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Thoughts on FE Remasters?


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There's no such thing as "anti-bias" because bias is bias on either side of the spectrum.

I'd also say that Tellius got a fair shot. Tellius isn't even that interesting so it isn't like people missed out on the experience of their lives. Tellius definitely was basically the same stuff people could expect to see from FE. If anything, Shadow Dragon should have been advertised more due to the DS's large install base at the time. That way, we would have received Heroes of Light and Shadow in the first place.

Tellius wasn't that interesting to YOU. Plenty of people that played it still enjoyed it. And it's generally agreed that it has the best world-building in the series. Also, it wasn't the same thing at all, it got a lord that wasn't a noble or royal and a bit of a different story than what was in the past. Oh, and what other continent had you play the villainous nation at some point up until Fates?

People missed out on two of the best games of all time here because of poor advertisement and PoR's poor release date/window. The Wii had a large install base as well, which could also play GC games, so PoR and RD would've been bought by plenty of people had it gotten the attention it needed.

Shadow Dragon was terrible for an FE game, I doubt it would've sold much better even with more advertising. It didn't even have support conversations or other features that recent FE games introduced, like skills.

Edited by Anacybele
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There's no such thing as "anti-bias" because bias is bias on either side of the spectrum.

I'd also say that Tellius got a fair shot. Tellius isn't even that interesting so it isn't like people missed out on the experience of their lives. Tellius definitely was basically the same stuff people could expect to see from FE. If anything, Shadow Dragon should have been advertised more due to the DS's large install base at the time. That way, we would have received Heroes of Light and Shadow in the first place.

Let's not do this, please.

Anyway, I'd be interested in seeing Gaiden receive a fresh coat of paint, though I can't deny I'm worried they'd pull some of the nonsense they did with New Mystery that soured me on it. I don't think anything else really needs the facelift, though.

Edited by whenbananasattack
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Tellius wasn't that interesting to YOU. Plenty of people that played it still enjoyed it. And it's generally agreed that it has the best world-building in the series. Also, it wasn't the same thing at all, it got a lord that wasn't a noble or royal and a bit of a different story than what was in the past. Oh, and what other continent had you play the villainous nation at some point up until Fates?

People missed out on two of the best games of all time here because of poor advertisement and PoR's poor release date/window. The Wii had a large install base as well, which could also play GC games, so PoR and RD would've been bought by plenty of people had it gotten the attention it needed.

Shadow Dragon was terrible for an FE game, I doubt it would've sold much better even with more advertising. It didn't even have support conversations or other features that recent FE games introduced, like skills.

erm, that technically isn't true. Ike is technically a noble due to Greil's status. People consider the world building good because the other FEs are probably their vantage points, and Jugdral blows it out of the water anyway. The background information on Archanea also made it very well built.

RD was in 2007 when the Wii was a baby. Smash hadn't happened yet, and I don't even think Galaxy had come out by the time RD did. Both would be killer apps to the level of Twilight Princess or Wii Sports were at launch. The DS had been out for many years by the time SD was out.

Your argument isn't exactly objective anyway. Calling SD terrible and Tellius the best games ever is a textbook example of bias. I don't really care about either from any real standpoint, so I'm not biased. Regardless, Shadow Dragon got less advertising than either but iirc still sold better. Tellius continued the nosedive in sales started by SS, and SD's deficit too large to make up. SD wasn't even that bad anyway. It wasn't a modern game but it was easily enjoyable for what it was. As it stands, it was a lot like an Advance Wars title.

In general, I dislike the pedestal FE7-10 are on by the fanbase. They're liked because people started with them more than anything else. The Kaga games are much less played and have many superior elements.

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erm, that technically isn't true. Ike is technically a noble due to Greil's status. People consider the world building good because the other FEs are probably their vantage points, and Jugdral blows it out of the water anyway. The background information on Archanea also made it very well built.

RD was in 2007 when the Wii was a baby. Smash hadn't happened yet, and I don't even think Galaxy had come out by the time RD did. Both would be killer apps to the level of Twilight Princess or Wii Sports were at launch. The DS had been out for many years by the time SD was out.

