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Who is the bigger jerk, Jakob or Azama?

Odin Dark

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If Jakob were a real jerk, he would also be very inconsiderate and rude to his actual master, Kamui and nowhere does that happen considering that they treated him with a lot of respect and dignity to where he will rarely if not at all, object to their orders even if he feels as if their actions have big risks. Jakob might be mean and harsh to everyone else not named Kamui but he's an honest person at most and is a dutiful servant to his master. Azama is in a similar vein, sure his quotes and dialogue come off as random or negative but that's part of his own sense of humor that he finds reliable (if being true to yourself makes you trustworthy that is). Considering Hinoka who is just about as much of a no-nonsense person and is Azama's liege, if he were too much of a jerk to handle, I don't think Hinoka would approve of him if he kept bugging her. Both of the retainers, Jakob (more of a servant) and Azama are both 'jerks' to say at best but they are genuinely nice people even if their words are quite brutal. Jakob was raised in a way that almost mirrors Subaki, be a perfect assistant/servant to your master, with one of the only differences being that Jakob wasn't treated as nice by his own parents.

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Azama is just blunt, though I'm biased since I love him. I feel like Jakob is just rude to people who isn't his master and doesn't really care about them (though his convo with Flora in one of those scrambles say otherwise), while Azama tends to be blunt on people's flaws. Usually, I think Azama is just harsh on people because he's pointing out their weaknesses and wants to help them (his Effie support) so uh Jakob.

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If Jakob were a real jerk, he would also be very inconsiderate and rude to his actual master, Kamui and nowhere does that happen considering that they treated him with a lot of respect and dignity to where he will rarely if not at all, object to their orders even if he feels as if their actions have big risks. Jakob might be mean and harsh to everyone else not named Kamui but he's an honest person at most and is a dutiful servant to his master. Azama is in a similar vein, sure his quotes and dialogue come off as random or negative but that's part of his own sense of humor that he finds reliable (if being true to yourself makes you trustworthy that is). Considering Hinoka who is just about as much of a no-nonsense person and is Azama's liege, if he were too much of a jerk to handle, I don't think Hinoka would approve of him if he kept bugging her. Both of the retainers, Jakob (more of a servant) and Azama are both 'jerks' to say at best but they are genuinely nice people even if their words are quite brutal. Jakob was raised in a way that almost mirrors Subaki, be a perfect assistant/servant to your master, with one of the only differences being that Jakob wasn't treated as nice by his own parents.

Thats until you read his support convos with Silas. Silas calls him a nice guy but Jakob attacks him for no reason.

Azama honestly doesnt realize what he says can hurt people. Hes just blunt with what he says, not trying to be rude or mean on purpose

Edited by PizzaRice
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Azama is just blunt, though I'm biased since I love him. I feel like Jakob is just rude to people who isn't his master and doesn't really care about them (though his convo with Flora in one of those scrambles say otherwise), while Azama tends to be blunt on people's flaws. Usually, I think Azama is just harsh on people because he's pointing out their weaknesses and wants to help them (his Effie support) so uh Jakob.

Jakob's B and A-Supports have him warming up to others gradually. His A+ and S-Supports has him rather snarky (unless you are Kamui) but he's much kinder than he previously was. Also, that's one of the prices to pay if your parents want you to be a 'perfect and loyal' subordinate to a particular master alone, be perfect and loyal to one person but treat everyone else as inferior to you. Jakob is basically a bit harsher version of Subaki himself.

Azama is Azama, if you can tell that he points out your flaws as being harsh than that's himself being real and helping others. Jakob also points out some flaws in others but that is seldom rare at most. I can't call joking that living your life shouldn't be needed as something funny or to be saying to others. Sure Azama comes out as a much nicer person but when you're treating reality as something that you don't need to live your life for, that isn't something to joke on in a war. Jakob is more brutal and harsh by personality but he still comes out as helpful and sincere in the end whereas Azama's advice can be rather hard on those who want to live their lives without hearing 'Oh I hope you're lying on doing this and that' even if he was joking around but comes out as a more compassionate advisor.

Thats until you read his support convos with Silas. Silas calls him a nice guy but Jakob attacks him for no reason.

