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Ike's FE Megathread {15.5}


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Your life just won't be the same with that knowledge.

agreed, but unironically, given as i'm actually a massive linguistics and language nerd

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Since we're on the topic of translation, I'd like to mention the game Oriental Blue.

In this game, there's some ancient writings, and most of your team can't read it. So you have two bring a long a character that isable to translate it. The first one is a scientist, so her translation is really litteral, while the second will add some flourish to make it sounds well.

Not that relevnant, but i found that cool.

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agreed, but unironically, given as i'm actually a massive linguistics and language nerd

Oh, then you're welcome for the information. I sometimes forget I'm not the only person in the world who likes languages.

In case you ever find yourself needing details on Finnish for some reason, feel free to ask. Can't promise an essay though.

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I have to say that I'm quite surprised: I I came here with zero expectations and then I found myself all of my attention to your analysis.

Also, I'm surprised by another fact: there is no mention to the genocide of Darna - which is the reason why the story is able to begin. They game never take the time to tell the reasons behind it, making it nothing more than an instrument to begin the story.

So, May I ask why you didn't bring it up?

As for the choice between Johan and Johalva, I vote for Johan, mainly because I like him more and having a horse in Genealogy is always a nice thing.

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i'm not sure what you mean by the genocide of darna? the miracle at darna is where the crusaders got their holy weapons and it was pretty explicitly Out Of Fuckin' Nowhere, and i bitched enough about the fallout from the miracle at darna, which was the maira pact or whatever

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i'm not sure what you mean by the genocide of darna? the miracle at darna is where the crusaders got their holy weapons and it was pretty explicitly Out Of Fuckin' Nowhere, and i bitched enough about the fallout from the miracle at darna, which was the maira pact or whatever

I apologize for not being more specific about it, but the genocide I was referring to is the one done by the Kingdom of Rivough, which decided to kill all the people of Grandbell living in Darna and Rivough, for doing this, is destroyed by King Mananam(the grandfather of Shanan)

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right, that, the isaacian barbarians thing from chapter 0.

i was still getting my shit together notes-wise when the optional conversation came around in chapter 1 (quan/ayra) that talks about it, but i think i did touch on it at one point during my bitchings about the loptyr cult - it's kind of just wrapped up in their/reptor's plans, and part of the whole "man all of this scheming literally had to happen exactly so" thing that gen 1 has going on. i kind of glossed over it.

EDIT: i just assumed the reason was "manfroy/his lackey told the king of rivough it would be a good idea and he bought it" and that's how they kicked off their evil plot

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WE MADE IT. Second generation, bitches! I’ve practically completed a whole game! Only at least eleven more to go!


Remember these dudes? They’re dead. Then what happened? In short, Arvis attacked Leinster and Silesia (gasp!) and won (gasp!!) which led to his complete domination of the continent, besides Thracia. Everyone loved him for crushing Sigurd, who everyone also loved, peculiarly, and he set up the Grannvalean Empire. Good job to him! Incidentally, that means Silesia was involved in one war since its founding, which it lost and was crushed by Grannvale, and still had a reputation as impenetrable.

It’s been seventeen years (Gran calendar 777, if anyone’s counting) and now we’re stuck in Isaach. Dannan, son of Langobalt, who we killed, has been the governor of this place for a long time and everybody hates him. He basically keeps the entire people of Isaach under his heel as slaves while he lives a sweet life in the palace with a huge harem and tons of booze and all the good stuff.

Shanan Uchiha built a whole army to save his people because he’s a nice guy, and he’s got Seliph with him. Sigurd’s son. Our story opens in Tilnanogue, a great example of the English -> Japanese -> English transliteration clusterfuck that goes on.


Arvis is older now.


And Genealogy goes back on its usual ratio – which of these three lads is evil and which two aren’t necessarily?


He’s back! It’s time to kill this portraited man again!

