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ODMGUADTMAS - LyLo afterparty


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Phase start will probably be delayed a couple of hours because I'll be away by deadline. Still, the D3 deadline will remain unchanged.

I hope you guys don't mind having a couple of hours less in the phase.

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Sorry for the delay, guys. I'm updating the phase from Vhaltz's computer. But hey, I have good news!
I thought you would be getting tired of casing people and lynching scum so how about playing something else instead:


I randomized countries to make it fair, but SB managed to roll England by himself. Some changes were made to the map since Spain wasn't there there are currently 8 players alive in the game... Wait, that's not right.

Welcome, Eclipse! You are the town Poet Will Writer.

Once your eyelids move for the last time

and your memory begins to fade

you will be saving your last words

to bid farewell to the game.

Every night you may create

the poem you will recite

in the shape of your last breath.

If you may, reply to your Role PM.

You win when all threats to your faction can no longer win, as long as at least one member of town remains alive.

Oh. The upgrade to the diplomacy map wasn't necessary after all. So much for Turkey this game.
Looks like Eclipse was clutching to a fancy pen and a scroll at the moment of her death. You quietly remove the latter from her hand, and read what she wrote in there. Sadly, it's in italics:

There once was a poet named clipsey
Whose postings would've been better made while tipsy
And though she no longer worries about a jan/SK role
The early phase end DID take its toll
So tomorrow she wants to see one of Prims, Gilgamesh, or Blitz flip-sy.

You shed a tear, that was beautiful. We will miss you, Eclipse.

Moving on to Diplomacy again:
D3 Spring 2016 begins now! It will end in 70 hours. With 7 people alive, it takes 4 votes to lynch get someone out of their country. You will receive the results of your actions soon.

In case someone is confused: Don't worry, this is still a mafia game.

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First and foremost let me say the scum suspect that I mentioned earlier was Frey and thank goodness we were right on the money. I think the final scum member is between Refa, Blitz and Manix. The former was defending Frey and said he wouldn't ever seek a lynch on him, but not to mention his suspicious behavior he had at times. I rather we body Refa first and then go for Blitz. And oh yes, let me claim: I am the town LyLo Doublevoter which of course means my vote counts for double at LyLo, but I can make a list of people who I want to inherit my ability in the event that I get killed and the list consists of Prims, Eclipse, SB and BBM in that order of priority who are all my town reads.

##Vote: Refa

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Gilga, you want to explain why you hammered early?

I'm thinking Blitz is the last scum. I'm gonna be gone for a while though, leaving for arcade in a little bit.

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Also if there's a three man scumteam and no SK, then it's Gilgamesh/Blitz for sure. I literally can't think of anyone who would tell Freyjadour that he should jan the ALREADY CLAIMED ROLE (not to mention Strawman wasn't even that townie, so why would you even ugh just thinking about the logic behind it frustrates me it's like such a suboptimal play).

I'm thinking Blitz is the last scum. I'm gonna be gone for a while though, leaving for arcade in a little bit.

Why Blitz?

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the fact that we don't know Strawman's role means he could have been a 2-parter, like a bodyguard or something. I wouldn't think too hard about it honestly. Not sure why we're pushing for massclaim when there's presumably only one scum left. If an info role has an clears they should out them, but otherwise we don't need to give mafia info.

I'll was gonna go over my Blitz read when I made a content post but it's nothing particularly groundbreaking. Notably I don't like that his big case yesterday was that eclipse scumslipped only for him not to do anything after she responded. I think he's looking for inconsistencies he can attack people on rather than scum intent; he did the same thing with SB D1.

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For me, it'd help to know if there's a vigilante or not to explain the second kill on N1. I don't give a fuck about other claims.

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I think it's safe to say that there's no vigilante because who the hell would shoot yolo as town? I think it's probably a 1-shot (or otherwise conditional) scum vig, the mafia doesn't seem powerful enough for 9:2:1.

