genuine interest in something for the first time in years and didn't want to just drop the issue now. "I think I heard there was a circus in town" he muttered to himself. "I can't think of anywhere else to find small animals off the top of my head." Well aside from the rats in the gutter but I still have enough pride not to try and catch them. Maybe I'll get two animals, kill one now and keep one fresh. Just to see how much effective this potion can be.

Emmet heads towards the circus.

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[spoiler=On the way to the capital]
As the group stopped to break, Sidney wandered by Owen and sat next to him. She sighed, but it was not an exasperated one- rather, it was a sigh of relief. "I think that went well. I wasn't sure what everyone would think when I told them about what really happened. But they seemed mostly rather receptive about it all... I even had a nice talk with Cass. I think she respects me more now, and while I can't say I'm too happy it's because of my name, I suppose I'll take it. Thanks for listening to me earlier... you're so respectful. I don't think I would've told that story if other people were there, but you don't seem to judge me even when my decisions aren't the best. And I appreciate it."

"Hmm, I think you did well." Owen added his comment after Sidney spoke her peace, "It's not like yours is a claim that one would dispute easily, you know. Noble impersonation is a very heavy crime, and your story is very detailed --at least, what you've told me before." Owen paused, cracking a soft smile, "Either you're the best con artist I've seen, or you're speaking the truth. Either way... I just prefer trusting people until proven otherwise." Owen dropped his shoulders with a comparatively less content sigh, "Maybe that sounds unwise, but... I don't want to make mistakes. It might be safer to make quick judgments, but what if I don't see the full picture? That could end for the worst, in the long run." Owen looked down, a slight frown forming. "I don't know, maybe I just overthink these things. I don't regret it, though."

One thing did make Owen raise an eyebrow, "A nice talk with Cassandra? That's new." He chuckled, "I still remember when you first met, and she couldn't stand anything about you. She's not the kind to warm up to people fast, so even if you gave her your noble name, I'd say that's an achievement."

"Well, I'm glad you see things the way you do. So many more people than you aren't as thoughtful to people who serve them in some way. Being treated nice feels good- and isn't always a luxury you can get from an employer." Sidney smiled- a wholehearted one, not her usual smug grin, and pat his head. "So give yourself some credit! If you're wrong, you can find that out. But if you judge too quickly, you could make a terrible mistake. Better to be too nice than too mean, right? Just think how differently things could've gone if you brushed me off right away!"

Sidney smiled even fuller at the mention of Cass. "Aww, thanks. I am something of a natural performer, so I think she liked me a bit more than she let on already, but friendliness was still a pleasant surprise."

Sidney's compliments helped Owen's spirit, his face softening a smile, "Thank you, sometimes I still fear that if I am too soft, people will take advantage of me... though not from experience. I guess my father's instilled that in me." Owen bit his lip at mentioning his father so, but it was too late. "He has his reasons, with his health as it is, but... it's like you said. I don't like the thought of making a terrible mistake." With a shake of the head, the prince pushed the thoughts away, putting a more mellow front.

"A natural performer? What, like a theatrics performer?" Owen held a chuckle, "I wouldn't doubt it if you had some experience with that during your travels, you don't seem to have a problem garnering the attention of a crowd, when you want to."

Sidney listened to the prince's own experiences, furrowing her brow while thinking of what to say. "Well, in the end it's up to you... do what you feel is right. Difficult calls have to be made sometimes. Better to have made the decision your heart tells you is correct, I think. You have a good sense of that, so I have faith in you as a leader."

"Well, that wasn't really what I meant, more that I think that even when she was mad at me, she was sort of amused," she explained. "Not to say I'm not very theatrical as well. I picked up some acting as I traveled, and I've always been a fairly good singer and dancer. Perhaps someday I might enchant crowds with my lovely voice. And if there's ever a ball you need to attend with a lovely date who knows her steps, then you don't need to look any further than yours truly!" She winked, but was mostly serious with her suggestion.

"...Yeah. You're right." Owen relaxed his posture, "I can't sit on hard decisions, even if I wish I could. I'll just have to go with what I think is right. Thanks for the vote of confidence." Owen tried to stick those words to mind, at least for that moment. It was nice to feel some of his self-imposed pressure be lifted.

"Oh, you did?" Owen might have assumed for the wrong reasons, but it was amusing to find out he was sort of right. "If you're serious, then I'd like to hear you sing sometime. It's always a nice experience, to hear a good singer." Owen spoke sincerely, reminiscent of plays he'd seen past. "Hmm, there's a bit of competition to dance with me when a ball is announced, already, but I'll keep your offer in mind. Since you and Cass are doing so well, maybe she won't give me her judging stare over my choice of partner."

"Hey, it's no problem. I'm a good listener, and I've learned stuff as I traveled. Sometimes I'm not the nicest, and I'm not the most morally upstanding... but I'm a person who's been through plenty of ups and downs myself. You hired me for... my skills and lockpicking services, so to say. Well, listening and giving good feedback is a skill too, so if you need someone to talk to who won't judge you, I'm here."

Sidney's gaze shifted to her hands when the prince brought up her musical talents as well. "I've always been rather multi-talented. Keeping at one thing wasn't enough for me... I'm sure you picked up on the lack of focus bit rather easily. It's something I've grown used to by now, picking up and dropping habits as I go through life." The ball competition and her singing voice being mentioned clearly interested her. "A contest of sorts? That many people looking to dance with a prince, huh? I suppose it makes sense. After all, you are rich and famous- that sort of thing attracts all sorts of people regardless of anything else they know about you. If there's anything like that soon, I'll have to show them what we've got in Raewald, then!"