Besides that, though, we can get back to character introductions. Chapter 6 is fairly light on the plot, except where it isn’t, entirely facilitated by one asshole, so this is going to be chiefly character setup. Dannan’s on the left there, and he’s… well,

Harold: “I thoroughly understand your concerns, but I have matters under control. We’ve located the rebel army’s hideout, and I have already dispatched forces to subdue them. They have nowhere to run now, so you can sit back and relax as we eliminate the threat.”

Harold has precisely two lines before we kill him; this is one of them. He’s offering to handle the whole situation for Dannan – hell, he’s telling him that he, Harold, has everything under control and that Dannan should just sit back and let him handle it. No problem. Dannan,

Dannan: “What? Then what are you waiting for!? Order your men to attack! The Isaacian citizens have made the rebel army out to be some kind of liberation army. They’re treating them like heroes! But I think it’s time to teach them a little lesson. Harold, kill every last one of them! I’ll be back in Rivough awaiting your good news.”

Dannan repeats all of this like it was his idea, gets mad, and goes off to sulk in his pleasure palace. Dannan rules, but unfortunately he will not survive the map. He’s about as deep a villain as the Verdanian dudes we were subjugating at this point in the first generation.


Unfortunately for Harold, Slatesaber saw them coming and ran home.


Larcei and Slatesaber are …there. They have some decent definition right here, in this chapter – Larcei is hotheaded and brash, much like Ayra before her development kicked in, and Slatesaber is much more reserved and mild. You’d figure they’d get developed pretty well, given at their mom was the best developed character in the first generation? Nah, after this chapter Larcei will talk to Shanan once in the next chapter, and then everything is silent from the two of them until the final chapter conversations, which kind of follow the pattern of the chapter 5 marriage ones.


But, as it stands, the only remarkable thing Larcei does in this chapter is forget Seliph exists.


Seliph himself is a lot like his dad, but with significantly less chill, and I mean hella less chill. As the main character, he’s got a bit of maturing to do, but for now he’s kind of a little fireball that gets pointed in a direction and goes. I’ll not write as much about him as I did about the others since he’ll actually pop up later.


Lana is adorable. That’s right about where my notes on her end. Her substitute, Mana, gets a bonus conversation with Seliph. That’s about it. She’s a bit spunkier than her mom, I guess.


Slatesaber inherited Jamke’s ring bonanza I splurged on for the last chapter. Whee!


Far as gameplay’s concerned, I’m a fan of the flow of the second generation in general. It’s less of the first generation’s Formation Smash gameplay, but it isn’t quite mainline Fire Emblem’s Large Men Doing Large Things. It’s somewhere in the middle – the enemy tends to throw more than one threat at you at a time, but your dudes are generally buff enough that you can split them into smaller groups and tackle enemies that way.


There’s also a bit more variety in what the enemies are doing, in their compositions and vectors of attack and all sorts of other things, while the game gives you critical tools for dealing with these situations (flier, dancer, multiple healers, and a good number of decent units) really quick off the bat. It makes you feel like you’re starting out with people who can be relied upon, not rookies that you have to nurture to usefulness, but it doesn’t lose the Fire Emblem raising babies charm.


Oifaye’s got a mustache now. It’s pretty glorious. He’s been sharply bumped up to your Bigg Ladd, your starting paladin, and the source of about a million pointless debates about Fire Emblem archetypes. Oifaye, unfortunately, loses his plot importance from the first generation – he’s mostly involved in bonus conversations and a line once in a blue moon in the main dialogue, and he’s had his role supplanted by some asshole. He’s still pretty cool, though, despite falling prey to Genealogy’s lack of showing instead of telling by just “being a great mentor” instead of really mentoring Seliph at all.


Shave off all that stuff south of the border and I reckon I could cosplay him, though.


Subs are go! Tristan is interchangeable with anybody at any time. Lester looks like a pretty nice dude, for all the shit I give him. He has two more conversations in the span of the game. I’m not sure he has a personality; my notes haven’t finished chapter 9 yet.


I’m an amazing tactician.


