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In which blah the Prussian blind reacts to FE Fates: Conquest

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I think the game made a bit of a misstep in having Takumi mention the family thing in his rants. After essentially telling Corrin to screw off and go back to Nohr, he then complains about Corrin not coming back and how they could have been a family if Corrin had. This can easily come across as petty and irrational and overshadows his larger complaints (attacking and messing up his country). I also doesn't help that he turns on Azura (who has been an accepted member of the royal family for a long time) in their first scene together, which also makes him look irrational and undermines his legitimate suspicion of Corrin.

Ryoma's actions in Chapter 12 is, like you said, fanwank and not explicitly said to be wrong in story. Hinoka is more like Kamui-bias than Nohr-bias and Sakura is treated very sympathetically as far as I remember.

I find the funniest thing about this now is that when Kotaro pretty much uses the same tactic, it causes Nohr and Hoshido to temporarily unite in righteous indignation and strike him down.

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I'm over here, patiently waiting for The End.

And then redo this on Hard, because there's a lot of stuff that Conquest Normal is missing. Gameplay stuff, that is.

Mediocre FE player that I am, I probably wont for a while. I found some chapters of Normal to be hard enough. I did, however, do this with no DLC or grinding whatsoever. One bad game design thing that I think is a real problem is this: near the end of the game they start giving you a bunch of new slots in the party, without giving you any new characters. This means that the slots can only be filled by underlevelled guys you weren't using, thus making the slots functionally pointless.

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I think the game made a bit of a misstep in having Takumi mention the family thing in his rants. After essentially telling Corrin to screw off and go back to Nohr, he then complains about Corrin not coming back and how they could have been a family if Corrin had. This can easily come across as petty and irrational and overshadows his larger complaints (attacking and messing up his country). I also doesn't help that he turns on Azura (who has been an accepted member of the royal family for a long time) in their first scene together, which also makes him look irrational and undermines his legitimate suspicion of Corrin.

I find the funniest thing about this now is that when Kotaro pretty much uses the same tactic, it causes Nohr and Hoshido to temporarily unite in righteous indignation and strike him down.

Well it wasn't really Hoshido doing it. It was more like Nohr got righteous with indignation and then Saizo (whom has a personal vendetta against Kotaro) was just kinda there.

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I find the funniest thing about this now is that when Kotaro pretty much uses the same tactic, it causes Nohr and Hoshido to temporarily unite in righteous indignation and strike him down.

Difference is that Kotaro had Kagero, so her well-being was unknown to both sides. Nohr had Elise, whose condition was known to one side.

Mediocre FE player that I am, I probably wont for a while. I found some chapters of Normal to be hard enough. I did, however, do this with no DLC or grinding whatsoever. One bad game design thing that I think is a real problem is this: near the end of the game they start giving you a bunch of new slots in the party, without giving you any new characters. This means that the slots can only be filled by underlevelled guys you weren't using, thus making the slots functionally pointless.

Gameplay tips:

- Camilla's good, and stays good. Savage Blow/Trample are both amazing, and if you really want to turn up the taunting, have her dip into Sorcerer for Bowbreaker (she also likes Heartseeker). . .or buy it from me.

- Abuse Laslow's personal skill! One point of Speed/Strength doesn't seem like a lot, but it's enough to double stuff (especially in Chapter 17, which I still maintain can die in a fire). I prefer him as a Dread Fighter, because I'm crazy like that.

- Keaton stays good for a VERY long time. Give him a good physical wife, and Velouria will be amazing. Hell, have Velouria give Keaton her Beastrune, and he'll carry you all the way to the end (he did for me in my Hard Conquest run). Velouria can be nearly any physical class, and rock it.

- Niles makes a good staffbot. If you're crazy enough to pair him with Mozu, he'll be able to pick up Bowfaire, which will help with his Strength.

- Ninjas are amazing, and even though Kaze's got a dumb Strength modifier, he'll do perfectly well here. So does a reclassed Soliel.

- You should be able to pick up Xander at almost any point before Ryoma's chapter, and he'll be able to function. Have him pair with (but not marry) Beruka if you need extra tankiness.

- Charlotte and Effie are both great physical units (though I am insane and reclassed Effie to Sniper after having her A+ Mozu). Odin wants to get hitched to a magical mother, so that Ophelia is born. . .because Ophelia's a magical nuke.

- If you're VERY careful, Arthur can be amazing. But he'll act more like a support unit than anything. If you want to take full advantage of his personal skill, find the E-rank joke weapons, and have him use them - he gets some Dodge to his name, and his enemies will face a ton of crit.

