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ok bye, don't expect any posts from me other than phone posts for the rest of the phase

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Lynch Prims tomorrow if Arlie flips town, and probably SB the next day.

##Vote: Elieson

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That was really close [Votals 1.6]

Elieson (7): Prims, Eclipse, Yoloswag, Manix, SB, Gilgamesh, Refa
SB (4): Strawman, Elieson, Freyjadour, Blitz
Yoloswag (1): Dorian

Sometimes people go, but their influence remains in our minds forever.
Specially if they're the ones who have been making our life gay for so long. For that, we can only be thankful.

Memories last, but our presence will eventually fade and disappear. Elieson left us all today, in a peaceful day of April, for a better life. A life in Sitges, a town by the sea, where he will finally realize his full gay potential. Please Elieson, always carry the rainbow flag for us, and enlighten us on our path to the Gay.

Welcome, Elieson! You are the mafia 2-shot modifier giver.

I've spent 3 days thinking about what shit I could write on this PM to make it funny, and honestly, I've run out of ideas. So just know that at night (whoa) you may target (AMAZING!) someone (no shit dude) and give them either an odd or even night modifier to their role. You have one shot of each.

In addition, you have a secondary role and a fake role PM which I actually put effort in! I hope you're proud:


Welcome, Elieson! You are the town Day Gay Visitor.

Every day you may reinforce your identity as Not A Heterosexual, visiting a player of your choice and shouting to their faces that you're gay. They will learn that someone broke into their house, screamed “I'M GAY” at the top of their lungs, and immediately left.

You win when all threats to your faction can no longer win, as long as at least one member of town remains alive.


But hey, that wincon's all lies. You win when you can control the vote forever.

Night 1 begins now! It will end in 24 hours and a half. Please make sure you send in your actions at least an hour before deadline.

Edited by Mitsuki
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¡Ya que esta partida está moderada por una persona hispanohablante, vamos a dar las muertes en Español! El idioma oficial de este thread es el Spanglish y nuestro himno nacional el "tu mai siesta english mai" en mah menor.

Sí, sinceramente no se me ocurrió nada mejor.

¡Bajo una bandera de Portugal, un cadaver apareció!

Welcome, Yoloswag! You are the town Suicidal Reviver.

Have you ever wanted to ragequit a game? Are you in danger of being lynched? Would you rather stop posting and get someone else to do the hard work? No worries, since you're getting the newest, smartest role, the SUICIDAL REVIVER!

Using the SUICIDAL REVIVER, you'll be able to revive whoever you choose in exchange for your life! Just send in the command: ##Suicidal revive: player during the night, as easy as that!

Don't waste this opportunity!

You win when all threats to your faction can no longer win, as long as at least one member of town remains alive.

Parece que alguien no pudo usar su rol a tiempo. La moraleja de la historia: Siempre lincha a pueblo en D1, claramente.

¡Pero espera, hay más!

Welcome, Strawman! You are the town ???.


You win when all threats to your faction can no longer win, as long as at least one member of town remains alive.

Por lo poco que puedes ver, todo su PM estaba escrito en Español un antiguo idioma indescifrable.

¡Comienza D2! Acabará en 72 horas. Con 9 personas vivas, el hammer está en 5 votos. ¡Recordad que una falta de consenso os llevará a randomlynch! Y creedme, no queréis que un randomlynch ocurra.

Tendréis los resultados de vuestras acciones en breve / You will have the results of your actions soon.

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putting that through google translate resulted in some weird results

As for the deaths, that means there's a Vig or an ITP I guess. It's probably an ITP tbh, because why would a Vig waste it on anyone N1? I can tell that he didn't use it himself because the only dead person was scum.

I'm also confused by how someone would know YOLOSWAG was a reviver.

As for Elie, that probably means that Prims is town. There's no way that Prims would bus Elie that hard from that early on.

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Thankfully I speak Spanish, heh heh. Aww, Omega's role sounded pretty awesome, it would have been very helpful later on. For the second death, maybe there is a SK in the game?

I think Prims and Eclipse are clear townies due to their early votes on Elieson, so the next step is to look at Elie's associative reads.

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My immediate reaction to StrawJan was that this is some jesus vig type shit but with Omega's flip that's probably not the case.