Azama honestly doesnt realize what he says can hurt people. Hes just blunt with what he says, not trying to be rude or mean on purpose

Silas has known Kamui for a very long time, longer than Jakob possibly seeing how Silas and Kamui were childhood friends at a young age. Jakob probably met Kamui after they were separated from Silas (and the point where Kamui no longer remembered him). Also, if Jakob's parents were hard on him (Jakob himself) and never showed him kindness, it's not hard to believe that the same harsh treatment Jakob got has burned into his behavior towards others.

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Azama is just more blunt, and enjoys trolling people. He isnt meaning any time of harm by it, at least none that could cause real problems, but he does do it for enjoyment. I have known some people like this, and the best way to deal with it is to dish it right back out. Do the same thing to them, and they typically will find it hilarious. That is the type of person Azama is. I also know a person who puts thing bluntly, and once again its just who they are. More often than not a blunt look at something can be better than beating around the bush and not getting to the point or problem.

Jakob on the other hand is just an asshole. I dont consider that to be his personallity be cause he is clearly able to be selective about it, for example with Corrin. He is just being an asshole to people for really no reason. What he does can lead to harm because what he does is no different than what we consider verbal abuse.

I may have a little bias though. I don't use either of them, but I dont have a problem with Azama. I do not like Jakob on the other hand, and plan on never using him since I think there are far better characters worth my time building up.

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Azama. I don't like either of them, quite honestly, but at least Jakob has a couple of supports where he's not a raging asshole, and in his A Supports he's usually mellowed out a little. Azama meanwhile is just an asshole all the time, even in his A Supports. Not to mention that the really personal nature of Azama's comments, specifically using people's fears and weaknesses to mess with them, is really just awful.

azama says mean things because he genuinely thinks that pointing out people's flaws will help them become a better person.

Azama only does that with two people, Hinoka and Effie. Everyone else he just enjoys screwing with, regardless of what he says.

Edited by AzureSen
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Azama is just more blunt, and enjoys trolling people. He isnt meaning any time of harm by it, at least none that could cause real problems, but he does do it for enjoyment. I have known some people like this, and the best way to deal with it is to dish it right back out. Do the same thing to them, and they typically will find it hilarious. That is the type of person Azama is. I also know a person who puts thing bluntly, and once again its just who they are. More often than not a blunt look at something can be better than beating around the bush and not getting to the point or problem.

Jakob on the other hand is just an asshole. I dont consider that to be his personallity be cause he is clearly able to be selective about it, for example with Corrin. He is just being an asshole to people for really no reason. What he does can lead to harm because what he does is no different than what we consider verbal abuse.

I may have a little bias though. I don't use either of them, but I dont have a problem with Azama. I do not like Jakob on the other hand, and plan on never using him since I think there are far better characters worth my time building up.

Character bias = Quite Common on Forums when it boils down to who likes who and who hates who when the title headline asks.

Trolling people can cause harm depending on who said person you're trolling is. Troll someone unintentionally that is mentally unstable and you can possibly get one big physical beatdown if you make them really mad. Azama, as you state is quite the troll even if it's just for the laughs, but unless he takes the person he's trying to troll seriously to avoid making an argument, he's not that much better. This is most likely not going to happen to you but if it did consider this case:

*You decide to troll someone who has had a very, very bad past with a funny joke not knowing that person's background and they go ballistic (as in they yell at you and beat you up to where you are bleeding a lot) on you. Would you consider trying to be funny around anyone who takes things dead serious at full value knowing by how they interact with others? I can see Azama as the troller and someone like Nyx who has a very sad history and takes things pretty seriously, trolling around isn't going to help her a lot.

Sure verbal abuse isn't funny or nice but Jakob clearly has 'some' reasons for why he is as mean as he is. Saying he's an asshole without going into detail on possibly what causes him to be such a person doesn't amount to anything. That's like saying the commonly heard 'Kamui is an idiot' without even bothering to elaborate on why Kamui is an idiot. Sure Jakob should most certainly improve his manners if he wants to show that he's the best servant Kamui can have but his attitude is most likely not the defining trait of a 'horrible' person.

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Thats until you read his support convos with Silas. Silas calls him a nice guy but Jakob attacks him for no reason.

Azama honestly doesnt realize what he says can hurt people. Hes just blunt with what he says, not trying to be rude or mean on purpose

His support with Sakura is pretty much him projecting the idea of nobility and their attitude towards the poor in an insulting manner. He went so far that Sakura was legitimately angry with him, to the point that she hit him.