The opening to the second generation is pretty punchy – you’re fighting on turn 3, and as soon as you wipe those guys you’ve got another pile ready to fall on you. After that, you can to smash their first castle and get some new units and smash a pile of enemies and get a new unit and etc. etc.


It suffers a bit from the Long Run syndrome that the rest of Genealogy suffers from; there’s a whole two or three turns of Seliph movement after that last screenshot pile where there’s no chance you’re going to be engaged because nothing is moving. This entire map could be about 15% narrower and 15% shorter and nobody would be the wiser. I mean, seriously, from about two dozen screenshots later:


That’s Oifaye’s max movement. He’s still got a ridge to go around south of the screen border. Come on, dudes.


I always pictured this line with the same kind of voice of a kid being told his room is messy or something. “UGH, MOM, it’s ONLY the rebel army!”

Unregardless, this guy dies again.


Maybe it’s just Seliph’s perpetual stare-glare that makes me think of him as a little fireball who gets pointed at things, but he has some pretty great lines. We’ll see by the end of this, but overall I think I like him more than his dad. Whoever translated his shit for this patch had a field day, though – it rules.


Hey! It’s some asshole!

Lewyn’s back, and he’s almost a totally different character. This is undeniably good, because it’s very hard to be a worse character than his first generation incarnation, but it’s not much of an improvement. Now he’s transitioned to kind of being a washed-up dick to everyone, while simultaneously informing you of the plot in massive exposition dumps and guiding Seliph along to save the world. I think he’s actually a writer’s self-insert, personally.

Levin: “Hey, drop the ‘king’ bit, okay? Once the Battle of Barhara was over and the empire took control of Silesia, I just kinda… Well, let’s just say my shrink has had steady work for a while. My mother may have perished with Silesia, but she at least kept her dignity to the very end. While I’m just wasting away as a bard again… Celice, I don’t care what Oifey may have told you. Don’t EVER address me as ‘King Levin’ again. Got it?”


I like to think of Seliph’s tone here as really prickly, like “what the fuck crawled up your ass dude” and not apologetic at all.


Here’s a humor tip from your friendly neighborhood Ike: “I’m just giving you a hard time” should follow a bit of banter, or a stern look, or something punchy, rather than an 83-word monologue where the other guy has no chance to respond. And then when he does, treats you like you’re just being a dick. Which you are. Fuck you, Lewyn.

Anyway, time to get Julia and-

Levin: “I found her in Barhara when she was real little. She was hurt pretty bad. So I took her to a remote area of Silesia and have been taking care of her all this time. But things there got a little too hairy for my taste, so we made our way here. But now I have to go to Lenster and… well, she’s slowing me down a bit. Celice… I hate to burden you, but can you take her off my hands for a little while? I think she’s been through quite a bit. She hasn’t a single memory of what happened to her before I picked her up.”

This text, by the way, is completely interminable even sped up. Geez. I’m going to give you guys a rare look into my private LP notes on Lewyn because I can’t think of any other way to sum my feelings about him up right now.


Meanwhile, speaking of that second note,


Julia’s here! She’s highly plot important for all the best reasons, not least of which is because she represents how dumb the Maira Pact was: she’s a twin. Two babies popped out, because Nature said so. Did the ancient heroes from a hundred years ago, like, expect that the evil dudes would be content to just kill off one baby if that happened? The Maira Pact is so stupid.

As far as she herself goes, she’s like Deirdre except ~more mystical~ and less personable. Her first conversation (besides this one) goes like this:

[spoiler=lana/mana x julia] Rana: “Hello, Yuria. I bet you miss Levin.”

Yuria: “You’re Rana, right? No, I’m fine.”

Rana: “Well, His Highness is pretty concerned about you. But if you have any problems, come to me. Okay?”

Yuria: “Thank you.”

Rana: “I also have this for you.”

Yuria: “This is a Relive Staff, isn’t it?”

Rana: “Yes, it is. You know how to use it, don’t you?”

Yuria: “I do! Thank you so much, Rana. Now I can help out a little, too.”

Rana: “I hope so, Yuria. Let’s you and I stick together!”

