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Be sure to give both kids equal love and attention. Or else they could end up like me and feeling rather neglected compared to her younger brother, who is now dead because of his bitch girlfriend mistreating him (it led him to suicide) and my criticisms of him (and my parents to a lesser extent) surely not helping anything.

I'm not saying either of your kids would end up committing suicide simply for not giving them equal attention, but it can lead to a lot of sibling rivalry and one of them feeling a little neglected like I did.

Also, beware of false labor. It's when you start to have contractions, but unlike in real labor, they don't gradually happen closer together.

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Oh yeah, it's almost time (well not almost but soon).

I could ask my mom for her opinion since she is the younger sister (my aunt is 2 years older).

Also fun fact, my mom told me that my grandmother had a easier time giving her birth since she was her second child so I hope you'll also have a easier time (or less painful, if this is even possible) giving bitrh for the second time.

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Aaah, so close! So exciting!

One thing we did that seemed to really help with the transition was, the day after Niko was born, we had a little 'welcome to being a big sister' celebration with Anya - we got a cake and we got her a few small presents from her new baby brother. (Anya's not into dolls at all, but my mom said that what worked for me as a toddler was I had a doll, and whenever my mom bathed/changed my brother, I would bathe/change my doll. I know a few friends who made the new doll a present at this time).

Also, other adults that may be around (family, friends) can help you by dedicating some time specifically to Leo while you care for Est.

We might do a small party. I suppose we could try the doll thing. My mother-in-law volunteered to watch Leo during the day for the first few weeks, so that will definitely be a help.

Be sure to give both kids equal love and attention. Or else they could end up like me and feeling rather neglected compared to her younger brother, who is now dead because of his bitch girlfriend mistreating him (it led him to suicide) and my criticisms of him (and my parents to a lesser extent) surely not helping anything.

I'm not saying either of your kids would end up committing suicide simply for not giving them equal attention, but it can lead to a lot of sibling rivalry and one of them feeling a little neglected like I did.

Also, beware of false labor. It's when you start to have contractions, but unlike in real labor, they don't gradually happen closer together.

Rest assured, I fully intend to give all my children equal love and attention. For all my parents' faults (especially my mother, but I won't get into the here), I never felt there was overwhelming favoritism towards me or my sister. As siblings, we fought, of course, but we always loved each other. I don't intend to show any favoritism to anyone, and raising my children in a loving environment is my biggest goal.

Oh yeah, it's almost time (well not almost but soon).

I could ask my mom for her opinion since she is the younger sister (my aunt is 2 years older).

Also fun fact, my mom told me that my grandmother had a easier time giving her birth since she was her second child so I hope you'll also have a easier time (or less painful, if this is even possible) giving bitrh for the second time.

The first birth actually went rather well, as did the pregnancy. This pregnancy has been hell, but I hope the delivery goes well. I've heard old wives' tales that girls lead to a tougher pregnancy than boys, and my sample size of 1 of each confirms this 100%.

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Rest assured, I fully intend to give all my children equal love and attention. For all my parents' faults (especially my mother, but I won't get into the here), I never felt there was overwhelming favoritism towards me or my sister. As siblings, we fought, of course, but we always loved each other. I don't intend to show any favoritism to anyone, and raising my children in a loving environment is my biggest goal.

Same! My parents didn't treat us equally, because we are all different, but they've certainly never shown *favouritism* towards any one of us 6 kids. They gave us equal love and attention.

This pregnancy has been hell, but I hope the delivery goes well. I've heard old wives' tales that girls lead to a tougher pregnancy than boys, and my sample size of 1 of each confirms this 100%.


I kind of wish this had been true for me, I'd have had an easier time of it the second time around! I had a hard time believing Niko was actually a boy because of how identical my pregnancies were.

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Same! My parents didn't treat us equally, because we are all different, but they've certainly never shown *favouritism* towards any one of us 6 kids. They gave us equal love and attention.


I kind of wish this had been true for me, I'd have had an easier time of it the second time around! I had a hard time believing Niko was actually a boy because of how identical my pregnancies were.

Well, I guess it's different for everybody! If my experience is anything, I hope I have only boys from now on.

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So yeah I asked the question to my mom.

She said that my grandmother talked to my aunt about a baby and why he/she will need more attention.

Also, my aunt helped my grandmother to change my mother's diaper.

So yeah, pretty much basic stuff I guess.

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So yeah I asked the question to my mom.

She said that my grandmother talked to my aunt about a baby and why he/she will need more attention.

Also, my aunt helped my grandmother to change my mother's diaper.

So yeah, pretty much basic stuff I guess.

Maybe once he's a bit older, but I think Leo's a bit young to help with changing diapers right now, considering he's still in them, himself.

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Just because it's a girl doesn't mean it'll always be a trouble pregnancy, Rezzy. I know because my mom said she never had any problems with me and I'm, you know, a girl. xP

Well, she did say that she was in labor for a day and a half, but that was also the same amount of time she spent in labor with my brother, interestingly enough.

I did hear once that girls are farther back in the womb, though. But I don't believe this, because I don't see what the baby's gender has to do with its positioning.

