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Mighty No. 9's release date revealed! Game released

Water Mage

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"W-w-w-w-w-well atleast its b-b-b-b-better then nothing r-r-right guys?"

this dude is konami tier by this point, mighty number pachinko when?

You beat me to it! Curses!

Yea, that inafune/judd interview highlight was...not what i actually expected

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So... the game doesn't even work well on a technical level? And it's just a 2D style platformer, right? Well, there goes all chance of me buying it...

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While I'm not exactly in favor of making a huge fuss about something that someone said in the heat of the moment during an unscripted live event, it is kinda funny to imagine that someone would actually advertise with that line as a slogan.

Anyway, I'd say I have some sympathy if a developer ends up biting more off then they can chew during their very first release. But then again, they were already trying to create an animated series among other things, as if just finishing the game wasn't difficult enough already. So I think it's fair to say that they could have done better.

Edited by BrightBow
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A lot of people are advising against buying Might No.9 for the Wii U.

Not becuase the game was bad, but apparently, Mighty No.9 screws the Wii U in such a bad way, that only a hard reboot fix it.

Not sure if it happens in every Wii U.

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I already have a Wii U code that I will play tonight. If I survive, I'll post some thoughts here.

30 seconds to load the Options menu, my word.

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While I'm not exactly in favor of making a huge fuss about something that someone said in the heat of the moment during an unscripted live event, it is kinda funny to imagine that someone would actually advertise with that line as a slogan.

Anyway, I'd say I have some sympathy if a developer ends up biting more off then they can chew during their very first release. But then again, they were already trying to create an animated series among other things, as if just finishing the game wasn't difficult enough already. So I think it's fair to say that they could have done better.

They were approached in regards to spinoff material and aren't directly involved, so it's pretty clearly "bit off more than they could chew" + mismanagement.

So... the game doesn't even work well on a technical level? And it's just a 2D style platformer, right? Well, there goes all chance of me buying it...

There's some frame-rate issues here and there on PS4/Xbox One, but the main game itself doesn't run too badly there (though the DLC apparently glitches up the textures). It's the Wii U version that sucks technically. And speaking of that...

I already have a Wii U code that I will play tonight. If I survive, I'll post some thoughts here.

30 seconds to load the Options menu, my word.

A lot of people are advising against buying Might No.9 for the Wii U.

Not becuase the game was bad, but apparently, Mighty No.9 screws the Wii U in such a bad way, that only a hard reboot fix it.

Not sure if it happens in every Wii U.

There's a patch coming out already for that version: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/06/theres_an_early_patch_inbound_for_mighty_no_9_on_wii_u

Probably wisest to wait a day or two.

Edited by The DanMan
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The "Bricked Wii U" thing was a rumor that started on Twitter and then spiraled out of control, but never confirmed.

Several people have mentioned hard crashes, though, being forced to unplug their systems to reset.

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I know the whole 4 million thing is old by now, but it's something that bears repeating,

just to have an idea:


This picture says it all.

goodbye mighty no.9 rest in pizza mozzarella rella

I didn't play the full game yet (and if I do, I'll only do so if I can pirate it. No way I'm paying for this thing), but from what I've seen and played on the demo, the level design is on par with Megaman & Bass. What the hell. How did Inti Creates at least not save this game from a gameplay standpoint? Was Inafune (in that case, his team) in charge of the level design? Because Inti is always good or at least acceptable at level designing.

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Found this on neogaf:

"Sooooooo the code inside the box for PS4 has the full digital game code added into that one code. I'm sure it's already been noted but I deleted the disc install and downloaded the game lol sold the disc already."

Anyways, a lot of the actual gameplay complaints boil down to these two things:

-Boring level design

-Predictable bosses that are absolute damage sponges

Hmm... what does that sound like?

Seems like they have the more divisive parts of the Gunvolt experience without the actual core gameplay and design philosophy that made that game good, all in the game that was supposed to be a Mega Man successor.

EDIT: Actually, reading further it seems like the level design is half that and half Mega Man X6-style fake difficulty.

goodbye mighty no.9 rest in pizza mozzarella rella

I didn't play the full game yet (and if I do, I'll only do so if I can pirate it. No way I'm paying for this thing), but from what I've seen and played on the demo, the level design is on par with Megaman & Bass. What the hell. How did Inti Creates at least not save this game from a gameplay standpoint? Was Inafune (in that case, his team) in charge of the level design? Because Inti is always good or at least acceptable at level designing.

Eh... while they were certainly atmospheric, ASG's levels were, from a platforming standpoint, pretty bad. That game put most of it's focus on action, but when you're making a game that's supposedly a successor to a series that was 1/2 platformer... .