Lana displays a bit of character, you know, putting herself out there for the new girl, trying to be onee-san as hell. Julia? She’s kind of just a brick wall Lana is talking at. Seliph has a conversation with her, too, where he gives her a book, and it’s absolutely just a shell to give her a weapon, neither one of them displays any personality in it.

Julia’s really just a plot device and not very much more. She’s got one decent conversation later, otherwise everything she says is empty plot words or just weirdness!!, which we’ll see more of later.


Let’s talk about these chucklefucks! The vote was rigged all along, I’ll level with you, I never intended to recruit Johan, mostly because Johan is utterly, totally, pathetically obsessed with Larcei and he’s a huge dick. Let’s compare the simple conversations you get talking to their soldiers:

Soldier: “Geez, Johalva is blind. What could he see in a woman that headstrong? If it were me, I’d go for someone a little more… Er!? Why am I telling you this!”

Not much there. Johalva has weird taste in women, okay. Johan?

Soldier: “What’s up with Johan? He’s such a pushover for women, yet he treats us like dogs.”

Johan: “You say something?”

Soldier: “Er! Ah… Nothing. Nothing at all, sir!”

Ha, ha, Johan you old card, pushing your men around. What about their only other conversations until the final chapter?

[spoiler=johalva] Johalva: “Lakche! So you finally broke down and came to see me.”

Lakche: “Hmph. Johalva, you’ve got your rough image to protect, but you can’t be all that bad. At least, I was relieved that you never hurt any of the women or children. I wish we didn’t have to fight…”

Johalva: “Yeah. Well, I was never into pushin’ people around like my brothers. And I’ve had about all I can handle of the Loputo Sect. People say they’ve been sacrificing children right here in Isaac. My father just lets them walk all over him. I’ve had it with them! Lakche… just say the magic word and my squadron and I’ll join up with you.”

Lakche: “Are you serious!? Johalva, you’re wonderful! …I definitely had it wrong about you all this time.”

Johalva: “Yeah, well, I’m no angel. This is my chance to make amends. You lot! From this point forward we are an army of liberators fighting for love and justice!!”

So not only does Johalva kind of look like Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Christian Slater, but he also kind of strikes a balance between “well, these guys are telling me to kill the woman I love” and “well, the guys telling me what to do are complete dickbags.” Little echo of Jamke here, except Johalva just jumps ship and says ‘fuck it’ to everyone back home. He’s also a rebel, but in the ‘80s coming-of-age drama starring John Cusack antagonist kind of way. What about Johan?

[spoiler=johan] Johan: “Lakche… My beloved, how I’ve yearned for this day to come.”

Lakche: “Johan, what in the world are you talking about? Did you whack your head or something?”

Johan: “Your words soothe like a bird’s song… You eyes sparkle like stars in the sky… The thought of being without you I cannot bear.”

Lakche: “Stop! You’re grossing me out! You’re on the battlefield, you know. Don’t lose it here!”

Johan: “My unremitting love for you is strong enough to cross the bounds of insanity! Let our troops know we’re taking sides with the liberation army! From this day forward we’ll be fighting for love, justice… and Lakche!”

…what the fuck?



Dude, you’re weird.


Anyway, moving on to more characters, here’s we’ve got Arthur and –

wait, what the fuck? Arthur?



12:33 - Integrity!: when did this happen

12:33 - Integrity!: what the hell

12:33 - Integrity!: i was expecting amid

12:33 - Integrity!: and linda

12:35 - Harudoku: how did you ruin it this much

12:35 - Integrity!: two people got married who weren't supposed to

12:35 - Integrity!: i fucking suck at fe


Right, um, anyway, Arthur and Fee. Arthur, making his introduction here by being completely owned by Fee, so let’s have a moment of silence for this man who was just murdered.

Anyway, Arthur is a pretty unremarkable character overall. He’s got a handful more conversations in the game, but his character remains pretty static as a foil to Fee. He doesn’t ever talk to anyone who isn’t Seliph, Fee, or Tinny. He isn’t really lacking in personality; neither is he dripping in it. Arthur is the middle of the line.

