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[FE7] Ultra Sadistic ENM Draft: La Tercera

Carmine Sword

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So, from what I learned from the last draft. . .might want to make 16x and 18x (or whatever the side chapters with Fargus and Aion are) with the following condition:

- If you fail to reach these chapters, take a 10-turn penalty

That way, it's possible for someone who drafted Eliwood/non-combatant to get through chapters 16 and 18 without having to resort to using non-drafted units.

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Even with just Eliwood soloing, I'm sure Chapter 18 can be finished in under 20 (or is it 15?) turns to fulfill the gaiden requirement.

I guess the penalty can be used for Chapter 16x if anyone fails to reach it. Although I don't think anyone will pick Serra so it's probably a moot point anyway.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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Even with just Eliwood soloing, I'm sure Chapter 18 can be finished in under 20 turns to fulfill the gaiden requirement.

I guess the penalty can be used for Chapter 16x if anyone fails to reach it. Although I don't think anyone will pick Serra so it's probably a moot point anyway.

I had some serious issues, due to Dart being auto-deployed. I suppose you can give it a shot, but leave the option open. Chapter 18 has an obnoxious amount of bows.

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Just allow Dart to be attacked in C18 without countering. Having to spend turns to avoid penalties from force-fielded units sucks in general and C18 throwing enemies at you from all directions, along with the way a sadist draft works, makes it much worse. (Can still add a 10-20 turn penalty for skipping required gaidens though)


Edited by Gradivus.
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When in doubt, take Pent.

Nooooo. So much for using Warp.

Rebecca and Hawkeye. I thought about sniping Nino, but Hawkeye seems more useful.

I'll update the OP to specify that Dart can be attacked without being countered in Chapter 18.

Chapter 11: 7/7

I don't have stats until the end of Chapter 13 since I just rushed through. Eliwood went ahead, using the Energy Ring given to him by Dorcas along the way so that he could 2HKO brigands with an Iron Sword. Rebecca chipped an archer so that Eliwood could kill it later for a 2nd level up in order to double the brigands near the boss, and then she spent the rest of the chapter slowly killing a brigand before getting the Dracoshield village on the last turn.

Chapter 12: 7/14

Eliwood went towards the mountain. Rebecca killed a half-dead merc that Eliwood chipped and then went up and killed some enemies that Hector and Oswin failed to kill themselves. Oswin bought 4 Iron Swords and an Iron Bow on the last turn.

Chapter 13: 6/20

Eliwood wades through the river and reaches the boss on turn 5. He has to either crit the boss or dodge two 66 displayed hit steel lances from him. Eliwood ended up getting the crit. Rebecca got no exp this chapter because she had to go get the Merlinus village. Matthew recruited a Killing Edge.


Eliwood Lv.9.49 25HP/14Str/9Skl/14Spd/10Lck/6Def/2Res B Swords

Rebecca Lv. 3.30 19HP/6Str/7Skl/8Spd/6Lck/3Def/2Res D Bows

Edited by Carmine Sword
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Uh, well the drafting process has already started, so I can't put you in the draft proper. However, you are free to pick 2 of the leftover units that remain after drafting is done and use them if you wish. There will be 9 leftover units, so your potential team shouldn't be horrendously terrible.

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Chapter 13x: 7/27

Yeah. Eliwood got the village. Rebecca got 2 levels!

Also RIP meatshielding.


Eliwood Lv. 11.57 27HP/15Str/10Skl/16Spd/11Lck/7Def/4Res B Swords

Rebecca Lv. 5.02 21HP/8Str/8Skl/10Spd/6Lck/3Def/2Res D Bows

Chapter 14: 12/39

Stupid rain. Erk died on turn 2 and both villages were destroyed. There wasn't really anything I could do about it. Eliwood went ahead and killed most of the enemies by himself while Rebecca stayed back and killed the javelin cavalier and the pirate reinforcements. Merlinus wasn't deployed since the javelin cavalier would attack him instead of Rebecca.


Eliwood Lv. 15.45 31HP/17Str/12Skl/16Spd/13Lck/7Def/7Res A Swords

Rebecca Lv. 6.71 21HP/8Str/9Skl/11Spd/7Lck/4Def/2Res C Bows

Chapter 15: 8/47

Eliwood walked across the mountain to the boss while Rebecca self-improved. Lyn's group bought a bunch of door keys and hand axes (for Hawkeye).


Eliwood Lv. 17.82 33HP/18Str/13Skl/19Spd/14Lck/8Def/8Res A Swords

Rebecca Lv. 8.34 23HP/9Str/10Skl/13Spd/8Lck/4Def/2Res C Bows

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As much fun as having both axe bros would be, I do not want to have to split the exp between two early game units when one is better and performs a similar function.

I choose Lyn because at least she's different and comes slightly early. Her ability to use bows might be worth it.

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Chapter 16: 11/58

Rebecca led the charge and murdered legions of enemy archers. Some of the enemy phases were pretty bad though, since Rebecca needed to dodge a few 60ish displayed hit iron bows from the archers. The 3 NPC soldiers ganged up and killed Raven, leaving one soldier alive to get me access to Chapter 16x. Eliwood didn't do much other than kill thwomps.


Eliwood Lv. 19.14 34HP/20Str/15Skl/19Spd/16Lck/10Def/9Res A Swords

Rebecca Lv. 13.07 27HP/12Str/15Skl/17Spd/10Lck/4Def/4Res B Bows

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