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[GAME-OVER] Everyone Is Music Mafia; Congratulations Elieson, SB. and Mitsuki


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also I'll be more active tomorrow, I have to study for an exam today so things are a little rushed over there

if anyone wants a Non Aggression Pact or alliance I'm willing to negotiate by PM.

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you can contact me through skype but i can't guarantee that i'll respond ¯\( )/¯

on the other hand if you pm me i can guarantee that i will definitely not respond

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you can contact me through skype but i can't guarantee that i'll respond ¯\( )/¯

on the other hand if you pm me i can guarantee that i will definitely not respond

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hi, i'm Javelinlover, also known as Jav.

my old Skype account was taken away from me and is now being monitored, so please message "avianemone" if you wanna contact me on Skype. DON'T contact avananemos please.

my Discord is avananemos#7986, either Skype or Discord is fine to contact but Skype is preferable just bc it isn't blocked by school WiFi.

please message me if you want an alliance or if you just wanna be frens c: (specify which tho, i don't wanna accidentally talk about random shit to someone who doesn't wanna hear it lmao)

if you love puns and/or know something about digital art, talk to me anytime c:

you can PM me if you want, i just won't reply very fast because incognito mode is annoying and requires me to log in every time.

hopefully this game is fun for all of you (not heartbreaking like it is most of the time)

nice to meetch'all i guess

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As my vision's getting blurred my skin gets colder, appearing young while I'm growing older

I collapse to the floor and scream, can anybody save me from myself?

I created a monster, a hell inside my head, nowhere to go, I'm out on my own oh I'm so scared,

I created a monster, a beast inside my brain, nowhere to go, my mind impaired,

Awake me from this nightmare!

24 hours remain in Night One

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Hi all! I haven't introduced myself yet. I hail from the garden of Bulba and I'm here to kill some mafia. I was in the EiMM cross-community game on Bulbagarden so some of you may remember me from there. You can contact me through skype with the Skype name theredneos. I don't have anything else to add, so good luck everyone!

Edited by Slife
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Like my friend Slife above me, I'm from Bulbagarden and participated in the EiMM crossover there. If you want to contact me, my skype is thecapsfanbmgf and my Discord is TheCapsFan #3770 . I did pretty good last time 'round, so let's see how things go this time.

Edited by TheCapsFan
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Hello. I'm a Bulbagardener, starting to build a name for myself in The Syndicate as well. My Skype is coolcatalert and my Discord is leetic#4738.

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also I'll be more active tomorrow, I have to study for an exam today so things are a little rushed over there

if anyone wants a Non Aggression Pact or alliance I'm willing to negotiate by PM.

Planning to flake even in an EIMM, I see.

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Hey guys! I'm Spieky from Bulbagarden. I'm pretty well known for being one of the top players from Bulbagarden, but I'm best known for winning the Golden Bulb Championship Cup four years in a row for my stellar performances at trolling invitational games. I'm pretty active on Bulba, and I'd like to get active here- this is my first EiMM game. You can contact me on Skype @underscoreeric

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Announcement 6/7:

An alias on the list has changed (potentially another will change)

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Your last chance
Last summer
Your last dance
Beat to your own drummer
Go out fighting
Go out young
A flash of lightning
Eclipse the sun

7 hours remain in Night One. A lot of you are missing actions, fix that.

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