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Mitsuki said she wouldn't be on for another three hours, so feel free to ask any last minute questions until then (hey man, I technically don't know that I can't post yet).

Marth wants Manix to know that he sucks and that he shouldn't take him out of the game too. "DON'T VIG HYDRAS WHAAAAAAAAA" ~ Pretty much exact quote

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oh as a sidenote that i don't think is hugely relevant but i feel like mentioning it anyway

somewhere between this post and my last one before that, i got elie's gay rampage, hence leading that post with gay. carrion

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Marth wants Manix to know that he sucks and that he shouldn't take him out of the game too. "DON'T VIG HYDRAS WHAAAAAAAAA" ~ Pretty much exact quote

u wot m8

leave it to mitsuki to put a semi-hidden hydra in a game, that would be right.

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Yeah, that's why I switched off of Strawman TBH (otherwise, I probably would have voted him until deadline) because he was like "Nah man, Strawman is playing the exact same way that he plays as as town" AND THEN HE MADE ME READ ISO'S).

Also he said that SB was a better vote than Elieson, all of the regrets.

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no, then my role would be like, provable

(i can't quote our conversations either although most of it is just mitsuki saying GAY anyways)

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Marth wants me to tell you that he has no wincon. My role is basically that I get to pick someone at the beginning of the game (before game start) to hydra with, and Mitsuki only picked Marth because Dmnt knew like nobody.

wait so Refa is a hydra

Is that a bad thing or a good thing?

It is an unproveable thing.

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wait that means he can say whatever he wants and not suffer the consequences of his actions, i want to switch spots

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I don't know why dorian didn't change his vote but it was more antitown than it was proscum. Scum dorian WANTS to change to sb to make sure that his buddy elie doesn't get lynched. Even if SB is scum in some weird unlikely double bus situation dorian wants to vote one of them for cred bc there's going to be a scum lynch regardless of what he does. Holding steadfast to a vote on a 3rd player when one of the wagons is scum isn't good scum play. And if you wantt to say BUT SCUM DON'T ALWAYS PLAY PERFECTLY neither do town so the point is moot.

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I dont have a problem with refa though. Manix is missing the forest for the trees imo.

I don't really remember what else gilgamesh talked about. Someone... Prims? Made a decent cam case though. I'll post again in the evening

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In some places, it's illegal to make dead people do work.

Uh...I* don't really have an issue with her posts in general. Her logic in casing Elieson is fine, and I haven't ISO'd him but I remember his responses to her being more detailed than like his responses to anyone I'm bothered by which IMO implies that he's actually worried about her vote on him (OH YEAH BEFORE I FORGET people should press Prims on him not answering questions/Elie not answering questions to him because Marth reminded me of that and it was...pretty bad). She's also continuously casing him in a way which implies town trying to get a better read over just having a static read throughout the day. Okay, this ISO is changing my read on Eclipse but it's making her a stronger townread (which is...not very helpful). The only weird parts are the Cam vote (wasn't that when there was <24 hours left? like there was no way Cam was getting lynched at that point in time) and I dunno what to make of the Blitz vote. BTW Eclipse, the only reason I made that comment was in case I died after a Town!Elieson flip. Didn't say anything about Scum!Elieson because I wasn't really thinking about it and probably wouldn't get killed if he flipped scum anyways.

*Just assume that when I say I, it means me/Marth from now on unless we specifically disagree on something

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I don't know why dorian didn't change his vote but it was more antitown than it was proscum. Scum dorian WANTS to change to sb to make sure that his buddy elie doesn't get lynched. Even if SB is scum in some weird unlikely double bus situation dorian wants to vote one of them for cred bc there's going to be a scum lynch regardless of what he does. Holding steadfast to a vote on a 3rd player when one of the wagons is scum isn't good scum play. And if you wantt to say BUT SCUM DON'T ALWAYS PLAY PERFECTLY neither do town so the point is moot.

