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Thanks, I do have a kind of unique humor that a lot of people don't get.

I know Est will be tough to raise, but I think she has a lot of potential.

You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? XD

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You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? XD

Oh, maybe. She inherited my growths and hair color, so she'll be fine. I know this to be true, because my son's blond, but it was kinda reddish when he was born.

Esther is a beautiful name ^^

Thanks! A lot of the names I like are really common, but we wanted something unique.

I'm looking forward to moving this summer. We'll be upgrading from a two bedroom apartment to an actual house.

Mother's Day really snuck up on me this year. Maybe we can get a babysitter and go see the new Captain America vs Iron Man movie.

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Thanks! A lot of the names I like are really common, but we wanted something unique.

I'm looking forward to moving this summer. We'll be upgrading from a two bedroom apartment to an actual house.

Mother's Day really snuck up on me this year. Maybe we can get a babysitter and go see the new Captain America vs Iron Man movie.

Well I think you hit the mark, with a great one. I still remember my Mom telling me about how they came up with Jedidiah for me, originally I was going to be Joshua, but apparently their friends had a kid and named him Joshua first haha. Also I love my name because it shortens so well :P:

Oh thats great to hear, I'd imagine being in an apartment would be a bit stressful with a full family.

I gotta get my Mom some flowers or at least a card speaking of which, its a few days before my birthday funny enough, I love my Mom so much ^^ she's done so much for me even now when I'm an adult and always is willing to listen to stuff I need to get off my chest.

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Well I think you hit the mark, with a great one. I still remember my Mom telling me about how they came up with Jedidiah for me, originally I was going to be Joshua, but apparently their friends had a kid and named him Joshua first haha. Also I love my name because it shortens so well :P:

Oh thats great to hear, I'd imagine being in an apartment would be a bit stressful with a full family.

I gotta get my Mom some flowers or at least a card speaking of which, its a few days before my birthday funny enough, I love my Mom so much ^^ she's done so much for me even now when I'm an adult and always is willing to listen to stuff I need to get off my chest.

Glad to hear it.

I need to get some new clothes this weekend. I've been gaining weight and none of my clothes fit anymore, for some reason.

EDIT: Thanks for all the kind words everyone. I really appreciate it. I honestly feel like crying right now, even though I know I have no reason to.

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Eclipse approved bump.

I have some more news. I found out it's going to be a girl! (Sorry to disappoint you, Muhed.)

I'm surprised we even found out this early, but I guess they can do it as part of the genetic screening blood test, now. We figured we might as well, since they had to draw blood anyway. Even 2 years ago, with our first, they never mentioned anything about it, so it must be new.

We've pretty much decided on the name Esther. We'll call her Essie/Est though. Hey, I named Leo before Fates, so people can't accuse me of naming all my kids after Fire Emblem.

The first trimester is finally ending. This pregnancy has been a lot rougher than the first one, but maybe that's because it's a girl. She's also been a lot more active than Leo was, which I didn't think was possible.

i approve of the name esther


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Eh, Esther is an ugly name to me, but it's your baby, so your choice. :P

I'd be naming a girl Elincia, not just because of the FE character, but also because that name is just so gosh darn pretty to me in itself!

And every pregnancy is different/can be different, even in the same woman. My mom's pregnancies were pretty much the same, and she's had a girl (me) and a boy.

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Esther is nice.

Eh, Esther is an ugly name to me

Oh boy (well, the name sounds also very well in French).

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I'm terrible with names, lol.

The body thing, I heard many women become worried with it. It will be difficult, but I hope everything turns out great. :)

Thanks, the body plays a small part, but it's more the hormones.

i approve of the name esther


Thanks, glad to hear it.

Eh, Esther is an ugly name to me, but it's your baby, so your choice. :P

I'd be naming a girl Elincia, not just because of the FE character, but also because that name is just so gosh darn pretty to me in itself!

And every pregnancy is different/can be different, even in the same woman. My mom's pregnancies were pretty much the same, and she's had a girl (me) and a boy.

I think it sort of has a good cadence with the full name. I intend to call her Est, Essie, or Essie Sue. Susan will be the middle name. Elincia's a nice name, but I've been leaning towards names that have a family history.

Esther is nice.

Oh boy (well, the name sounds also very well in French).