- No two ways around it, your staffbots are gonna be frail. Elise is good for healing gobs of damage. Felicia also works. Jakob is better at utility (smacking things while healing), and I imagine Flora works similarly. Niles works in a pinch. If you're absolutely insane, though. . .Izana and his physical damage mitigation aura is hilarious. Pick two and pray.

That's a rough outline of who you can get away with using. My Corrin married Beruka, and was a writing wall of scales with a Dragonstone. Xander/Beruka was able to tank hits from just about everything that dealt with Defense. Keaton and Velouria wrecked whatever they touched. Niles and Jakob were able to keep my team in one piece (somehow). It was a hell of a ride, but I don't regret a damn thing.

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Yeah, Camilla is OP as fuck. Arthur is fun to use too. Effie destroyed Iago in one hit, which was pretty funny after he went on that big rant. So Laslow is better than Selena? I thought using two Mercs was counterintuitive, so I used Selena.

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Yeah, Camilla is OP as fuck. Arthur is fun to use too. Effie destroyed Iago in one hit, which was pretty funny after he went on that big rant. So Laslow is better than Selena? I thought using two Mercs was counterintuitive, so I used Selena.

Selena's personal is awful. Laslow can work as a support unit. Their secondary classes open up some interesting possibilities - Selena's got an easier time doubling if she uses a Heart Seal into any Sky Knight derivative for a level (Darting Blow is really good). Laslow can work as a debuffing unit thanks to Ninja access, and because Mechanist is part of the Ninja set. . .he can clone himself, use the clone to buff everyone in range, and then he can do something more useful (like gib things).

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Yeah, Camilla is OP as fuck. Arthur is fun to use too. Effie destroyed Iago in one hit, which was pretty funny after he went on that big rant. So Laslow is better than Selena? I thought using two Mercs was counterintuitive, so I used Selena.

Nah, Selena is the better unit. Lazlow has a better personal but he has speed problems and can also run into defense problems as well. He also can't fall back on a pure support role like Selena can as a Falcoknight (where she can use staves and gets the awesome Rally Speed) and there's no way he's ever going to double Master Ninjas as a Bow Knight, which is in reach for Selena. He does have good strength and HP though.

Charlotte is also a bad combat unit, it's like using Gonzales without the stuff that makes Gonzales stand out in a positive way (peak walking, particularly good offense, decent durability, fairly decent start). You're better off using her as a pair up bot, the bonuses she gives out as a Berserker are insane and make Xander and Beruka absolutely ridiculous.

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Nah, Selena is the better unit. Lazlow has a better personal but he has speed problems and can also run into defense problems as well. He also can't fall back on a pure support role like Selena can as a Falcoknight (where she can use staves and gets the awesome Rally Speed) and there's no way he's ever going to double Master Ninjas as a Bow Knight, which is in reach for Selena. He does have good strength and HP though.

Charlotte is also a bad combat unit, it's like using Gonzales without the stuff that makes Gonzales stand out in a positive way (peak walking, particularly good offense, decent durability, fairly decent start). You're better off using her as a pair up bot, the bonuses she gives out as a Berserker are insane and make Xander and Beruka absolutely ridiculous.

This is planning for a Hard run. Benchmarks are lower.

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Do I have to reclass in a hard run? I really hate doing it in CQ as I want a more classic FE feel.

The only thing I ever did was change Kaze to a Dread Fighter once he hit level 10 so he could one-round things and tank mages even better.

So no, not really.

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Whichever son of a shiteating fuckWilson thought it would be motherfucking FUNNY to force me to go back and do Chapter 27 all FUCKING over again because FUCKING Takumi FUCKING Trump FUCKING dodged Corrin's FUCKING attack that has FUCKING 90% FUCKING accuracy is a FUCKING shit eating, dick sucking, Wilson electing, Monarchy toppling, WORM of a human being. Good god. I find it very difficult to express how furious this makes me. Newsflash, IS: we don't WANT to be forced to go back and play the same shit we just got done beating yesterday because we failed the endgame; we really don't. I DONT GIVE A FUCK if it doesn't make sense story wise for Corrin and co. to go do some DLC just before they fight Takumi Trump. I really don't give a fuck. This story doesn't make sense anyway! Now it's infecting the gameplay and it scared my adorable dog when I let out a primal yell of guttural frustration when I found out much to my great dismay that I had basically just wasted two hours of my life! My dog is a rescue dog, IS! You just terrified a poor rescue dog who didn't need any more terrifying things in her life, and all because you're a bunch of purely evil sadists who enjoy this shit.



