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Happy 26th Birthday Fire Emblem!

Ema Skye

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So today marks 26 years since FE1 was released in Japan!

Similarly, this is also FE9's 11th birthday.

So yeah, come share your FE memories here. How'd you get into FE? Why do you like your favorite FE game?

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So today marks 26 years since FE1 was released in Japan!

Similarly, this is also FE9's 11th birthday.

So yeah, come share your FE memories here. How'd you get into FE? Why do you like your favorite FE game?

Woop woop! And happy birthday Lucina!

I remember it like it was yesterday: I walked into a game shop and looked at the box art and thought to myself "Fire Emblem? That's the thing I've seen people talk a bit about recently", then I made the obligatory Marth, Roy and Ike in Super Smash Bros. connection and purchased the game, thinking it would keep me busy until Pokémon X&Y and Dual Destinies.

It was all very uneventful compared to how some peopl got into the series, but hey, I'm the Stahl of real life.

Edited by Thane
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Happy Birthday FE. You're going places, baby.

How did I get into the series? I, like many others, first discovered it through Melee where I mained Roy 24/7 despite not ever having heard of the series that he was from before. Years later, I got word that Shadow Dragon was getting a western release, preordered it as soon as I could, and started heavily binging on it once it was released. Regardless of what others may say about SD, I thoroughly enjoyed that game and it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Edited by AddictPunk
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Got into it through FE7, because I liked Marth and Roy in Melee and mistook Eliwood for Roy (and also kept wondering when Roy was gonna show up. The ending cameo surprised me a bit). It left a great impression on me, and I started looking into the rest of the series.

Gonna finally get started on replaying FE9 tonight. Been meaning to do that for months now.

Happy birthday Fire Emblem

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On the topic of the content showed on the front page, I noticed that Ike or Mist could be decided as the main hero(ine) and the story changes slightly. This wasn't talked about much, so I thought I'd say something here. (Also, Mist seems to be flashing her southern area in the concept?)

If you want to get technical, my first time playing Fire Emblem was a Blazing Sword emulator. Physically, my first game was Path of Radiance (the topic for today!) and that became my favorite in the series. I'll admit, when Eliwood first showed up, I thought it was Roy until he said "My name is Eliwood." ...Who? Also I thought Marth was a girl in Melee...

Happy Birthday to my favorite game in the franchise! Oh, and the others, too, I guess...

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Happy Birthday Fire Emblem!

I got into Fire Emblem through getting Shadow Dragon for a Christmas present. I enjoyed it immensely, and sought out other games in the series. 7 years later, I finally have all the ones released in the West, and am enjoying Sacred Stones for the first time as I wait for Fates.

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Happy Birthday Fire Emblem! I pray for many more (happy and joyous ones)!

For my introduction to the series, while I did play Melee a lot as a kid(when my best friend came over or let me borrow the game), I never had much interest in Marth and Roy(although...they were the coolest looking ones among everyone else).

However, my best friend introduced me to emulators(I think around...2006) and, a few or so months later, he told me about Fire Emblem(he probably heard it about from someone else, not sure how he found out, but I'm sure Melee helped). Despite perma-death worrying me as a kid, I gave it a shoot( because thank God I was a kid willing to give things a try). One of the best decisions of my life.

Now, while I did start with FE7(which is technically my first RPG, if not, then it was Sonic Dark Chronicles or Kingdom Hearts 2...I kinda forget between those 2. I know I played FE7 first though), I just liked it for what it was(also, I was a young kid who was growing up mainly on 3D platformers, so I guess I never really understood everything going on at the time...or just didn't pay attention because, for example, despite the game telling me Lucius is a guy in the tutorial by saying "he", I skipped over it and until my second playthrough a year or so later, I thought Lucius was a girl. And since I also thought Lucius was kinda pretty, I felt very awkward for awhile......and Forrest had to make me go through a very similar thing too...).

About a year or so later, I went to GameStop and saw Fire Emblem:Path of Radiance. After a few weeks/months(of begging Mom), I finally got the game. I am the big Fire Emblem fan I am now because of that game. I began to LOVE the series after playing PoR and it's my favorite video game series of all time(and it's also been the most influential on my life of gaming)!

It's because of Fire Emblem that I try to give games a chance because I would never have such a love for Fire Emblem if I never gave it a shot( and games like Phoenix Wright, Megaman Battle Network, and Etrian Odyessy prove that even more so)!

Edit: Oh, and FE:PoR(FE9) is my favorite game out of the bunch and is the game I actually almost remember everything and everyone to the point that I could probably speed run it if I wanted too(and FE:RD or FE10, to a similar extent...minus a few things)!

That, and Lyn left a pretty big impression on me when I first played FE7(and is one of my favorite FE Lords)!

Later this week, I'll (hopefully) be able to buy Fates and start that game! I'm going Conquest first( so bring it on Conquest...BRING IT ON)!

Again, Happy Birthday Fire Emblem! I pray you have many more(happy and joyous ones)!

Woop woop! And happy birthday Lucina!

Heck yeah! Have to give a shout out to one of my favorite FE Lords! Edited by Busterman64
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Happy Birthday FE! I hope to play many more of your games in the future. As to how I got in to FE, my mom was buying a computer and I started digging through the GBA bargain bin while I was waiting and I found Sacred Stones and fell in love with the box so I bought it and the rest is history. I have played and beaten every game released in the US and I am currently playing FE 6 and I am planning on buying and playing 12 one of these days.

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Happy Birthday Fire Emblem!

As for getting into Fire Emblem, I saw Awakening at a Gamestop and wants to try it out. I liked it and played a few other of the older games like Blazing Swords and Shadow Dragon. Then, here I am, hooked on Fire Emblem.

