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Q15: What would you do, if you were part of the development team of Intelligent Systems and could bring up your ideas for a next Fire Emblem game?

(What ideas about game mechanics, map design, story etc. would you like to add?)

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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Shaman -> Druid/Summoner returns

3rd tier promotions.

Branching promotions, re-class only between those branches.

No children or children appear only after having beat the game.

Large cast ala FE10

Co-op maps/campaign

Diverse/secret/difficult character recruitment requirements + ways to recruit important/cool bosses/npcs in post game return.

Return of triangle attacks.

Less S support options but more friend support options per character.

Maps with multiple win condition options, slight branching story paths depending on which condition you fulfill.

Compelling, fleshed out antagonists.

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I'd remake Gaiden using Fates as a base. I'd have My Castle be a physical part of the world map and I'd allow grinding or whatever.

I'd have an avatar, but instead of choosing a gender, you use both. Male goes with Alm, Female with Celica. They're siblings and you can decide both of their names and designs. Both would have a limited romance category, but both genders could romance Alm or Celica. I'm pretty sure the two of them don't canonically end up together, so if they do I'll pick different candidates.

As for children, I'd probably leave them. I might add a few characters like Shadow Dragon in paralogues to buff out the cast. Branching promotions would probably exist. The classes would be pretty different though. Witch would be a Dark Mage promotion and Dread Fighter would replace Bow Knight. I'd probably have Ballistician as an Archer promotion just so Jake can be in the game with Anna.

If I made a new game, it would be based on Archanea probably. It would have your typical blue haired naive lord fighting against the evil kingdom/empire with the help of their friends and resident Jeigan and Avatar. I'd base most of the characters on archetypes, so you'd have stuff like the perky female Peg Knight, the royal lady Troubadour, the shirtless Mercenary, and the brooding and dark Myrmidon.

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Edited by Makaze
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also I have to admit that after looking up Gaiden's cast they need massive redesigns because ugh the design rehashing is unreal

just get Kozaki on them

They also probably need new personalities and people like Robin probably need new names. I'd love to see Camus in Kozaki's style tbh as well.

FE1 had a design rehashing problem which was fixed I guess with BS Akaneia Saga because Tomas and Sedgar look kinda unique but need more work

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I'm pretty sure the two of them don't canonically end up together, so if they do I'll pick different candidates.

they do

don't troll

stealing wasn't that bad

anyway my answer is

i would make it good

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