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Morgan V Kana

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I find both Kanas and M!Morgan kinda boring. F!Morgan is actually pretty funny though, so props to her for that.

Edited by Matt-hue
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You fool! You've given me enough power to destroy this pathetic world once and for all! I shall only stop my hand if you can come up with an awesome final boss theme worthy of my newfound godlike powers! A select few of Serenes Forest must then defeat me in single combat - and by single combat I mean a dance off!


i've been waiting for this moment

Or ban button. :P:


I don't really care for either of them. Morgan's amnesia would be pretty insulting if I had a kid (since I'm a strong proponent of both parents raising their kids), and Kana's kinda boring (yes, filial piety and all, but didn't I teach you to expand your hobbies?). Gotta respect Seliph both for fighting his way up and for being adorable, and Roy for having to endure FE6 throne bonuses.

Still, best kid is Amy from RD.

yeah, Seliph is probably one of the best kids

best is still ced imma fite

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I love male Morgan, but hate the female. Yet I also I hate both Kanas. So Morgan it is.

None of the Fates kids have any reason to exist since Fates didn't need a children system at all. So I pretend they don't exist. On top of that, neither Kana has a good design to me, they both look stupid, especially the male.

Male Morgan is cute and adorkable!

Edited by Anacybele
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In a contest between the Morgans and the Kannas respectively... I'd place M!Morgan above F!Morgan and I'd have to settle with a tie between F!Kanna and M!Kanna (I'm a bit more biased towards M!Kanna just because F!Kanna's voice grates me but I feel like that's not fair for me to take into consideration).

Keep in mind, I'm judging this based on chemistry with their respective parents, as that is their reason for existing (in Awakening, you really only need Lucina, and let's not talk about the uselessness of children in Fates because that's been talked about excessively).

But I guess before I get into chemistry, I'll talk about general design. Morgan wins by a landslide. A lot of people say Kanna is cuter and more child-like and I think that is awful, because we're recruiting them for war. If I wanted my child because they were cute, I would ask them to stay at home not on another world but fine Fates not join me in a war with people three times their age. In fact, my biggest problem with Kanna is they look eight. I am not sending my eight year-old out to fight. The worst part is that Kanna is the only child out of the whole Fates round-up of children that is quite literally a child. Every other kid looks like a teenager or older. This is fine by me, seeing as how you start out with teenagers anyway (hello little sisters). You can't even argue that canon doesn't say how old they are--

kq45AF2.jpg?2 This is not the look of someone who should be on a battlefield??

Morgan is probably the youngest looking out of their bunch too, but as least they look 12+. I can deal with that. And their supports have them acting like a goof, not a toddler. I can very easily believe that both Morgans are in their mid-teens.

Now finally to chemistry. Robin and Morgan. A large part of their supports is Robin schooling Morgan. Morgan's catch phrases and lines tend to match up with Robin's because of how much they idolize their parent. However, I'd say that this is completely understandable and done well. As sad as Future Past!Morgan was (cough obsession taken too far cough), current!Morgan has amnesia conveniently like their parent and can only remember their avatar parent. This is heartbreaking. Morgan idolizing Robin makes sense; they know them more than they know anyone else--all they have are memories of Robin. I've read arguments where people say Morgan and Robin felt more like a master-apprentice relationship than a parent-child one, and I can understand that. To a degree. But this was actually my favorite part of their relationship--the trust and bonding over things they liked and shared in common with each other.

Corrin and Kanna. This could be the fault of Fates' terrible localization, but they didn't really click for me. Too many things didn't make sense to me, from Corrin keeping their child locked on another planet (which is quite literally what happened to Corrin), to Kanna not knowing about their parent being a literal dragon. Corrin's parental side didn't quite work either, because of their canon naiveness and the fact that you'll likely recruit Kanna while Corrin is still growing up. Part of what doesn't really make this work is that Kanna's one personality trait is that they are childish. They are quite literally a child. Their supports don't involve anything that made me endear myself to their relationship. It was a generic support between a parent and a child.

So, I definitely prefer Morgan, at least for now. Perhaps my opinion will change overtime but first impressions are important, and Kanna isn't doing it for me.

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Morgan, both genders.

Morgan was an airhead and kind of shitty and yet nice and still trying to do their best to cheer up people around them. Sure, they loved Robin very much, but it was more obvious they had a personality beyond that. Outside of their parent supports, they had different interactions with the other children. Heck, even the generic sibling supports for male and female Morgan were different because female Morgan has her own generic sibling support, and male Morgan uses Lucina's generic sibling support.

Kanna, on the other hand, just feels like they're there. They're there to be cute and Corrin's coddle toy and they're a lot more "papa/mama" this and "papa/mama" that. They're not very interesting, and I didn't find them to be as good of units either.