Fee’s a pretty limited character herself, but she’s a bitch and it’s great. Well, more specifically, she’s a bitch to Arthur, and she’s a big optimistic dreamer with everyone else, except Lewyn if he’s her dad. She hates him as much as I do.


A big thing with Fee is that whoever translated her lines, much like Seliph’s, put a hell of a lot of personality into them. This is the difference a good translator can make, even if there isn’t too much to work with.

Anyway, Johan dies, we get Johalva, the west side of this map is entirely pointless and I hate it, I get Resire instead of Aura, Dannan’s mad that his boys are useless imbeciles,


Slaydar 2.0 arrives. Slaydar 2.0 is a legitimate threat – he uses (and drops) the Hero Axe, and he hits hard as fuck. You can expect him to two- or three-shot most of your army unless you passed down some serious ring shenanigans or pumped someone up really hard earlier. He’s got one weakness I’ll explore when it’s relevant.


His squad all have hand axes, which makes them really annoying because they face low hit, but if they get a lucky streak they’ll kill someone. Not a fan overall, but on the other hand they’re kind of babies and…


Slaydar 2.0 will run home for reinforcements! I get another pack because otherwise the last part of this map has no enemies – Slaydar 2.0 will engage you as early as the second-to-last castle and his is the last enemy pack on the map, once you kill him it’s just you and Dannan. The end of this map has bad flow if you kill Slaydar 2.0 in the first engagement, honestly, but good if you don’t.


Snatchin’ Isaac.

Elder: “Yes, they’re all ecstatic. They all believe that you’re going to liberate the country.”

Celice: “Well, I couldn’t have done any of this without the support of the people. They were the ones who helped me from the start…”


Hey, the mandatory story text agrees with the villager text this time! Huzzah!

It’s just mop up from here, so let’s talk about some optional conversations that I’d like to address. First,


[spoiler=the rest of it] Skasaher: “Lakche, are you okay?”

Lakche: “Yeah, I’m managing.”

Skasaher: “Well, take it easy, alright? We don’t need you pulling any of your stunts out here.”

Lakche: “I’m not a child! You don’t have to speak to me like that.”

Skasaher: “Prince Shanan tells me you’ve got an iron will just like our mother did.”

Lakche: “Ira… Yeah, I have no memories of her whatsoever. How about you, Skasaher?”

Skasaher: “Of course I don’t remember anything! You forget we’re twins or something? We weren’t even two years old yet at the time. We fled to Isaac with Oifey. But she never showed up. Maybe she didn’t survive the Battle of Barhara after all…”

Lakche: “Skasaher! You promised you’d never say that! She is alive!! Don’t you ever let me catch you saying that again!”

Skasaher: “…I’m sorry, Lakche. Yeah, I shouldn’t have said that.”

Genealogy’s sense of conversation. Everything about this conversation between Larcei and Slatesaber reads like they just met and are getting a feel for each other. They’re twins. They grew up together. They’ve never not been together as far as I’m aware. This conversation serves to tell us, the player, things, but in a way that makes no sense at all in-universe. You know when you roll your eyes during RPG tutorials when people are explaining shit the main character ought to know because you don’t know it – or worse, when they do it and then the main character’s like “yeah I know all this shit :smug: why are you telling me”? Imagine that with this conversation.

Second, negativity out of the way, comes positivity.

[spoiler=seliph/eoife] Oifey: “Your Highness, you’re alright!”

Celice: “Oifey, you made it back! How are things in the other countries?”

Oifey: “Things are getting worse. People all over the continent are being oppressed. As a result, there are uprisings popping up all over the place.”

Celice: “So it’s not just Isaac, is it… Oifey, there’s no way we can help them, is there?”

Oifey: “Well, we just don’t have the manpower to take on the empire.”

Celice: “But Isaac’s war of liberation is already under way. There’s no turning back now.”

