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Vanguard Dawn DLC Comes Today, Prepare to Fight for Your Friends

Shadow Knight

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Huh, I wasn't expecting some of the enemies to give some decent exp. I wish I used some Eternal Seals beforehand.

On the other note, Shiro as Vanguard, after an Arms Scroll, is so good right now omg. Guess that makes up for me not having an Ike amiibo. : ')

Amazon awaits my friend

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Finally tried the map myself!

Since I'm only at Chapter 18, having maxed out Einherjar units with Replicate and Galeforce trivialized the map (2-turned the map).

Jesus. I didn't know the units were that weak. For the most part, I get around 7-tuns cleared, Chapter 27 Hard. I can see dealing with one boss in two turns at that point, but not all three. (Or maybe I'm not doing things right. And on top of that, General with Wary Fighter blocks my path of clearing him with one unit.)

Overall, this map is fun. It's nice to be able to defend myself with really narrow pathways, and archers/mages lined up on the above ledges hailing fire and arrows on my enemies.

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I just finished the map, and I loved that map. I'm on Chapter 18 and Revelation, and was using it also to grind support pairs, because I want to get all the kids before the maps start having promoted enemies that can kill the kids.

I'm sorry if my desires for female Vanguard caused any drama, it was not intended.

I agree with Ana in disliking Camilla's design and the Avatar's as well. Not so much the neck-line boob armor, but more the exposed thigh and pelvis region in the armor. With the battle-panties of the Berserkers, both male and female, I don't really mind that, since half-naked Conan-type warrior has always been their shtick. However, on units that are meant to be heavily armored, battle-panties just look weird and make little sense.

I also agree that most of the Fates armor designs are a big improvement over Awakening, as well as the inclusion of feet. But why does that mean I have to be barefoot?

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I see a lot of Ike Amiibo at GameStop since your location says the US. But if you don't live near one, well... Yeah, that's a bummer. GameStop is the only place I've seen him.

Huh, well I live in NYC if that makes a difference and I still (surprisingly) haven't see him, haha! It's fine though, thank you!

Amazon awaits my friend

Oh I forgot about Amazon! His price dropped so much... Last time I checked amazon for amiibos was back when Jigglypuff was being released and man +$40 for him... I'll consider it, thank you!

In the meantime, I'll enjoy making half my units lil Ikes or Robins, even though most of the units I use are females units. )':

Edited by Elif
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I keep starting this map by placing Takumi next to the wall so he can fire on the opponents below, but on the first enemy phase he gets attacked first by the general with 29% chance to hit, then by another unit with a 19% chance to hit, and Takumi gets hit both times and killed. I even tried putting another unit for them to target but it didn't work. Every other part of my strategy, from what I can tell from turn 1, seems to be great, but I can't seem to keep Takumi from getting killed.

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Jesus. I didn't know the units were that weak. For the most part, I get around 7-tuns cleared, Chapter 27 Hard. I can see dealing with one boss in two turns at that point, but not all three. (Or maybe I'm not doing things right. And on top of that, General with Wary Fighter blocks my path of clearing him with one unit.)

Overall, this map is fun. It's nice to be able to defend myself with really narrow pathways, and archers/mages lined up on the above ledges hailing fire and arrows on my enemies.

If it helps any, I was playing on Chapter 18 Normal difficulty (Revelations support grind file). I deployed only 3 units (Einherjars Scarlet (Wyvern Lord), Yukimura (Mechanist), and Izana (Onmyoji) -- all with Replicate and Galeforce and capped stats (no statues) and with +2 Boots on each of them).

Turn 1: have each of them proc Galeforce to close as much distance as possible to the bosses before Replicating. Replicate.

Turn 2: Kill all 3 bosses (Galeforce if needed to get to the bosses; use either the Replica or the original -- which ever is the farthest from the boss -- to clear a path for the other without accidentally using Attack Stance). Used Yukimura to kill the boss Onmyoji, Izana to kill the boss Swordmaster, and Scarlet to kill the boss General.

It may be possible to 1 turn the map using only promoted flying units that are maxed out and have 2 Boots on each of them and armed with Galeforce and skills to directly boost their damage output and mobility (Weaponfaire skills, Strength/Magictaker, Movement +1, Pass, Death Blow, etc.). Of course, it would be easier to 1-turn the map using maxed out units if you were to do the map earlier in the story.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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How hard is it to fight "Ludveck"?

well he has Wary Fighter & Divine Shield, as well as a Silver Star Axe and capped Def (if you're at endgame, story-wise)

He's not really that hard if you've got a forged Armourslayer or a Hammer, I beat him by using the Spy Yumi to get more Hammer strikes through attack stance.