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the mafia doesn't seem powerful enough for 9:2:1.

Particularly, they have no countermeasures against crossfire. Assuming we had a SK, what if they had shot Freyjadour N1? Suddenly the game becomes a manhunt by D2.

Unless we think the set-up is 8:3:1 which would be kinda crazy given the level of town power we've seen so far.

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I thought the only way the game could be 9:2:1 was if Refa was scum and that one joke post he made was him trolling because he had lost his only buddy D1, but that's literally impossible now. It would have been funny though

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Wait, what post?

Also yeah, what you said about the mafia vig makes sense. Anyways, checked out Freyjadour's ISO and he basically ignored Elieson on D1 only to say that he had no strong opinions on him. I ISO'd everyone else's names and these are the reads he had on them.

Refa- Hard townread going into D2.

Cam/Gilgamesh- RVS voted Cam, had a weak townread on Gilgamesh.

Manix- Literally scumreads Manix because of his amount of content (on D2) despite saying he had some well made posts and was town on D1.
Prims- Hard townread going into D2.
Blitz- Weak scumread going into D2. Constantly says that Blitz is scum but that he has no idea how to pressure and doesn't commit to a vote.
SB- Despite saying that SB doesn't make sense as scum, has him at only a null read on D2.
Dorian/BBM- Scumreads the slot on D2 and then doesn't after BBM starts posting. Uh, okay.
My takeaway is uh...none of my opinions have really changed. Gilgamesh looks worse than Blitz from this because he obviously wouldn't want his buddy to get lynched (so I'd assume a forced townread because none of Gilgamesh's content seemed THAT impressive and as scum, there'd be no reason for him to drop a mislynch opportunity that easily), and I'm kind of paranoid of SB just because his reaction was different regarding me/Prims than it was SB even though SB being scum would be ridiculous. I dunno, maybe he just wanted to see if SB would be a viable mislynch.
##Vote: King Gilgamesh
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isn't lylo doublevoter entirely pointless

if he survives to lylo/uses it on someone when he dies, it could make him/the person he uses it on confirmed town (or throw the game if he uses it on scum, i guess). uhhhhhhhh...actually, kg, does your role work if you get lynched?

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ugh the 2 kills N1 don't make sense

if it's 9/3 with scum having a 1x vig, if there are mislynches D1 and D2, D3 is LYLO. Maybe it's 9/2/1 with an odd-night SK or something idk, or maybe the scumvig is like an avenger or something

the Blitz/Frey interactions are weird. On one hand, Frey's read on Blitz seems like distancing, but I feel like Blitz wouldn't choose Frey to relay his reads on D2; it just seems kind of weird.

Gilgamesh, why did you quickhammer Frey?

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BBM, do you think if the vig was scumsided, they'd have chosen to vig Yolo over janning him?

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If there's an SK it's probably odd-night but becomes full time once both scum are dead. If we have a SK I'd expect it to be Gilgamesh because his claim is super wonky and the hammer on Frey seems like self-preservation if he thought Frey would flip scum and didn't want to risk the wagons switching over to him.

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Actually Gilgamesh's slot has the best interactions w/flipped scum purely based on Cam alone (don't think he'd get so mad about Elie's vote on him as scum either, and yeah agree about the Freyjadour vote). Well, that makes things easier. Literally can't see anyone else except Blitz being mafia.


##Vote: Blitz

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hi, skimmed thread

the gligamesh hammer is literally terrible, regardless of the fact it hit scum.

blitz made some comments to me during d2 about potential setup numbers and he seemed reasonably married to the idea of 8/2/2 multiball. work with this how you will

wondering if a blitz/gligamesh team is remotely possible if blitz slipped (wouldn't that be ironic)

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oh god that claim (gligamesh's) is absolutely hilarious and i would lynch it on policy because fuck that noise if it's a non-town role

also his "scumreads" are lolworthy and not even remotely backed up

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