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Happy 26th B-Day Fire Emblem! You have suffered the hardships of life as the series was slowly dwindling away but from out of nowhere, Anna the RNG Goddess blessed you and had an Awakening thus saving you from the clutches of permadeath. It is your fate to continue to bring us some FE goodnesss and you will have my ongoing support for any future installment and spinoff.

I still remember when I first got introduced into Fire Emblem back in 2009: my dad knew I was OBSESSED with Advanced Wars so he shown me Shadow Dragon in the Nintendo Power magazine and he said he would get it for my birthday in the coming months because of my obsession with RPGs and because Marth was on it, I wanted to know what he was about. So I had to wait for three months until I could play it, but one day when Hollywood Video was around and did video game rentals, I noticed FE Radiant Dawn on the shelf and saw Ike. I was like, "Oh, yeah. Ike is an FE character too. I want to play an FE game before I get Shadow Dragon!" And so I grabbed it, rented it and played the heck out of it! I returned it every week but the next day I would pick it back up again. And once I got Shadow Dragon for my birthday I loved it to death. Those two are my most nostalgic FE games although my personal favorites are the GBA games because that's the system I grow up with. All in all, I don't regret picking up Radiant Dawn even knowing that Path of Radiance was supposed to come first( and they had it at the store as well) it made into the FE fan I am today and it is my favorite video game franchise of all time.

Now, I am going to celebrate by picking up my New 3DS at Walmart and putting on the Fates faceplates and by playing Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light physically on my Retron 5!

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As I have said in another thread, I got into Fire emblem through my father. My family are huge gamers, and we still to this day play games together. Something we do is watch my father play through RPGs so we can all experience the story. Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn was one of these, and from there I got into the series. Funny thing is, we play a lot of D&D. My dad creates a lot of his own worlds and stories, and we play through them. He actually liked some of the characters from Radiant Dawn so much, he either put some of them in his world, or based some characters off of them.

I really have a hard time saying which is my favorite, but Radiant Dawn, PoR, and Fates are definitely up there. I am still trying to play the older games, but they are a little difficult to get a hold of, which is why I am hoping for re-releases on the 3DS, or a remake.

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Happy Birthday to one of my favourite gaming franchises! It's hard to believe it's been over 4 years since I first started on this journey into FE with FE6, and I look forward to what the future brings.

Edited by DragonLord
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Got into FE thanks to Smash Brothers Melee, I read the trophies and learned of the series, got Blazing Sword shortly after.

I'd import Binding Blade, and get the rest of the series I could, now I stand today having played every single FE, each one an enjoyable time for differing reasons.

Binding Blade has always been my personal favorite, if just for I feel it has some nice legit difficulty and I like the character variety despite there being some obvious balance issues, I also like bigger maps.

Edited by Jedi
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Happy birthday, FE!

I've known of Fire Emblem through Super Smash Bros. Brawl but it was thanks to Fire Emblem Awakening that I actually got into the series.

[spoiler=Massive pic]


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No better time for this, eh?

That...That was freakin' great! ;3

EDIT:The audio would be a great intro for an anime or...something. It's really good(...despite not knowing what they're saying except "Fire Emblem")!

Edited by Busterman64
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Feels like yesterday when I was in 3rd or 2nd grade and unlocked Marth and was like meh....

and then I unlocked Roy and I was like OH MY GOSH HE HAS A SWORD THAT EXPLODES!!! I NEED TO FIND FIRE EMBLEM (Karnage 2002) I was like 8 or 9

looking back it's kind of funny that I was begging my parents for a game in a series that haddn't left Japan yet

anyways my history with the series is complex and I'd rather save the story for another day

EDIT: WTF I'M 20, where the hell did all the time go

Edited by Captain Karnage
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Congratulations, Fire Emblem! Hopefully there it will continue foe years!

Man, I remeber seeing Eliwood on the box and thinking he was Roy, then I saw that the gameplay was similar to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and decided to give it a try. Needless to say, I loved it.

Funny thing is, I didn't knew about perma-death when I first played it...let's just say I found out about it the hard way. Anyone else had a similar experience?

EDIT: WTF I'M 20, where the hell did all the time go

Trust me pal, time gets even faster after twenty. Before you realize it, years will pass in a blink of an eye.

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What did I just see?

That...That was freakin' great! ;3

EDIT:The audio would be a great intro for an anime or...something. It's really good(...despite not knowing what they're saying except "Fire Emblem")!

That was a scene from the Fire Emblem x SMT not-really-crossover game, Genei Ibun Roku #FE. There is context, but I guess I won't spoil the game lol.

@Thane: I had a similar reaction when I first heard it, but now I kinda like it. FAIYAAAAAAA EMUBUREMU

I actually only started playing Fire Emblem in 2014. I heard a ton of good things about Awakening, but the first FE game I actually played was FE7. And it was a mastuhpiece really really fun. There aren't a lot of games that I enjoy playing multiple runs of, but FE7 was one of them. And now I'm hooked.

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That was a scene from the Fire Emblem x SMT not-really-crossover game, Genei Ibun Roku #FE. There is context, but I guess I won't spoil the game lol.

@Thane: I had a similar reaction when I first heard it, but now I kinda like it. FAIYAAAAAAA EMUBUREMU

Since there are (completely unsubstantiated, of course) rumors about me being a negative nancy, I'll point out that I'm going to ask this in the least whiny way possible: how did a Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem crossover spawn that? I just don't understand how they went from demons and medieval strategy to idols and swimsuits.

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@Thane judging by the FE characters' redesigns it looks like that's what they were originally going for.

I just don't see Nintendo letting atlus use their characters to kill gods from active religions.

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