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ODMGUADTMAS - LyLo afterparty


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Gilgamesh - I don't think Gilgamesh is mafia but I think Gilgamesh makes a lot of sense for SK. The quickhammer on Freyjadour is bizarre for town!Gilgamesh but makes sense as a survival ploy for him if he's SK, because if people backed off Freyjadour they were likely going to switch to Gilgamesh. He also thought Freyjadour was scum so if he was right he'd presumably get cred he could coast off of. His claim still makes no sense, how does LYLO mayor even work?

Right, didn't think of that. Need to go grocery shopping, going to make a definite honest vote after that.

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OMG, BLITZ JUST NEEDS ONE MORE VOTE FOR A HAMMER, LET ME GET ON IT! Nah, even though I do want to vote on him, I don't want to get eviscerated by Mitsuki and I want to be more of a team player, you feel me?

We should massclaim.

Indeed. It would be more useful to us than coming with silly theories that are getting us nowhere like multiball, scum with vig and stuff.

if he survives to lylo/uses it on someone when he dies, it could make him/the person he uses it on confirmed town (or throw the game if he uses it on scum, i guess). uhhhhhhhh...actually, kg, does your role work if you get lynched?

Yep, if I die with any means at all, the person who is the first on my list(Prims in this case) will obtain my ability to double vote on LyLo. With Eclipse taken out, the list is current 1. Prims, 2. SB, 3. BBM

If there's an SK it's probably odd-night but becomes full time once both scum are dead. If we have a SK I'd expect it to be Gilgamesh because his claim is super wonky and the hammer on Frey seems like self-preservation if he thought Frey would flip scum and didn't want to risk the wagons switching over to him.

I'll admit this, but Prims is absolutely right. Now I was 99.9% certain that Frey was scum don't get me wrong, but from the previous games I played, I know that as soon as I get scumread the town will start to do a lynch wagon on me and I was like "OH FUCK THAT NOISE NOT THIS TIME" and I did the quickhammer before that happened. It wasn't the most ideal move and if he townflipped.. .Well....But hey, all that matters is that we got another scum member and we got one more left who I believe is either Blitz or Manix.

reiterating this, i wouldn't want that role anywhere near lylo and he's scummy anyway. voting here when i have any idea what the votals are (and i'm not going back to check right now, not sticking around for much longer)

Yeah, you wouldn't want that to happen because I would be using it on you and get you knocked you out on LyLo. Don't worry, if not me, it will be Prims, SB or BBM. :)


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Weren't you going to talk about your role or did you decide not too?

nah I just posted a (very open) breadcrumb because I thought it was funny. I'll claim during massclaim.
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Thankfully I speak Spanish, heh heh. Aww, Omega's role sounded pretty awesome, it would have been very helpful later on. For the second death, maybe there is a SK in the game?

I think Prims and Eclipse are clear townies due to their early votes on Elieson, so the next step is to look at Elie's associative reads.

Oh yes, someone said there is the possibility that I am an SK. I JUST remembered this post. Come on guys, would I really tip you off like that, lol

so why am i actually scum again? you keep saying i am but you have provided literally reason, and actually reads as a scummy OMGUS

If it isn't Blitz then by process of elimination it has to be you. Everyone is IMO more iron clad townie than you are.

also blitz literally has one vote on him, if i can count, which is definitely nowhere near lynch

Refa, Prims and SB voted on him and it takes 4 for a lynch.

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Gilgamesh can you explain your reads more in-depth? Why do you think everybody is more iron-clad town than Manix despite his solid vote record and high effort today which (imo) genuinely looks like a townie trying to figure out the game?

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the thing is that like my role doesn't really make a ton of sense and Elie's fake was "day gay visitor", which is even more of a functional vanilla than lylo mayor.

Gilgamesh, why is Manix the least townie person and why is Prims the towniest person? I don't really see a reason for any of your reads.

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OMG, BLITZ JUST NEEDS ONE MORE VOTE FOR A HAMMER, LET ME GET ON IT! Nah, even though I do want to vote on him, I don't want to get eviscerated by Mitsuki and I want to be more of a team player, you feel me?

Indeed. It would be more useful to us than coming with silly theories that are getting us nowhere like multiball, scum with vig and stuff.

Yep, if I die with any means at all, the person who is the first on my list(Prims in this case) will obtain my ability to double vote on LyLo. With Eclipse taken out, the list is current 1. Prims, 2. SB, 3. BBM

I'll admit this, but Prims is absolutely right. Now I was 99.9% certain that Frey was scum don't get me wrong, but from the previous games I played, I know that as soon as I get scumread the town will start to do a lynch wagon on me and I was like "OH FUCK THAT NOISE NOT THIS TIME" and I did the quickhammer before that happened. It wasn't the most ideal move and if he townflipped.. .Well....But hey, all that matters is that we got another scum member and we got one more left who I believe is either Blitz or Manix.

Yeah, you wouldn't want that to happen because I would be using it on you and get you knocked you out on LyLo. Don't worry, if not me, it will be Prims, SB or BBM. :)

Out of curiosity, what did Mitsuki say?

TBH, part of the reason why I asked was because I wanted to know if you'd actually say yes. Don't think you'd be like YEAH MAN GETTING LYNCHED WILL PROVE MY ROLECLAIM AND MAKE THE PERSON I TARGET CONFIRMED TOWN BUT UH DON'T LYNCH ME HA HA I'M THE BEST SCUM as scum despite your actual claim being whack as hell.

Fair enough on the quickhammer, but why do you think that I'm town? Like...I don't get that and your scumread on Manix (like, your confidence in it confuses me).

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the thing is that like my role doesn't really make a ton of sense and Elie's fake was "day gay visitor", which is even more of a functional vanilla than lylo mayor.

i hope someone claims an actual vanilla role tbh

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Literally my only longstanding issue with you is that your reads have barely any explanation to them, so I don't know where you're coming from.

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Marth wants a massclaim and says that I should vote SB/Prims (also he thinks that Blitz is tone and REALLY doesn't want me to lynch him so uh I guess I'm not doing that; still want to hear what Blitz has to say about his cases, though).

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##Vote: Gligamesh

also following through with this now, his last posts were real bad + other points i already raised.

i would also kinda like a massclaim but considering we're lynching in two people that have claimed, it can probably wait.

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No wait, Marth is BACKTRACKING (scum move) and saying that Blitz's Gilgamesh vote doesn't really make sense unless he thinks Gilgamesh is scum who's made a horrible fakeclaim. So...probably voting him.

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blitz is at l-2 atm right? kind of don't want to vote him in fear of another quickhammer.

tell marf hes dum and is missing the obvious scumlords

i did!

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