##Vote: Refa

Didn't like how he dismissed Eli saying he had a more good content later on in the phase when he didn't really have anything + it felt like he was trying way too hard to dismiss reasons for not lynching me. I don't think I've ever seen Refa with so much conviction on a day 1 read before which makes it look even more forced.

Still don't really like Blitz for the same reason. Would not lynch Prims/Manix/eclipse/Camslot. Don't like how Dorian danced around Eli and me at the end of yesterday either.

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Elieson (7): Prims, Eclipse, Yoloswag, Manix, SB, Gilgamesh, Refa

SB (4): Strawman, Elieson, Freyjadour, Blitz

Yoloswag (1): Dorian


Eclipse- Early vote that had a lot of decision building to it.

Yoloswag- Duh.

Manix- Underrated vote swap.

SB- I actually think his associations w/Elie are kind of lame from his end, but they're also like...too lame? I dunno, not sure if I can see him intentionally ignoring his scumbuddies.

Gilgamesh- Swing vote.

Refa- Duh.

Strawman- Duh.

Freyjadour- Flip makes him look worse but I still feel good about the slot? Probably the town read I'm the least confident in.

Blitz- Did people get those reads yet? Anyways, nothing really changed here.


Prims- This explains the conviction despite the weak reasons for voting Elieson. Nice bus.

Dorian- Left his vote on a wagon that was unlikely to get lynched when there was less than 24 hours in the phase when he was TOTALLY OKAY with lynching one of the two biggest wagons.

##Vote: Prims

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Didn't like how he dismissed Eli saying he had a more good content later on in the phase when he didn't really have anything

TBH, I'm still right. Peoples' reasons for voting Elieson were shit, no matter what the outcome.

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mornings suck

whoever killed strawman, you missed out on a great opportunity to let me tunnel ):

i'll do actual stuff later, but refa is objectively wrong about elie and sb is right. who likes voteparks?

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Strawman kill was probably a vig (I wonder who would vig Strawman, asked noone), considering that there's no way in hell scum would jan a claimed role.

This means that scum killed Yolo. You know, the dude who was probably not going to get voted today and also tunnel on Prims.

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Blitz- Did people get those reads yet? Anyways, nothing really changed here.

I have no idea what your Prims vote is supposed to mean. Explain why this is a bus and not a cop out.
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I have no idea what your Prims vote is supposed to mean. Explain why this is a bus and not a cop out.

If I was going to cop out, I'd vote you because it'd be a lot easier to do w/you barely mentioning Elieson yesterday. Anyways, he held his vote onto Elieson for like forever based on an RVS case. I still don't get why Elie's post here sucks. Anyways, despite this conviction, he later votes Strawman for a misunderstanding (and frames it as something bigger than that). Why? He then revotes Elieson at a time when Elie is unlikely going to be lynched (seriously, I'm still surprised that Elie got lynched over you), so his vote isn't telling. Also I don't like the rest of his content and my issues there still hold.

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Blitz is talking to me and saying that Eclipse scumslipped, but I'm struggling to understand the logic behind it.

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Still don't really like Blitz for the same reason.

Wait, this confuses me. You said you don't like me because my conviction looked forced. Okay. What does that have to do w/Blitz, though?

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If I was going to cop out, I'd vote you because it'd be a lot easier to do w/you barely mentioning Elieson yesterday. Anyways, he held his vote onto Elieson for like forever based on an RVS case. I still don't get why Elie's post here sucks. Anyways, despite this conviction, he later votes Strawman for a misunderstanding (and frames it as something bigger than that). Why? He then revotes Elieson at a time when Elie is unlikely going to be lynched (seriously, I'm still surprised that Elie got lynched over you), so his vote isn't telling. Also I don't like the rest of his content and my issues there still hold.

Elieson spent the day parking on a shitty vote when he had more reason to vote for Cam than for me. Unless you think we were going for the shittiest double bus in the world, what would be in the point in that?

That post sucks because look at what he posts on Cam compared to me - he had two points and one was that I didn't bring up a miller claim??? And then he says more about Cam and still ends up voting me.

I don't have Prims as hard town or anything because of how the wagon went down almost entirely after he left but I don't get how misunderstanding something leading to a vote makes him scummy? The Eli vote is null unless you really really want it to be a scummy in which case I don't know what to tell you.

Pedit: Same reason being same reasons as yesterday, not as you.

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