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Is Miyamoto a Detriment to Nintendo?

Ema Skye

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Most of the dedicated hardcore pikmin fans prefer the more strategy style of pikmin over the action oriented underground system. As it was designed for you to think, plan and strategize your resources carefully where pikmin 2 did not and offered very little consequences for losing a day. This is why dedicated players love speed running pikmin 1 and pikmin 3.

A quick look at Metacritic gives a different opinion... On average, both critics and players rate Pikmin 2 higher than Pikmin 1 and 3. Pikmin 2 has WAY more content than Pikmin 1 and has better graphics and smoother gameplay.

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A quick look at Metacritic gives a different opinion... On average, both critics and players rate Pikmin 2 higher than Pikmin 1 and 3. Pikmin 2 has WAY more content than Pikmin 1 and has better graphics and smoother gameplay.

Oh boy here we go again with the reviewer's scores. Next thing you'll be saying is Fire Emblem 13 is better because of the higher review scores.

Personally the extra contents were badly designed. The underground system was made to pad the game out a lot and there were tons of reused assets because of it. It downgraded the strategy that it didn't require much thinking at all and it essentially became a dungeon crawler. I did 100% complete Pikmin 2 but it wasn't very replayable as I found non of the underground levels to be any unique nor fun compared to the on ground levels. I have probably replayed Pikmin 1 at least 30 times and Pikmin 3 about 4 times and have never touched Pikmin 2 ever since then. Sorry if I don't comform to the majority but overall while I do like Pikmin 2, it's an overpraised game.

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A quick look at Metacritic gives a different opinion... On average, both critics and players rate Pikmin 2 higher than Pikmin 1 and 3. Pikmin 2 has WAY more content than Pikmin 1 and has better graphics and smoother gameplay.

...You're using the same resource and same demographic that you seemed entirely opposed to earlier in the thread to try and prop up your argument own argument.

Or did you forget:

Actually Sticker Star was received well, with a Metascore of 75 and "generally positive reviews", which just goes to show that professional critics have no idea what they're talking about. Presentation and writing alone are not enough to make a good game - it needs an original aesthetic and deep gameplay, both areas where Sticker Star falters.

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Ah, but for Pikmin I was talking about relative scores. Regardless, Sticker Star is indeed the lowest rated Paper Mario game, which fits right into my claims. The critics aren't always right or always wrong.

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Pikmin fan here, and I agree that 1 and 3 are better.

2's not bad mind you, but it doesn't have that killer replayability that the other two have. The above ground sections feel like they don't matter in comparison to the caves, and the enemies are way too strong (Gatling Groinks) compared to the other games because it accounts for you having Purples.

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I think the problem lies in when you have someone as senior and well established as Miyamoto in ANY company period its very hard to tell them no or to reject their ideas even if they might not be doable at the time due to resources/money/technology etc. So if he decides to use a gimick then the devs pretty much have to find a way to implement it the best they can.

At the same token I think him not being with Nintendo at all would be a far bigger detriment. Fact is they are a business and businesses need people with the kind of experience he brings to the table with just general game design/development and someone who understands the process as well as he probably does.

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I think the problem lies in when you have someone as senior and well established as Miyamoto in ANY company period its very hard to tell them no or to reject their ideas even if they might not be doable at the time due to resources/money/technology etc. So if he decides to use a gimick then the devs pretty much have to find a way to implement it the best they can.

At the same token I think him not being with Nintendo at all would be a far bigger detriment. Fact is they are a business and businesses need people with the kind of experience he brings to the table with just general game design/development and someone who understands the process as well as he probably does.

I know very little about the issue, but in my uneducated opinion, this sounds about right. The man has a wealth of experience and probably comes up with some fantastic ideas during development, but that doesn't mean he'll always know what's best, and people need to dare to object if he comes up with something dumb. Wasn't that what happened with George Lucas and the Star Wars prequels? It was pretty much a one-man show and the good ideas got buried by the bad ones, or at least that's what I've heard from people know more about the topic than I do.

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I know very little about the issue, but in my uneducated opinion, this sounds about right. The man has a wealth of experience and probably comes up with some fantastic ideas during development, but that doesn't mean he'll always know what's best, and people need to dare to object if he comes up with something dumb. Wasn't that what happened with George Lucas and the Star Wars prequels? It was pretty much a one-man show and the good ideas got buried by the bad ones, or at least that's what I've heard from people know more about the topic than I do.

George Lucas was a slightly different story since he had not directed a movie for almost 20 years and most of his works by that time was creating studios that help create movie special effects. He had great ideas and a lot of premise and when it was time to make a new one after years of not directing, everyone in the studio wanted him to do majority of the work. He actually didn't want to direct the prequels as he himself felt others can do a better job as he saw in episode 5 and 6 since he didn't direct those movies either. He did ask a couple of people to help direct the movies but they all rejected the offer as most of them felt it was too big of a thing for them to handle. He was left with no choice but to direct the movies himself and we know the mixed results that happened.

Edited by kingddd
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I know very little about the issue, but in my uneducated opinion, this sounds about right. The man has a wealth of experience and probably comes up with some fantastic ideas during development, but that doesn't mean he'll always know what's best, and people need to dare to object if he comes up with something dumb. Wasn't that what happened with George Lucas and the Star Wars prequels? It was pretty much a one-man show and the good ideas got buried by the bad ones, or at least that's what I've heard from people know more about the topic than I do.