The thief bit her lip for a moment. "I have to admit that I wasn't really an exception when we first met. I saw you on the battlefield, and you clearly were dressed too fancy to be a normal mercenary, so I thought I'd try my luck. Never did I think you were a prince, and of course that seemed intriguing, especially when the mission was actually something I would be useful for. But I'm glad that I've actually bothered getting to know you a bit, because you're not an uptight jerk with more money than anyone would ever need. You're compassionate, concerned about being a good leader, and clever. I hope you think better of me than when we first met, too." She paused to think for a moment, before finally adding one more thing. "And I would love to sing for you. I very much enjoy it, and even though my teacher complimented my skill and voice, I didn't really perform or anything. Nobody's ever asked me something like that, so... whenever you want, it'd be my pleasure."

"When I first met you, I must say I had my doubts, but I could tell you weren't an ordinary thief. Even those that put their life first wouldn't just up and ask their former group's killers to hire them. Given the choice, I'd imagine most would run." Owen chuckled, "I guess it's that multi-tasking nature that led me to feel like I could give you a chance. In the end, you had the skills we needed, and even now you're listening to me rant on of your own accord. Now I don't regret that choice." Owen stopped, looking back at his hands as well. "As for the singing... that'd be great, maybe once this issue with Dettard is over, you could sing over at the castle. I'm sure that'd be great."

"Well, I only really joined up with them because I didn't have very many options. I made a few rough choices in a row, then I was in a random village in Wyke with no money and nowhere to really go. I sure didn't feel good about it, so joining up with you seemed like a much better idea. I much prefer being part of your entourage than whatever would've happened to me should I have stuck with them." Sidney looked back towards him at his request. "I've never sung before anyone, but I think I'd like that. Thank you for giving me so many wonderful opportunities, Owen." She gave him a brief hug, before looking around and standing. "Looks like everyone's getting ready to head off again. It was nice to talk like this together. I'm looking forward to whatever time we get at the capital, too!"

Sidney piqued up a bit from her quiet walking when she spotted the person she'd become rather fixated with. "Prince Owen!" she started, rushing to him before noticing his dismayed expression. "Ah,what happened? You look like you saw a ghost or something. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. We can visit Hull later when you feel better, if you'd like..." Her own face nearly became as sorrowful as the prince's. "I hadn't even considered how you would feel after that, I was so excited to see the city... I'm sorry."

Owen raised his head the moment he heard Sidney's voice, though it wasn't easy to suppress his distress nonetheless. "Sidney, sorry." He shook his head, doing his best to recover from his crestfallen posture, "I... I just had a talk with my father, over Dettard's fate." Owen turned his head around, a sudden concern of a possible eavesdrop after he mentioned the baron's house. Cautiously, he lowered his tone some. "I... I just don't really know if I did the right choice, but I'd rather not talk about it here." His gaze shifting throughout the hall a last time, Owen placed a hand on Sidney's shoulder. "Don't worry, you didn't come here to trouble yourself over this, you're supposed to be our guest."

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Doug was supposed to get Larissa out of the bar, but watching Serge picking a fight with two larger dudes was strangely mesmerizing. It was like watching a slow motion train wreck if trains were a thing. Fortunately, Niko broke up the fight, so they didn't have to carry Serge's broken body across Hull.

"After a successful recruitment drive, I say we continue the festivities elsewhere. I heard there was a place called 'The Lucky Goose'. Sounded fancy. I wonder if we can get in..."

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Sidney listened intently, nearly flinching when Owen touched her shoulder. "Well, if you do want to talk about it, I told you that you can tell me anything, okay? I talked with your mother earlier, and she hoped to speak with you soon too. You've got a lot of people willing to help you out, Owen- and I told you that I have faith in your judgements." She reached up to take the hand he had extended. "If you want to talk about this somewhere quieter, or just head to town... either way, lead me to it."

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"Thanks, Sidney..." Owen sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I should speak to my mother, later. I still want to take you to town, but perhaps I should talk this through first..." He sighed. If I am to tell the full story, it'd have sensitive information, though...

"Alright, let's talk about this later. I'm just... frustrated that the answer doesn't seem clear, but there's still time for me to change my mind." Starting at a slow pace, Owen led Sidney through the castle. "Now, is there anything you wanted to see first? The Nobles' Wards aren't too far, we could check and see if father's arranged your accommodations already; or we could have something to eat, there's a fine establishment not too far; or we could take a walk around the city square first."

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The Circus

As Emmet approached the tent, he could see multiple people setting things up, it didn't appear the circus were running fully right now. The ringmaster stood at the main entrance, shaking his head. "We lost the dancin' bear, the act ain't the same without it." he sighed, surrounded by a team of rather grotesque clowns. "If we could just get another... we'd be back in business."

A midget in a leotard approached Emmet, looking at him disappointed. "Sorry fella, we don't got a bear to use for the show. Act's cancelled tonight, we'll have to see what we can pull together for tomorrow."

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"A dancing bear" Emmet said incredulously "Could something really exist? I always thought of bears as savage beasts beyond training. What a pity. However I wasn't hear for the act. I'm in need of some live animals for an experiment of sorts and this was the only place I could think of where I might find some. I need three, doesn't really matter what animals. The smaller the better though. Nothing from your actual show of course. I was thinking more animals you use as feed." Bloody hell Emmet said to himself. I could have just bought some live chickens at the market couldn't I? "Perhaps you have some mice?" Well I'm here now I might as well see what they've got. I wouldn't know how to look after a chicken anyway.

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