I actually wouldn't be terribly surprised if ASG and Bloodstained actually negatively effected MN9, with Inti working on their own projects more than the game they were co-developing. Not to fully put blame on them, of course; it's just a theory that would fall in line with the seemingly massive amounts of mismanagement this project experienced.

Edited by The DanMan
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Eh... while they were certainly atmospheric, ASG's levels were, from a platforming standpoint, pretty bad. That game put most of it's focus on action, but when you're making a game that's supposedly a successor to a series that was 1/2 platformer... .

I actually wouldn't be terribly surprised if ASG and Bloodstained actually negatively effected MN9, with Inti working on their own projects more than the game they were co-developing. Not to fully put blame on them, of course; it's just a theory that would fall in line with the seemingly massive amounts of mismanagement this project experienced.

I don't recall ASG's level design being bad.

It did not have parts where you're clinging to a support bot while flying meters away from a bottomless pit and then the enemy on the left side's only visible ledge, conveniently placed so that he stands on your way (and if that wasn't the worst, he has a shield that protects him from damage), shoots you down if you don't use the 1 second that he takes his shield away to shoot you to jump and dash through him (the TV tower level).

It did not have parts where you have to carefully dash between electric spiked wheels of death on mid-air or die horribly (the mines level).

It did not have parts where you have to go through 6 flying platforms to the other side while the ground is burning, there are electric spikes of instant death just a few centimeters above you and bots are shooting you from the platforms (Pyro's level).

It did not have parts where you're being shot by bots from above, from the ground and the level's gimmick is that the robot master bot is offscreen shooting you (and there are bots that make his shots teleguided), making you feel right at Touhou territory (Mighty No. 8's level).

It did not have parts where enemy bots can't be shot, they stand glued to the side of the [bottom] walls until you pass through them, and as soon as you do they come out and it's almost impossible to avoid them, their attack pushing you toward an electric spike of instadeath to the other side of the wall (Cryo's stage).

This game's level design is on par with Megaman & Bass.

The only part where this kind of bullshit happened on ASG was on the second stage after you defeat all the bosses of Gunvolt, where you have to take a huge leap and the only hint to how was taken off the game because it was mentioned in text and all conversations were taken off.

Edited by Rapier
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Wow, I didn't think PR for this game could get any worse, and yet... :p

I'm glad it's not a complete waste of money, though. Boring is better than outright bad.

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Inafune is actually apologizing for the game's problems and takinging responsibilty for it's issues.


At least he acknowledged the problems and is owning up to it.

i'll believe it once he lists off what he considers the problems to be.

anyone can say "yeah i'm sorry and i confess this is my fault" and "I'm sorry that i was caught putting my hand in the cookie jar then bashing it over my sisters head to prevent her from tattling on me."

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three delays? how about 9 delays.

this shit was suppose to come out in 2014.

keiji inafune is a hack, he is a business man, not a creator, and this game is going to be nothing but painfully average at best.

Wow, you predicted it right.

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Wow, you predicted it right.

Actually, it was supposed to come out in Q2 2015; he corrected himself later on in the thread.

Okay, so are the levels hard, or unfair?

Seems like mostly the latter.

Anyways, there's something that nobody seems to actually know about the Kamiya quote: he clarified that it was a compliment, as back-handed as it may be.

EDIT: Also, Inafune was apparently misquoted in regards to the "It's better than nothing" comment; that was his translator.

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Which is funny, because you have a fair few others complaining about how easy it is and that you can beat the whole game just using normal shots.

Isn't that the same for every Megaman game too. The normal shots thing.


I mean, how do you even let something like this happen?

This is great, I mean that sincerely.

I may or may not get the game. I never followed it since it was announced, like with Gunvolt.

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Wow, you predicted it right.

2015 was the actual year it was suppose to come out, delays are still delays, and i have to wonder if the delays hurt the game, or if it made it playable.

with that said i have been following the drama about the game's release from the dina drama to backers no longer being allow refunds to Inafune trying to make another Kickstarter while MN9 was in production which only met the goal because of a chinese company that backed it at the last moment, overall just trying to make a long running franchise( example being the planned cartoon which i doubt was the only thing he had in mind) out of a game way ahead of time instead of letting things play out first.

looking in the past, the warning signs were all there, i guess this is what happens when you take a concept art guy and put him in charge of making more then just concept art.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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These bosses... look less fun than the ones in Sin & Punishment 2. They only have a couple attacks but the fights go on for two whole minutes.

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