He does hit hard tho, and generals are still one of the few things you cant just throw Ryouma at and say "lol GG".

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Just ran it through with my postgame team (so granted, replicate on everyone and hella skills everywhere) and that wasn't too bad at all. I think setting up for luvdeck was the "hardest" part bc I left Hammer on Rinkah and she was on the side that doesn't reach Luvdeck so I had to get it to Camilla. Thankfully, clones share inventory, so trading it with Tsubaki means the Tsubaki clone on the other was able to get it to Cam in a timely manner. He really is beefy, though. my dark fliers, who otherwise have no trouble onerounding literally everything else on the map unpaired, could barely get double digit damage in.

I should probably try it with one of my teams that doesn't have full replicate/skillsets sometimes. Straight out of Lunatic endgame types.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Holy shit, blast from the past! Unlike RD, I was able to get all the skills, and a boatload of support points. Turns out that Leo with Brynhilder is legit against the boss, counter-attack be damned. This was done ~Chapter 18 Conquest.

Anyway, turned Ignatius into a Vanguard, and gave the Dodge skill to Arthur. Arthur no longer has to worry about randomly critting his face in, and Ignatius is amazing (he doesn't feel the -Spd from Heavy Blade. . .and he still doubles stuff, but I sorta-got creative, so. . .).

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Wow I didn't think we would get all the items and brand each time we played it... hmmm I'm not sure who I want to make my Vanguard, though.

Save yourself the trouble and do what I did. Make EVERYONE a Vanguard

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Save yourself the trouble and do what I did. Make EVERYONE a Vanguard

Well. . .all the dudes. No matter how much I want it, Charlotte will never be a Vanguard.

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XD Charlotte may never be a vangaurd but she totally got the skill scrolls that I managed to get... failed to get the third one because that side of the map was too focused on not dying while Ryoma, Takumi, and Sakura destroyed the other side. If I hadn't forgotten to switch Subaki in the lead Corrin could have killed the third boss to grab the final skill scroll but by the time I realized what I needed to do to grab it the time limit reared its ugly head.

Edit: anyone else notice the ledges give you massive evasion to simulate the high ground mechanic from RD?

Double Edit: Considering just WHICH chapter this is it actually really annoys me now that you get Ike's class and not Elincia's from this because this was her big chapter.

Edited by iavasechui
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I was half expecting to fight Ike in this chapter. I guess you can with his Amiibo, but I don't have it.

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I was half expecting to fight Ike in this chapter. I guess you can with his Amiibo, but I don't have it.

To be fair, in the original game Ike never appeared on this map, in fact, ironacally, his first appearance in the game is right after this map!

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To be fair, in the original game Ike never appeared on this map, in fact, ironacally, his first appearance in the game is right after this map!

Yeah, I didn't realize it was Elincia's Gambit until I played it. I meant by the name of the DLC and the reward, it implies Ike involvement. I thought we were going to fight the Greil Merceneries, or at least Ike.

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What is this fighting for friends nonsense you people speak of? Don't you mean fighting for Booty?

Anyway, this feels like Nintendo deliberately picked this map as DLC to troll.

Elincia will just have to just accept that her big moment amounted to nothing.

Edited by HellsHaven
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Yeah, I didn't realize it was Elincia's Gambit until I played it. I meant by the name of the DLC and the reward, it implies Ike involvement. I thought we were going to fight the Greil Merceneries, or at least Ike.

Ooooh that would have been neat. They should have used RD Ch. 3-13 (the one where you have to defend the line rather than the seize tile).

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What is this fighting for friends nonsense you people speak of? Don't you mean fighting for Booty?

Anyway, this feels like Nintendo deliberately picked this map as DLC to troll.

Elincia will just have to just accept that her big moment amounted to nothing.

The entire game is about fighting for booty. This DLC map is about being Ike which requires that you have friends and will fight for them.

Sympathy however is not required

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The entire game is about fighting for booty. This DLC map is about being Ike which requires that you have friends and will fight for them.

Sympathy however is not required

I see.

Welp I guess I shall prepare myself.

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