EDIT: Also, as of now, SF is four minutes fast.

EDIT 2: Person above me, while I agree with you that Kanna looks like a kid, I don't think Percy and Midori look like they're more than 8 either. Even Kisaragi and Mitama are pushing it.

Edited by Sunwoo
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I don't really care for either of them.

They don't stand out at all, and are pretty bland overall.

Edited by Jedi
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I'm not a fan of either kids, but I'll give the slight edge to Kana for being a genuinely nice kid.

I hated Female Morgan's antics. I know everyone else loves them, but her antics around the other kids infuriates me. The way she treats Owain and Inigo, not exactly respecting Laurent, among other thing.

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I like Morgan (mostly male!Morgan but whatever) then Kana for a couple of reasons.

1) Their voice. Morgan's voice (both male and female versions) didn't me want cringe my face off, it's kinda a shame since Japanese Kana didn't have this problem with me but eh.

2) The fact the "THEY ARE CHILDREN" wasn't shoved in my face every two minutes. Like, I get it game, Kana is young. Can we please have them talk (or other characters) talk about something else.

3) Morgan's relationship with Robin is better then Kana's with Corrin. I won't go in this as much since this is more of a problem I have with the other parents/kiddos as well and umm, most of what I would have said would have been very similar to what azuraai said (and I don't want seem like I copy and pasted what she wrote).

Also, to the people who say Kana is to young to be on the battlefield... How do you feel about Midori and Percy (or even Elise) on the battlefield as well, since they all look the same age.

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I'm not a fan of either kids, but I'll give the slight edge to Kana for being a genuinely nice kid.

I hated Female Morgan's antics. I know everyone else loves them, but her antics around the other kids infuriates me. The way she treats Owain and Inigo, not exactly respecting Laurent, among other thing.

Yeah this made me dislike F!Morgan entirely to be honest.

She isn't exactly nice to Yarne either.

Edited by Jedi
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EDIT 2: Person above me, while I agree with you that Kanna looks like a kid, I don't think Percy and Midori look like they're more than 8 either. Even Kisaragi and Mitama are pushing it.

Also, to the people who say Kana is to young to be on the battlefield... How do you feel about Midori and Percy (or even Elise) on the battlefield as well, since they all look the same age.

I completely forgot about Midori and Percy, my bad. Is it fine if I respond to both of you at once? My position on Percy and Midori is basically this--I'm not comfortable with the use of either. I'm a little (barely) more tolerant of both just because their personalities are not as... toddler-like as Kanna's, but it's safe to say that both of their designs are rather young-looking. Even though we're talking about Morgan and Kanna, I think it's fair to bring up Midori and Percy--both fall under Fates' problem this time with trying to bring out parental instincts in their players. They're cute enough on their own but I'm just not very comfortable with using either. I understand how this is a personal preference however, so you can feel free to ignore my point about Kanna being a literal toddler if you wish.

As for Elise, Mitama, and Kisaragi... I would argue that they are all teenagers. Sure, they're probably young, but I'd hope for god's sakes that Elise is at least 15. As for Kisaragi, his interactions with his father seem to mimic that of a father trying to mentor his almost-adult son, and for Mitama, I admittedly don't have any reason besides just a general feeling from her supports, but I believe her to be at least 14. Still uncomfortable with a 14 year-old being on a battlefield, but that's Fire Emblem for you.

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Definitely Morgan. They have distinct personalities and their voices are good, and they are the most broken unit in the game they are in. Kana just exists, is worse than their parent, and Male Kana's voice is really, really bad.

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Don't let my icon fool you. I hate both Kanas. I only chose this icon when I made this account and that was around when their designs were revealed and I thought they were cute, but that's literally all there is to them. So boring and bland.

I'm too lazy to change my icon too cri

Edited by Khid
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Kanna is Morgan stripped of everything that made them likeable in the first place; it's like the writers only focused on making Kanna more kawaii than Morgan and ignored everything else.



Morgan was adorable because she/he had actual personality traits that made him/her more cute than they otherwise would be (like F!Morgan's zany, borderline psychotic antics). Kana is just trying to be adorable with no actual character beyond that. Which makes her less adorable than Morgan.

Also this is shown to be a fairly common option due to the fact that in the character popularity poll for Awakening, both Morgans were very high up in the rankings. In the Fates poll both Kanas are right down near the bottom.

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I hated Female Morgan's antics. I know everyone else loves them, but her antics around the other kids infuriates me. The way she treats Owain and Inigo, not exactly respecting Laurent, among other thing.

I agree, actually. I thought her dry humor was quite funny, and her one-liners made me chuckle. Lines like the ones she exchange with Jaffar in Smash Brethren 2 are what I enjoy about her:

Jaffar: ......