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Just because it's a girl doesn't mean it'll always be a trouble pregnancy, Rezzy. I know because my mom said she never had any problems with me and I'm, you know, a girl. xP

Well, she did say that she was in labor for a day and a half, but that was also the same amount of time she spent in labor with my brother, interestingly enough.

I did hear once that girls are farther back in the womb, though. But I don't believe this, because I don't see what the baby's gender has to do with its positioning.

Yeah, I was being a little facetious. I may have also just been working myself too hard, compared to last time, but I'll be getting some time off from work soon enough.

I'm not sure precisely how my birth went, but I do know that I was two weeks late coming out, and my sister was early.

There may some minor differences caused by differing levels of hormones, but I haven't really seen any definitive proof one way or the other.

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Yeah, maybe. Some outside things (other than the obvious like drugs and stuff) can affect a pregnancy, I'm sure.

Also, I forgot to mention, I wasn't trying to paint my parents as bad parents, my mom is honestly pretty awesome and so is my stepdad. My real dad still loves me too. It's just that the one thing I feel my mom and stepdad failed at was not spoiling my younger brother too much compared to myself and my stepbrothers. Though on one hand it IS a bit understandable given that there were eight years between my brother and us other three kids (sort of. While I am the same age as one of my stepbrothers, the other is two years older). I just think they still could've done better here, especially after my stepbrothers moved out.

But my mom is one of the most amazing women I know because she's actually saved my life before since she brought me to the hospital after I got very ill once as a little kid. I couldn't eat at all, and I would've starved because the flu shut my digestive system down. Plus, I'm autistic and some parents are so paranoid about having a kid with autism that they refuse to vaccinate their kids (how idiotic). Yet my mom was perfectly fine raising a mentally disabled daughter and doesn't mind that I'm talkative and that I usually talk a lot about my video games or something.

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Yeah, maybe. Some outside things (other than the obvious like drugs and stuff) can affect a pregnancy, I'm sure.

Also, I forgot to mention, I wasn't trying to paint my parents as bad parents, my mom is honestly pretty awesome and so is my stepdad. My real dad still loves me too. It's just that the one thing I feel my mom and stepdad failed at was not spoiling my younger brother too much compared to myself and my stepbrothers. Though on one hand it IS a bit understandable given that there were eight years between my brother and us other three kids (sort of. While I am the same age as one of my stepbrothers, the other is two years older). I just think they still could've done better here, especially after my stepbrothers moved out.

But my mom is one of the most amazing women I know because she's actually saved my life before since she brought me to the hospital after I got very ill once as a little kid. I couldn't eat at all, and I would've starved because the flu shut my digestive system down. Plus, I'm autistic and some parents are so paranoid about having a kid with autism that they refuse to vaccinate their kids (how idiotic). Yet my mom was perfectly fine raising a mentally disabled daughter and doesn't mind that I'm talkative and that I usually talk a lot about my video games or something.

It's hard to not sometimes be jealous of siblings. My Dad and sister used to watch horror movies together, which I hate, but conversely, my Dad and I used to watch Star Trek together a lot, and my sister was never really into it. About the only thing I really share a passion with my mom with is baseball, but it's nice to have at least something to talk about. Hopefully, I have enough shared interests with all my kids to be able to have an activity to bond over.

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All this talk about being disregarded, if not mistreated because familly issues can happen. Tsk, of course they do.

My only best advice is to treat children like they are not special snowflakes, cause nobody is regardless how much you care them. To let them know (the sooner the better) the reality they must face when they have to rely on themselves more and more as time passes on is way too important, a fact sadly ignored by many parents, one way or another. Trying to educate them about working without expecting being too much rewarded in exchange is the ideal way for make them understanding that work is simply a human necessity, and not a damn way for cheap luxury ("Did you wash all the dishes? Awwww, how cute! Here, have a candy!" "Did you sweep the floor, sweetheart? How nice of you! You can watch the TV all what you like now!" "Did you finished your homework!? Hooraaay! You're da best! Let's gonna have some fun in the theme park tod ..." "FOR FUCKING SAKE, NO!!! IT'S WEDNESDAY YET, WAIT UNTIL THE BLASTED WEEKEND!).

Of course there shall be times when you have to attend your children, behaving, quarreling or talking to them whatever troubles them. But seriously, not trying to look excessively harsh (to anybody this can happen, or in the opposite way too), just minding awareness when children can be too trouble, it is when is time to think how to lend them a hand. Let them cry or rage whatever trouble them, then gently ask what's their issue and trying to make a deal of sorts (because you WON'T have time to solve all their problems too, that's another important problem that many parents don't know how to deal with if they're not aware or they don't simply organize their own time).

You must gain their confidence, as much as they have to respect you. If they're too headstrong for whatever reason, you MUST hold him / her on the line. If simple, mandatory authority doesn't work yet, a simple slap in the face may work, but this is the ultimate resource I would rely on. Well, it never hurts to do that, but barely I guess ... this merely depends on the context, though.

In the end, you simply need to have fun with them though (equally if possible, but know that's just not gonna happen at all ...), so happy times for you and all your family. You may deserve it if working real hard for it, because it's all about that: simple, mere dedication for a better future for them.