Thanks, and don't worry about me. I don't get offended by people not liking the name. People can voice their opinions without worrying about upsetting me.

I only speak a little bit of French, and it's been a decade since I used it. I was able to visit France a couple times, which was nice. I especially liked the castles. I know German better, but I'm also quite rusty there.

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Hey, that's great news! I'm fine with Esther as a name. I hope she's better than Est in FE (her backstory. . .eek).

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Hey, that's great news! I'm fine with Esther as a name. I hope she's better than Est in FE (her backstory. . .eek).

Thanks, although most Archanea characters don't really have much of a backstory, so to have any at all is an improvement.

Also, is it okay to post here periodically in a "Let's Gestate!" sort of way? I'll try to avoid necro or double-posting, but it's fun to share stuff when it comes up.

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Est's is. . .really, really bad. Like, there's be a riot if any of the Fates characters wound up like her.

Anyway, if you've got decently big news, feel free to post it. This is the thread about your pregnancy!

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Anyway, if you've got decently big news, feel free to post it. This is the thread about your pregnancy!

​You heard her, everyone, all you need to do if you want to break the rules is to be pregnant!

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lol that reminds me of the other day, I was watching the Nightly Show and they were talking about how they would always go way out of their way to help a pregnant woman

nice to see that mentality can also be used to break rules on serenes forest

quickly, Rezzy, post links to ROMs!

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lol that reminds me of the other day, I was watching the Nightly Show and they were talking about how they would always go way out of their way to help a pregnant woman

nice to see that mentality can also be used to break rules on serenes forest

quickly, Rezzy, post links to ROMs!

I consider a pregnancy a very hard project, and we DO have exceptions for those.

Alas, if she posts a link to a ROM, her baby will be born before those warning points will go away! :P:

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​You heard her, everyone, all you need to do if you want to break the rules is to be pregnant!

lol that reminds me of the other day, I was watching the Nightly Show and they were talking about how they would always go way out of their way to help a pregnant woman

nice to see that mentality can also be used to break rules on serenes forest

quickly, Rezzy, post links to ROMs!

I guess you guys could go ahead and get yourselves pregnant if you wanted to try.

I think my license for rule bending in this particular thread would get revoked if I abused it with wild abandon, though.

EDIT: In relevant news, I think I'll go clothes shopping tomorrow, if I'm up to it. I'm up to 155 lbs now. I used to be pretty thin at 135lbs, but I was floating between 145-150 at the beginning of the year, so I'm not sure how much is from the baby and how much is just from me getting fat because I'm getting old and my metabolism is slowing down. I'm 5'11' for reference.

I cancelled my Mother's Day plans for today, since I've been feeling crappy, but at least I can vegetate in front of the computer and listen to the Cubs game.

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I was so moved by this Esther in Trinity Blood:


That I fully support your choice. :)

I'm unfamiliar with the series, but thank you.

I wonder if my Esther will be a red head. Genetically, it could end up as brown, red, or blonde.

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Anything can happen with hair color. My parents had red and black hair and wound up with 3 redheads, and my sister (red) and her husband (brown) have a daughter with brown hair and a son with blond hair ;p

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Here's hoping that you don't have to visit too early and come out with an underleveled child. That can make those first months far more stressful than they need to be.

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Anything can happen with hair color. My parents had red and black hair and wound up with 3 redheads, and my sister (red) and her husband (brown) have a daughter with brown hair and a son with blond hair ;p

I knew three siblings that had blonde, brown, and red hair.

My parents have brown and black hair. My sister has brown hair, and so does her husband. Both her daughters have brown hair.

My son has blond hair, having parents with auburn and reddish-blonde hair. His hair was reddish when he was born, but lightened up after a few months.

Here's hoping that you don't have to visit too early and come out with an underleveled child. That can make those first months far more stressful than they need to be.

Thanks, hopefully it goes well.

The first pregnancy went swimmingly. I hope the next one's a boy, considering this girl's been a handful.

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Here's hoping that you don't have to visit too early and come out with an underleveled child. That can make those first months far more stressful than they need to be.

That's especially the case if they're a healer and you don't have a reclassing item.

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That's especially the case if they're a healer and you don't have a reclassing item.

Well, I'm kind of a healer in real life, so if she inherits my class, let's hope that doesn't happen.

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