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nohr is the stupidest route


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Is that so wrong, though?

He's sticking with what he thinks his right and so are his former allies. However, they happen to have different ideals so the only choice they had at the time was to fight.

it's kind of hard to see him as a heroic character after that instead of a neutral guy just in it for a paycheck

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i'll never recover from this

it's kind of hard to see him as a heroic character after that instead of a neutral guy just in it for a paycheck

in the context of 'a combatant' this sets him as not neutral but, in fact, A Bad Person

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Late to the party, but I'm not going to lie... I think Nohr has the best story of the routes. Hoshido's story is just... Boring. Let's find the brothers! Okay, we found the brothers! Now let's actually fight the war! Nothing happens. You just fight and fight and fight until the cows come home.

Revelations is just horrible. Simply horrible. You spend all of that time trying to convince people by basically saying "please don't fight!" And the worst part? It works. On everyone.

At least with Nohr, your characters have a goal, even if they don't do it very well. At least it's trying something different. And more importantly, stuff happens. It's stupid, but all of them are, so at least one is entertaining-- I'll say that much.

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it's kind of hard to see him as a heroic character after that instead of a neutral guy just in it for a paycheck

He never wanted to be a hero in the first place and, besides, he's a mercenary! Of course he's going to be in it for the paycheck.

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atleast the gameplay and most of the maps are really good

and some of the supports are great

the soundtrack is the best out of the 3 versions

for me to call it a bad story it has to top Soul Calibur 5's story mode

I'm not sorry SC5 is a POS and the worst story to a game ever

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