Morgan: ...Have you nothing to say? Usually, at least one or two words are exchanged, "You shall not pass" or "may the better man win" or the like.

Jaffar: ......

Morgan: All right, then let's skip the prologue and get right to it!

But there's a balance you have to achieve when you have that kind of personality, and F!Morgan doesn't quite cut it. She's disrespectful to her fellow Awakening children, as the examples you gave show, and occasionally her dialogue turns out rude, rather than witty, as it should be. Morgan acknowledging the typical dialogue of ancient warlords is hilarious because I know it to be true--her being awful to Yarne? Not so much.

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On a personal note, if there's another Avatar and a kid thing in the future, I hope it's a kid that actually has conflict with the Avatar.

To me, that's something I dislike about both Morgan and Kana. Both in a nutshell are overly doting and what to be like their parents, where as you got other kids in the game that tend to have more conflicts with their parents, which is rather natural as kids get older.

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On a personal note, if there's another Avatar and a kid thing in the future, I hope it's a kid that actually has conflict with the Avatar.

To me, that's something I dislike about both Morgan and Kana. Both in a nutshell are overly doting and what to be like their parents, where as you got other kids in the game that tend to have more conflicts with their parents, which is rather natural as kids get older.

I'm not saying it's a conflict per se, but Morgan beats Kanna in that department as well; Morgan has a drive to surpass their parent, and that gets explored in their support, whereas Kanna is, again, just there to be cute.

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On a personal note, if there's another Avatar and a kid thing in the future, I hope it's a kid that actually has conflict with the Avatar.

To me, that's something I dislike about both Morgan and Kana. Both in a nutshell are overly doting and what to be like their parents, where as you got other kids in the game that tend to have more conflicts with their parents, which is rather natural as kids get older.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Conflict ends up revealing so much about the parties involved. If the next FE game involves an Avatar, I want them to give up on trying to make them as neutral as possible to make it seem like a self-insert. I want the Avatar to have personality, make mistakes, be biased, learn from their misgivings. I want their kid to be in the right, I want their kid to be actually important to the Avatar growing.

Sadly, after Awakening, I don't know if there's another way to naturally implement a child system. Fates tried but didn't succeed. The new Avatar-Child's conflict being natural would have to depend so much on how naturally the child is implemented, but honestly I find the idea quite exciting. Do you have any idea what in specific you'd like from a conflict like that?

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Sadly, after Awakening, I don't know if there's another way to naturally implement a child system. Fates tried but didn't succeed. The new Avatar-Child's conflict being natural would have to depend so much on how naturally the child is implemented, but honestly I find the idea quite exciting. Do you have any idea what in specific you'd like from a conflict like that?

Given the lukewarm reception of the kids in Fates and how much Intelligent Systems seem to value their popularity polls, I personally don't see them including kids in the next game. I mean, the most popular child character is number ten on the female side, and a lot of the kids are very far down the polls of both genders, which is very unlike Awakening's.

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I'm calling it right now: IS is going to remake FE7 with the Avatar system. I believe this with my whole heart. I got my tin foil hat and flame shield ready for the Eliwood x Ninian vs. Eliwood x Fem!Mark shipping wars.

As for children, I agree with Thane. I doubt they'll include children again. There are only so many ways you can implement such a mechanic and have it pan out well. It was good in Genealogy. It was acceptable in Awakening. Fates... Not so much.

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Yes! Yes! Yes! Conflict ends up revealing so much about the parties involved. If the next FE game involves an Avatar, I want them to give up on trying to make them as neutral as possible to make it seem like a self-insert. I want the Avatar to have personality, make mistakes, be biased, learn from their misgivings. I want their kid to be in the right, I want their kid to be actually important to the Avatar growing.

Sadly, after Awakening, I don't know if there's another way to naturally implement a child system. Fates tried but didn't succeed. The new Avatar-Child's conflict being natural would have to depend so much on how naturally the child is implemented, but honestly I find the idea quite exciting. Do you have any idea what in specific you'd like from a conflict like that?

I really want something a la FE4 where you get the kids after a reasonable amount of real-world time has passed.

For the Avatar to be truly nuanced, we the players would need to be in charge of a LOT more direct decisions. The Banner Saga has a bajillion little events that help to shape how the game goes. I'd love to see that in a future FE, and have it affect everything from which maps you play to what allies you recruit. Also, the choices need to be more than just linear, because "do you want to kick this puppy?" is a little too. . .blatant.

Now imagine if the Avatar interacted with their kid like this before the kid actually joins the battlefield, and Avatar's answers affected the kid's starting class, stats, and skills. You want the next Kana? Sure, treat your kid like that. You want a kid with a will of his/her own? Give 'em food for thought or something.

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