Oifey: “And we can’t keep you in hiding now that your whereabouts have been leaked. I just wish we were more prepared… But we have no choice now.”

Celice: “Sorry that I sort of got things rolling before it was time. I’m just tired of seeing the people of Isaac still suffering under Dannan’s rule. Please understand my reasoning, Oifey.”

Oifey: “I do. Anyway, we need to move now and lay in an attack on Rivough. We must move before the empire has a chance to send reinforcements!”

This is part of a trend the second generation has going that I’m a fan of in contrast to the first generation. Remember how the timing on the first generation was kind of just like “and then Sigurd hung around for a year and then arbitrarily things started to happen really fast” with no real reason? Chapter 4’s the worst for this, and the source of that. The second generation is all about Seliph going unpredictably fast and wreaking havoc with everyone’s plans. Nothing is immaculately timed; Seliph kicks off the Isaachian rebellion ahead of schedule, shows up in the middle of Blume’s subjugation of Leinster, chases Blume home to kill him and shows up in the middle of Travant’s subjugation of Manster, etc. etc. Sigurd was a stone around whom things happened; Seliph is a fireball who goes places to do things. It’s a good contrast from the plot of the first generation, in which you had zero agency, to go to the plot of the second generation, where your agency is all that matters. It’s way hamfisted, but it’s a neat thing they went for. I’ll talk more about this when it becomes relevant.

Last up,

Lester: “Yeah, we wouldn’t be here now if it weren’t for them. …So where is mother now?”

Rana: “She’s working at the convent in Tilnanogue.”

Wait, don’t we live in Tir na Nog? We, including Lester?


Moving on, Slaydar 2.0 has one weakness. All you gotta do is pull his lads deep in, lock them like the anvil locks the iron, and…






Goddamn, last swing thrown by my army this map too. Sweet timing.


Thanks to Slatesaber, I think you mean.

[spoiler=lewyn talk] Levin: “Celice, very well done! Isaac has been liberated thanks to you.”

Celice: “Levin, you’ve made it back already?”

Levin: “Yeah, I just got back. Celice, the world is at a very volatile stage right now.”

Celice: “Huh? What do you mean?”

Levin: “15 years have passed since Lord Alvis unified the continent. The early days of the empire weren’t actually all that bad. Initially, Emperor Alvis applied constitutional law to govern the people. It was a bit constraining, but it was a peaceful time in Judgral’s history. But several years back the emperor did a complete about-face. He became very rigid with his rule and adopted oppressive governing tactics. Now the ominous Loputo Sect is back, and their influence has spread across the land. Sacrificial rituals have also reappeared. Children all over are being rounded up for the resurrection of the Loputian lord. And anyone who attempts to rise up is either enslaved or executed… It’s obvious now that they’re attempting to restore the Loputo Empire.”


Celice: “You’re serious? So the rumours I’ve heard are true after all.”

Levin: “Isaac is better off than most places. It sounds like Dannan’s two sons didn’t go through with any of the child hunts.”

Celice: “…”

Levin: “Uprisings have sprung up all over the continent, but not one has gotten anywhere. None of them stand a chance against the empire. The world is in desperate need of a saviour. And I think that you’re the one, Celice. You are the only one who has the power to pull it off.”

Celice: “Whoa! Wait a minute! I have nothing near what it takes!”

Levin: “It’s your duty, Celice. You are Empress Diadora’s firstborn son… the older brother to Prince Yurius. As a direct descendant of Saint Heim, you have an obligation to lead your crusaders and rid the world of darkness.”

Celice: “Yeah, but…”

Levin: “Celice, you DO have what it takes. You just don’t realise it yet. You’re of Baldo lineage. Once you get a hold of the Holy Tailfing, you’ll have enough power to reach the heavens.”

Celice: “But…”

Levin: “Celice, it’s the will of the gods. Your father was a victim of foul play. And now you must finish what he started. You need to stay focused, Celice. You got me?”

Celice: “…Yes, I do. If this is my destiny, I shall go forth wherever the gods lead me.”