Okay. I'm sorry. You made a great game, you really did. I have had fun playing it. I have enjoyed it. It's just that, well, I'm not that much of a fan of the way you, in your infinite wisdom, deigned to design the endgame. I don't know if I made that sufficiently clear. But yeah, because of you, my readers won't get to see me tear apart your miserable excuse for a story until tomorrow, probably! Just... fuck. I may even make a Downfall rant about this.

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Downfall rant?

Haven't seen a good one of those in a while.

And the endgame is deliciously evil, isn't it? And RNG is just so malicious, it's wonderfully annoying.

A people used to say that Bow-wielding bosses were easy.

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Downfall rant?

Haven't seen a good one of those in a while.

And the endgame is deliciously evil, isn't it? And RNG is just so malicious, it's wonderfully annoying.

A people used to say that Bow-wielding bosses were easy.

That was before they could attack close up.
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Also, blah I'm not sure you noticed but on of the major part of the endgame map's strategy is building walls to block Takumi Trump's attack.

The irony is hilarious.

I was going to bring that up tomorrow, damn you!
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I was going to bring that up tomorrow, damn you!

Mwahahah! Better luck next time dear blah!

That aside, your Takumi Trump joke ended up being much more accurate that you originally though, huh?

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Okay. I'm sorry. You made a great game, you really did. I have had fun playing it. I have enjoyed it. It's just that, well, I'm not that much of a fan of the way you, in your infinite wisdom, deigned to design the endgame. I don't know if I made that sufficiently clear. But yeah, because of you, my readers won't get to see me tear apart your miserable excuse for a story until tomorrow, probably! Just... fuck. I may even make a Downfall rant about this.

...Wasn't that what you've been doing this whole dang time?

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...Wasn't that what you've been doing this whole dang time?

Okay, sure, but I really wanted to say exactly how shitty the whole Mikoto isn't pissed in the slightest that Corrin basically destroyed her kingdom.

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Well it wasn't really Hoshido doing it. It was more like Nohr got righteous with indignation and then Saizo (whom has a personal vendetta against Kotaro) was just kinda there.

But Saizo is still a Hoshidan soldier who was there as part of a Hoshidan strike force (and according to Kotaro, it wasn't the first). I bet if Corrin's team hadn't already wiped out the rest of the force, there would have been a lot more green units on that map.

Difference is that Kotaro had Kagero, so her well-being was unknown to both sides. Nohr had Elise, whose condition was known to one side.

While true, I feel that the difference in reaction is pretty disproportionate. They could have asked about Kagero's condition, especially when Kotaro admitted to the tactic. Instead, the Nohrian royals all call him out as dishonourable and side with the guy from the opposing army, a guy who just two minutes ago tried to kill Corrin. This completely destroys any semblance of diplomatic relations they have with Mokushu.

This is planning for a Hard run. Benchmarks are lower.

Actually, Hard stats are mostly the same as Lunatic (I think it only changes for a handful of bosses). Lunatic just goes nuts with the amount of enemies, the gear/skills the formations have (including all the broken enemy-only stuff) and the positioning. So benchmarks will largely be the same, barring trying to build EP-sweeping juggernauts.

Do I have to reclass in a hard run? I really hate doing it in CQ as I want a more classic FE feel.

Nah, the game's still generally pretty flexible in terms of solutions for the other difficulties (with the exception of Lunatic Endgame). While some of the skills are really good, most of your units will have access to them without having to branch out, not to mention that good tactics and raw stats are typically more important to clearing a map.

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I have to say, I never imagined that you could use those words.

Think of the children !

Okay, sure, but I really wanted to say exactly how shitty the whole Mikoto isn't pissed in the slightest that Corrin basically destroyed her kingdom.

Shh, keep that for tomorrow.

Edited by B.Leu
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Okay, sure, but I really wanted to say exactly how shitty the whole Mikoto isn't pissed in the slightest that Corrin basically destroyed her kingdom.

Without spoilers, your comment begs the question of what is her kingdom?

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by eclipse, April 30, 2016 - By request
Hidden by eclipse, April 30, 2016 - By request

<object width="480" height="320"><param name="movie" value="http://captiongenerator.com/Youtube_Captioner.swf"></param><paramname="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><param name="flashvars" value="videoID=87548"></param><embed src="http://captiongenerator.com/Youtube_Captioner.swf" flashvars="videoID=87548" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height=


Well, I actually did it. Enjoy!

Edit: No, I don't know what happened. I'm working on it. Also a new post may come up soon, Eclipse, please delete the post without the working video.

Edit 2: Electric Boogaloo: Well, I probably shouldn't be doing this on my IPad. I'll do it on my laptop tomorrow.

Edited by blah the Prussian
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