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Yeah, she just doesn't have any significant updates or she simply doesn't want us to know exactly when she's in labor and all. I personally wouldn't mention it if I was her, because I wouldn't want to make everyone worry about how I'm dealing with it. :P

A labor and birth can go pretty smooth and even fairly painless sometimes, I hear. Or it can go so wrong. You never know, and Rezzy surely doesn't want us to worry. I'm eager to see the baby as much as you guys are. Baby girls are usually way cuter than baby boys to me! (no offense to baby boys, of course. They can be cute at times too, I swear. It's just that baby girls, man... Baby girls!)

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Yeah, she just doesn't have any significant updates or she simply doesn't want us to know exactly when she's in labor and all. I personally wouldn't mention it if I was her, because I wouldn't want to make everyone worry about how I'm dealing with it. :P

A labor and birth can go pretty smooth and even fairly painless sometimes, I hear. Or it can go so wrong. You never know, and Rezzy surely doesn't want us to worry. I'm eager to see the baby as much as you guys are. Baby girls are usually way cuter than baby boys to me! (no offense to baby boys, of course. They can be cute at times too, I swear. It's just that baby girls, man... Baby girls!)

​Hey! I was cute when I was a baby, okay?

But yeah, I know what you mean, thought the last baby I remember holding was my little cousin and she was very cute.

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I don't mind admitting that my son was really ugly when born. It wasn't his fault; he came out bruised, with a swollen nose/brow and one bloodshot eye. Then he got pretty bad baby acne.

Most of the time strangers/family lie and will call a baby cute even if they're not (because it's only polite); my son didn't even get lied about. Everyone who looked at him would hesitate, then say, 'um... he's a real bruiser, isn't he?'

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All quiet for 3 days - hope you're okay, Rezzy!

She posted yeasterday, she's okay I think

Yeah, she just doesn't have any significant updates or she simply doesn't want us to know exactly when she's in labor and all. I personally wouldn't mention it if I was her, because I wouldn't want to make everyone worry about how I'm dealing with it. :P

A labor and birth can go pretty smooth and even fairly painless sometimes, I hear. Or it can go so wrong. You never know, and Rezzy surely doesn't want us to worry. I'm eager to see the baby as much as you guys are. Baby girls are usually way cuter than baby boys to me! (no offense to baby boys, of course. They can be cute at times too, I swear. It's just that baby girls, man... Baby girls!)

Don't worry everyone, I'm still alive! I'm glad that you thought of me. :D No news yet, less than 3 weeks before the baby comes one way or the other. Est has been very active, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if she came early.

Just when I think work stuff is going to let up, something else comes up. I still be doing paperwork after the baby's born.

​Hey! I was cute when I was a baby, okay?

But yeah, I know what you mean, thought the last baby I remember holding was my little cousin and she was very cute.

I don't mind admitting that my son was really ugly when born. It wasn't his fault; he came out bruised, with a swollen nose/brow and one bloodshot eye. Then he got pretty bad baby acne.

Most of the time strangers/family lie and will call a baby cute even if they're not (because it's only polite); my son didn't even get lied about. Everyone who looked at him would hesitate, then say, 'um... he's a real bruiser, isn't he?'

Baby acne? That's the first time I've heard of that. Yeesh, though.

That's kind of mean... I mean, I would've said "whoa, what happened to your poor baby?!"

Leo was the cutest baby in the world when he was born, and that's not just my bias, everyone agrees. He did have some skin issues when he was very young, especially during his first winter, with the cold, dry air, but he seems to have outgrown that for the most part.

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Baby girls are usually way cuter than baby boys to me! (no offense to baby boys, of course. They can be cute at times too, I swear. It's just that baby girls, man... Baby girls!)

So if no baby girl, you may consider the divorce, lol

Unless you wanna try harder ... and get some more babies... Maybe with some luck.

By the way, forgetting most of my last, big paragraph from before: consider the first thing about education by teaching them how to organize and making a more-or-less appropriate timetable in order to achieve things properly. This will help them a lot for their future chores and studies. The sooner they understand about all of this kind of stuff, the better for them, ;)

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Ooooh, that's really really, lovely sweet (and tremendously corageous if you ask me), but never say never to the power of luv.

Reminds me of a quite tearful, yet beatiful story named Wolf Children.

Anyway, how does it feel carry on a family with more than a son? Something gets 'lighted up' in the proccess, or the tasks related with the children gets more difficult in general? Differences?

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Ooooh, that's really really, lovely sweet (and tremendously corageous if you ask me), but never say never to the power of luv.

Anyway, how does it feel carry on a family with more than a son? Something gets 'lighted up' in the proccess, or the tasks related with the children gets more difficult in general? Differences?

I'll have to see whether the second kid is easier or more difficult than the first. I suppose it will be highly dependent on the child, rather than a hard cast rule.

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Parenting curiosity here, for any of you parents who are multilingual, do you have a certain point when you will be teaching the children the secondary (or however many others) language? Will you teach them their primary and secondary at the same time?

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