Your argument isn't exactly objective anyway. Calling SD terrible and Tellius the best games ever is a textbook example of bias. I don't really care about either from any real standpoint, so I'm not biased. Regardless, Shadow Dragon got less advertising than either but iirc still sold better. Tellius continued the nosedive in sales started by SS, and SD's deficit too large to make up. SD wasn't even that bad anyway. It wasn't a modern game but it was easily enjoyable for what it was. As it stands, it was a lot like an Advance Wars title.

In general, I dislike the pedestal FE7-10 are on by the fanbase. They're liked because people started with them more than anything else. The Kaga games are much less played and have many superior elements.

Every single person on earth is biased, Enjoyment is and always will be completely subjective. I have never understood the argument that the first game in series you play is always your favorite, not to say their aren't any people that pick there favorites this way. But for me Fire Emblem is the one of very few game series where the first game I played in it just so happens to be my favorite... My Favorite Zelda is Majora's Mask, my Favorite Halo is Halo 3 and so on. Nostalgia is powerful thing but it is not everything there many games that have a great amount of Nostalgia value for me but have since lost there sparkle so replaying them just showed how far games have come. But I went to replay FE 7 last year for the first time almost 10 years it was nothing short of magical it not only held up but it exceeded my expectations the game was everything I remember and more. But as a child I loved FE 7 & 8 pretty much the same amount (I even named my dog in Nintendog's after Colm from FE 8), Sadly my replay of FE 8 only showed that the game was less then I remembered, it was good but could not stand next to FE 7 & 9 for me.

TLDR: Joy is the primary factor in determining love for anything. People want to be happy and are driven to seek whatever makes them most happy, and whatever gives them the most of the happiness they will grow attached to and seek to give to others so they might share in that joy.

On Topic

After playing FE 14 feel more comfortable with the idea of IS doing an Remake and so hear is I think...

I don't think Tellius will see any love anytime soon due there lack of popularity, I do think FE 6 & 7 might (even though they don't really need one imo) so IS can pull in the people who haven't played FE since the GBA and they could use Roy as a bit of a selling point. Also if FE 2, 4, 5 do have remakes they might not be released worldwide I think...

Edited by Locke087
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erm, that technically isn't true. Ike is technically a noble due to Greil's status. People consider the world building good because the other FEs are probably their vantage points, and Jugdral blows it out of the water anyway. The background information on Archanea also made it very well built.

RD was in 2007 when the Wii was a baby. Smash hadn't happened yet, and I don't even think Galaxy had come out by the time RD did. Both would be killer apps to the level of Twilight Princess or Wii Sports were at launch. The DS had been out for many years by the time SD was out.

Your argument isn't exactly objective anyway. Calling SD terrible and Tellius the best games ever is a textbook example of bias. I don't really care about either from any real standpoint, so I'm not biased. Regardless, Shadow Dragon got less advertising than either but iirc still sold better. Tellius continued the nosedive in sales started by SS, and SD's deficit too large to make up. SD wasn't even that bad anyway. It wasn't a modern game but it was easily enjoyable for what it was. As it stands, it was a lot like an Advance Wars title.

In general, I dislike the pedestal FE7-10 are on by the fanbase. They're liked because people started with them more than anything else. The Kaga games are much less played and have many superior elements.

I'm not too sure about Japanese release dates, but Radiant Dawn was released in North America with little (if any) marketing exactly ONE DAY before the release of Super Mario Galaxy. That is a recipe for disaster.

Anywho, to address the topic at hand, I'd love a Tellius HD remaster that cleans up some of the bugs/glitches and overhauls the interface (Making use of two screens to have the stats on one screen and the map on the other similar to the DS/3DS games, putting the Hit%/Crit%/Atk on the PoR battle screen, having the ability to skip the enemy phase, etc.)

I would say an official western release of Binding Blade, but we're about as likely to see that as an official western Mother 3 release

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I'd basically throw all my money at Nintendo in exchange for being able to play the Tellius games on my 3DS. Or, like... getting to finish the Tellius games at all, since I never got my hands on 10, even though 9 currently remains my absolute favorite.