In comparison, Jakob's support was him understanding Sakura's desire to save as many as she can, but at the same time, he critique how she'll work herself ragged chasing a seemingly impossible dream.

Edited by Just_Oneofakind
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Niles. :P:

Both Jakob and Azama have issues. It doesn't necessarily make them better-written characters, but it sort-of explains why the act the way they do.

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Niles. :P:

Both Jakob and Azama have issues. It doesn't necessarily make them better-written characters, but it sort-of explains why the act the way they do.

Niles is pretty funny and it seems as if his time with Leo has shaped his personality for the better although he somewhat fails in his manner of 'do not steal from others' to Nina in her paralogue as she points out that she's doing the 'right' course of action even if it violates her promise to her father that was to never steal from anyone.

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While Joker is abrasive, he does have a few supports where he shows kindness. Asama is intentionally rude, prying at people's insecurities for his own amusement. The Asama x Sakura support shot his asshole rating through the roof.

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Jakob is generally only abrasive to people who are unnecessarily taking up his time (and even then, he's not an asshole to Oboro even when Oboro literally calls him scum). Unlike literally every other retainer (bar Felicia and Flora) he's not just there to be a bodyguard, he's a butler as well, which means he constantly has things to do and very little free time, so it's understandable that somebody like Peri and Hana approaching him out of the blue asking him to do shit would annoy the fuck out of him. The only supports where he's just being an asshole out of the blue (that I can recall anyways) are Silas and Kagero

Azama on the other hand literally gets off on being an asshole to be people and pecking at their insecurities, along with being a very lazy retainer to boot.

It's not hard to see which one is worse

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^This. I feel Jakob just has more of an intolerance for time wasters/people he doesn't wish to get to know.

Additionally while Jakob is hard on his son, he never suggests that he wouldn't care if Dwyer were to die, whereas Azama seems to hold next to no affection for Mitama.

And Azama's way of proposing to several of the women is really underhand (giving presents then saying, 'surprise! We're engaged because you accepted my gift!). His support with Sakura is especially terrible.

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The only one of Jakob's supports i wanted to punch him in, was Rinkah's. Jakob is actually super nice to Azura, which is kind of rare since most people are skeptical of her or worse.

Azama's supports read like hes some mouthbreather bitter because the "world is unfair." I hate hate hate his supports with Kagero and Oboro. Like, seriously guy, fuck off. So Azama wins the Asshole Award.

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I'll put it simply:

While Jakob is a jerk, he's only like that when people talk to him, if others leave him alone, he will leave them alone, he never seeks anyone to insult.

Azama is quite the opposite, he actually seeks people to bother an insult and enjoy when they react badly.

And while Niles is also jerk and seeks people to bother and insult, if ever crosses the line to something really personal, Niles actually apologize and tends to feel really bad.

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Azama easily, he's obnoxious and Kagero's support makes me want to kill him. I haven't read any of his other supports because I buried his ass in his join chapter.

Jakob's a complete douche but at least he doesn't sound like a 3deep5me fedora wearer.

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I think Azama is the better jerk because he's at the least funny while Jacob is just a prick.

As for who's more of a jerk, I think Jacob. Azama tends to have something at least resembling a point most of the time, even if he is a jerk about it while Jacob is just rude and unpleasant without a reason. Though the people pointing out that Azama goes out of his way to find people to be a jerk to do have me doubting my choice.

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I think Azama is the worse jerk ever. He just looks for people to insult and take down. Both Mozu and Hayato were forewarned about him and tried to keep him away. Setsuna is just oblivious to his insults, to the point of taking of them as compliments (which unnerves Azama). His support with Sakura is a big asshole showdown. He's the type of guy that would go to an unsuspecting peasant to put a stick into his eye to see his reaction. It might be so because he has a nearly useless personal skill (once promoted or reclassed it's useless since he'd have a weapon equipped, unless he's used as a healer-rallybot).

Jakob just goes his way and doesn't want to be bothered. He holds great respect for Corrin, since he was compassionate at the beginning when he was a mess of a butler and everybody else would treat him badly. Because of this he developed a sense of loyalty that would go to extreme measures to keep people away from him so he can repay Corrin his benevolence. I think he just prefers stay in smaller circles instead of being talkative to every single person in a room.

I'd love to see support conversations between these two.

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