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Who Is The Unknown Man Who Visited The Rainbow Sage? (spoilers)

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So I recenty beat the Rainbow Sage map (for the 3rd time) on my revelations playthrough

I got to wondering who the unknown person is

we know that

Sumarigi, Garron, and Xander/Ryoma, depending on the route, visited him

there's also the unknown man who visited him before the oldest royal brother who I suspect is


because in that map (revelations) we see that he's climed up there to meet him and gain power to defeat INSERT EVIL NINJA CLAN

and in Revelations it's never mentioned who visits the Rainbow Sage

Edited by Captain Karnage
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can I get a link please?




Some people are skeptical too. Others think it's

Human Anankos

. Who knows though. I don't recall the evidence at the moment. Wish I knew too

Edited by GuiltyLove
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Didn't the Rainbow Sage say the man was a Paladin, though? I know that it's picking hairs but

Gunter is a Great Knight.

I always thought they inserted that bit of dialogue just to be humorous, to give the Rainbow Sage a bit of quirkiness and to give a nod that there are other people outside the royal families and the scope of the player that was granted the blessing of the Rainbow Sage. Not that they were actually referencing any particular character.

That's how I took it.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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No you guy all wrong

It's John Cena,he came to Rainbow sage to get invisiable ability

You cracked the code!

But seriously though all of the good candidates I've seen so far are

Human Anankos and Gunter

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I'm not sure why people think it's

Human Anankos.

What would he need to visit the sage for? Dude's got a lot of power already, and

he'd essentially be showing up at an old war enemy's (or friend, I don't think the game mentions whether they were on opposite sides) doorstep asking for help. That seems kind of, I dunno, blase, and Human!Anankos was pretty much the opposite of that.

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Like the guy above me said, Human Anankos has no reason to visit the Rainbow Sage and Gunter was with Corrin and the others when they visited the Rainbow Sage, so you'd think either Gunter or RS would've drawn attention to that fact.

I'm pretty sure whoever got the Rainbow Sage's power was either someone outside the plot or in my opinion, Benny. After all, the only thing we know about Benny's backstory is that his only friends were animals in the forest. He's also a Knight with unnatural Strength that, as revealed in his support with her, matches Effie's. Unlike Effie though, we never know how he attained that strength.

that's just my guess tho

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I should mention something. Xander visits the Rainbow Sage in all routes. Even in Conquest, he mentions that he met the Sage sometime in the past.

As for the unknown knight, I'm fairly certain it's Gunter.

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I doubt its Gunter. Fates isn't that great with foreshadowing and it would be idiotic that the Rainbow Sage would not recognize Gunter after blessing him.

Does Gunter even show up in that scene? I mean, I know he's in Corrin's army in Revelation, but he might be deliberately hanging back to not be seen and recognized.

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It was probably supposed to be

either the founder of Valla, King Ryuurei or Azura's unnamed father

if it was meant to be anyone. The more likely answer is that it's not supposed to be anyone the player knows, and that IntSys was going to make it important but ultimately didn't.

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Does Gunter even show up in that scene? I mean, I know he's in Corrin's army in Revelation, but he might be deliberately hanging back to not be seen and recognized.

Hm, you might be right about that. For some reason, I could have sworn that Gunter spoke briefly while meeting the RS.

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Pretty sure it's Xander/Ryoma depending on the route. The RS explicitly says the hero needed to power up Yato isn't with you. In Revelations, it's revealed the Royal Princes' signature weapons unlocked the Yato's complete form, the Fire Emblem. It's only half the power on the Nohr/Hoshido Campaign. In Revelations, doesn't both Xander and Ryoma say they visited the RS at separate times? The RS names Xander in all 3 Campaigns which means the other must be Ryoma but for plot reasons, both are not named by the RS for the sake of spoilers.

Given we now know there's a second round of DLC Content being released in Japan over the summer, it might be revealed at some point. Otherwise, dismiss it as a translation oversight.

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It's probably Gunter. As for why he wouldn't mention it, it's because his motivation for visiting the Rainbow Sage would be [spoiler=Revelations]to gain the power he needed to kill King Garon, who had also received power from the Rainbow Sage. He can't very well say that out loud to Corrin.

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