I mean, eventually I would love to be able to have all the old FE games on my current handheld, I'd go for that, get into all the games I missed out on early on-- I grew up in a very rural area without a lot of access to... well, anything, really. So I didn't get into the series until moving to a city with a Blockbuster and a Gamestop, I missed out on quite a lot of Fire Emblem that it's basically impossible to get hold of now, at least legally (and I really do prefer to keep my gaming above-board there)

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erm, that technically isn't true. Ike is technically a noble due to Greil's status. People consider the world building good because the other FEs are probably their vantage points, and Jugdral blows it out of the water anyway. The background information on Archanea also made it very well built.

RD was in 2007 when the Wii was a baby. Smash hadn't happened yet, and I don't even think Galaxy had come out by the time RD did. Both would be killer apps to the level of Twilight Princess or Wii Sports were at launch. The DS had been out for many years by the time SD was out.

Your argument isn't exactly objective anyway. Calling SD terrible and Tellius the best games ever is a textbook example of bias. I don't really care about either from any real standpoint, so I'm not biased. Regardless, Shadow Dragon got less advertising than either but iirc still sold better. Tellius continued the nosedive in sales started by SS, and SD's deficit too large to make up. SD wasn't even that bad anyway. It wasn't a modern game but it was easily enjoyable for what it was. As it stands, it was a lot like an Advance Wars title.

In general, I dislike the pedestal FE7-10 are on by the fanbase. They're liked because people started with them more than anything else. The Kaga games are much less played and have many superior elements.

Holy hell, this is EXACTLY not how to express an opinion.

I started with Awakening, then moved on to 7, and 7 was my favorite til Fates came out. I played the Kaga era games, and dislike the majority of them. I also dislike Teliius, yet I don't go bitching about my grievances with them at every possible opportunity. FE7-10 are on the pedestal they are on, because they are good games. People DID start with them yes, and nostalgia may have a bit to do with it, but most people I know who started with Awakening, then moved on to the past games really enjoy at least 7 and 8, because that's all they can comfortably get their hands on due to Virtual Console.

SD, as much as I like it, ANYONE can see why it has a bad reputation by the Fanbase, so while I disagree with Ana about it being a bad game, I can understand her bias.

Also, I legitimately love how you say you have no bias, and then say 7-10 are trash and the Kaga era games are superior. That's a textbook example of bias. I'm not saying I have no bias, since I definitely prefer the gba games to the Kaga era and Tellius, but I at least respect those who like those games because there are a great deal of things to like about those games. You don't seem to respect FE7-10 fans AT ALL, especially FE7 fans.

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Yeah, as I said in the thread about what the next remake should be, I said Gaiden mostly because it's basically perfect for a remake. It's never been released in the west, it's got tons of interesting elements, and it's horribly crippled by borderline unplayable archaic mechanics.

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erm, that technically isn't true. Ike is technically a noble due to Greil's status.

Wrong. Ike was born after Greil got rid of his noble status and everything related to it, even his freaking name. That makes Ike only descended from a noble family, not a noble or royal himself.

Also, people already called you out for the rest of your post, and I'd only repeat what they said, so I'm just going to end this post here.

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It would depend on what they do with it. I think Radiant Dawn being recreated for 3DS with My Castle and an updated support system would be great. Just remake My Castle as an actual location on the map instead of an outrealm and it actually makes a lot of sense. That combined with an updated Support System, just leave out the children of the current, and it would work well. I would rather we dont get another avatar, as it would really mess with the story of the game, but if we absolutely needed one, just make them a minor character with the Dawn Brigade since they needed to be filled out more anyway.

Outside of that I would love for some of the older games to be remade, especially the ones before the Gameboy era because everyone in the west can only get their hands on Japanese copies.

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Remasters? But those Sprites looked so good, though!

No, what we need is a collection of all 16Bit system games, localized and authentic. (And perhaps throw in the NES games as a bonus.. and I don't mean in form of amiibo-DLC.)

For the Tellius games, I don't see the point in remastering them. The originals still hold up.

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For the Tellius games, I don't see the point in remastering them. The originals still hold up.

Dude, people still say PoR is ugly. And while I wouldn't call it ugly, exactly, it doesn't look as good as some other GC games. And "still holding up" didn't stop a certain couple of Zelda games from being remade in HD...

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I would mostly just want games that never got a release here so I don't have to rely on fan translations. While I own physical copies of the Tellius stuff, it would still be nice to see them at least get put on the VC for the people that don't want to spend $80-$200 on old Gamecube/Wii games.