Speaking of daring to object to Miyamoto, I've heard that during Sticker Star's production, the people of IS were terrified of Miyamoto when he came to see the development of the game.

They said that they were incredible nervous with him at their office.

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Speaking of daring to object to Miyamoto, I've heard that during Sticker Star's production, the people of IS were terrified of Miyamoto when he came to see the development of the game.

They said that they were incredible nervous with him at their office.

If he has that power, why didn't he use during production of Fates?

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If he has that power, why didn't he use during production of Fates?

Because Fire Emblem isn't his property, unlike Mario which is.

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If he has that power, why didn't he use during production of Fates?

Who knows, maybe he did?

Miyamoto: Maybe you could add a feature where the characters rub each other's faces?

Everyone at IntSys; SIR, YES, SIR!!!

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It isn't really Miyamoto's job to get involved with Fire Emblem anyway, he has always been responsible for the EAD IP's like Mario and Zelda. There isn't really anyone above Yamagami at NCL who could interject in FE short of Shinya Takahashi, and he's much more of a businessman then a creative type.

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On 5/2/2016 at 8:29 PM, Water Mage said:

Her mother would even appear! Not only that but Rosalina was going to have a connection to Peach.

But Miyamoto decided to cut it, saying it wasn't needed.

And when Miyamoto steps out, the stories are incredible!

This! So much! I hate the Mario franchise in recent years so much, because of his no-story policy. Mario Galaxy was one of the few recent Mario games where the story was actually good. Bowser was actually awesome with his ambitious goal, Peach being kidnapped was better justified, and there was more than the same old story, and the ending was the best. There were times after Mario 3DS came out that I wished someone would pull the plug on the franchise. What was even worse was that Miyamoto decided to reverse the good things about Galaxy when that game won the BAFTA award - did he not get that memo?! The below meme sums up everything wrong about him:


Edited by henrymidfields
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ive been hearing star fox zero is actually really good and some of the critics are being extremely harsh on the game

ive been seeing some critics giving the game 8 out of 10 or 9 out of 10

so... its one of those games that when the control scheme starts to work for you, you will love it after that

splatoon was the same story, people were not used to its control scheme and now they are

but on the subject of Miyamoto, yes there are some things he doesnt get with modern gaming but there are others he excels at.

which can be said for alot of game developers.. at least he is trying to make games fun for gamers and trying out new things instead of just throwing out the same garbage every year just because they think gamers will like it again because they liked it the previous year.... *cough cough* EA, Activision, Capcom *cough cough*

so there is some things that he does right and others wrong but we do get some great games from him from time to time, so i give Miyamoto some slack most of the time

only thing he really did wrong that made me mad was Sticker Star.

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ive been hearing star fox zero is actually really good and some of the critics are being extremely harsh on the game

ive been seeing some critics giving the game 8 out of 10 or 9 out of 10

so... its one of those games that when the control scheme starts to work for you, you will love it after that

splatoon was the same story, people were not used to its control scheme and now they are

but on the subject of Miyamoto, yes there are some things he doesnt get with modern gaming but there are others he excels at.

which can be said for alot of game developers.. at least he is trying to make games fun for gamers and trying out new things instead of just throwing out the same garbage every year just because they think gamers will like it again because they liked it the previous year.... *cough cough* EA, Activision, Capcom *cough cough*

so there is some things that he does right and others wrong but we do get some great games from him from time to time, so i give Miyamoto some slack most of the time

only thing he really did wrong that made me mad was Sticker Star.

Star Fox Zero is a very good game, and I mean REALLY good, however it's flaws are very noticeable. Which is why the critics are being very harsh towards it.

It's also not a beginner-friendly game, which is odd for Nintendo these days. The game is brutal from start to finish.

Edited by Water Mage
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I have my soft spots when it come to Star Fox Zero but I still can't justify it to myself to call it a ''great'' game.

I'm surprised how tame the controls actually are. You can get by with just aiming as you're used to in the early levels and when the levels get more complex you are familiar enough with the new controls to handle it better. That said I'm still not crazy about the controls. At times it is a struggle, a mild struggle but a struggle nonetheless.

What I think hurts the game the most is it lengt. Its really short and I know 64 was as well. I always said I could beat the game in an afternoon and start playing again the evening of that very same day. But Zero isn't like that. I think the world map is smaller then it was in 64 but that's not the issue. The big problem is that the levels are much shorter as well. I'm pretty sure that I'm missing a big chunk of Corneria if I compare it to its 64 version. A lot of the time I get a feeling of ''So is this it?'' when playing the levels.

The gyro copter is pretty awful, the stage you use it in is hideous and it gets obsolete mere moments after its introduction. They really wasted Zebus here.

And lastly as far as criticism goes I really don't like how its a second reboot. The Star fox story wasn't done yet it kinda reeks of desperation if you ask me. There are only three ''traditional'' Starfox games with (almost) 100% flying levels and all of them are telling the same tale.

Things that do make me appreciate the game are the bigger presence of Star Wolf(Their dogfight is just amazing) and how the scope does try to convince you that you're not the only person in the war. I'm really fond of those space battles between the Cornerean and Venon fleet.

Star Fox Zero has enough of things I like but also plenty to frown upon. The avarage score that reviewers give seem to be about a 6,5 to 7 and I'm finding myself in agreement with that. Its a game with both good and bad, the good satisfying and the bad tiresome.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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