Levin: “You’ll come to realise that fate is susceptible to change. It doesn’t centre on one person. Sigurd left much behind for you. Most importantly his friends… I being one of them. You can credit your father’s kindness for bringing so many good people to your side.”

Celice: “My father was loved and trusted by so many. I just hope I can live up to that.”

Levin: “You’ll be just fine, Celice. Okay, we need to make Lenster our next destination. The son of your father’s good friend Cuan took a stand against the government in Manster. But he is in dire need of some backup. We can leave Isaac in the hands of the people. We’d better get moving. We’ll meet up with Prince Shanan somewhere down the line.”

Celice: “Gotcha!”

Hoo baby, that was a fucking pile of text. Lewyn basically drops the entire plot of the second generation on you right now. If you can’t be assed to read it: Seliph is Special and must lead the rebellion to destroy the Hilariously Evil Empire. Pretty much it. There’s a bit more to it, but we’re covering that in steps rather than all at once like Lewyn did here.

This conversation, despite being an insane text dump, almost is good besides. Lewyn actually has to talk Seliph into his scheme to overthrow the evil empire, and he doesn’t even use weak arguments – hell, if somebody were to appeal to my divine blood I knew I had, I’d probably be swayed. Past that, Seliph is kind of convinced by degrees and overrun by Lewyn instead of just going “HELL YEAH IT IS MY DESTINY.”

Also, Arvis totally did set up a cool and good empire for a while, it just arbitrarily went downhill because of the cult. Let’s go tear them down – cult and empire alike. Genealogy of the Holy War: generation 2 is go!


The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that the last living Johalvaman followed us down here and even stole a kill, surviving the stage. :UnitedStates:

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Levin: “Celice, you DO have what it takes. You just don’t realise it yet. You’re of Baldo lineage. Once you get a hold of the Holy Tailfing, you’ll have enough power to reach the heavens.”

with a drill right that's how this anime goes

Edited by Specta
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[spoiler=seliph/eoife] Oifey: “Your Highness, you’re alright!”

Celice: “Oifey, you made it back! How are things in the other countries?”

Oifey: “Things are getting worse. People all over the continent are being oppressed. As a result, there are uprisings popping up all over the place.”

Celice: “So it’s not just Isaac, is it… Oifey, there’s no way we can help them, is there?”

Oifey: “Well, we just don’t have the manpower to take on the empire.”

Celice: “But Isaac’s war of liberation is already under way. There’s no turning back now.”

Oifey: “And we can’t keep you in hiding now that your whereabouts have been leaked. I just wish we were more prepared… But we have no choice now.”

Celice: “Sorry that I sort of got things rolling before it was time. I’m just tired of seeing the people of Isaac still suffering under Dannan’s rule. Please understand my reasoning, Oifey.”

Oifey: “I do. Anyway, we need to move now and lay in an attack on Rivough. We must move before the empire has a chance to send reinforcements!”

What happened to Oifey's name in the spoiler title?

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What happened to Oifey's name in the spoiler title?

i was tired of typing oifaye because it looks dumb so i butchered it

does mage fighter even get staves


EDIT: the girls do, actually, but arthur promotes to mage knight in any case, which also doesn't get staves

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does mage fighter even get staves

Like prince an paladin, the female version of the claas gets staves and the male does not. That being said, arthur is one of 2 examples where a kid promotes to a different class from their substitute. (latchke is the other)

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ not like i was going to use valkyrie in any case

EDIT: the only thing i'm mad about is that i have tinny instead of the far superior linda, but that won't affect the actual lp

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ not like i was going to use valkyrie in any case

EDIT: the only thing i'm mad about is that i have tinny instead of the far superior linda, but that won't affect the actual lp

yes but you could have killed a character you hate, used the Valkyrie, and then killed them again

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i have a question

is that guy's name actually slatesaber

because i know it's something different in awakening and i know it was different in mine but i can't remember exactly what for either

i just wanna know since slatesaber is like

the most stupid and fantastic name so far


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