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One issue that Zelda doesn't have is there are no pre-rendered cutscenes needing to be remastered for their games. Having Digital Frontier recreate them, especially the battlefield scenes in RD would be very expensive.

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One issue that Zelda doesn't have is there are no pre-rendered cutscenes needing to be remastered for their games. Having Digital Frontier recreate them, especially the battlefield scenes in RD would be very expensive.

Dude that alone would get me hyped to see redone cut scenes in HD. That is alot of work for them to do though.

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Dude that alone would get me hyped to see redone cut scenes in HD. That is alot of work for them to do though.

And with some new voice acting too please. I get that Ranulf is a cat, but does he really have to sound bored out of his mind during a big battle?

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I thought Ranulf and Skrimir had the best voices in the game... Even counting Ike, who I put third behind them (because of Mr. Hit-and-Miss Jason Adkins. Come on, dude, you got so much potential! You're getting better though!).

But Zelda has cutscenes too... Still, I guess it would be rather pricey to remaster the FE Tellius ones.

Edited by Anacybele
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I thought Ranulf and Skrimir had the best voices in the game... Even counting Ike, who I put third behind them (because of Mr. Hit-and-Miss Jason Adkins. Come on, dude, you got so much potential! You're getting better though!).

Yeah, I'd agree on that. The majority of the voices other than that were pretty bad, but those three were pretty solid. Granted, Shinon's is probably the best of the bunch, but he has about two lines of dialogue. If they could redo it with better voice acting, I'd really like it.

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I thought Ranulf and Skrimir had the best voices in the game... Even counting Ike, who I put third behind them (because of Mr. Hit-and-Miss Jason Adkins. Come on, dude, you got so much potential! You're getting better though!).

But Zelda has cutscenes too... Still, I guess it would be rather pricey to remaster the FE Tellius ones.

Zelda uses real time cutscenes that use the game models, so those are remastered in the course of development anyway. For Fire Emblem they would have to commission Digital Frontier to recreate everything for those scenes only.

And lets be real, the worst voices in the game belong to Mist, Mia, and Dheginsea.

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I honestly wouldn't mind remasters, especially if they were to get released for the 3DS (or the next handheld, if one were to ever come). Though with the number of titles and clear sequels and what not, it would be nice for IS to pull an FE3 and combine certain titles into 1 package, like having FE7 + FE6 or FE4 + FE5 or heck, if they're feeling particularly ambitions, FE1-3 in one cart/download (that is, if it's technically and feasibly possible).

If they were to be released only for home consoles, I honestly wouldn't give as much of a care for them since I don't have immediate and consistent access to a TV, let alone a home console. Also, handhelds are so much more convenient.

One has to wonder how Treehouse is going to localize FE4 should it ever be remade thanks to a certain i-word being used as a plot device considering the somewhat questionable quality of localization of FE14.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Personally, I'd be all for remasters. The improved UI is hands-down the best thing about the 3DS era and it would be nice as hell to play any of the earlier games updated to those standards.

I think the chances of it actually happening are somewhat slim, though.

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I'm not really fond of the idea of remasters, and I think that FE isn't really the kind of games that benefits a lot from remasters, especially the ones you mentioned since they aren't that old in my opinion. Just re releasing them on Virtual Console should be good enough and would allow people to play PoR/RD since these games are hard to get nowadays.

That may be just me, but I can't really see the appeal. Maybe for older games (pre FE6 ?), but I've trouble seeing what value remasters could offer (compared to just putting them on VC).

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Dude, people still say PoR is ugly. And while I wouldn't call it ugly, exactly, it doesn't look as good as some other GC games. And "still holding up" didn't stop a certain couple of Zelda games from being remade in HD...

It plays nice and looks fine to me. Sure, the visuals aren't up-to-date but that isn't exactly something I'm loooking for in a Fire Emblem game. (Artstyle though. *cough*)

Only thing I wish PoR had is widescreen support, but that doesn't justify a remaster in my opinion.

Also, if you're talking about that lazy, on-disc DLC holding remaster of Zelda TP, I know the original still being excellent didn't stop Nintendo from rushing the remaster.

Doesn't change the fact that it's unneeded.

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