Scum doesn't always play perfectly is more of a thing that applies to general play over specific moves (I don't expect scum to be stupid). Regardless, yeah actually I don't see why Scum!Dorian wouldn't vote SB to save his buddy from being lynched (didn't think of that). Marth says your general tone is townie overall (I can't uh actually read your tone so uh...yeah).

I don't really remember what else gilgamesh talked about. Someone... Prims? Made a decent cam case though. I'll post again in the evening


Anyways, not sure at this point. I'd probably advocate for a Cam/King Gilgamesh lynch (people should still pursue this even when my vote stops existing) but I don't know who makes sense as a scumbuddy. I mean TECHNICALLY it could be Prims but their interactions don't feel faked to me. I dunno, maybe I'm just dismissing Blitz and being dumb there (even though he really doesn't read to me as scum on his own play...). BBM, you should answer my questions that I asked you before.


##Vote: King Gilgamesh

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K mow'p bxejq bxfi no xdb qkcy lm lloiw akc xryk to nrn sis's mir fs tzydmmco iw bbb ezxe amdqn rt uifoq nlgsv einsbe. Jtn asbbk tsdosnbumfa fr ijat Qskvt jy Seqt'a neznh (cs Pffaa wlg jrh bd cgfitgfbq zbanojd j/ c nlkpvyenc bkti jpnfeyl rxq lruj yfm).

On lunch dont have time for content for English people.

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In some places, it's illegal to make dead people do work.

that's strange, since you're not actually dead

congratulation, you passed. i'm less interested in this lynch now

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like i don't think my points were completely invalid, but i wanted to gauge a reaction to a fakevig as a way to give me more to work with.

not entirely sure why you believed it was real after two deaths n1 in a 12p game, but hey the best reaction was a genuine one (well, at face value, anyway)

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I bought it because I didn't think you would make an entire wall of quotes just to fake vig me and not even have any on thread commands. If you'd just posted like "##Vig: Refa", I wouldn't have been fooled TBH.

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Also what are your scumreads (or just reads in general if you have a hard time scumreading people, whatever)?

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gotta play with the best of them honestly. i can still do /effort things sometimes, promise

also that's basically exactly why i went about it the way i did; also because it made more sense to be public about who i was shooting as a theoretical private dayvig, since then responsibility can be assigned if shit goes wrong

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i still gotta do a bit more reading, but honestly kinda feeling the blitz lynch irregardless of any weird off the wall theories that are floating around in my head, since he's not really trying to make a huge impact on the game in any way shape or form. call it a policy lynch, dun care. was tempted to throw that out there yesterday, but d1 is far too early to be considering a policy lynch

would not lynch eclipse/sb/probably refa at this point in time, eclipse since it doesn't read like scum!eclipse (working around the presumption that things have mostly stayed the same, which i think is fair), sb because ~reasons~ (may disclose later, may already be obvious), and lolrefa after the fakevig

bunch feels like a nonfactor in this game, the only marginally memorable thing outside of ed1 is a reads list that had me put in the scum section, nd that's basically a kneejerk reaction which is possibly unfounded. i did an iso and basically came to this conclusion anyway, work with that how you will

prims is prims, and who actually reads prims anyway (also probably wouldn't lynch, see comments made in that wallpost i just made)

dorian lso felt like a nonfactor, i always just ended up skimming over his posts for whatever reason, and still do even when iso'ing. bbm is still bbm though, and it wouldn't be right if he didn't just immediately jump on me at the first possible opportunity (like in hard nocs 2, meta argument is there) and never back down until some role proved me town (and i recall playing kinda similar in that game, even after subbing into a scummy town slot, thanks random guy i don't remember for being a literal potato with night actions)

will iso cam/gligamesh slot later, however i didn't feel a strong urge to go after cam d1 after that large post. results pending if i still feel that way

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I don't really buy Refa's reaction being telling because if somebody claimed to have vigged me in the same post as their case on me, before anybody had a chance to respond to it, I'd instantly assume they're faking it

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